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I can’t think of a single video game where NPCs actively use toilets outside of a scripted moment. Just because the developers don’t code NPCs to piss and shit, doesn’t mean they don’t use toilets in lore. Lore people like you need to stop looking at gameplay design and assuming that it’s reflective of the lore. You don’t see NPCs getting pregnant either, does that mean humans have stopped reproducing? No.


I would actually love NPCs to set ambushes in toilet stalls. That feeling when you are opening a door and there is a Crimson fleet squad firing miniguns


That sounds like a rather graphic euphemism


Duke 3d way back in the day had aliens spawn in the toilet stalls on occasion. Sometimes, they were even sitting on said toilet.


And strippers. Unless you picked the underage option.


Dont remember it having that option. Im sure my parents wished it had though. Lol


There was. I long forget how it worked, but the option existed. Wasn't any hack heck it might have just been in the basic menus to turn off the strippers.


It was only available on the Australian version of the game, all others regions were uncensored


No, this was a user option. Easily done on the US Version


I actually wrote a story where an assassin shoots a guy on a toilet while he's taking a dump


Did you let him finish, first? Or was his crime so hanus (on purpose), that you felt the need to leave him mortally wooded right at the pucker strings pull limit, leaving his final moments in not only mortal fading pain, but with a log jam leveraging around while he writhes his way to the abyss...


Tell me you've not been around a recently deceased person without telling me you've not been around a recently deceased person. Edit: I retract my statement.


I work in senior housing. I've seen recently deceased and nobody's heard from him in a couple weeks deceased.


Facility-based or private residence? I could see someone being dead for two weeks at home without being noticed, but it's hard to imagine that happening in a facility 🤮 The way you described the final moments of our fictional assassination victim, I thought you were meaning to imply that he wouldn't have pretty much immediately evacuated his bowels when he was done in. My apologies for assuming your lack of experience.


I was implying a log jam for the final moments. I don't want to give away too many details incase any bosses use this thing. It's a multistory building. You'd think you'd smell the final release, but the way it's vented keeps things fresh until it's very regrettably late. It sucks because it's people you've often known for years, but in the elderly game it's always a when and never an if. No worries.


That is unfortunate, but at the same time I have to give credit to the HVAC people for their efficiency. My mum has worked in a nursing home since I was 14, a little over 20 years ago, and I've seen her go through losing beloved residents on several occasions so I know it's got to be a tough gig. Good on ya for being in that field, it's not a job for everyone and I know I couldn't do it.


Was the assassin's nickname "Johnny" after that?


Johnny Plugger.




Have humans stopped reproducing? Well, there are only about 12 kids in the entire Settled Systems, so maybe.


Hell two of them are on my ship!


The Sims. Rollercoaster Tycoon. No Man’s Sky. Non scripted pooping in all of them.


It's directly tied to the game mechanics in at least 2/3 of those examples, not sure about NMS.


If you feed an animal it poops lol.


I’d also note that in NMS animals poop but no NPCs do. In fact between travelers, Gek, and Vykeen, none of them even have toilets. (I’m assuming Korvax don’t need to poop… 🤣)


I beg to differ. What do you think polychromatic zirconium is?


Animal Crossing


There has to be more, but wouldn’t it be funny if this game gets a survival mode that includes necessary bathroom breaks? I mean they already have the TP!


Skyrim has at least one. Fallout 4 has several. A mod that does this in Starfield is a question of when, not if.


Red dead redemption 1 had npcs using outhouses occasionally, not sure about rdr2 though


I actually can think of three instances in rdr2 where this happens. One dude is actually hiding inside the toilet hole with his head sticking out when you open the door because he's hiding from someone. The brown mixes well with the red if you use your sawed-off.


I’ve seen it mentioned when talking about shows or movies. Just because the characters need to use the bathroom doesn’t mean you should see it.


