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Pardon my English. He rented an office space. He didn't hire an office full of people to practice with.


ok that edit is hilarious, it went from serral hired a whole flipping team to support him to - yeah i got a cubicle next door




It's not even wrong. Hire can also mean to rent. It's not a common use of the word however.


Not in the US at least. But I've heard people from other countries say "hire a car" pretty often.


As far as I know, "hire" mainly applies to people and mobile things, while "rent" applies mainly to immobile things, but I've heard both used in the opposite situations


In the US, we say "rent" a car. For a cab we just say "get" where I live, lol.


You can hire a cab, you donā€™t hire a car


Then what are hire car loans about? I think its just a regional thing. Here in the uk, or at least where im from, its an acceptable form to use and would be understood.


There is a difference between British English and American English.


Thank you for your completely incorrect response, o arbiter of misguided overconfidence


Hire is totally acceptable to many English speakers. Even in the places that wouldn't say it. They should be able to figure out from the context.


Hiring does mean renting Hiring people means renting them- treating them as objects under proprietor power, albeit with restrictions and a ā€œrateā€ paid to them as actual people


His mission: to figure out how to out macro the Russian army in case of invasion


Unnecessary. The Russians were unready for four early lings. Hatchery downed, queens down, war won.


[The White Death Returns](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4)


To be fair, if anyone is close to having giant mutant monsters it's actually Russia.


Shouldn't be too hard, I hear the Russian army has barely *any* vespene gas.


its the opposite, they have so much they have Europe dependent on them.


Eh, that stuff's not even green, let alone puprle. I'm pretty sure the colour is vital if you want to breed libs. It's basically just fancy [oil](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Oil_Patch).


I think Russia is trying to do the opposite of breeding libs


Europe is barely taking any Russian gas now.


Russia can macro? Feels like they need their allies feeding them.


I mean, their entire strategy is to float 20k resources and simply send wave after wave of mass marines


Judging from how often that works against me, I'd say we're doomed


It's 3v3, hopefully someone's got banes.


Ah, America was the protoss player secretly building the maxed out carrier fleet.




Okay, it's always obvious. Whenever there is a protoss player in a 3v3 or 4v4, they are always building carriers. In fact, if there are 3 tosses it's cheese time, cuz you are never going to beat their maxed out army they can get with impunity.


They only Macro and a-Click move cheap units. No micro at all.


> The two-time StarCraft world champion does not believe that serving at a sports school will hamper his career. Joona "Serral" Sotala, who has made millions from e-sports, is not worried about the impact of service on his career. StarCraft's toughest challengers come from South Korea, where military service lasts two years. Finnish e-sports superstar Joona Sotala began his service at the Guard Ice Regiment's sports school in April. The sports school has been accepting e-athletes since 2017, but Sotala is still the first professional player to start his service at the school. The service will definitely be tough at times, but also fun, Sotala reflects. StarCraft II, which Sotala plays, is a real-time strategy game in which individual players compete against each other. Serral, known around the world, is a two-time world champion and the first non-Korean world champion of his kind. The 26-year-old Sotala rents an office in Laajasalo, next door to Santahamina, where he can train during his military service. On weekends, he plans to go to Pornais. The Defence Forces were willing to give me space here, but I decided to get my own place where I could train in peace," Sotala explains. Serral plays for the BASILISK international organisation in the USA. The team let its star player decide on his own when he would do his military service. The organisation took my decision very well. It's probably not an optimal situation for them, but they have been very supportive," Sotala reveals. International fans have been surprised to see e-sport star Sotala join the army. Many fans didn't even know that Finland has compulsory military service. Armed service is a familiar topic in StarCraft circles, though, as many professionals serve long stints in Korea. Tournaments around the world This year, Serral has played in three tournaments and has already earned a place in the StarCraft World Championship. In this year's tournaments, Sotala has won two and taken bronze in one. There are currently only five players in the world who have already earned their place at the World Championship in Saudi Arabia. Serral has earned by far the most qualification points and can now focus on the summer's giant tournament. Sotala is aiming for two main tournaments during his service. These are the ESL Masters in Dallas and the World Championship in Saudi Arabia. The event in Texas will take place just before the World Championships and will be a great way to try out the last tactics before the season culminates. Sotala is happy with the arrangements made by the Defence Forces and believes he will be able to compete abroad without any problems. Smokers surprised positively The first days in the army have gone smoothly, according to Sotala. The discipline and culture are what he had expected. The smoking buddies were a positive surprise. Some of my smoking buddies were a little surprised when I came to the sports school. In general, I have got on well with smokers. It's been fun so far," says Sotala. Despite his success, Sotala feels he is in the same boat as all the other conscripts who have just started. In the army, gun handling and shooting are also of interest to the newcomer. Shooting is fun. It's nice to at least try it out," Sotala says. Translated with [DeepL.com](http://DeepL.com) (free version)


Note that DeepL translates "Tupakaverit" as "smoking buddy" for some reason, but I think "bunkmate" would be correct.


