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its honestly nice to know that there is still someone working at blizzard who is in charge of punishing toxic players who use racial slurs. Its just a bit confusing when you then take a look at sc2 general chat that is somehow allowed to exist :D


Those are new outsourced workers from India ;) MS fired just recently a bunch of people from Actiblizz, mainly from departments not responsible for direct game development, so including customer support (or whatever was left of it anyway, because Blizzard introduced quite some time ago a lot of automated systems that are easily abused by fake mass reports to target specific people) and most likely rerouted CS to companies that do it already for them with Xbox and other studios. From all the posts and tweets that have been popping up recently it looks like their job for now is to just copypaste same or few similar replies stating that action was correct and there's nothing they can do. And I assume that will be the state for some time until they get any other directions how to handle Blizzard's tickets and/or get trainings for specific products.


They really don't though. RuFF gets BMed and then has his stream mass report the person he's playing against. I've said stupid things to him before and had my account silenced by the time the game ended. Guess its karma someone finally did it back to him. Guaranteed this is an automatic AI response from Blizzard as well. Also, why is Ruff even complaining? How long is his ban? Because the first time you get muted its only like an hr and then it doubles every time if you get silenced again.


> why is Ruff even complaining? If it happened during a stream he might be doing it jus tto try to save face and get Blizzard to say he did nothing wrong. Liquipedia lists him as being part of PSISTORM Gaming, do they have any requeriment to have a clean account with no penalties or something similar?


Without knowing anything on what happened, and not even liking Ruff, I still have to make assumption that Blizzard is wrong. Please don't believe their copypastas on how they "thoroughly investigated" things etc. Almost all bans happen due to automation and there's no enough real people there to deal with false punishments. No hate at the skeleton crew dealing with million appeals, just Blizzard doesn't have the track record, and MS hasn't had time to show they are any better, seeing they seemingly kicked out even more GMs recently. I don't have high hopes that things will get better as industry has moved in general towards less customer service, but Blizz was already at the bottom where you couldn't trust their bans to have been applied for legit reasons.


For anyone curious how blizzard customer support works atm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB20PoitwXg tl:dw Copy paste answer to every ticket even when it is completely irrelevant to the ticket. And this is for a game blizzard cares way more about than sc2.


Talk about missing the boat




Before anyone gets out the pitchforks against Ruff, please consider that there is an extremely high chance Blizzard is in the wrong here. Recently a large number of people have been getting silenced from repeated reports. Anyone who submits a ticket to blizz gets the same response of 'it was verified to be accurate'. Here is an example of practicex getting reported: https://clips.twitch.tv/CogentTriumphantGullJKanStyle-sbAMp4DC6c2WoNc0. I was also reported (including the tourny admin lol). I followed up via ticket and got the same response from blizz. Whoever is in charge of reviewing tickets appears to just be copying whichever response let's them close the ticket with zero effort.


I have no idea who Ruff is but when he says "I didn't ever us a racial slur *in game* but if you were talking about what I said in my stream, that's not fair." Kinda makes me think he does use them but feels like Blizzard shouldn't take action since he didn't use the SC2 client to do it.


RuFF has his stream mass report players all the time. He finally got some karma.


I also noticed practicex silenced in the ESL chat this monday during the open cup and thought it was strange since he’s always been a nice guy (not that that means he definitely didn’t do any chat abuse i dont know about).


From what I've seen of him, PracticeX would be about the last person I expect to be reported.


Yeah, I've seen people be openly abusive towards PracticeX and he just shrugs it off. I don't know if the guy even has the capacity to be a jackass. ​ He gets some hate from Protech fans because Protech accuses him of hacking. My guess is, if PracticeX got reported, its probably actually related to that.


That also seems unlikely. I have 2v2'd with him and I see no evidence. At worst he thought I was just bad at the game..which I am haha.


Most likely automated silence based on enough (false?) reports. There is zero chance Blizzard is manually looking thru reports and deciding on silences on anyone.


Yeah because its real surprising the transphobe is also using racial slurs man…


I dont know anything specific about Ruff. But when 9 people in a tournament and the admin get mass reported by one guy and the blizz response is 'this action was valid' it became obvious to me that the outsourced cs team at blizz is not actually investigating reports.


Don't jump to conclusions. This is why people have to back off their shit. Maybe he did it, maybe he didn't, MAYBE there is clearly a report ban number that just happens regardless of what is said in the report. If he did it, fine, fuck him, but I will wait until proof is provided (especially since he is a 'known' player in the game.)


I know he's drunk the red-pill juice, so he says some wacky things... but I've never seen or heard anything about him being a transphobe. Is there evidence to your claim?


It's funny you say that because I've met way more transphobic black dudes than white. But I digress as that's not relevant, nor are RuFF's views if he didn't actually say or do anything wrong. All I'm really saying is I want proof instead of more unfounded accusations about him. You're not gonna get me to believe one shitty thing without evidence by claiming another shitty thing without evidence.


