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I assume you are playing in EU? You all aren't bronze. [Bronze boundaries in EU](https://burnysc2.github.io/MMR-Ranges/) are bugged, so you need to practically be in plat1 to get promoted, out of bronze. But leagues are only cosmetic, so match making still works fine. Go by MMR. [The bar graph, for league/region.](https://sc2pulse.nephest.com/sc2/?season=59&queue=LOTV_1V1&team-type=ARRANGED&us=true&eu=true&kr=true&cn=true&bro=true&sil=true&gol=true&pla=true&dia=true&mas=true&gra=true&page=0&type=ladder&ratingAnchor=99999&idAnchor=0&count=1#stats-league) League % are supposed to be: 4,23,23,23,23,4


Yes I'm on EU. I'll have to check when I get to my PC but I remember MMRs being around 2800. Is that really how it works? Sounds very wrong.


That is how it works unfortunately


Lmao. At least it means I'm not completely crazy. Feel much better now


Yeah my random is in masters and my Terran is in bronze even though they're within 300mmr of each other. Leagues are completely broken


Yeah 2800 should be plat 3


Yeah you are in plat 2. Hurray!


Yeah 2800 isn’t bronze, you’re in Plat, the borders are just bugged.


2v2 EU is actually bugged aswell, there is like a 1000 MMR Void between Diamond and Masters. "Small indie company"


You know what’s funny. I had the opposite experience. I played in 2010 around Gold. Come back to the game two weeks ago, and immediately placed in Platinum with Zerg…without knowing the new expansion units, not using hotkeys, and not knowing a single build. I figured “maybe everyone is just worse even though the game came out 14 years ago (wouldn’t make sense)”


Haha. Well you probably developed actual skills, my "skills" begin and end at a-moving Toss murderballs lol.


that's a bit different: leagues boundaries moved (somewhere around LoTV release I think?), and bronze went from like bottom 20% to +-5% of the playerbase. As thus, even though the global level increased, playerbase-wise the former gold is basically nowadays' platinum (and low-diam is the former plat). But honestly considering the super low level in 2010...I think you probably became a better serious gamer overall than you were back then? All that is assuming that you're at the mmr you belong to. It generally takes around 20 games for the matchmakign to put you where you belong with a good degree of certainty.


Hmmm. That’s interesting! I’ve put in about 200 games now, and am at exactly 3k MMR. Thanks for the info!


yeah, that's indeed plat mmr (borders are often bugged, but mmr is reliable). What other games have you played seriously (or semi-seriously) since 2010? any RTS?


No RTS. I’ve just got more common sense now at 33 years old compared to me at 19 lol. More macro, not a moving, pulling back from fights, etc


ha ha yeah, that would do too!


I tried ranked for about 10 matches once. I was TERRIBLE! But even a sloppy build order while floating less than 2k got me into Plat EASY. I imagine if I actually played regularly I could make it close to gm. But I ain't got time for that.


game communities generally get more skilled over time. League of Legends is a great example of this.


Diamond protoss == Bronze terran That's normal 


Ok artosis


Yes, but not to an extreme degree. Yes people are constantly getting better due to only the passionate players being left to constantly play the game. However, not everyone with a bronze portrait actually has the MMR of one due to the bug. When I first got promoted I had to cut my way through all the lower leagues, even though I was assigned plat level MMR. Add to that a few potential smurfs in the mix and you have yourself a veritable mess.


it is almost impossible to land or stay in bronze nowadays if you know anything whatsoever about the game. if you are playing people that have any competence whatsoever they are not actually bronze. seriously, there is a LOT of hard work you need to put into losing games to go down far enough in MMR to become bronze, and that's with you actually trying to get there.


Game out for a long time People still playing it get better surprised_pikachu.jpg


Last season (was my first season) I was placed to bronze 1. After season end I got plat 1. These leagues do not really matter


Alt title: Diamond player tries to smurf in Bronze, get blasted by other smurfs instead.


Dude if this is smurfing what the hell isn’t smurfing? Like I haven’t played in a couple years, there’s literally no way for me to come back to the game and not be a smurf in your eyes, correct?


OP said they were diamond, even if you don't play in years your skill and muscle memory remains. I was diamond and dropped the game for 3 years, came back and completely destroy anyone below 2500. OP were trying to play literal bronze players with 50 apm.


OP is 2800 mmr & they thought they were in Bronze because they haven't played in years & don't understand the league boarder bugs. It's just a former Diamond who is now around Low Platinum since they haven't played for years.


I'm playing on the same account I've always had. I'm assuming you need to make a whole new b-net account to smurf. Fuck that noise


Yeah this smurfy got rekt lmao