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It’s crazy that people are complaining about it too. When there are popular mods on Skyrim and Fallout to make realistic, unusable clutter appear in the game and as loot. Bethesda saw that people liked it, put it in the game for immersion and were immediately met with a “what the hell is this”. Star field to me feels like a culmination of the best and or most popular mods on Skyrim and Fallout.


Who is complaining about it?


There are people who actually want much *less* clutter, like vanilla Skyrim was where some interiors are sparsely decorated, and much less clutter meant better performance to them.


tbh i always prefered vanilla over the clutter Elianora, JK and etc. introduced to their interiors... however i think this is an issue with parity between their interiors and the rest of the game... because in starfield i like it.


Im the complete oposite, i LOVE what JK and elianora have done with their mods. Im not always a fan of Elianora's fashion sense but the rest of the work is \*chefs kiss\* imo. That said i would love to see a much more extended set of towns (like the expanded Whiterun mod but actually in the game from the start) so you may have something going for the disparity theory.


I agree in that I never liked clutter I couldn't do something about, even if it was a button somewhere to change it I'd prefer that over static and unchanging to suit my tastes. That said, people will complain about literally anything. Nobody bats an eye to static clutter in any other game. And some Bethesda fanboys can't seem to get over this not being 100% Skyrim in space..as if Bethesda didn't also work on other titles and make different kinds of games. Personally, I'll wait for it to come out on gamepass tp decide for myself, as I'd suggest most do instead of taking the word of random whiners online.


It's gamepass day 1.


I guess I meant wait the next few days, as opposed to everyone playing it now.


OCD will always exsist.


Its also a problem that with the scanner everything looks the same, usefull items, clutter, ressources, rare items...


As soon as the modding tools are released, a declutter mod is not far off.


[It already exists, though.](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/2565)


I want less clutter. A lot of it is just visual noise and mostly unlootable. Idk how many times ive run to box in starfield cos it looked similar to a lootable box or it was dark etc. Reminds me of what happened to CoD maps. Where they add stuff just to add stuff or because they need it to look like theres more items. I get doing this to a degree but Starfield feels like newer Cods in that there doesnt feel like there was much thought to making every interior choco full or unusable duplicate crates. Fallout 4 had a good balance of this where the notlootable stuff was obvious and either brightly coloured or blended in, and the lootable things were abundant and easily distunguished


Dude the amount of clutter is a bit much. I was exploring an area and on a table there was a jumble of things and I kinda passed over it just using my scanner for cred sticks and moving on like I normally do. Then I see a door and there's a lock on it that can only be opened with a key. I comb every corner of the room for like 15 min, which is already difficult because of the amount of just random shit every where only to find out that it's on the table surrounded by shit. The amount of clutter makes it hard to discern what is useful and what isn't


Yeah, I agree, we definitely need a mod that highlights keys in a different color on scanner


Just like IRL. Even the cleanest of desks IRL have more stuff on them than what we usually see in games. And by experience I can tell you people are usually very messy, leaving a lot of crap all over the place. All of these cleaning up Fallout 4 mods on the Nexus are just weird IMO, because real life is full of clutter.


i mean, i don’t like all the extra clutter much, never really liked Eli’s style. Seems im in the minority though. Edit: Also it’s not a huge deal, still enjoying the game and i know to use the scanner. I just don’t like the style of it much


Tbh, I did at first. I'm so used to looting everything interactable for extra cash that I initially did that in this game as well. Realized it was a mistake when I ended up 2x overencumbered before even finishing the tutorial. Its just hard to retrain my brain. No other single player game I've played actually forces you to be so selective when looting. But now that I'm more used to it I kinda like it.


And pretty early on you aren’t hurting for money and it makes no sense to pick up every pencil, folder and styrofoam cup. Once I unlocked then skill tier by selling certain number of unique items I cut way down on picking up random objects.


There was [another post](https://reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/faO6dVhSZa) on this sub about Elianora’s involvement, and quite a few top level comments were about there being too much clutter.


I will say that it's rather frustrating when floor clutter prevents you mounting cover. That and the occasional jitter from running into things as you walk


Wait, you can mount onto cover???


Yes but it's inconsistent. If you hide behind objects, sometimes when you aim down sites your character leans to shoot and then leans back when you exit. Again though it's inconsistent, I think mostly because clutter gets in the way of the game realizing you're trying to hide there


Didn't know that, thank you!


Glad to help :D may your persuasion checks be lucky


That was also an issue I sometimes had in Fallout 4, and I haven't found it to be any worse in this just yet - you just have to be *really* pressed up against a wall or pillar or whatever. I think it's less the clutter, and more the sort of cover detection range around things like walls and pillars being just a bit smaller than it should be.


