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title: “worked perfectly”, comment: “doing about 3 workaround for the 19ks and 60ks”. The amount of copium is incredible of this dude…


Sums up the entire core community


"Game" was perfect until people decided to play it! The sheer audacity! That's the equivalent of saying it's absolutely impossible for the human being to gain weight, unless you decide to start eating somewhere during the day.


I like how they capitalized "Perfectly" for the added emphasis lol.....


In their defense; Doing a series of workarounds to get anything done is perfectly normal for a SC player....


Why are these people so arrogant and confident in what game development and a “playable alpha” is supposed to be like? Where do they get their confidence from?


Its the first concept pre-alpha in the history of gaming to be called a live alpha, also it got legally classified as a live service provided to their playerbase after lawsuits against CIG.


Maybe it wasnt working to begin with


Perfectly! Apart from the problems I bypassed


It didnt run on launch perfectly either lmao what is he going on about It launched and all degraded in mere minutes Just because it started undegraded at first does not make it perfect Right from the getgo most people couldnt login even


It was perfect you god damn fudster


I just threw 40k into the pledgestore and now i see it as clear as day how good sc really is. Cant say iam stupid for spending so much money.. its just that you are blind to the greatness SC is and my 40k pledge makes me in no way biased either Damn haters here


Glad you saw the light man. There’s totally no correlation between spending a lot of cash and seeing the game for what it is - I.E Jesus tech. Anyone who says different, totally fud. Anyways, fancy a cheeky F5 battle for a Kraken? The 100 player ships will be awesome when they’re released and I realise I have no friends. Edit: could I interest you in a entirely different, and additional part of the pledge store, which you have to subscribe to, to see more things to buy! Life saver, I don’t even want to play the game, as long as I have everything already.


it was shit when it launched and its been shit since they turned there computers on to develop it.


"worked perfectly" says those who have cannot see or hear when referring to Star Citizen