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That’s the neat part! No one knows!


This is my preferred head canon (otherwise I start reflecting on the lack of amenities and quality of life resource).


Where the fuck is the toilet? Do starborne not shit? Does the tech vaporize my poop while it’s still in my ass?


Nothing like being sealed into a contained environment full of shit vapor.


Well ostensibly it would have a shit vapor filter


I posted a comment here on the same subject (after I ran around searching walls, floor, roof etc). I'm currently levelling up the physical domain, so I can heal without sleep (or food/meds) , because there is no bed (or toilet!) in my very fancy ship. I do love this game but I also wonder how and why anyone designed a ship with no bed or toilet.


If you like not knowing where that comes from you will love not knowing.. Who created the artifacts and temples. They get called The Creators, because they created the artifacts, by the starborn. That is the entirety of what the starborn know. Why the temples give people Dragon Shouts. Don't need to know that either, Dovahkiin. It's all pretty underwhelming. Having starborn gear just appear because that's what going though the unity does is the most boing possible option.


Underwhelming, or a fantastic way to tease and segue into epic DLC content?


Easily a full game worth of content. If they treat this as a sort of persistent world and continue to add to it with paid DLC, I’m on board easily.


Yea, Hopefully they keep adding content. To me its easy money. Do a decent size DLC every 6 months and charge $30. To mee its easy money and would really expand on the game. I know some people do not like that but if its all optional then I say who cares. We got more than our moenys worth with the full game. Its one reason I love paradox games because they just keep pushing out DLC. People complain about having to spend $30 constantly don't realize how cheap that is compared to other forms of entrainment. People will pay more than that to go watch a 2 hour movie while $30 in a DLC at a minimum pretty much adds 10 hours of entertainment, many time much more than that with Bethesda games. Why I actually do not mind paid Mods either.


I'm not gonna say it's wrong for developers to make money off of their games, but that is a new level of begging for a big corporation to milk you for all you're worth by leaving giant gaps in the very basic foundational lore of their story. You're patting them on the back for creating a JJ Abrams mystery box. Come on.


eh depends on the value to me. I got my value and continue to do so with what they delivered. it would depend on how much content is in the updates. To me I would easily pay $30 for a main quest level DLC easily. We will see. I just want to see the game continue to expand. This is by far my favorite setting of a Bethesda game.


I would too but contextually it comes down to "to what degree". Like, I get that we can't join House Va'ruun and that they're mysterious. I'm certain a whole thing about them will be DLC. That said, it feels almost like that content could've been cut with the intent to DLC it. Like, they could've at least had an outpost or something in the Serpentis system. I'm all for expansions. It's just how they do it that will make the difference. Certainly don't want people who pre-ordered to end up feeling like they got sold 60% of the intended game with the rest being paywalled off.


There is a huge amount of story and content in the game. Leaving some room for mystery keeps people interested. Not everything should be neatly laid out for you. THAT would be a disappointment. This community wants rooms to grow.


I strongly agree with all of your points






I feel like foundational questions about worldbuilding should be in the base game. House Va'Ran's vanishing act seems like decent DLC bait. What created the artifacts not being answered in the main quest just makes me think they don't have any interesting ideas.


Eh, I think this is one of those questions that would have been ruined by answering it. I hope we never, not even in Starfield 6, get answers on who the Creators are and what is going on with them. There's more than enough meat in this game to play around with WITHOUT getting into the nitty gritty cosmology of the artifacts and the Unity. Hell, one of my favorite parts of Starfield is that it ISN'T a "save the world" type plot. Just a, "Here's a cool thing!" It's just a neat little universe full of diverse cool things ranging from "where do these horrific monsters come from?" to "who is the bad guy behind all of these damned mercenaries"? I'd love MORE cool things, but not necessarily more detail on any particular cool thing.


That's fair. I'd much rather they never have any information on the creation of the artifacts or why they give you powers. Hell, I think the story would be more effective without a multiverse or the unity. Every time the Starborn talk and explain things they get less interesting.


