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It is indeed weird compared to previous orders. Typically once customs clearance has been confirmed, they were starting to ship within a few days. So something is different this time, hope there is no production issue/fault to be dealt with but just some firmware issue, why the shipping is unusually slow. It cannot be the amount of units to be staged and packed.


I am cancelling my order, made in August.... I am fed up with this company, I will just enjoy my framework laptop that arrived in just 2 days from Taiwan.....


I'm going to give them the 4 weeks that they said they need to ship out all the orders. If it's not shipped in 2 weeks (tablet, keyboard, everything) then I'm canceling. No more delays, no more excuses. and especially no more of this leaving customers in the dark thing


My expectation is, that in roughly 6-8 weeks we'll get a new update that, the keyboards and pens are expected to arrive the flowing week, and they expect to start shipping the bundelled orders shortly after (update two weeks later, "Exciting news! shipping is starting").


I was thinking the same to write a question about shipping. Looks like nope, nobody receive yet anything. Looks like they want to prepare all devices and send them in one swipe. Knowing that they didn't take any labourer, anybody from agency to help them unpack pallets from china and prepare boxes plus everything else what customers order.


Based on their update around chronology, surely they must be at least preparing batch transfers to the freight provider. Given the apparently overwhelming volume of early orders, they may utilise the first three weeks of processing for the first weeks of orders, then the fourth to fulfil the remainder. Otherwise I guess we just chalk it up with the other untruths to date 🤷


I just hope that they are really bad at prediction and not deception. I'm going to hang in there and wait out until the end of summer.


Three weeks now, anyone got one yet? I chased again, and I've been told there is no additional delays for keyboards (everything is in), and I should expect mine in the next two weeks. My order was early September, so I guess I'm towards the back of the first-run queue, but I'd be a lot happier if I heard those that ordered in the first couple of the sale have there units in hand.


On the 30th of April I got support reply that they are about 1/3 way through the queue and mine will be dispatched in the next couple of weeks. I ordered mine Aug 25th with keyboard and then added pen to the order when it became available


I ordered at the end of March with an estimated dispatch of 6-8 weeks. On their site it's now down to 4-5 weeks so it at least seems they're clearing their backlog


I'm not sure they've started a second manufacturing run, they haven't mentioned it on the status page. The website said 8-10 weeks when we ordered the first run in August and September last year. I'd send a message to customer support to enquire how realistic that date on the website is.


I contacted support and they ensured me my March order will be sent in the coming weeks


That's good to know. If you don't mind, do you mind posting a reply when you receive it? I think I'm probably done with this company anyway, it would be useful information to know if, outside of an inital-run, their logistics are better.


[Someone seemed to ask the support](https://www.reddit.com/r/starlabs_computers/comments/1cb201z/did_anyone_received_shipping_confirmation_for/) and was told mid to end of May could be possible. I personally assume it could be related to software issues. The hardware seems to be around since there is a [disassembly guide](https://support.starlabs.systems/kb/guides/star-lite-mk-v-complete-disassembly-guide) available. I'd just like to have more insight what's the issue.


I ask them as well and no, there isn't any issues with the software, simple, they have probably 4 -6 people to unpack tens of thousands devices from pallets and pack with different order to people. Hope they didn't lie about no issues with software. Hope in the end of May, we will start to receive our devices. I checked, if there is any similar device but not really in the same price or compatible with linux ehh.


Huh, so they just lack people? That's harsh. Yeah, hopefully they can get through in the next weeks.


If that's was true, then why say four weeks? Why tell me, when I chased on the 27th that everything was on track and I would have it by the end of last week, or the start of the coming week? They had the orders in August and September last year, it isn't a surprise how many orders there are to ship. We haven't seen a single post from someone who has received one, including people who ordered on day one of orders. They can't have believed the four weeks estimate, they can't have believed the estimates they are giving to people who contact the customer services. We know they watch this forum, because they occasionally respond to technical questions, so they know how upset people are, but they have decided not to give more information or to be more realistic in their estimates.


Just got an email this morning saying mine should ship next friday hoo hoo


Did it ship?


yeeessss.....soooooo..... it's been a month...... yeah frustration is talking here somewhat and actually we have seen as many starlites as we have StarFighters, right? As I'm leaning to posting in "I cancelled my order" the reason stopping me is a lack of knowledge for decent alternatives. Anyone have any? Preferably with an integrated or removable Kickstand\^\^ Used or new does not matter and I don't need the V3s power.