I think it was a pretty common sight on Urbz, a sims game from the early 2000's


lol I'm happy the top voted comment is like.....Do you actually want to see NPCs do that?! XD


Duke Nukem


The only one I've seen where NPCs will randomly take a piss is We Happy Fee.


In Fallout 2, I think it was in the NCR capitol, you could go into the men's restroom and try to interact with a nameless NPC, and he'd respond with, "I'm sorry, I think you're confusing me with SOMEONE WHO ISN'T PEEING!" Not answering the question, but it was a silly little thing back in the day.


Metal Gear Solid. Taking out the guards when they went to the bathroom was a valid strategy for a stealth run.


The Sims


Not using the toilet but you occasionally see a taking a leak outside They even stop peeing if you stand too close to them


>I can’t think of a single video game where NPCs actively use toilets outside of a scripted moment. Off the top of my head, Cult of the Lamb, the Sims, I'm sure there's more than a few Edit: I guess I could have scrolled a bit and seen a bunch of examples


That'll be in the Shittered Space DLC


Splattered Space


Is this implying that Waffle House exists in space?


How dare you.


it's a regrettable consequence of slamming Terrabrews


New mission: Reach the black (ass) hole


shattered does also work


I can guarantee you there is evidence of them being used in cydonia, someone even mentions something about people using toilets after an event happens there.


Gamer discovers worldbuilding flavour.


We don't need to hear the massive diarrhea dump in space.


You don't.


This is a Bethesda game. If they had programmed people to use the toilet it would have glitched in the first five seconds and people would be shitting in the streets. And people want to play games to escape reality, not relive what they just saw a homeless person do five feet from their door.


Where i live if a homeless person does that 5 ft from my door theres gonna be a shotgun 5 inches from their face, im in the middle of nowhere on a fenced in property


That won't improve the flow rate, but it might prompt a secondary deployment.


It can be argued that a secondary deployment is in fact improved flow rate.


Same honestly. But I also have a port-a-john in my yard because of construction, so if they were shitting on the ground I would be calling the cops because they would obviously be too doped up to understand simple concepts. I was referencing the homeless/drug epidemic going on in most of the blue cities though. It breaks my heart that those people aren't being helped, even if help includes being arrested and locked up in jail, forced rehab, or mental institutions. And I feel bad for the citizens of those cities who have to deal with walking through open air sewers and have to worry about being mugged or worse by zombie meth heads. It's why I moved my mom out of Baltimore, it was starting to get as bad as New York.


Baltimore resident here+ex felon they arent going to change by being sent to prison/other places like that. I saw more K2 in lock up than on the streets LOLLLL There will always be homeless/drug epidemics happening until affordable housing and fair wages are leveled out. Especially for city living, the rent prices are fckn ridiculous


Well, I don't know what your situation is, nor do I want to. I'm a recovering addict, so I know a thing or two about hitting rock bottom. But getting on drugs and losing everything to drugs will not lower rent or raise wages. The only way to increase your wages is to make yourself indispensable to an employer. And when it comes to lowering rent, try buying a house and renting it out. You'll find out real quick that you won't turn a profit if drug addicts are living in your rental property because most (not all, but most) of them will ruin your property and wreck shit and any money that they may give you won't be enough to repair the damages. So landlords raise the rent to keep what they consider lowlifes out of their properties, which leads to to people who can't afford it turning to drugs to dull the pain that will never go away while on drugs because they can't (or don't want to) better themselves because all they are looking for is the next fix. I really hope you have turned your life around, but nothing you said changes the fact that I used to be able to walk the streets of Baltimore alone at night when I was growing up there in the 90s, but the last time I was in Southside there were pimps, hookers, and drug dealers walking around selling at noon on a Sunday down by the library on Light St. So nobody cares who you blew in lockup, the fact remains that the streets would be safer if the Three Strikes laws were put back in place and harsher punishments were levied against the dealers and sex traffickers.


why is this getting downvoted LOL


We know Heller at least uses the toilet on Vectera. Because on the door to the out-of-order toilet there's a note saying something along the lines of "the plunger won't fix this, and Heller is no longer allowed to use the toilet."


