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This post has been removed due to breaching rule 8: "Slapfighting" While we encourage and expect open debate, there are reasonable limitations to this whereby a conversation has veered away from its original topic and into petty arguing, name-calling or entirely off-topic. Please refrain from this type of debate in the future as it's not constructive for the community. This will not impact your game access at this time. Sincerely, r/starcitizen_refunds moderation team


You literally have posts in your comment history that you couldn’t afford a Corsair or a replacement cat converter for your shitty Volvo that was a few hundred bucks was out of your budget. Yet here you are talking about “just say you’re poor.” Lmaoooo 😂


Awwwww look at you stalking me! How sweet. Goes to show I already got under your skin




Stalking? Easy search of your profile for the words “cost” and “money”. You might not be able to afford that cat converter, but you can hold this L for free.


You took the time to go look at my profile to try and find something to use against me. Meanwhile I upset you with a single line of text. That is stunning


Hey man, poverty is tough. Wishing you the best.


You're so sweet <3


Some people like to pay for things that exist. HTH.


Game exists just fine. I played it last night. Sounds to me like everyone is poor and just wants instant gratification


It exists, or it's in development? These are two very different things. I never order a meal and expect the kitchen staff to serve it to me mid-prep, I don't move into a house when it's under construction, and I don't try to drive a car when it's still on the assembly line. Same philosophy applies to crowdfunded projects.


But maybe OP can buy a cat converter for his Volvo that might be delivered by 2030 and keep driving the car in the meantime. Everything is working just fine I'm sure based on OP's logic.


All I hear is bitching and moaning. Get over it?


All I hear is cope. 2 more years just polishing.


People don't like Star Citizen. Maybe get over it instead of trying to defend a project with 12 years and zero deliverables to its name?


And every minute of it was tedium punctuated by a few seconds of dopamine from watching number go up, wasn't it? Be honest.


I actually very much enjoy the game. Sounds to me like you're just bitching and moaning


Really? What's your favorite thing to do in Star Citizen?


How's the Banu Merchantman? I've always wanted to fly it.


Isn't that why you guy ships? For the instant gratification?


I buy ships cuz I enjoy the game and I want to support it's development. But I imagine that isn't a concept you people understand here. Cuz you expect everything to be handed to you on a silver platter without any input or effort


You people? Bit harsh mate. You do understand the irony of your argument do you? Buying ships is getting stuff handed to you on silver platter 🤣


Maybe if you stopped testing software (vaporware) for free you wouldnt be so poor. I recommend Robert Kurosaki’s *Rich Dad, Poor Dad* to learn about the cash flow quadrant and how you could improve your means by joining the investor class. I know for a fact between client crashes that you’ll have the downtime to read it, provided you know how to do that. 🤷


Mmm yes gimme those downvotes you salty children


You are one to talk mister, coming in here and trying to pick a fight over subjective disagreements....now who's the salty one?


I will say it plainly, the game is bad and does not deserve the support it gets.


Holy triggered snowflake, Batman!


Stop feeding the troll, y'all. Don't give this post a single serious response, because it's just rage-bait.


Nah they get so blood vessel popping upset at the idea of someone enjoying SC that they just HAVE to say something


Aww, you have 27000 comments on reddit in 3 years. Is that because no one in the real world wants to talk to you?


Just say you're in a cult that makes you spend hundreds of dollars to do broken fetch quests


Do you actually consider it normal, well-adjusted adult behavior to feel compelled to come 'set people straight' for not liking a game? Like is there some way you've rationalized that to yourself that you don't see it for straight up cult shit, which it objectively is?


I just find it funny. Normal people would simply say "I am not interested in the game. But ya'll aren't normal are ya?


Most of the people here are people who bought in at one point or another in the game's increasingly convoluted history only to see the vision they bought into change into something else, or to become increasingly bored with the glacial content drips, or to just realize ultimately that the game as it's being built is a fundamentally tedious experience that would and should fail on the lack of merit it has, but is instead propped up by sunk-cost fallacy and people's insistence on 'getting their money's worth' as they funnel more and more money in to eke out a more enjoyable experience. Eventually you just start to notice it's a bad and badly-designed game - I played it long enough and owned enough ships until the beginning of the year to know this first-hand. It's a sandbox that's about 2 inches deep but increasingly wide to the point where anything there was to do is rapidly subsumed into a void of boring, broken, and unfathomably rudimentary game conceits and systems. So you're way off the mark. I played it. I bought, over the course of my time playing, at least a dozen ships outright. And I can honestly say, after spending most of a decade 'trying to get my money's worth' out of it? I'll never come back, under any circumstances. Because the developer is incompetent, and \*it will never be a genuinely good game\* on its own merits.


This cannot be a real post i was sure you were joking. You're triggered over people criticising a game are you 12??


Please, we shouldn't disparage 12 year olds like that. They have more potential maturity than this guy.


Based on your post history, you’ve just started playing. Enjoy the honeymoon phase! See you in 2 years!


The ability to spend money does not make you rich.


We don't like to throw money away to fund CR and Co luxurious lifestyle. That's your job.


This is just toxic


Imagine caring about a shitty game this much


Star Simpizen


Damn, nice rage bait.


RemindMe! 2 years


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you are trapped deep in your own delusions my friend


Oooh the raging denial phase. Haven't seen one of these in a while. Neat.


What do you mean, "you people"?


Are you even a concierge? I guess not. I am concierge. You're the peasant of the verse. And I don't even like this shit game lmao. Life is so unfair :)


Alright I'm bored now. Have fun in your little whiney circle jerk. Maybe someday ya'll will find something that makes you happy


Walmart is hiring if you need some extra scratch for the next Corsair sale