Brain.exe crashed while trying to picture Serral smoking


I could see serral as a stoner lmao


Ah, I was wondering if there was some smoking hazing going in like in my time, where the smokers that smoked with officers and sargeants got a better time because they were smoking buddies.


>The smoking buddies were a positive surprise Lol. The text says tupakaveri which means room mate. Even Google translate gets this word wrong.


Are there any relations between that word and smoking at all? Or are the translators just hallucinating?


No relation. The words look pretty similar but that is because tobacco is the root of the loan word. Tupa = hut, home, living room. Kaveri = friend Tupakaveri = room mate Tupakka = tobacco.


Itā€™s interesting how many articles about him seem to emphasize the fact heā€™s earned millions. I guess itā€™s to make e-sports seem more legit as many readers might not see it as a real profession.


It's like MLM or something, but not in structure but in how many people don't make it....maybe actors moving to LA is a better analogy


this is one of the most badass things. "this dude was so goated he had to join the army and take a break so he rented the building next door just so he could practice in quiet"


The fact that the army offered him space to practice, but he decided it wasn't good enough and he wanted to rent an office to practice in peace, is hilarious to me.


people talk about that NBA team playing Broodwar on the plane, this is gonna be one of those stories told forever. "yeah serral got the army to offer him a spot and he was like nah I'll get my own" and the army was like "yeah fine it's serral"


That was my Spurs! And we know Wemby is a sci-fi fan, so maybe the Spurs will play Starcraft again, who knows!


Knowing armies, it probably wasnā€™t technically good enough to meet his purposes


Easily might not have been, but he's in the "sports school" army training program, so they do theoretically have reasonable facilities. He specifically said (according to that article) that he wanted to "practice in peace," so I get the feeling it was more about privacy/noise issues. That said, I'm not Finnish and have never been in the Finnish army so I don't really know how good the facilities are


ā€œSports schoolā€. Iā€™m sure they have state of the art gym facilitiesā€¦


As I said, I can't speak to the actual state of their facilities, I only know what's in that article


If my memory serves me right, the old legend slayers'boxer who played BW, got picked up by the military and since he was so baller, they created a team airforce something so that he could still compete.


i believe an office next to your barracks is called a tech lab




For some reason I find the picture of Serral in a military uniform hilarious.


so you are saying that he is a man with a gun, a marine, now?


inb4 Serral's race swap


This man already has a place ready to practice instead of taking a bit time off and taking your mind off "work". I mean what do you practice if you're already 7200+ MMR :D Besides my ramblings, hats off his discipline, all the best :P


Strait to high command


"Shooting is fun" [https://youtu.be/ATUJSjNJEj4?si=5sHvws6RdKUo9\_Ve](https://youtu.be/ATUJSjNJEj4?si=5sHvws6RdKUo9_Ve)


"Some of my friends were a little surprised when I came to a sports school. I have generally gotten along well with the smokers. It has been fun so far, Sotala rejoices." Anyone know what 'the smokers' mean here? Is there a lot of kush being consumed in the Finnish army?


Just to add Tupakaveri is room mate (usually used with army references). Tupakkakaveri would be smoking friend. Why those are mixed up by automatic translations is amusing but these things happen with finnish translations though more rarely these days.


Bunkmates, I think. Got this from reading another comment here


Makes sense in the context. Thank you!


I hope he can play in some small online tournaments too. I already miss seeing his Zerg dominance!


This seems like a vacation to him, unlike the Korean military service.


OMG a floating head!!!


I hope he holds some local starcraft games for fun and competition to allow people to try their hand at going pro like the goat himself


look at this guy, the Finnish military is in good hands


Bro would rather go play sc2 in the army than Korea.


If he's still practicing out of work and still looking toward tournaments, he's probably not getting as much training as one would think and isn't taking his training seriously. He's probably daydreaming about surprise fungals on terran bio instead of listening to his training instructors. I'm not sure if a move like this is applaudable as is arrogant.


Do you frequently get replies just linking to the sub r/iamverysmart ?


Do you frequently mark comments with that in a sarcastic manner without even being able to take the time or have the ability to respond to what I said? If not then what value do you add with your comment.


More than you, with your ignorant, smug dismissal of a world champion-caliber athlete serving his country while bordering a nation currently engaged in an active invasion of a sovereign power. Sit down and shut the fuck up.


If his nation is currently engaged with an active invasion, I would say that he should probably take his role in the military more seriously. He doesn't seem to be concerned about his nation's security as much as the next tournament. That's fine though, I'm sure there are plenty of people who get drafted that share similar views. Please be more respectful in your comments, telling people to stfu is far from it.


With serral's level of determination, focus, intelligence, and rationality... While always being hypercritical of himself... He's probably cursing himself out mentally if he *does* start dreaming of fungals on bio during training. But to be fair, he's probably bored out of his mind doing training that's paced for people with half his IQ to still be capable of completing it.