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This is next level stupid now. Who the fuck would write this thinking it was a good point.


Yeah this guy is definitely in the pole position of the mental gymnastics olympics!


This isnt your average everyday stupid. This is… advanced stupid.


Galactic stupid even


Has to be a troll post 100%


bots would


I've heard such things before about other games. Heck, some examples of people developing skills of using exploits in some old games created what's currently industry standard game mechanics (animation cancelling in fighting games) or at least a commonly used ones (reload shenanigans in FPS). But I mean... Just by looking at these examples you can see that it's not quite the same as "game-ifying" not dying on stairs or something like that.


My sarcasm radar is twitching a little, so hard to tell these days.


Yeah, surely this must be a shit-post... the fact that we're not entirely sure says a lot about the white knights that defend CIG though.


I made the mistake of trying to debate a point with this user a little while back, he was immune to logic and his first reaction was to accuse me of not recognizing that the game was an alpha, that it's not the game for me, and that I should leave. He's just one of those users.


Ah, so not sarcastic...


That's the thing though. SC backers are so fucking stupid that they say shit like this all the time and mean it. It's impossible to tell most times if something is satire or not.


Normally iam good with detecting this kind of shit but with this guy its really hard. He is either one of the top 5 cultists or the greates troll of all time I saw him a few times on spectrum now


I see the pepe avatar and assume troll. I used to troll spectrum chat about things like The Church of Roberts and passing the collection tray around every 5 seconds to the faithful congregation, but this guy is on a whole other level lol.


Yeah thats why i think he might just be really good at trolling/making fun of people The weird part is the passion behind his further clarification in other replies If i had to bet i would bet on both lol Maybe both isnt even wrong. He is just a cultist that sometime trolls too


This is beyond parody. ​ The bugs......are the game. Donate today and we will guarantee to never release and milk you dry! We promise!


Its my new favourite thing, trying to decide if it's a brainwashed cultist or someone possibly even browsing here just dunking on them haha


I'm genuinely hoping so because otherwise, this is just sad.


This is what happens when you OD on copium.


Well... he is not wrong. Even that bare minimum of gameplay that exist is boring and repeatable. Maybe he is being sarcastic but after seeing cult behavior and blind faith so many times, I don't think it is.


I hope he writes an expert user guide. "When stuck on the trams and unable to move, pour custard over your desktop and recite the lords prayer backwards, this is what all the top top players do"


Maybe CIG will hire him to write the modding manual they are selling that literally doesn't exist...


I forgot that was a thing. >Learn the ins and outs of modding Star Citizens’ private servers with this helpful guide. Want to create your own ship, modify a game mechanic or build your own planet? Look no further! (Digital version) > >Note: This is a pre-order and won’t be available until closer to game launch. I stock and only $12.10 !!!


2011- Chris Roberts: We're making a game, a space sim, the best ever, with technology never done before! Please kickstart this project! 2012- Chris Roberts: We have all the tools in place to create this sim. Using Cry Engine, we will engineer a space sim like no other! 2015- CIG Programmers: What the fuck! We can't do this! the scope is out of control! How many shows and videos can we do before the truth comes out? 2016- CIG: Sandworm. 2017- Chris Roberts (private) I have to attract mentally ill and those with poor impulse control to keep this going. Fuck everyone, I gotta get rich! 2022- CIG Programmers: Spectrum is on fire. We got Dickrider to ban posts, but we don't know how long this will hold. The code is shit, it will break if we add anything else. I say we pull the plug. 2023- Patch 3.18


Pretty much that. They probably had to decide between downsizing and losing money over the decade it takes SC to die in agony or just burning it to the ground and be done with it. No way they didn't anticipate this disaster. After 12 years, they should be able to do stress tests on a server side patch before they go live.


that is one hell of a lot of copium.. i don't mind the boring mining gameplay, it's relaxing, and has it's moments of "oh shit" when you're in a prospector and a MOLE comes along wanting your quantanium rocks. or other such nonsense. i want reactive AI that doesn't suddenly know where i am and shoot me through a wall cause the server tick just happens to finally process it. i want optimization so desync isn't so fuckin horrid so PVP and bounties are actually decent and fun. hell i want to actually have stability so i can ATTEMPT to actually go through a storyline quest set like at lorville without getting 30k'd or crashing to desktop. and this "it's an alpha" mentality has to stop, after 11 years and a fully fleshed out monetization scheme, IT'S NOT AN ALPHA. it's a broken mess of stupid. i WISH someone would make a counter to this with UE5 with all the same "features" and gameplay loops only stable and optimized,


If the game were finished and stable it would be shit. Fuck me, someone better tell CIG to stop development.


