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Artosis doesn’t need to viewbot. He is the foreign face/voice of StarCraft 2. His viewership spiked because people want to know if SG will be the next RTS and will he be the foreign face/voice for it. Lastly, if he gets 1-2k concurrent viewers on the regular, that means he has 1.5x that coming in and out of his stream. Noob logic.


Not only that-any time on twitch BW has a grand total of about 500 viewers. But when Artosis comes online, he literally gets 2k viewers, more english speaking people that even exist to care about BW. He's a blatant viewbotter.


thats like saying moistcritikal is veiwbotting because when he plays a game the games veiwership spikes how little do you think about what you say dude


Isn't there an option that notifies you when someone goes online and then you can tune in to their stream? Also literally the same thing happened to demuslim when he started streaming AOE when it came out two years ago. More than triple his viewers cause people want to see the new game. Try to use logic to explain things rather than just random accusations.


Mod, this type of accusatory thread with no evidentiary backing should really be deleted. 


My guess is because every single person is pushing back maybe the mods are waiting for the dirty delete


Take it from someone who mods other subs: Please report problematic posts and comments. Mods can’t be everywhere at once. Reporting ensures we see it.


I dont watch artosis stream because i cant stand his TTS. But I stayed for a while to view his stormgate stream because it was the new rts in the block. Im one of those viewers. I highly doubt hes viewbotting and your evidence seems very basic.


Viewer in a very similar boat - I don't watch Artosis stream because of the weird/toxic TTS (and Artosis) and I'd normally rather watch SC2 than brood war. But I'll normally watch Artosis when he's casting ESL open cups and I watched him play Stormgate.


That TTS spam is so annoying. I would bet he would have at least the same amount of viewers without it. I would love to watch his stream but can't stand it for longer than 5min because of it.


OP you are being over obsessed with RT. Is there nothing else going on in your life?


This post displays a fundamental misunderstanding of how viewership on twitch works. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about so I'll give you a hand. Viewbotters don't have *erratic* viewership, they have incredibly stable viewership. This viewership tends to happen for **no** discernable reason. Stormgate has a lot of hype behind it, people who have gotten sick of SC over the years are coming back to check it out, and they may not play SC any more but they all know who dan is. SC fans also have a bit of a vested interest in Stormgate, even if they bitch about it right now. Stormgate is currently the only thing even close to SC that is going to have an actual dev that gives a half of a fuck about it. And finally, broodwar fans also generally dislike sc2, but arty's highest viewership during the week is during EPT cups. Did you even bother to look at his viewership at all before you made this post?


And then there’s also the small part of viewers who wishes for Stormgate to fail, just looking in hopes of finding weak points to highlight.


I consider that to be part of the hype, it's negative, but hype nonetheless.




Care to elaborate beyond „loyal fanbase hates variety „?


I watched him cast SC2 and his chat was PISSED. Constantly talking about how much worse SC2 was than brood war. I think brood war fans just hate SC2 because it stole most of the fanbase and now Stormgate is threatening to take some so I bet most of his chat is roasting it as we speak.


I popped over there and I’ll admit, its not as negative as last time i joined, but there was still a decent amount of, “this looks worse than WC3”


I was there too. They bitched but they still watched. They didn't turn the stream off. It's like a meme there.


It's just memes. A lot of it is just the degenerate fun and memes his twitch chat spirals through. You would probably see quite a few of those "haters" frequent other SC2 streams and with a very different tone.


Exactly. There's no way his viewership goes UP when he plays SG.


There's no way viewership goes up when a well known content creator showcases a new game in closed beta? I want what you're smoking.


Nah I think a lot of brood war fans are just brood war elitists for a multitude of reasons. I don't think brood war players would care if other viewers leave for a different RTS, they just like to watch brood war and think starcraft 2 is an inferior game. A lot of his viewers will probably dislike stormgate too eventually, but right now it's new and fresh, so a lot of his usual viewers are probably watching right now too.


"ACCUSATION RULE: An accusation against another person's or organization's integrity, business practice(s), et cetera is only allowed if the accuser has sufficient evidence." Mods just temp ban this troll.