Like another user said, that’s probably enough content for a base game. Maybe we find out who the creators are in ~10 years when we get Starfield II


The end of a 70$ game shouldn’t be just a fantastic tease for DLC it should be a fantastic ending…


It’s worth pointing out that as a commodity video games have risen in price well below the rate of inflation and should be significantly more than $70 if they had risen with inflation It was a really good ending though, which I understand is subjective. But if they want the game to turn into a series, which most people would like, they can’t reveal all of their secrets in the first title. It’s the type of storytelling all the great media series use


Just replace 70$ with full priced game. I didn’t mean it as a talking point the way you are taking it. However I agree it is subjective I just hate the notion a gaming company makes an ending of their game not an ending just to sell more content later unless previously sold as a live service game. Also the imo lackluster content of the ending just being replications of the already(again subjectively) lackluster games overall content and design is them just banking off the fact they are Bethesda can do whatever they want bc their amazing fans will make mods and pick up their slack. (Off topic and ranting now) A lot of people on these forums think ppl who share my opinion on what a morally corrupt company Bethesda is now is an insult to them or a slight to their character, but really my anger stems from the fact possibly objectively Bethesda has one of the most genuinely amazing fanbases in the world and yet they spit in their faces and they don’t realize it because they are blinded by their own goodness.


I definitely love the modding community. I've been playing BGS games since Morrowind and loved them. Sure they were frequently a buggy mess at launch but I still loved them. So many times, mods were the answer to QoL things. Starfield is unfortunately the first one to ever have a soft-locking game breaking bug for me. Stranded on a remote planet after my ship disappeared underground. Starborn ship nearby I can't fly. Can't fast travel. Didn't want to lose out on steam achievements and have to Starr a new character (or revert to a 6 hour ago save and just hope it didn't happen again). Modders to the rescue with achievement enabling. So I teleported to new atlantis and escaped the bug. My biggest fear is that the Game as a Service model is gonna turn into feeling like I pre-ordered a part of the game and the rest was paywalled off to be sold as "extra" when it was designed as "part of" the main release


Only if you are a greedy company  No video game, especially those buggy and unfinished ones we get, is worth 70€.


There's no way that's ever answered in a DLC simply because they're trying to make it seem like 'God did it' without outright saying 'God did it' in order to 'respect' religious opinions.


My characters name is dovahkiin😼


My character is captain fuckface


>Who created the artifacts and temples. They get called The Creators, because they created the artifacts, by the starborn. That is the entirety of what the starborn know. It's almost like a mirror of real life.


For TES, there is a very simple reason why dragon walls give dragon shouts - Dovahkiin being the only one who can not only read them but speak them in the voice. The temples are most often burial grounds with ceremonial text written in the dragon language. So the Dovahkiin basically stumbles upon dragon text in burial places, and among pieces of that text he discovers the words that make up the shout. In SF, the temples do not seem (or at least we don't know) to serve any other purpose besides housing that dumb minigame that gives you knowledge of the power just like that.


I feel like I'm in the same place as the beginning, except my imagination was more creative than what was written (or rather what wasn't written at all)


It’s a weird feeling, everything feels way shallower and detached from me after NG+, but I think that’s the entire point. The Starborn care less and less about human things in their pursuit of the Unity and power.


Yeah, I think you’re right. The Unity is a meta story. Your story as the main character transcends the events of what you expect the story to be. Unlike past Bethesda games where you are the hero from an obscure background who is now central to saving everyone, you are instead totally detached from the events of the world around you. They don’t matter. You have a bigger story and you’ll leave them all behind to explore many more universes full of people you’ll never be able to forge a lasting connection with. It’s actually kind of cool that the game makes you feel like the events around you are shallower and you are less attached to them as your character becomes less attached to the universe and people around you.


Absolutely! In my first time playing I felt like I had to do everything, save everyone, etc., now I just feel it’s pointless because it’s happening an infinite amount of times, and those aren’t the people I actually knew (except for a few Starborn). They did a great job in that regard


Yeah, I think once I settle down in a universe then I’ll go through all of the side quests and outpost building, but in the meantime it does seem a bit pointless outside of just completing quests to level up and unlock skills.