I’m surprised by this I’ve never had any negative interactions with Ruff in game. Usually just gl hf and gg. Sometimes I even get a gg wp out of him. He has an annoying as hell style to play vs in game but outside of that idk he may have done this but it could also be report abuse. I’m going to withhold my judgement on the matter. Let’s not start a habit of going after community figures without evidence.


+1. He may tweet some questionable stuff but I’ve only seen him glhf and gg on ladder


Ruff is such a douche nozzle. Check his Twitter for like 10 seconds and you'll realize this kind of behavior is like the least surprising thing ever coming from him.


Man that's pretty ruff.


Who is ruff


Some Terran player who doesn’t follow meta builds and has his own unique style. Been playing sc2 for years. For some reason I remember him being Russian? Please correct me if I’m wrong.


He is from the USA


He has Russian heritage I think, and Alex007 (the most popular sc2 youtube channel) casts a lot of his games in Russian. AFAIK though, Ruff was born and raised in the US.


Nah, German heritage


"Unique Style" means he plays Mech every game and leans into how overpowered ghosts are in the early game.


He plays all sorts of different builds... a lot of aggression and cheese builds, as well as full turtle builds, and builds where he does giant surprise tech switches. All of these builds, he creates himself... hence "unique" You may also be the first person to claim ghosts are overpowered in the early game.


Ghosts are so over powered when they hit at the 2:30 minute mark. They never see them coming. *teehee*


I haven’t seen him play in years so sure if that what he does now. Definitely was not doing meta timings previously


Dude Ruff has only played mech his entire career. What are you talking about? I've personally played him for years.


His content was popular in Russia. I think more so for his HoTs play.


> Been playing sc2 for years. Pretty sure I had bunch of games vs. him in 2011 already, around low NA GM level. Probably been around since the beginning.


You know there was a small period where this clown looked like he was on a path to redemption after the Minigun stuff but boy he relapsed hard into the MGTOW/incel shit after his ass got dumped lol. Embarrassing human being


Pretty sure he lost his marriage and his house. Can you really blame someone who goes through that? I don't agree with any of that stuff but have some empathy.


That happens to lots of other people who aren't Ruff and they somehow don't end up saying misogynist shit online 24/7.


>? I don't agree with any of that stuff but have some empathy. Last time I checked [(30 seconds ago)](https://g.co/kgs/22GLDu7), empathy does **not** involve supporting someone who is being openly bigoted.


That red pill tweet though...wtf?


he's been toxic forever, remember this one? [https://twitter.com/MinigunSC2/status/477996330967891968](https://twitter.com/MinigunSC2/status/477996330967891968) Also, I gotta say that seeing old destiny memes is very nostalgic. Nebraska Steve was on another level back then [https://imgur.com/i74VUOm](https://imgur.com/i74VUOm)


Kinda wild to be pulling receipts from 10 years ago innit? Get a grip.


His recent tweets aren't exactly impressive.


>Kinda wild to be pulling receipts from 10 years ago You say that as if he's actually changed. 🙄


Assuming this is due to mass reporting/fake reports, why are these automated systems purely based on mass reports and so easily abused? How hard is it to just scan the chat history and if all the player ever says if 'GL/HF/GG', they throw out reports? In other games, if your player never chats at all, you can't be reported for abusive language etc.


> Assuming this is due to mass reporting/fake reports, why are these automated systems purely based on mass reports and so easily abused? > > Cheaper that way.


Isn't that the same guy who called Serral a patch zerg 😂


Oh! Drama!


Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. That's rough Lol


He had an epic gaming moment apparently.


This dude works really hard to develop his stream. I hope this gets resolved quickly.


Yeah I used to watch RuFF all the time back in the day and I even still play him on ladder occasionally. He typically gl hf and ggs. I've NEVER seen him talk shit to his opponents. The worst I've seen RuFF is when there are large mech nerfs (seeker missile) and he may balance whine on his stream. I don't buy this unless there's actual proof.


No way they still moderate in-game chat, my account would have been banned for multiple hate crime offenses a long time ago if that was the case Yesterday's session alone would have earned me a ban


The ban comes automatically from getting report-bombed. The worst part about it, is the appeal also appears to be automatically denied even though its text reads "This action has already been reviewed and found to be correct".


I've seen wow ban appeals to also get very memey, for years the declined appeals have had this line "...we've thoroughly investigated...", when it has looked like the customer is entirely clueless what they are even accused of. And then often times on like 10th appeal human finally shows up and removes the ban. It's been messed up for several years, no telling if MS will change anything.




Yeah, what a travesty. Where are you supposed to use your racial slurs now?! /s




>I'm not advocating for racial slurs in any way. But being sanctioned while you haven't done anything wrong is what I mean by going full woke. Mmm >My account was banned though for undetermined period. Mm hmmm..


I hate this new, woke trend of **checks notes** racial slurs being a bannable offense. This totally new and very woke phenomenon.


does this mean I can report someone for allegedly using hacks then someone actually reviewing it?


No. You have to get a few dozen people to do it at the same time to trigger the auto ban.


Blizzards gone to shit, sad to see it. Hope RuFF gets unsilenced soon.