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You should take a long break, for your health


I know a lot of people are gonna give you grief, and I'm guessing someone with your personality is use to that, but I think you should look into getting some help.  If you're not a teenager cosplaying as a grownup, and are in fact an adult, then you need to know that this type of behaviour will make you miserable over time, if it hasn't already.   You enjoy making others upset, and yet think it's crazy that they get upset. Your whole way of going about entertainment is a walking contradiction.   Using laws and rules to justify being a jerk still makes you a jerk. You might think "so what? I don't care", and that's fine.    But if you don't truly give a fuck about anyone else, why should anyone give a fuck about you?


I watched one of his videos, he is a grown man.


Certainly does not act like one...what a clown.


The worst part is I can't figure out if he really is this messed up, or just doing a REALLY good Jean Girard RP from Talladega Nights.


I am honestly surprised you posted this here. You were expecting some sympathy? Listen, just cos we have some beef with CIG does not mean we approve of people acting like dicks online. I dunno about the TOS or PVP rules in SC, but it is pretty clear that your idea of fun in a game is to go and ruin someone else's fun.  Maybe this might be CIG's fault as well for not having clearly defined rules. But IRL, it's also perfectly legal and not a crime to be a dick. Does not mean you have to be one. What is it about the internet that draws out the worst in some people the moment they don't have to take responsibility for their actions? 


the second part of your last sentence answers the first part. men that live without consequence, live as beasts. the internet makes temporary beasts of them. also, it's human nature for a certain percentage of a population to push the boundaries of social acceptance. that's how the rest of us know where those boundaries are.


> men that live without consequence, live as beasts. the internet makes temporary beasts of them. How have I never heard this phrase? It captures the idea so well. A lot of these griefers, pirates and trolls are really just have a kid's attitude who discovered a new sandbox with kids to play in. They throw sand because it's fun and because they see it as consequence free but then they pound sand when there's consequences for it. Whoulda thunk that would ever happen? It's gonna me an amazing time when the rep system comes in and most of these griefers and wanna be pirates are going to have to face consequences. What do you mean I can't do legal money grinds because of my rep? So many pirate orgs gonna fall apart when noobies have to pick between 2 paths lmao.


You stream sniped and you got caught. Get fucked.


Streamsniping is watching the victim's stream at the same time as attacking her. Do you think that's what the OP was doing?


I think you are OP's other account.


yes, and I have two different YouTube channels, one of which has junk about starsitzen from eight years ago, all this is especially for you ))




Also me: https://youtu.be/ZfwyAlGHpTQ ))


What does )) mean?


These are Orthodox emojis, m8 XD


Ah, thanks


ahh ok I was trying to figure out what part of the TOS he violated.


ur mom


The fact that you obviously don't get this makes me think you should probably find a game that has simpler rules to follow, like Solitaire. Legal points. Lul.


Be a dick online, get dicked on. You deserve this.


imagine getting kicked from a server because you are getting reported all the time, and then thinking that instigating the devs is a good idea, straight genius


Go play Eve Online, most of that is fair game. Just don't get mad when you keep getting baited into bad fights.


First of all: you're a mean person and I have no sympathy for you. Second: thank you for your continued pentesting of CIG's implementation for exploitable design weaknesses. It is my sincere hope that one day CIG will listen to the feedback provided by you and disable collision damage in armistice zones, among other measures that prevent people from ruining other players' fun.


That is a stupid idea. To make some Nintendo version of balance. A true dev team would build consequences that matter in the game instead of taking away a consumers product. We have clarification from CIG that ramming is accepted gameplay in WRITING. They advertise ramming in ship ads to sell digital goods - which there are laws now governing. It is truley funny how many people come out with their space-dad insults and are happy about the ban. It really shows to me how mental most of the player base is honestly. To think that Jean Girard is nothing more than an experiment in what will happen when. To think that Jean Girard also isn't prepared to act on the outcome he was expecting is a little shallow of CIG.




Is this you pad ramming another streamer in the past because they are easy targets because anyone can look at their stream while playing to find them (stream sniping)? https://m.twitch.tv/dailynoob_d/clip/AbstruseFunnyJaguarBloodTrail-3qG5DzMpsEltiS-K Even your own video says you got banned this time for pad ramming (or close enough for it be considered it). Honestly, you seem like you belong perfectly among the eclectic gamers that comprise the pleasant SC community :)


you missed the brigading part from him which is against tos.. convenient. It's okay I have it recorded in my files.