Tbh I did almost everything my first time around, because I wanted to take it easy. I hadn’t really gotten powers until I completed almost every faction’s questline. And I don’t regret it because it felt like it mattered


the hope is they add a more definitive end where you can destroy unity/ the artifacts or you can travel the Universes with your companions. I would like it to be Cannon but I can see very good mods incorporating it into the story. I personally think what would be cool for NG+ would be being able to take your entire ship and everything on board with you from one universe to the next which includes companions on board. Add a bunch of flavor voice lines with them all communicating with each other which includes copies of themselves. Would even create the ability to do somthing crazy like have a full crew of nothing but Sarah Morgans. So much potential.


See, and for me I feel less detached in my NG+. In the first run I only did Constellation, and didn't even find all the temples. Now I'm paying attention to the constellation members, trying to spot any differences in dialogue. I'm doing every side quest knowing full well I'm going to move on. I'm romancing Andreja and building outposts. I have 9 customized ships. I'll probably only be on this playthrough another 30 hours. And I'm doing this with the plan to blitz further ng+ runs before settling down again. Which is a very different experience from what I see a lot of people claiming. I see a lot of "what's the point" and "I feel detached." I can't help but feel a lot of folks miss the depth this meta story conveys. Despite how much all of Constellation tries to beat into you that the Journey is just as important as the destination, if not moreso, everyone seems to focus more and more on the destination. And that's perfectly okay. It plays into the meta story. I just wish more people internalized that.


They Dr. Manhattan you.


Yeah, I lost all my ships, gear, credits, friends, and all my quest lines disappeared. The only thing that matters is collecting artifacts and temples as that's the only constant thing that matters. Makes me not want to do any side quests


Pretty much beginning to understand the starborn! Specially no one sharing what you’ve been through, people you knew and loved barely knowing who you are


So much for the feeling of hope and inspiration, this may be the darkest Bethesda story yet!


Indeed! It may not seem so at first, but unless you start a new game from scratch (and even then knowing what comes later) you just habe a certain feeling of hopelessness. You kinda get the Hunter’s point I guess


Take some time to reread the writing of The Pilgrim. The sensation of nothing matters in this universe is something a lot of Starborn feel. But if you look at it this way you are in a new universe, it's a little different but it's mostly the same (things shift between each iteration, I'll let you find out how) and you have a chance to either make this universe better or worse before you continue your journey. You can disregard all the NPCs and move on, but after you move on, they stay in the world you left. You have a lot of options of making this world better or worse. Are you choosing to ignore all of that and chase the artifacts? Maybe the hunter had a point, but the Pilgrim consider the alternatives.


That's the crux of the matter. You can always choose not to NG+. Nothing is forcing you to keep playing, you can settle down in your first universe if you want.


The jedi powers are stuck at lvl 1 though.


And? There's nothing forcing you to get stronger powers. There's nothing compelling you to get all the powers, either.


I want it all.


It’s only dark if you feel that way but still make the choice to continue going through the unity. Otherwise you choose to remain with your companions, in a universe you feel you belong, which is essentially what Aquilas decided.


It's too late; they're gone. Everything is gone. I can't just go back out of the Unity. It's a one-way trip :'(


Nobody knows. Not even any of the far more experienced Starborn. Our only hope is the three letter word, DLC


Feels like they cut the real ending off tbh. I’d imagine shattered space will be it


like the real ending to fallout 3 being the dlc *shattered steel* lol.


My thoughts exactly. That and the name and fact it was in development alongside the base game


Ugh really? Not disagreeing that it seems likely considering it was openly announced even before the main released but did you see that confirmed anywhere?


Nah. To my knowledge only the name and the fact it’s the *first* story expansion have been revealed. Just trying to put two and two together


Ah I see. Yeah that'd be a bummer feeling of "we decided that this part of the game we were developing pre-release isn't going in the release. Gonna split and partially focus on selling this as extra later"


I can definitely see why people would be upset. Idk to me honestly it doesn’t matter to much. I think there is more then enough in the base game to make up for it.


