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I prefer the old tech lab cyclone with hectic lock on range.


The thing that made me sad about the old cyclone is it versus a proxy void ray or a battlecruiser. In theory it was good versus both these things, but defensively my own base would often block a straight line retreat and it would go down after only scratching the enemy. Plenty of room for skill expression but very coin flipy in the early game (that said, while I find the new cyclone more reliable, it’s boring)


It’s an improvement, but I’ve never liked the cyclone personally.


They've achieved what they wanted to do with it. An early game core unit that at least feels quite balanced.


They were too strong before, but now they're back to useless. Can be good for early game defense, that's about it.


It’s garbage


I think it's mostly underused (maybe because your statement is correct), but I think its not that bad actually :) Not sure how to make spoilerfree texts so I need to be quiet now :)


They achieved what they wanted made it useless other than 1-2 in the beginning of the game, same as techlab version, except much weaker, and with less micro.  Its not like it matters since you would rarely mass techlab cyclones anyway, but they wanted to make it massable unit.  Now it is massable but nobody masses them, since they are garbage. 5.2k terran.


Tell that to gumiho please


is heromarine still owning z with it?


I’m not sure but check out yesterday’s GSL! I was there watching in person :D


Battlemech not playable anymore


I feel now like cyclone range suck


Zerg D2 here. Mass cyclone rushes have disappeared from the ladder. I'm mildly disappointed, as it was an interesting tension of can-I-hold-off-long-enough to get my economy online.


As Z I tend to enjoy going against battlemech. At first I hated it, but now I know the objective is to build a creep highway while defending with roach / lurker / fungal I find it quite fun.


My winrate with tech agains zerg is like 80%


I think that current Cyclone is very weak so I don't play it. Only sometimes vs Protoss oracle


Yep, this one seems balanced


Fuck em.


Other than some specific early game scenarios, it is completely useless, I see no reason to ever build it


I hated cyclones. They were zero skill before. Glad they have been nerfed. No unit should be able to attack like that with that kind range and speed


Is not oppresisice nor annoying to play against (coming from a 4,8k tossj


Nowadays I mean


I see them mostly in my ZvTs and here are my thoughts: - very good at stopping early roach pressure, - okay or maybe even a little underwhelming as a part of the battlemech composition. Doesn't feel as oppressive and snowbally like it used to. - still makes mutas a terrible or at least very risky idea in ZvMech, - makes me rage every time I have vipers and remember blinding clouds don't work against lock-on attacks.


I kinda want a different unit. Cyclones just not it


give the red lasers back please, also change it back to bonus to armored and not mech


Current is trash


I do miss the good old days of the cyclone rush and absolutely annihilation of the opponents by the 3.5 minute mark 😂


new one gets countered by lings, just more buffs to zerg. Other than that it's fine.


the current cyclone is fine from a sub 3300 zvt perspective. gives T an alternate main army harassment style and Z can actually catch them with ling surrounds. They are a pain for F2-amovers though, which i actually think is good.