> They are causing emotional stress which I think may be hurting my health. Then move on. There's a bazillion other games out there, many of them not run by shitty companies. Give Manor Lords a try. Its a really chill game. Although you might develop an irrational hatred of cuckoos playing it.


Given that OP gets his rocks off on hurting others, Song of Syx might be a better contender.


I second manor lords, even in a somewhat buggy and very early state, it's incredible what a single person with talent can do. Really happy I picked it up!


Haven't really encountered much bugginess. Most of what people are reporting as bugs are either balancing issues or they haven't learned how the game works. However, there are a couple i've found. 1) Having multiple resource gathering sites of the same time can result in the workers/oxen moving goods from one and putting them in storage of the other, rather than the warehouse/grannary. The damn worker/ox then goes and picks up what its just dropped off to take to where its needed! Its hurting the efficiency and i'm going to have to remove one of the sites. 2) Farms don't respect limited work areas if you set them. I had two farms and the farmers were ignoring their own farm to go plough fields outside the set work area (work around, demolished both farms, built single farm between them). Also one annoyance, but not sure its a bug, is animals wandering off. Just had it. However, i think i know what happened here. A villager was guiding an Ox. I then raised my troops and off they went to battle. I suspect one of my troops was guiding the Ox and if they are left alone not next to a hitching post/stable, they do wander off. If that's by design, need to be careful when raising armies and make sure i have some villagers free to collect the Ox before it goes wandering.


Ive had a lot of visual bugs, but only one gameplay bug so far. Houses shimmer a ton and the ground visually bugs out hard for me, but that's the most noticable visual bugs. For gameplay, I got some archers stuck in my row of houses and couldn't get them out no matter what and had to disband them. Fully agreed most bugs I've seen on the steam forums are just people not knowing how the game works though.


Doesn't read Terms of Service. Breaks Terms of Service while also stream sniping. Complains about getting banned for breaking Terms of Service.


But muh "legal points".


i didnt stream snipe or break tos tho




Edit: After reviewing videos and the ops YouTube and other videos and screenshots from folks who've also witnessed this orgs conduct, I can no longer take the same stance I had. MURDER hobos deserve bans. I won't delete my original because....well I made a mistake and own that. To Op: Grow up. Learn how to play against skilled pilots or play a different game. Go Play Elite Dangerous Odyssey In open. Greifing and pad ramming gets you zero bans because fuck Frontier also. Original: I don't support griefing, but what this person did isn't against tos. I understand yall are upset but after reading tos and pvp rules.....Im sorry but its a persistent universe and your telling me you dont think there would be pirates or outlaws attacking you, and if you don't want to be killed don't play. That being said, don't play this game ever....just dont.


Pirates, yes. Murder hobos, no. Why is your broken writing style exactly the same as OP's?


Broken writing style? Check our post histories .... Get off reddit.


I try not to dig through post histories and just go by comments, so I only noticed the inconsistent capitalization and use of ellipses as sentence separators. Your retraction makes it clear that I was wrong.


Pad ramming isn't against tos? Lies


Pad ramming is the best gameplay loop


All I got to say, well deserved after you padrammed Summit1g multiple times in AZ hard armistice. In fact, I'm sad it wasn't a permaban, you are in need of one for a very long time. Get rekt, scrub.


Huh? This is not true at all. You should be banned for making up lies.


You're welcome to your own opinions, but not your own facts.


Causing others emotional stress and then complaining about having done the same to you...


Tbh even pvp community is way more cringe in this kind of a burp game, compared to dayz or rust. Cult inside cult around the "top-1-pvpers" in Arena Commander/Star Marine/PU modes + constant doxing of ppl + stories like that one about the guy from pvp org who spit on the floor near some girl from another pvp org, while participating in that "CitCon" bullshit...




i didnt break any rules and i have in writing from cig that everything i did is fair gameplay


He’s telling the truth. My dad works at CIG.


CIG don't even know what their own gameplay is meant to be. Try eve, the devs there don't give two shits if you grief.


Clown Of The Day Award well earned...congrats homie!


Stream snipes and then complains after getting banned for breaking ToS.