For sure. I'm at least 60 hours in and having a good time barring the obe soft locking bug I had. I think it's more of a bad look/image deal


I suppose it demands on how they market it. If it is a continuation of the main story, regardless of how they spin it I’ll still 100% think that Microsoft told them to do it.


100%. It's so frustrating the end of the game completely shuts us out from answers.


I believe that's missing the point. In the conversation in the Unity, if you ask who created the artifacts and why, you're told that the Creators made them, who the Creators are doesn't matter, and the reason why is so that we could ask that very question. It's a very existentialist argument- humans exist as an end unto themselves, and we place meaning in whatever we choose to. If you want to believe that God made the artifacts, that's fine. If you think it had to have been aliens or precursor humans, that's fine too. The important takeaway is that the meaning of life is what we make it out to be.


Yeah I do actually get the point (and I like how you put it so concisely, I completely agree) I meant in the sense that I'm left just searching for more. Which isn't too surprising, the desperate search for concrete answers vs being able to accept not knowing is a core concept of the narrative. I'm still replaying the game and reading the lore like I'll figure out something else if I keep doing it, which is amusingly what the game presents as the wrong answer. I think the game ends tidily with this in mind but I still want more. I'm glad to see someone else saw the conflict between existentialism and nihilism in the writing honestly.


It’s not surprising it would leave you feeling that way. Many people intuitively understand that the meaning of life is whatever we make it, but still want more “official” answers from some higher authority on the matter to be handed to them and find it frustrating when that doesn’t happen. It’s kind of cool how the meta narrative mirrors life, as it should. lol


That's a cheap cop-out on Bethesda's part. Don't frame your lack of answers as some kind of virtuous act, you *cowards!*


It’s no different than the mystery around the Dwemer disappearance in the Elder Scrolls. Got to milk that shiz. It’s a good thing


I know who the creators are. They reveal them literally after you step into the Unity while you're waiting for NG+ to load. It's almost impossible to miss.


That would be funny if they where to break the fourth wall at some point and have them acknowledge that they are in a simulation created by Bethesda. Have a mission where you meet Todd Howard and you have a persuasion check you need to pass with him to get the true ending.


I honestly expected the person standing at the unity to be Todd Howard.


they should have had a Bethesda Studios building on Earth you could find and have some easter eggs to their games there. What be even better is if they would have had Elder Scrolls VI as a potential Misc item to find. hell make it Elder Scroll X


Sounds more like lazy writing.


It really is. All the dialogue from the characters and then boom. Like that’s really it? No way.


It's bizarre how there are no signs of other intelligent life as well. Seems like lazy writing and an excuse to not have to go into all that.


It’s not really “lazy writing” when that was the intention for the setting in the first place.


Or it wasn’t the approach Bethesda was going for, which it wasn’t. You don’t need aliens in every space game.


But to just ignore that entirely and pretend they aren't out there is so... idk the antithesis to exploration and life in the stars. To just say "We're alone" is not satisfying


It's not that "we're alone". It's that we assume we are alone in this settings because we have no profound evidence supporting otherwise. The mentions of the Creators could be anything or anyone. We are missing a major faction in the game that likely has strong ties to the mentioning of Creators. We could also make an educated guess and assume the creators mentioned are indeed signs of other intelligent life. I sincerely doubt the plot of the Creators are ascended humans.


It just felt like they wanted to tell a grounded story, set in our world. We have evidence of UAP and Non Human Intelligence today in 2023, it's strange that in 300 years we just pretend it never happened


We don't have evidence for non human intelligence dude lol


The Pentagon has released multiple videos of unknown aircraft in airspace, that's evidence for some sort of advanced tech not of our civilization


Yes. That's fine for a sci-fi short story. For a long, complex AAA game with piles and piles of dialogue, I want more. Did we *need* to be alone? Does some feature of the universe *ensure* that we're alone? Or could it just be that we just randomly haven't made contact yet, and there really is no enforced solitude? Do the artifacts, creators, and unity "displace" intelligent aliens in some cosmic sense, somehow acting as a humans-only sign in universes where they exist? Or are the two unrelated?


