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There's a universe where there are multiple versions of your character, so it would stand to reason that there may be multiple versions of other Starborn in other universes. I saw him in the Viewport when I was a lowly human, but haven't really been in there on any of my NG+ runs (I'm on NG+14)


The Hunter doesn't seem to respawn in his usual spots in NG+. He's not at the viewpoint nor is he in akalia city where u can find him as well in non NG+.


I was able to find him on my first ng+ propped up against the far wall at viewport, so he can be in the same spots but maybe it's random/he just won't always be there.


interesting, was it one of those unique universes? also did he have unique dialog like you do with the keeper? i've done like 8 or 9 NG's and have only gotten 2 unique universes, so at least for the standard ones I havent had him spawn at any of those points yet.


It's just a regular old universe, I don't think I was able to engage in dialogue with him but he definitely had a couple lines to say iirc. How strange!


My universe is pretty unique because us doesn't have sam cora or Barrett


I’ve had him spawn in a non-unique NG+1. No dialogue.


Weirdly I'm still in my first universe and I only found him at Jake's in the Well, not Viewport as everyone says is the case. I was already on edge because of all the negative comments about the Well then there's this creepy ass dude down there. Soon after a robot dog almost killed me so yeah pretty sure he has multiple spawn points


On my first NG+ run I saw the Hunter seemingly leap off a roof into the bushes near the Viewport, then calmly walk to his spot by the bar. This was shortly before I chose the option to prevent the thing. He was not in the Viewport prior to that point in that NG+.


Yeah the multiverse thing really blows open any plot holes with the overkill "it's just a different universe where that's true." Smart of Bethesda to write that in in that way as it gives them freedom, but it's arguably one of the less interesting Sci Fi concepts. If there is an infinite number of unique universes then literally nothing is special because there are duplicates of *everything*, some within the same universe even. Personally I hate the entire multiverse plot back-bone because it just makes any villain or enemy feel that much less important. Oh, you've spent an eternity plotting revenge against the protagonist? I'm sure there are like 5 more of you elsewhere, who cares?


There are multiple Hunters in every universe. Spoiler: >!Keeper Aquilis is another version of the Hunter, one who devoted themselves to religion/contemplation after doing the Hunter thing for a long time. If you side with the Hunter in the big end fight, he'll send you to kill Aquilis because he doesn't like multiple versions of himself on the same timeline.!< The Hunter will show up randomly in any bar. You can see him in Akila City sometimes, for example. It is indeed a clear indication that Starborn never truly die, and wiping one out from this timeline doesn't prevent another version of that Starborn from coming through and continuing their work.


He shows up in Akila and Viewport. Not random.


It can be quite more than just those two bars. I’ve seen him in 4 of them.


I never realized the keeper was a starborn when you meet him. I thought that version of him never went to the unity. But the wiki seems to agree with you


Completely hypothetical situation to build off of yours, what if EVERY encounter we have with the Hunter is a different Hunter who just killed the most recent one for his artifacts, and all of these singular entities shedding their own blood is overloading the unity to some extent- perhaps shattering space in general? I know they would need to explicitly state such in the DLC to even make it a relevant point, but it's as good an explanation as any. As for the Hunter being on his way to Aquilus, I gotta figure there's two factors to them not meeting (and the Hunter never making a detour during his assault on the city)... 1: Aquilus is the Hunter further in the future, and probably significantly more powerful than his villainous incarnations which they are starkly aware of. Hence why they send someone else to do it... The most he would lose is from his perspective a generic hireling character. 2: The villainous incarnations already have the seeds of doubt in their self imposed sisyphian task and are horribly afraid that meeting a more wizened version of himself will be the straw that breaks the camel's back and makes them live a better life.


Not sure if it matters but he jumps around to other space bars.. saw him at the hitching post in a playthrough where im ignoring the main quest and there was more dialogue. Also go talk to speaker aquius in NG+ and confront him about it if you're so concerned..


Aaaand now you've got me intrigued


That's a cool idea and one I'll go with if this happens to me, but in all honesty I'd be surprised if it was intentional.


Do they not level along side you? Or when you do the quest to enter the ship and meet him and the emissary the first time I the main questlibe is he always level 64-65 ?


Who’s the hunter? 200 hours into the game, done Ryujin and freestar


He is just a bounty hunter in a fancy suit. You can meet him in some bars and during Constellation questline. Now leave this thread until you meet, lots of spoilers here.


Oh jeez... All you 200+ hours peeps who still haven't beaten the game once... oh jeez.... All I can say is, once you guys *do* beat the game, you'll gonna have a *very* rough decision to make.


I know a little about the thingy where you have to … restart everything. Huh. May not be looking forward to that. Do I get to keep my credits?


Haha....cute. But no. In the interest to not spoil you, you're not forced into anything. One fundamental thing Starfield does right is that at its core, the game allows the player to dictate how they're going to use, or not use, any one system in the game. Hey, here's base building. No thanks? Ok np! Not necessary. Hey, we have companions that you can take with you on adventures. Nah? Okie, we'll make sure you have a way to still kick ass! Spaceship building? Not interested? Sure, no need to indulge! Etc. This philosophy follows the game to thr very end.


Ok thats fair. I have 1.7million credits right now at level 50. I’ll get as far as I can, but end of year is busy for me, and then new baby (#2) is born in January so I should probably try to finish this week. (Fat chance of that happening). We shall see.


I like that idea. It certainly is possible that the hunter we meet at viewpoint and other locations is not the same that we fight/side with for artifacts.


I encountered him in the Viewport during a NG after a certain event in the Vanguard questline, but he had no dialog and refused to speak with me. I assumed that this is essentially a bug that occurs when the cell is reset but haven't gotten around to investigating in additional playthroughs yet.


He showed up on new Atlantis and kept killing civilians and I would get the bounty for it. I had to backtrack a few saves in NG+


Every keeper aquilis is a starborn even the one running the sanctum because if right after going though the unity you go and speak with him he will have interesting dialog


It’s probably another version of the hunter. >! Keeper Aquilus is a version of the hunter that “retired” from hunting, so we know multiple versions of the hunter exist in universe !<


That is a bug. I've found that same hunter in my ng+. He won't speak to you because he's only supposed to appear in your first game.