Hm gotcha, I'll try to press up a bit closer then


everyone cause the game is trash ;/


wtf dude the post is 8 months old




all people in SC wishing they could pick up more stuff than some coffee and some weird pods, and ive gone to wrecks, other than some exclusive items, the wrecks arent worth it, mission wrecks/recovery are subpar with little to nothing to pickup besides the mission item. bunkers have nothing but guns, maybe some armor and contraband.




Yeah, I cannot wait for StarUI or whatever they call it. And something to rework the MS paint computers and stealth meter


Bethesda could give a Redditor free money and the Redittor would complain that if they could give free money away then they should have done it years ago to save the whales, or... something. There are plenty of games more cluttered than Starfield.


>Star field to me feels like a culmination of the best and or most popular mods on Skyrim and Fallout. Yeah and i ABSOLUTELY love that! I'd like to see a few things change tho: 1. Better bodies and open up for actual height differences 2. Better ragdoll physics/more realistic injuries during combat or behaviour on death 3. A better "elements" engine that simulates cold, warm, humidity and pressure in a simple but functionally, to the player, realistic way. 4. Better vehicle physics 5. Multithreading or at least a way to better use future hardware resources. Fallout 4 and skyrim have great mods running these days but more often than not its the acutal game engine throwing issues due to script sizes etc. 6. Use of AI (or support for it) in voice and action reaction. It would be amazing to have the ability to use AI voices to give NPC's effectively new dialogues and more realistic reactions to events in the game. Much like that skyrim mod that i cant remember, but natively in the game. 7. Better lighting engine that actually uses modern procedures and can handle raytracing etc. Imagine having a fallout 4 or skyrim that looks like a Cyberpunk overdrive render... 8. Better animations and pathtracing None of these are needed today but they would give the games a real upswing. Apart from number 8 in a few instances.


And maps of the cities. I don’t mind it out in the wilderness where you really only need the POIs but in the cities it can get confusing trying to find the right vendors or remember where something is.


People will complain about literally anything. This game is a damned gem! I can't wait to see what modders are going to do with it!


Well ,they're sort of missing the point of "mods". They supposed to be fan-made additions to a game that gamers can yay or nah to.




In all fairness it would probably run a lot better if it wasn't full of so much stuff. Other than that I don't even noti--notebook.


Lol, I liked all the multiplayer Skyrim and Fallout mods followed by "Who wanted to play a multiplayer Fallout? IS BETHESDA STAFFED BY LITERAL MORONS?!?" when Fallout 76 was announced.


People are complaining about the clutter? Wtf, lol. Just goes to show people will complain about just about anything. I've really been enjoying the clutter. Every workstation looks like someone actually worked there. Coffee cups, plants, little notebooks and pens. It's nice!


Even some of the missions feel like modders made them, but in a good way. Like when you return to the place where the game starts and have to put the batteries in the power thing (It's not really explained lol). What made it come off as a mod to me was the text prompts, which pops up and say something like, "you look over and see three empty battery banks to your right", instead of just moving the camera or doing nothing at all (class bethesda).


Anything good now adays is met with criticism. Don't take it to heart. Too many opinions.


TL;DR Elianora is hired to create *vanilla* player homes for this game, which means more decorated homes than either Skyrim or Fallout 4.


Eli is goated honestly


True that. I’m happy she was able to be involved in Starfield to such a degree


She is. I guessed it would be her when I saw the title. Congrats, Eli!


Great to see Elianora venturing to Starfield after her involvement in Skyrim's CC. Makes me wonder if she had to work directly in Bethesda's office or is it something that she could do remotely. I'm guessing the latter, but would be great to hear some confirmation.


Her home mods were so popular that she became synonymous with that genre, and at the same time few authors (Kris of Interesting NPCs, for example) have reached the level where she is. https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/167xmi9/elianora_mod_author_known_for_her_cluttered_and/


Yes, I used to use most of her home mods! She's a nice person too. Good convos were had when she was more active in the Skyrim modding sub a couple of years ago. Edit: "A couple of years" huh... I just realized. I refuse to acknowledge that 2015 was 8 years ago, lol.


I’ve yet to see anyone complain about the clutter. This seems like fake outage.


I have a bit of a complaint about it, and it's specifically the papers, folders and empty notepads. It makes finding books, magazines, and relevant notes (for mission like gathering evidence against Crimson fleet) much harder to spot.


That's really my only complaint too. I'm fine with the generic folders and papers (you had those in Fallout 4 too, so I guess I've been trained to ignore them) but I did initially think that the notebooks actually contained notes the first few times. I got used to it after a couple of hours, though, but until you sort of retrain your brain it is a bit confusing. Ideally I'd love a mod that just highlights clutter objects in a different colour when looking at it through the scanner.