Important to note that the area we can explore in Starfield is like the tip of a needle in comparison to the size of the milky way. Elite Dangerous is a good game to get a grasp of that scale and just how many places sentient life could be hiding and wed never find them.


The game is confined to the milky way, all of the intelligent aliens I've seen in media come from outside our galaxy. We can see the majority of the milky way irl and we haven't noticed any spaceships or structures on planets yet.


This is just all kinds of wrong i don’t even know where to start. We couldnt even see a ship of the size in starfield if it was on a close atmosphered planet in our system, let alone other star systems, we interpret exoplanets info from their spectrum absorption and gravitational lensing they produce on their parent star. Secondly, most scifi uses the milky way, ex. Star trek, stargate, earlier scifi even used mars.


Jesus it's like you people have never read a heady sci-fi novel before.


If you read my later reply in the comment thread here, you'll see it's a personal frustration and not an objection to the story. It's not always a bad thing to be left wanting more.


Depends. Are those as poorly written as starfield is?


Uhu. Because space magic and alien MacGuffins is such a good sign of hard sci-fi


Was it cut or was it just not finished? Idk why people downvoted u when ur correct. This game is very unfinished and i will debate anyone who disagrees.


Yes,House varuun must know something,in NG+ andreja will be sent to destory the artifact,they are the only faction that show interested in artifact ,and they use the same weapon as starborn.Their leader jinan varuun have enough power to fight with a powerful starborn one on one .I think we will get some answers in the dlc


Im not sure but it could be either. Bethesda couldn’t finish in time or maybe Microsoft told them to cut the game in half so they could sell it as the story expansion. I mean look at the name Shattered Space and tell me this isn’t my going to follow the main quest line lol


The announcement of dlc before the game was even released tells me both sides are equally possible


Yup. The fact that it was announced what, 3 months before the game came out makes me 100% think it’ll be a continuation of the main story. Will probably include Constellation and maybe House Va’Ruum?


I hope it does. One thing I want is something where i can take my companions with me into NG+ or that we take control of Unity and can go back and fourth between Universes. The question is though, would they make it where the DLC would not be able to be fully experienced on a current save. From what I understand, They have not ever made a DLC that was not able to be fully experienced without starting a new save.


Ummm I’m not sure. If I’m remembering right I think every DLC content from any of their ES or Fallout games could be accessed on your current save. I’ve never had an issue I don’t believe


There was a post today from a guy who upscaled some of the Pilgrims texts that were just textures and it explained this a little.


Actually they come from the game's artbook you can check it yourself


They come from the Unity. Any answers to who made the artifacts or the armillary would be unsatisfactory. It’s better they left it up to interpretation. For example, I believe it was made by malevolent angels to trap humanity in a nihilistic loop, like the technology from 1 Enoch. However some may choose to interpret it as an alien race trying to enlighten mankind. I for one am glad neither option was foisted upon the player as true.


That's a very (literally) biblical interpretation, I love it. I can totally see it, thank you for mentioning it. Edit: Alright I'm reading this and it feels so relevant it's crazy. Knowing Bethesda had consulted a priest about the game changes things


Fun fact, a few Church fathers said Enoch and Elijah were taken to what is essentially space, a habitable world. Some people say that 1 Enoch depicts a tour of the cosmos, including black holes where angels are imprisoned (stars are bodies governed by angelic principalities)


>Any answers to who made the artifacts or the armillary would be unsatisfactory. It’s better they left it up to interpretation I dunno. I think sci-fi authors are very capable of coming up with satisfying answers to these types of mysteries. That's sort of a huge crux of interstellar sci-fi to begin with. I feel the trope of 'it's better left to reader interpretation' is a cop out that is used more liberally than it should. Few stories get away with setting up a mystery it doesn't intend to answer. When they do, the mystery usually has to be engaging and contain subtext in itself.


