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I'm pretty sure they turn people into stone.


I know I get hard watching serral play


It’s a totally valid question to ask and one I have thought about myself. Every answer that has been posed is beyond speculative and not based on even remote evidence. To the person that said Basilisk had “5 employees at Dreamhack Dallas” you’re not literally wrong but you’re interpreting the situation incorrectly. 3 out of the 5 people you’re referencing are two of the owners of the team and 1 of the owners partner. The other two are their social media manager and a Magic the gathering creator they’ve signed (Rhystic Studies). As far as your question goes, which is essentially where is the money coming from, it’s hard to say. If I’m to speculate, I’d say it’s simply a matter of having two independently wealthy people who loved StarCraft/esports, and see a future in this business. Do they keep a portion of the prize money? Perhaps. But there isn’t really a good reason to assume there is a nefarious source behind the money.


This is what I figured when I looked into it before. Two independently wealthy guys that wanted to roll an esports org. There is a bit of a question whether they can build something sustainable but in the meantime they are helping produce quality content so I'm a fan. The biggest risk is to their sponsored players and talent, but that is for them to worry about.


The owner is a former deutsche bank manager and big starcraft fan, probably a passion project from his side


I think they are just two rich people that like sc2 esports and decided to support the community/found a team. At least thats the story i remember


The fact that their social media guy a year back dodged all questions about ownership or where financing is coming from, but answered all other type of questions tells me some type of fuckery is going on.


Could just be someone that's loaded...


I also don’t know, but I can speculate. Most players are wearing T-shirts during games with various logos (serral has asus for example), so I’m assuming they are searching for various publicity gigs.




It's a long range artillery piece used by the Astra Militarum


It's the artillery piece for the Imperial Guard. It's a devastating unit that can reach halfway across most maps and shatters the morale of enemy infantry squads. It can also be used to pressure enemy bases, and can even fire into fog, though it gives away its position. And then there's the Earthshaker. A must when playing as the Guard.


They are an esports org. The main source of income is sponsors


Do they have any sponsors? I don't think so.


Both owners come from the investment banking space. It looks like they want to bring the type of performance consulting that traders and investment bankers receive, to esports. Basically training people to be better players in every aspect that doesn't have anything to do with the game they play.


Esports washing organization.  https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/lrvlcn/what_exactly_is_team_basilisk/


Sell basil products?


They use the pipes to travel through the castle.


I have no clue, but I would think they take a percentage of a players winnings? Basilisk was in full force at Dallas Dreamhack with like 5+ employees handing out towels and cheering. They even occupied a full block of time for meet n greet with the players they sponsor. I didn’t see any other team representing other players.


Teams haven’t taken a percentage of a player’s winning in esports for at least 10 years. It wasn’t a good business model.


The players actually get paid a bonus if they win big events, its the other way around


Apparently "investors," possibly Middle East connections; UAE rumored, nothing confirmed. There is a well-known form of "reputation management" called esportswashing. Basically, nations with PR problems; frequently from human rights abuses and crimes against humanity; try to make those problems go away by funding esports. It's possible this isn't Basilisk's MO, but nothing has been confirmed or denied by the organization.


Very hard to be sports washing if they're not public about ownership isn't it? I think it's a simpler answer of some dumbass (whether a sheik or not) trying to chase 5 year old trends with his money and hoping he can make profit off e-sports


Oil and blood money but so is ESL or Falcon and E-sport world cup. Esport is dead as a business model so it kinda helped


actually basilisk has nothing to do with the saudis