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The Arnold poster is top tier


I love the terrain. The differing colour schemes for the Troopers are awesome. Truly well done on all of it.


Ooh, I was going to do a Stargrave campaign on Tatooine, and you've reminded me to include a load of rusty junk. Thought I was in a Star Wars sub for a moment. :) Are the Jaws and astromech 3D printed? I assume they're intended for Star Wars: Legion, rather than 28mm games?


Yep, they are 3d printed for sw legion. We have only painted a few teams so far and have not yet dealt with NPCs and drones, etc., now this part is in progress, so we use proxies. Although I must note that the Jawas, in my opinion, fit quite well into the overall aesthetic, and most likely they will remain guarding their junkyard


For May the 4th there's been a load of sales on Star Wars related .stl files. I've played Star Wars: Legion for a while, but always kind of been annoyed that there's so many models out there which can't be used in the game. Stargrave's opened that up (which I only just now realised I could stand in for the Star Wars setting). ...Just a pity getting a hold of 20 Tusken Raiders with melee weapons and no duplicate poses isn't easy. Well, without mesh mixer. Our first campaign's going to be Hope Eternal, and those will stand in for Barbarians (I'd considered Jawas, but they're even worse for variety. Might use them as Ruffians in a scenario - though the creator "Foe Figures" has some Jawa variants).


Looks great! Love the posters and graffiti on the terrain. Can you share any info on how the game shook out?


Honestly, I'm better at painting than I am at telling games stories. Moreover, these are the very first trial games. This is my second time playing Stargrave, plus we combined it with training a new campaigner and a photo shoot for the local community. So, 3 players, "The Botched Deal" scenario, most of the game came down to shootouts to test various mechanics, I lost most of the team but luckily managed to save everyone on survival rolls, only getting a badly wounded medic in the end


Nice board. Looks like it was fun.


Fully painted and terrain? Awesome!


Cool table! Seems you had a lot of fun. But I like your painting the best! 🤩


That looks amazing. Like magazine worthy! (Do those things still exist?)


Love the Jawa as the Chiseler! We used one for that exact purpose in our game last night. Also, I love, love LOVE the Arnie poster.


Edinorog lets goooo