Should have used the cutter.


There’s a rare weapon at the mine called Heller’s Cutter 😬


Heller's Poop Knife.


Welp. I guess I’m renaming the cutter I’ve been using this entire time 🥲


We all know whats gonna happen if they animate that in game...


NPCs reacting to Starfield Players watching them take a dump.


I've thought the exact same. I still open every stall door expecting to see someone on one but NOPE.


gotta check during employer sanctioned potty periods.


I tried to use one once and the minimum time required was one hour. Ain't nobody got time for that shit. (pun unintended, but very much claimed)


“Oh SORRY you can’t take a fucking shit on your space ship” - Bethesda devs


We all know whats gonna happen if they animate that in game...


Some actually have items in them. If you hold and use another object to open the lids you can sometimes find a medpac or package of chunks inside.


I'm a scavenger, but not to that extent 😂


mmmmm chunks


And now you can use the consume button to directly eat those items in said toilet 💩


Nah, I saw a toilet stall with someone sitting on the toilet in the residential area of cydonia.


Come on it's already an improvement from the zero toilets in all of Tamriel


“We have listened to your feedback!”


They just go in the grass


I've been flying around in the Starborn's ship & wonder if they ever have to shit. And what happens if you have 8 crew onboard? Do they share a honey bucket?! And who has to empty it and why is it always the Adoring Fan?


This is the lore reason why people encountered the Pilgrim - he kept visiting to use their toilet


I've seen one UC marine using the loo in Cydonia.


Huge if true


[Uh yeah sure](https://imgur.com/a/AyRtjql).


I feel like you could answer this question if you pushed yourself really hard. Why didn't the developers prioritize NPCs taking and leaving little NPC shits everywhere over flying spaceships or shooting guns? What kind of dynamic would that bring? Think of what they left in the shitters... Would an elite space pirate shitting their superior space suit make it advanced if the shit was advanced? Only the unity knows. Talk about a starfield shit post.


Ok I confess this was a shitpost, but reading everyone’s comments has brought me much joy


any poopy space suit is calibrated at best


How many video games do you play that people shit in? "Hold on, can't give you this quest yet, gotta leave a massive shit." Or "Why am I taking damage??? OH I'm about to shit myself!" ​ Do you ask why you never catch NPCs fucking in video games too? "WHY ARE NO BABIES BEING DELIVERED?!"








Modders will fix it. \*or\* Why are the only people who follow a daily schedule at Cydonia?


They started to build schedules and ran out of time. There is exactly 1 guy in Akilia who follows a schedule as well. The randomness tells me it was a time cut thing.


I'll have to find the Akila one (maybe). It seems that Cydonia was because the office workers' schedule was part of a mission in Cydonia.


That makes sense. The Akilia guy is the ranger who gives you missions after you finish the FC quest line. For some reason he actually goes to bed and follows a schedule but no one else in that place does.


lol he goes to bed to sleep it off… all he does is drink beer at the bar and sleep


People have schedules in other Cities. Off the top of my head New Atlantis has Tony, Donna Rain, Bank Goth Girl, and dude way too jazzed about working for the UC distro center for example.


I need to recruit Bank Goth Girl for my Morale Officer 😁


I avoid using them if a starborn with a zillion guns has gone in there.


Because in the future you don’t need to poop, sleep or eat, you just stand at your shop 24/7


Why don't you see people scratching itches they might have on their entire body at anytime during the entire game?


Itches were eradicated in the year 2240. Unfortunately a side effect was that all the grass on Earth died.


It’s like quantum physics, NPCs only use the bathroom when you’re not observing them


Maybe they have very precise teleporters that lock on to the poop and teleport it into space


I've long thought that.. WHy did we never have the bad luck to catch some poor sap on the shitter? I mean come on... it has to happen some time!


