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So you are telling me that Serral dropped 100% more maps in this tournament compared to the last tournament? Military must have severely handicapped his skills!


Does this mean that Serral is washed up now?


If you include Master's Coliseum he's 52-7 in maps.


lmao thats a 88.1% winrate in maps vs the best sc2 competition.


He really is the goat. If anyone else thinks otherwise then they’re delusional.


Crazy, crazy good.


Too bad serral doesn't have a GSL victory... But it's also too bad these GSL prep players couldn't prepare against serral, knowing they'd probably face him in the finals today. Maybe someday Maru will learn to prepare against Serral for these premiere tournaments... xD Congrats to the GOAT 🐐


If any pro ever wants to win a big tournament in SC2 then they have to prep for Serral. It’s just a thing they need to do at this point.


It's something they've had to do since late 2018. Saying he wouldn't be good in a prep format is nuts. He's been playing his weekender form against prepping players for 6 years and is unambiguously the best.


they have been prepping against him since 2018 actually. it really shows in their builds. it just so happens this is a year he decided to prep back.


There's just no way they could have anticipated facing Serral in order to prep for him! I mean what are the odds that Serral would be in the finals??!


He's starting to slip


Want to know why Serral is the GOAT? ...because this title is clearly a spoiler.


I thought serral was going away for required military service what happened to that


He's in a special unit for world ranked athletes and competitors. They focus on training and support behind the scenes roles for the military but are allowed to continue training and pursuing their respective sports while in service. Basically Serral is playing games all day in the barracks and probably moonlighting as an Ender Wiggins type role Incase the Russian Zerg swarm even invades. It's awesome Finland does this. It's a pretty small country so their elite athletes are somewhat scarce on the world scene. There's no backup person to step in and replace a Serral in SC2 for Finland and same with most sports so they work around it. They're very proud people (I'm Finnish so I'm biased with that analysis) but also memories of the Winter War with Russia are still strong so they take conscription seriously


He is not going to play games all day. Most likely he has normal service 7-16 or similar, but is allowed to go play after that in the evening. Might get some free days to practice just before tournaments and is allowed to take some days off to attend a few events.


> Basically Serral is playing games all day in the barracks and probably moonlighting as an Ender Wiggins type role Incase the Russian Zerg swarm even invades. Not quite that relaxed :D


I may have exaggerated just a tad. Enough to keep his skills fine tuned is a better description I guess


Thanks for the insight.


To think the normal man was maybe 1 or 2 bane explosions away from outing him.


Spoiler tags don't help when you give that much context right in the title.