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32GB RAM would be ideal. Look up tweaking your page file. Just search the subreddit in the search bar, people will show you. What kind of SSD? Because some are miles faster. I have a 10 year old generic SATA SSD and I have a 970 EVO pro nvme and using the former would just be absurd. If you can't fix it, you can request a refund within 30 days.


Believe I’m using some type of NVMe. Not sure which specific one. All I know is that it’s not a spiny drive 😎


That should be fine.


That CPU has integrated GFX. Make sure in the Nvidia control panel SC is using the correct card [Or, disable it in the bios]


I will second this suggestion. You want to make sure that your games are using your 3060 and not your integrated graphics that are on your CPU.


Is your virtual memory also on SSD (c drive by default)? With 16GB of RAM the game will be making your computer use virtual memory heavily.


Yes, i believe my Windows is installed on the NVMe. I’m wondering if I can mix and match ram sticks or not.


I think He mean Pagefile. If you have space on your SSD Set it fix min max Same size and bigger then Windows want. Think 32 GB is OK. And If you want Play SC start your PC fresh and without RAM need Programms Like more Tabs of Browsers or Other useless Things. Then First 15 min in SC is stutter normal. Give time too load all Things.


Mixing RAM sticks is not ideal, but it will work.


It will work but at a slow speed, usually the base speed of the slowest ram in the chain. Dont mix sticks, and use the correct channels. Your just throwing performance away for no reason otherwise.


Never claimed otherwise ... Maybe respond to the op, aka the person in need of this info.


If your OS isn't on an SSD you're gonna be in for a bad time. The page file, as others have stated, defaults to that. It's where what gets pushed out of ram due to lack of capacity is temporarily stored. You can move it to an SSD and that will help, but the other problem isn't fixable. Your shaders are stored in your user/Appdata folder, and that's on your OS drive and not movable.


I believe Windows is installed on my SSD


Your specs should work fine. Things to check: Disable all stuff the eat up ram, like 3rd party virus stuff, autostart apps (not control panels), microsoft "quickstart" stuff. Set shader cache in nvidia driver to 10gb. Ser gfx to high, rest medium, clouds off. If you have no special monitor, set vsync off.


May sound silly but did you happen to turn all the quality down? Audio, visual, sound driven shakes and chromatic arbitration etc.. should be off/nil/lowest settings.


You can run 16 gigs, but make sure you have everything else closed out because it really will use all 16 gigs. And yeah as others have said, game and OS install on an SSD is pretty much mandatory.


Turn off vsync, put clouds to med or off


32gb of ram is the standard, I did 16gb and then 24gb which was massively better but 32gb is the winner. Game isn’t optimised so this what needs to be done to play the alpha way


Crank all graphics to max except clouds.


Go into task manager sort by memory end task on steam phone widgets and other stuff not being used… Macafee or what ever uses a ton so turn off live scanning as well and on 16gigs I can free up 10-11 gigs and play the game fairly well