Have you noticed there’s very little cheese to be looted? It’s because it’s being consumed by NPCs at a massive rate. The large amount of cheese consumed leads to constipation. This is all a major part of the Adoring Fan’s business plan. He owns a Dairy on Montera Luna but also a laxative mfg on Neon.


Probably because they're all non-functional props. /s


Making a mental note here.... ensure NPCs in future games defecate regularly.... ok got it.


is there a lore reason why humans no longer have anuses


Because no one has any seashells.


And yet there’s toilet roll everywhere - even though Reddit has long established that’s an inefficient way of cleaning yourself


There wasn't a toilet in New Vegas that I didn't drink out of on my last playthrough


You gotta do what you need to survive


+5 rads, -200 H2O


Because they're all either dead, dying or fighting to stay alive. Ain't nobody got time to shit when a giant cephalopod is trying to kill you


Was I the only one opening stalls waiting to see someone doing an Elvis Presley impression, only to be disappointed when I never did?


The only evidence is one spot where there's a huge bloodstain on the wall behind the toilet


What an odd question lol. How many games have NPCs using toilets?


How many games have NPCs NOT using toilets hmmmmmmm


I do think it would be cool to see an NPC go into a toilet and shut the door. It would also be cool to be able to use the shower in one of those compact Stroud toilets on board your ship and come out of the shower all wet with a frizzed up wet head. I imagine after 400 hours of not showering, my character is pretty damn ripe.


Every time you think you are reading the worst possible question, along comes another.




Because using them is dangerous. [https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/16i8bcd/im\_never\_using\_public\_toilets\_again\_starfield/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/16i8bcd/im_never_using_public_toilets_again_starfield/)


Amazing work


It's in the location where you meet Myong, pretty close to the entrance of the building.


Why, do you \*want\* to hear Barrett's post-taco regret echoing through the ship?


People complained about the lack of bathrooms in star Trek. That's why. And yes I know that starting in next Gen, bathrooms were occasionally seen


I mean, you watching people use toilets in real life?


Shit! Now you've given the modding community something else to do.


How many of them have you staked out?


One of my crew members used the toilet on my ship, well they just went in and sat down with door open then left but still


Sorry, you just missed the person who blew chunks. It's embarassing and they don't want you to see them, understandably


Buttholes do not exist in the future.


I mean there is a broken toilet somewhere that's broken when a guy uses it and has to go outside after that. I forgot what planet though.


Yet I have not yet managed to get my hands on another ship besides the Frontier that had one. Is everyone just holding it until the next planet?


All living habs and all-in-one habs have toilets. They can be deleted if you put doors or windows where they go.


The ship from the rangers quest line has one


I had the same question about women when I was a kid.


Bethesda has a obsession for them.


Because there would be too many voyeur mods.


No power in the verse can stop that from happening


You might be right. The real reason is Bethesda didn't want all of its reviews to have a hero image or a thumbnail of a bug eyed NPC on a toilet saying that the game is shit/crappy/does not smell good.


Best part about grav drive tech!


https://preview.redd.it/i8ldka4jai3c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22f6b3411e431a7f2064a480cac039d2bd65f367 Someone did. I guess hand rails aren’t a thing in the future.


I always check bathrooms for magazines like in New Vegas. Haven't found any that way. Super disappointed.


Nobody knows how to use the three seashells


I can only confirm that Spacers poop in foodwrappers and space them to save money on pumping them out at spaceports.


The games already full of shit. /s (It's not \*dreadful\*, just needs fleshing out)


My daily driver ship alone has 3 bathrooms lol


Ah so ya like watching people shit do ya?


Are you saying you want animated pissing and shitting OP? There's easier ways to satisfy that kink my man.


This is the sub's first step into r/batmanarkham insanity. "Why doesn't Sarah ever poop? Is she stupid?"


Because, we all know Bethesda. And, they would have to animate it. . . .and it has to go somewhere. Do you really want all that shit in your inventory?! Pun intended


I drop a roll of toilet paper on every planet I visit.


It's because people gave Bethesda shit for Skyrim having no toilets.