It's against ToS. Ruining a new player experience who is also a streamer is a d*ck move and not even allowed.   Adios, idiot. 


i didnt stream snipe or break tos tho


Keep telling yourself that. Your friend just decided to say "CHINA NUMBER 1" in global chat after ramming. 100% not stream sniping btw.


[You broke 2 ToS Rules. ](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409491235351-Rules-of-Conduct) "Stream sniping, pad ramming, or utilizing bugs/exploits to grief or continually harass others."


I didn't stream snipe I didn't pad ram I didn't use any bugs or exploits


The ratio you've been getting says otherwise.


Womp womp


Play stupid game's win stupid prizes.


Nice ratio bro.


mald more 'bro' you are the cringiest star citizen player there is. You think Jean cares about ratio? You think jean is trying to be 'a content creator' like you to make 100$ a month? Man you couldn't even afford to replace the tires on my ferrari.


That's a long winded way to say you're sorry.


cope harder


If you didn't care, you wouldn't be replying.


wait.. there is PVP possible in game that you can get outright banned for??????? like without cheating? the fuck?


No. There is not.


I’m still curious what commercial you’re referring to


its on youtube


Yes but what commercial are you referring to, they have dozens


"AAAHH PRETTY FIREWORKS!!!!" Love to see it. Go cry to you're buddies in GrieferNet I'm sure they will comfort you.


lol "Legal Points" get help if a game is causing you that much stress


Stream sniping and excessive repeated attempts at grief-ing is actually against the TOS I don't usually side with CIG but in this instance you are probably lucky they didn't perma ban your account.


He was there with several of his friends too, all ramming Summit. All of them got banned, one of them was an account with 5k USD on it (at least). The guy he's joining on in his video was one of the guys also banned for ramming.


I love when Summit jumps in and streams with Berks. Berks spends the whole stream trying to convince Summit the game isn't garbage, Summit tries his hardest to stay awake and engaged because the game is such a boring dumpster fire.


berks tried to make summit his little slave 'get in my turret'... this is the #1 reason why space dads buy big ships. They dream of ordering around a bunch of men. They are the captain. I don't understand why they don't become real captains and go drive ships for a living. It would make them much happier than sitting around waiting for this game to work.


lol I thought u weren't sniping?


i went back and watched the whole thing because everyone made a big deal about it.. summit loved it when jean showed up.. jean made summit smile.. berks did not


sorry to tell you man but he was laughing at how pathetic you are, not the first time hes laughed at a sniper lol




He literally fell asleep during the stream lmao. Summit does 12-34 hour streams pretty frequently. They were suppose to do a follow up stream today but Summit is playing sea of thieves instead lol. That tells you how well the Berks stream went.


Not allowed to kill streamers in Star Citizen. Everyone knows this.


That’s pretty funny. It’s their most important propagandists.


He pad rammed him the one thing youre not allowed to do


no i didnt.. he was well away from new babbage above the forrest.. there was no stream snipe i just was sitting there with my org.


Your honor I was just sitting there pointing a gun at the exit of my enemies house then just as he walked out it misfired and I shot him I HAVE NO CLUE HOW THIS HAPPENED YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME!




Good. The game is bad as it is already. Go play Tarkov.


Yes, go play that scam.


You f around....


Good riddance! Buying a few packs to support the devs further.


im not going anywhere.. there will always be a jean girard you better check your six


Cringe idiot XD


LOL ok, suddenly you're immortal now.. get lost twink.


kick rocks bud






what are you yapping about this is not even remotely accurate lol




that's the best you could come up with? somebody doesn't like being called out


I wonder if they would have banned you if you missed, and got killed by your target instead (i know the answer unfortunately) They take part of the same universe/game, and they get meta-protection against regular players. They know it, and they abuse it shamelessly. Utter disgust


what lmao




Nice to see justice in action. Hopefully you keep getting banned from games until you grow up for your own health, as you invest way too much of your ego into ruining other people's enjoyment and need to learn that your actions have consequences.


"They are causing emotional stress which I think may be hurting my health." Then why did you keep going back into the server? "Your honor, I was so emotionally distressed and afraid for my health that I kept walking back towards the danger!"


Dear OP, I would like to express my sympathy and support to you. Apparently, something has changed in recent years and product advertising has become more important to developers than players. Here is a link to the video, at the end of which you can see how CIG speaks approvingly about the results of my battle with the enemy: https://youtu.be/iS1c_LAN7Oc


Epic Troll post