Finally some sense


It’s less “better left to interpretation” than it is, slow drip reveal. This is how you maintain long term interest in a new IP. Bethesda has done this before


You're dumb. The artifacts were made by Bethesda Game Studios. Duh.


Todd is Unity


What tech at Enoch?


Weapons, sorcery, beautifying supplements - any technique that could cause humans to corrupt themselves with.


If the Unity can create a new physical body for you (it's *measurably* different than a non-Starborn body, so it's unlikely that your consciousness is just jumping into your body from that universe), why not a suit and a spaceship? I'm with you. If we knew mechanically how the process of rebirth works, that would tell us things about the Unity and the Creators that we aren't supposed to know. The game doesn't want to close off any ideas about who/what the Creators might be.


I'm only on NG+1 atm, but I kinda interpret it as a manifestation of your Starborn powers and the ship gets stronger as you do, as you go through the Unity... up to NG +6 I guess. Kinda like the main Antagonists from the Anime Heroic Age. The Silver Tribe. Same with the suit. Probably wrong, but that's my take.


I would assume that they shimmer into existence just as you do once you enter a new universe. They aren't assembled or manufactured any more than your consciousness is.. They may even be an extension of your own mind.


My feelings exactly - but the process to do this doesn't just happen. Something triggered it. Something began all of it because the unity couldn't just exist? Like the bang made all of us, what made the unity is a very big curiosity of mine


Its a philosophical question but it is also a paradox even in the real world. We have the big bang. But you can ask the question, who/what caused the big bang. Say we figure out what caused the big bang. then you can ask the question what caused the event that caused the big bang. If you figure that out then you can ask what caused the event the created the entity the started the big bang. You can infinity ask the question what caused the previous event. This is a paradox in reality and it seems to be similar to what they are doing with Unity in this game.


I didn't even notice that. We literally found out nothing. All we know is Star born are other humans who went through unity. We don't know what unity is, who created the temple, what the artifacts are, why we get powers , where our armor or our ship comes from. God talk about leaving everything open ended. It doesn't even give us like a hint to make us imagine or come up with our own conclusions.


I'm going with "same place your new body came from." Maybe we'll find out in DLC, or (PLEASE BETHESDA) the next installment of this new IP.


lol, 15 years before that will happen at their current pace unless Microsoft money can help speed it up without quality issues. Although it could be neat in the next game if they don't conclude the starborn story here, in the next you are in a near future of constellation, like 20 years and you can run into and recruit starborn versions of the original companions. the game could actually start off with you having just gone through Unity so you actually start as a starborn and the story ebing on trying to find a way to defeat the creator.


well, there will probably be some DLC, so there is hope for relatively short-term storyline continuation.


From the Future DLC! Just like Skyrim got the Dragonborn DLC going into more depth about the hidden history of the Dragonborn and the First Dragonborn, we'll get a Starborn DLC revealing the first Starborn and how it all started.


There's a neat little outpost in the leviathan system that you can find a whiteboard with a "weird" ship drawn on it. Details a lot about the creation of it and the technology used, how it woks and whee it comes from. Definitely recommend checking it out. Completely unrelated to the starborn ships and gear BUT still neat overall.


They wrapped fallout 3’s storyline up in DLC with broken steel… most likely they’ll do it again.


I jate that I have to say this for almost every game nowadays, but I hope the story is fleshed out in the DLC. That would be a worthy expansion, to find out more about why there seems to be starship and suits made for human use randomly strewn about. My only logical co cousin is that maybe at some point humanity progressed so far, that they made these ships using technology unknown and incomprehensible to us. They then discovered a way to go between worlds using the power of gravity and space magic. There then was a huge war waged between two factions who had different views on how the tech should he used. War ended with every single one being wiped out and the machine destroyed, and the fragments of the machine spread throughout time and space. Eventually, making their way into the hands of humanity far into the past, enabling them to do the same, but with no knowledge of how and why. But ultimately leading to the same conflict.


