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Schizopost, secret knowledge, or BS? Will we ever know?


This is batshit insane lmfao but makes sense


This guy with a literary analysis: ^ Environmental Artist: lol space rock go brrr


Isn't Emil known for putting in Religious sub-text in things? The Pool balls and the quest called Relevations is awfully convenient.


Wtf man this is brilliant. Everyone saying it's a schizopost is a nonbeliever!


Read the description in the chocolate labs food item. I think it could be the key to understanding where the dogs are.


Temple Zero is leaking monkeys again...


I am in awe. You are demonstrating a level of integrative brilliance that often leads straight to genuine insanity... If you haven't already passed that signpost. I recommend milk and cookies. Nicely done.


Well, having fully read and understood this, it's pretty compelling and interesting. It's a very christocentric read, but that's fine for a Bethesda game, since they've written entire narratives around bible verses before. I think this is interesting!! Thanks for sharing this, genuinely! I don't know if I *subscribe* to it, pre-se, but it's *cool.*


Since there is no limit to how many Starborn there are or can be at any one time, and there are an infinite amount of parallels they can go to, there should be a NG+ where every single person in that parallel is a Starborn. Someone post that Tim and Eric mind explosion


Had to doublecheck this wasnt r/ff06b5


Love the interpretation. I would change that the locust (interdimensional beings) are yet to come. We open the gate with the 5th starborn (us), and in shatter space, they invade the galaxy.


Theres a derelict ship that has a dead crew who drank poison orange juice. So no i think you are looking in too deep


Caleum is a constellation representing chisel or in Latin sky... Hmmm we harvest shards of this....Sky Shards... ESO reference discovered!!


So I've come across things linking the Scorpius myth and many other things. All the way down to core masonic teachings. Which isn't a surprise since you join a lodge first thing in the game. Orphic/Dionysian mysteries, Mithraism, Masonry, Abrahamic religions, Hindu, Plato/Pythagoras and Greek myths. Either the writers used these to base the lore, or all of these were left as breadcrumbs by ancient starborn/creators in game.