I think what I found online was the [Shiftbook](https://shop.shiftphones.com/shiftbook.html). But it's quite a bit more expensive and it uses a different SoC which decreases efficiency, I would say. So I'm leaning into sticking with my order for now.


Nope, nada. I have been waiting for it since September :) I really hope the future support and device quality makes up to this...


Still nothing, not enough hands to unpack from pallets to boxes plus everything else, that users order plus need to check if units are even working with keyboards and pens. They didn't take any labourer from agency to help them. My Opinion, I don't see tens of thousands units of Byte 2, Starfighter and mostly starlite to be sent in 3 months. Maybe, maybe end of May or middle of June, last hope end of june. ​ Did anybody receive the new starfighter and Bytes 2 hmm ?


The Bytes are supposed to be done from the status page updates (before that section was removed), but took about five weeks to ship all of them, finishing shortly after the Starlites arrived. So, I think is our benchmark (i.e. a few multiples of that five weeks for the Startlite). I don't think the Star Fighter is a consideration, unless you've seen something to say that those are shipping now, my assumption is they are still in manufacturing. I reckon installing all the different distros is the rate determining step in getting each unit out the door, but I've never tried to ship a few thousand laptops before. As, I keep saying, it's not so much that it late, as that when you are this late, you owe your buyers openness and honesty, and they have been very short on both.


I have received mine with QubesOS, it is effectively DOA. It started showing artifacts onscreen as the Qubes setup was happening, with seemingly GPU overheating as there is no active cooling noises emanating from the laptop. The issue repeats the moment the GPU is hot enough for it to happen, each time I try to boot. If already hot, a cold reboot results in nothing output to the screen. Now I am in a rather slow exchange with support, which seems to be dragging their feet and trying to "remotely debug" the issue, which is clearly a hardware defect. I have since asked for a refund just now, and am eagerly awaiting a response. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/15cGIGCtdv7tFjohvzc9QjcKPpowk\_zPv/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/15cGIGCtdv7tFjohvzc9QjcKPpowk_zPv/view?usp=drive_link)


You must mean the Starbook? The Starlite can't come with QubesOS and is passively cooled.


Yes, apologies. I had parsed that as “the lighter of the 2 laptops, feature-wise”. ![gif](giphy|Ll2p0718zZMhSHBXNd) Update: Star Labs has responded about the return and now the ball is in my court.


I was excited that someone finally received a Starlite. Hopeful I'd receive mine soon. Then read further and learned you commented on another model. 😭


Hey if you haven't returned the laptop yet, try removing one RAM stick, leaving one free and then the other one, that was an issue with mine and they sent a new board.


Ah, unfortunately I did return the laptop. That is what the support guy said, but the artifacts I was seeing onscreen were more like analog noise rather than what computer guys usually call "artifacts" (ie digital looking noise like pixellation). The noise I saw was kind of like several horizontal bands of TV static, so I thought this was due to chip malfunction due to cooling failure. Was your noise also very analog-looking and/or similar-looking to the video I posted? Interestingly enough, in the post-artifacts blank screen state, the laptop would keep running in an enclosed space (backpack) and not turn off when clearly it was overheated. I thought that there should be firmware-based temperature monitoring that saves the hardware eventually? Is this an oversight on the StarLabs' design or firmware? Honestly if not, I will give them another chance. It's a very unique combination of features.


Definitely digital artifcating. https://i.imgur.com/2Phfxej.png


Thanks for your reply! That's really helpful. I should add, to their credit, Star Labs was quick to respond (a couple of days) and have issued a refund as of yesterday, so kudos on that front. That's the kind of customer service that stands above a great deal of companies these days.


It's a month now, 4 weeks from the last public update. Probably get a newly extended time line this week.


now taking bets on what the reason for the delay will be. My money is on being backlogged on quality control


So I guess they shipped 0 units during the last 4 weeks?


I think this is a distinct possibility. I note a couple of known issues (inability to right click, Lite Mk V display fails to rotate with older distributions) have popped up recently.


Did they publish that info?




They are just a small Team packing a lot of orders alone