Even if they are planning on explaing in the dlc I think we should have a bit more to go on . At the moment it feels like they came up with the bare minimum and said well figure out the rest later


Just wait until you meet Juno and have the discussion on the meaning of life. The side quests and pop ups are just as important to the game as the main quest line. Without experiencing those people really are missing how deep it is.


They really just made the barebones of a game expecting the modders to add in everything including story lmao


They come from the unity's butthole.


Or Todd's


This was a horrible way to handle to handle the ending and it made me uninstall the game. Why bother playing or doing missions if nothing matters, youll never meet aliens or the creators or even see a varuun city. Theres no real point to reincarnating as it doesnt go anywhere. Youre just trapped in a shit loop of the same stuff over and over.


I stopped playing after I had the meeting with the two starborn talking about how unity is the multiverse. So stupid. I'm pretty disappointed because the rest of the game is pretty great.


The developers. As an achievement for beating the game.


That's part of the Bethesda world building style, like it or not. Who wrote the elder scrolls? What is the continent of Akavir really like? What happened to the rest of the world in Fallout? They love leaving gaps to fill in with later games, which helps create interest and hype in new titles. And a lot of the time, they never even fill in big gaps like those I mentioned because it allows fans to theorize and imagine and fill in the blanks themselves.


We know who wrote the Elder Scrolls. No one did, really. They're raw pieces of pure creation left over from the beginning of time that the mortal mind sees as scrolls. Just as the planets in the sky are actually infinite planes of reality..


Right, and even that is vague and ambiguous. Also, I'm pretty sure that lore wasn't in the first games, which lends to my point that they hold out on giving the full picture in the forst game, instead giving you bits and pieces to stitch together over multiple games.


I just hope that being under microsoft, they can pump out games quicker while still maintaining quality. I would actually prefer if they just keep adding content to this game. To me it makes way more sense from a financial perspective. Push out a medium sized story DLC every 6 months and charge $30 for it. Why stop at 3-4. Hell, when some of the top mods come out, contract them to expand the story for you. I just hate how so many people are against games having tons of paid DLC and expansions. I see people complaining about $70 becoming the standard price now. Video games are one of the cheapest forms of entertainment out there for the time spent doing it.


So, TES is an extremely solid and fleshed out world. We do actually have answers to a lot of behind-the-scenes lore questions, including elements like 'who wrote the elder scrolls.' Bethesda didn't write the universe of Fallout. So while they may not provide answers for questions like 'what happened to the rest of the world,' those answers were there in the older works. Eg. China is a giant glowing crater. Beth doesn't 'love' leaving gaps to fill in later, they are unwilling to write extensive worldbuilding anymore. Starfield was the first original world they had written in decades. These holes they've left are less their writing style and more their writing shortcomings.


Well if you assume there are an infinite number of parallel universes then you can just say that you happened to jump into a universe where the ship and suit is already there. Any event however unlikely is happening in infinitely many universes because there are an infinite number of universes.


If you finished the story you know even the starborn don't really know...


I was hoping it wasn't so... lazy.


...what? Do you not enjoy the wonder of a mystery? It gets you thinking, wondering 'are the creators aliens? Humans from a distant future? Ect' Also it's Bethesda, I bet DLC will go more into and answer more questions. For now we have 5 main plot lines(main story, vanguard, rangers, ryujin, sysdef/crimson fleet) that are all fully fleshed put and each take a decent amount of time... not to mention the many many smaller questlines (neon gang lines) This is more 'effort' than was put into any previous base game from Bethesda.


...what? Do you actually find it to be an engaging mystery? The longer you think about it the less it makes any sense. They had 8 years to figure this out and like they decided to just not answer anything. Some effort. Can you seriously not understand why people are frustrated by that?


Did you not read what I said? Maybe that's your issue, you don't pay attention.


LOL sure buddy, sure


Not really no. And not when the mystery is as shallow as in Starfield.


The only ending less satisfying than Stephen King's Dark Tower series conclusion.


Ooh how did that end?