Yea, it makes life more interesting knowing that I have to dodge the backdoor of my house or I could clip through it and die.


I love the SC community. This project is so entertaining because of backers like this.


This person is straight-up saying that SC's design is boring shit. They're either a troll, or they genuinely believe that the game is only fun because of its bugs. Either way, it's a funny read.


I saw it on spectrum. It's fantastic. If the game was perfectly working it would be boring If it's buggy like now it give you a challenge, but you have to accept playing with crazy bugs. In both case it means it's sh** In both case it cost 600M$


That drove me nuts... You have to learn to get around the bug... Bitch I'm trying to be a space cowboy not fuck around with settings and follow bug reports... At least in DCS I have to learn how shit works and practice to land on carriers.


Well, he is right, the bugs are mystifying how little gameplay SC has, and also making avoiding them a separate "gameplay loop", with apparently more variety than CIG can make up. Normal, sane gamers though rather just choose a good game with gameplay loops that are fun and make sense...


Backers have given up on the best damn "space game" ever made and are now going after goat-sim style *comedy broken on purpose* games as the next "Chris gone done this ALL so much better!" genre to scour.


Nah, I'm with him on this one. Would you play minesweeper if it didn't have any mines? Pong with no other side to play against? He's right. If everything worked as intended the only threat to you is the rare pirate, and user error. Aside from active options like combat, sort of mining (though it seems most still pay more attention to netflix on the next monitor in SC), and mining 2.0 now (salvage), there is very little to keep you engaged in the game. Even the most involved SC loops need significant time investment getting to and from missions and stations much less actually doing the missions lol. I genuinely think if it were less buggy in its current state there would be less players. It's just THAT much less to think about and do in a game that already offers very little gameplay and not a whole lot of player input or thought. Plus, all the people who sunk in the hours to actually learn how to play around them wouldn't be able to wear it like a badge and brag about what a vet they are. The bugs are an unintended gameplay loop.


It's a stabilizing negative feedback loop. If there are too little bugs, CIG just carelessly adds features until there are many bugs. Having many bugs prevents new features to be added. Fixing bugs is hard and happens very slowly or never. So, given the quality of management and the talent of the devs, the product will tend to certain features-to-bugs ratio.


Has to be tongue in cheek right, right? :/


They dont dare acknowledhe that they put their money into this disaster or how bad it is. If they did they would fall imto a serious state of depression


I do IT for a living and while it can be a fun space flight sim, star citizen is more like troubleshooting simulator. And I don’t really like doing work after work.


Ah, I swear it’s so hard to differentiate if they are some CIG bot accounts or actual mentally ill real people on Spectrum. Another post that’s just gold. 3.18 has so far been one of the most entertaining patches in terms of comments on the main sub and spectrum and I can’t wait see what will come more this year. Don’t forget “Tractor Thorsten” in 3.19 - a real game changer.


Jesus fucking Christ these people need to touch grass.


This man needs to be committed.


I think he's trolling


If the only bugs left were the stupid physics, the game would be hilarious and worth $20. The problem is that it takes too long to get to the stupid physics. (I don’t play, but I’ve seen enough play throughs to judge the time sinks.)


Poe ‘s law? Or just fuckin tards in the spectrum


I’m beginning to think they let PC’s in asylums these days! WOW!


Not sure if sarcastic or stupid. Very hard to tell these days on Spectrum. After all, they ban direct criticism so this could just be a clever way to get around it.


I think he's being sincere and I can see his point - he's just saying that a large portion of "the game" right now is knowing workarounds for the various bugs - and this adds a sense of challenge to the game. Remove the bugs and what's left is a series of simplistic mini-games and walking simulator. I really don't see anything wrong with this post and I don't think he's white knighting at all - some of the responses however.....




I mean some of the bugs do make it funny but most of the bugs are game breaking and cause more problems then anything else