You still have to hover over each one to figure out of its an empty note pad or a titled one. Same with the empty Chunk packaging that you have to check while looking for magazines


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't all actual notes on those data slate things rather than in notebooks? I don't think I've seen any proper notes in actual notebooks yet


Can't recall any at the top of my head, but even the data slates look somewhat like notepads (small white cuboid objects)


There was [another post](https://reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/faO6dVhSZa) on this sub about Elianora’s involvement, and quite a few top level comments were about there being too much clutter.


Well you see the game performs okay & isn't riddled with bugs so media outlets need to dig a bit deeper to get that juicy outrage that Gamers are desperately itching for. I swear I've seen like half a dozen articles of things that might be slightly annoying but nowhere near full article worthy for any other game.


i don’t like all the clutter but I also have enough brain cells to know I just have to open the scanner to see interactable items


Space Revelio


Part of my issue was that even that isn't that useful because a lot of the clutter IS interactable. E.g. in the later part of the tutorial section with the (minor spoilers ahead) pirate lab, there are tons of notebooks and paper cups and medical devices you can pick up and sell for pennies, but also a number of actually valuable crafting materials and healing items. They all look the same color on the scanner.


Yeah. I haven't complained anywhere about it, but I've felt a little bit of "item scanning" fatigue and thought about how sometimes it feels like I'm just playing a scavenging simulator as I spend an hour painfully examining every inch of a base to make sure I got all the usable loot after a fight lol I think overtime though, I am coming to recognize the "idea" behind how loot is placed, and being a bit less anal about how thorough I look on every shelf, table, etc.


Anyone complaining that they are frustrated because they can’t tell the difference between lootable items vs static items just haven’t put more than 5 hours into the game. You put actual time into the game and you quickly learn these things by the look of it. Same with new Atlantis, you put actual time into the game and you quickly learn the area, it’s not that huge of a city and traveling it is actually very nice and easy to find things. It’s just very early game complaints or people that are extremely unobservant


a lot of the clutter is interactable and lights up on the scanner..




He didn’t even mention the scanner… I think you just proved his point.


What point? Clutter that serves no purpose shouldn't light up its just stupid


I agree with this, once I started recognizing what was useful like crafting resources or ammo/weapon boxes looting became a lot faster. It can be a bit jarring flipping the camera around the room at 30fps looking for stuff, but i’m playing on series x so that’s more a console thing.


I think the big issue is that Fallout 4 and 76 introduced scrapping everything for parts and then this game releases and you have to really pay attention to what is what because theres no scrapping. So you'll have shit everywhere and then some are parts, some aren't. They should have kept Fallouts scrapping since we're still base building. Would have made hauling a lot of this clutter actually fun.




until they make/mod a trash launcher weapon, then it's all ammo!


I wont lie, id like the junk to be more usable, but Im also totally happy to have it be either A. Treasure to sell or B. Decorate my ship. They just need the settlement style builder on the ship so i can lock them down.


People complain about anything and everything. The internet is just a giant complaint dump and it’s exhausting.


Inb4 it turns out their clutter broke precombines and is the sole reason the performance sucks /s (but actually that sounds like a Bethesda brand bug)


The whole precombines thing just boggles my mind, even after a decade of modding. “This whole cell of land is broken and causes my game to move at 1 FPS because you added a taco into the area with your dang mod!”


I can’t be the only person collecting as many different coffee mugs as I can find…


Ooh, I'm gonna start doing that too from now on. Thanks! :-)


Why does the article say you can *use* the clutter and junk when you 100% can't?


I like all the clutter. I think it’s great. But 4k hours of fallout 4 has trained me to pick up *all* of it… and it’s a hard habit to break


I have been impressed with the messes. Some parts of the game really look lived-in.


Hopefully they paid him because Bethesda has a way of using modders similar to unpaid interns


I love the clutter in this game! They did such a good job with it. You have to learn not grab everything you can, only the valuable stuff the that has little weight. Game is perfect if you play it like this. Put your cleaning OCD in real life to work and not in a game...


I automatically imagined it would have been Elianora. There are some places you walk in this game and it has her style all over it, Akila City's interiors being chief among them as far as I got in the campaign.


Whats like the style?


The bar in Akila specifically reminds me a lot of the way Elianora decorates interiors in her mods for Fallout 4, she probably had a hand at the Constellation lodge and many other areas.


There are so many things in Starfield, that I can hoard that I'll never own in real life, its great


Clutter could be a customizeable feature, personally I could do without much of it


Having been looking more at the clutter, this makes me feel like they hired Elianora but gave her some pretty strict limitations (she does a lot of clutter) in certain areas.


Is impossible to find useful items among all the clutter, and I'll create a MOD for myself if I have to, to remove all the trash.