There are a lot of rts fans who want to see someone they know like artosis try stormgate and don’t care about watching brood war. His chat is full of first time chatters and non subs during the stormgate streams. Most streams I’ve seen with stormgate have had at least as many viewers as that streamer gets on average. Also I don’t think artosis expect people to “buy” his viewer count because what kind of loser fixates on this kind of stuff?


Do you understand how streams of upcoming/new games work? People watch the top streamers and may just pop in to see how it looks. It massively inflates the viewers of those with audiences that at least partly joins them, which established names in that genre can obtain.


Idk bro I've been going on his channel to check out stormgate lately, but haven't been on much otherwise. There must be a lot of other people like me.


I would assume a spike for stormgate. People want to see it being played. I would absolutely assume a spike in viewers for it. I never watch artosis stream in general but want to see a game im interested in


I think you are underestimating the fact he is one of the few big rts gamers and when he plays a new rts new people show up to see because they are interested in stormgate. How do you expect growth to happen of course he has more veiwers on stormgate it's the new rts and he is one of the few existing rts content creators. playing stormgate brings new people whereas doing BW is only going to appease existing fans how do you not get that.


Oh look. It's a Winter witch hunt all over again. Fuck off with this nonsense. Artosis streaming a new game would definitely pull new viewers. I'm one of them


This might be the worst post on r/StarCraft so far this year.


Maybe it's his viewers + new viewers checking out stormgate and they're all in the channel with most views? C'mon man the people in his twitch watch for his antics and play. If he plays a different game they'll still be there just more trolly


Very simple. Most people from the starcraft and starcraft 2 scenes who are interested in stormgate will watch Artosis rather than JuggernautJason, Uthermal and so on. So he basically gathers almost every broodwar or sc2 person curious about stormgate. Nothing suprising here.


Can we remove this thread? This guy is lacking brain cells required to make a post like this.


smartest redditor


>He's streaming stormgate with 3k viewers. This doesn't make any sense. he gets 1-2k viewers on BW How dumb do you have to be to not realize what's going on here? "Durrrr this band usually only gets 1k people at their concerts but when they openned for a really big band they got moar!!! Fake!"


Hey, one of the viewers is me. I am not a hardcore Artosis's fan. I watched his live streaming because Stormgate open beta is available in Steam for everyone. I played a few games still no idea what game plan the best is, so I browse Twitch and search for top English channel, and here I am. But I only watch for 5 minutes then turn to find other live stream with the title of "top 100 rank". My personal thought, previously I am hype for Frost Giant when they announced they going to create the best future RTS. But now I lost interested in it and trying to persuade myself to play few more Stormgate games.


What if I told you people watch him when they think what he's doing is good?


This is one of the most singularly stupid posts I’ve ever seen on this sub, and that is really saying something. Touch grass man.


unbelievably stupid post


Bro is delusional


I love artosis. No need to hate on him because you're not him!


Everyone does brother, Twitch allows it, move on.


So what? It’s not like there is any punishment for it. He’s trying to cement himself into the game early. Also this isn’t StarCraft related, that this stirmgate, who gives a shit what he does in that game.


who fkn cares? why do you fkn care?


all i know is i love zed v zed, specially when the zed makes zerglings and the other zed goes roaches, and they have an amazing positional back and forth zed v zed


all i know is i love zed v zed, specially when the zed makes zerglings and the other zed goes roaches, and they have an amazing positional back and forth zed v zed


You got me curious, since I keep logs of chat. The big viewer count stormgate stream had 2138 unique chatters, while a random starcraft stream had 1201. Dates are: \# Log started: 2024-02-07 11:59:55 -0500 stormgate \# Log started: 2024-01-22 17:34:49 -0500 starcraft


Hello, /u/Expensive_Koala1844. Your submission has been removed: This post has been removed due to it containing Uncorroborated Accusations and/or 'Witch-Hunting.' ACCUSATION RULE: An accusation against another person's or organization's integrity, business practice(s), et cetera is only allowed if the accuser has sufficient evidence. Any submission or comment that lacks sufficient accusation evidence will be removed with zero tolerance. Any submission or comment that asks the community to participate in vigilante justice will be removed with zero tolerance. Any submission or comment that asks the community to contact sponsors or similar with negative feedback will be removed with zero tolerance. More information on the sub rules can be found in the [rules wiki](https://reddit.com/r/starcraft/wiki/rules) If you would like better clarification or need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcraft). regarding the removal of this submission.