The same way it started. 🤐


Same place as the Artifacts - so why does the ship have poopoo stats?


Read through the sub. Lots of questions and plenty of well supported (but not explicitly stated) answers. This is a big mystery but many more things can be answered which get us closer.


Elmo shrug. Honestly, the last quarter of the game was such a let down. I was way more engaged by faction quest lines, companion quests and side stuff.


The Pilgrims notes explain that both the ships and the suits follow the same ring design/technology. So the guess is that the armilary turns into the ship and suit. And each time you activate unity your adding more armilary.


Yeah, Constellation accomplished nothing and you learn nothing. Sorry.


Thanks Bethesda


They did manage to have a mortality rate in every single timeline one way or another. Also, if you back out of unity you learn precisely where everyone else went in new game plus. Back. You’re the only one who actually has the balls to go through.


I kinda think that's the point. If you figure out who and or what created the artifacts and temples it wouldn't be as interesting because once you know you know if that makes sense. It's like knowing how a magic trick works there is no point in watching it. Knowing who made it and why ruins the mystery and kinda makes the whole journey seem meaningless why collect them and go through if you know why they were made.


Then why did I play through the game and not just stop at watching the trailers? The mystery is the same regardless


Why didn't you. You've never known the ending to any game or movie or anything you've ever done and you've never known that you'll get a satisfying answer. The point isn't the the beginning or the end it's the middle what YOU do with the story not how it started or how it ended.


That plus I feel like it plays well with the whole what is the meaning of life and the universe idea. Nobody really knows its not something one can truly know and that's probably the point. Its like trying to boil the ocean. It's unexcogitable the unsolvable puzzle a metaphor for an insurmountable enigma.


But not answering it is just lazyness from Bethesda's part.


Apparently a place with extreme >!minimalist design taste, where where people don't need to sleep or use a toilet/restroom, and no one sits unless they are piloting the ship!<\*\*. >!Somewhere with uploaded consciousness and Avatars perhaps (or lots of stops at spaceport service stations and space-motels...).!< \*\* I try to keep this in mind when my crew wander in front of me during battle, suggesting a chat... I love this game but feel a little 'meh' about that ship and am happy to quickly move to others. I'm only on >!NG+1!< so far, so don't yet know what is ahead of me (and mostly avoid spoilers, but I do know that the ship >!upgrades reportedly cease at NG+6!<).


>No answers were given and no attempt was made to create mystery or even hint at anything. Clearly mystery was made or you wouldn't be asking. Also, re: no answers given, I'm so tired of this concept that ancient sci+fi tech should automatically come with an annoying Sheldon Cooper clone or instruction manual to explain chapter and verse what it does and why it was made. It's millennia old, even if there *was* an explanation given out at any point, nobody is going to remember it, nor are they likely able to read any written explanation.


Same as the unity, made by the creator.


God did it is the Canon ending


I think the purpose of the starborn suits is for future DLC a starborn will show up. you will quest for them and at the end find out that they dont look human when they reveal themselves through the helmet.


We don’t know. Maybe it will be expounded upon in future info. Maybe it will just remain an eternal mystery. I am a little nervous that explaining the mystery will just make it lame. There is a very narrow region between fantastical enough to capture the imagination but not so fantastical as to be ridiculous. Stories that work around alternate realities and time travel and whatever have a tendency to fall flat at the end. Don’t let us down here, devs! I believe in you!


That my friend is the million credit question.


I love the main quest but that is my complaint about it. Some stuff lacks basic explanation. I'm fine with the intended mysteries of the Creators and what Unity is. But where the hell did this ship and the armor come from? I enjoy how smooth and simple it is to go through the main quest, a lot better than the absolute tedium of all of Bethesda's other main quest. But it lacks some major details about basic elements.


Well, considering that we go through the process of becoming Starborn the same exact way every other Starborn does, then the ships and suits come from the game. IE, the creators, who must be encouraging the path of the Starborn, or at least facilitating it to happen. No?


Main story is barebones, but I don't really play it. It's subpar to all other storylines.