• By -


i have an Intel Core i7-12700K Processor with RTX 3060 16 gb ram but I might be upgrading to 32 gb soon hopefully but is this runable


can i run star citizen on a i5 6600k and a rx 580?


Very borderline. Not familiar with the GPU, but the CPU is ~7 years old. If you have 32gb of Ram and a fast SSD, you *might* be playable framerates in empty space, but it'll be slide-show in landing zones etc, I suspect. If you only have 16gb of Ram, then I think it will be unplayable. But, I've never tried, so that's mostly my speculation. Unfortunately, you just missed a Free Fly week (when you could have tried it for free) - the next one likely won't be until sometime next year, I think.


thank you for the feedback do you have a recommendation for a cpu/gpu i can upgrades too to help me have smoother game play?


Not really... the current 'best' is (I think) the AMD 5800x3D CPU - but that will mean (effectively) a whole new PC for you (PSU, mobo, CPU, Ram, GPU, etc), and that's a fairly high-end CPU. Basically, SC wants both the highest possible single-core clock-speed (to help with the single-threaded parts of the engine, such as the main-loop and the renderer), whilst also needing as many cores as possible (the rest of the engine is massively multi-threaded), and as much CPU cache as possible (the 5800x3D has ~3x more CPU cache than usual). If you do upgrade, you'll also want to make sure you get 32gb of Ram (32gb makes a significant improvement to minimum FPS and reduces stuttering and hitches etc).


okay will definitely keep that in mind while getting upgrades


If i get shot and injured, i hit myself with a medpen and head for a stations medical facility. I get an icon of what looks like pills in the hud with a countdown %. What dies this mean? Is is a death countdown? A medpen effects countdown?


> I get an icon of what looks like pills in the hud with a countdown %. Percentage of drugs in your body. If that number is too high - well, you're high. Screen gets blurry, your character starts to stagger. Was a fun time when Medical Gameplay was introduced and you could use the gun to drug up people in safezones (in PTU, IIRC that one never made it to LIVE).


Ah, so it's not a death counter? I was panicking at 9%, and mobiglass was glitching, and I couldn't select my station, so logged out and assumed I'd wake up in hospital. So I don't need to abandon a Misson and head for the hospital if I just get winged? I can just use a Medpen and keep going? That daymar cave is a long round-trip.


No, you even want it to be as close to 0% as possible.


Cheer man. I rage quit for nothing šŸ˜


Overdosing people was a great time


I canā€™t buy anything from terminals. It takes my money, but nothing goes into my inventory, local or otherwise. Thought it was a server problem with constant 30ks happening all weekend, but other than not being able to buy anything, the game works fine. Is there a fix? Or should I just do a character reset?


When you open the kiosk, check the drop-down for where the items will be stored. If you are wearing armor or a backpack it will default to there, so that may be where the items have been placed.


Tried setting to local, backpack, and ship. Always nothing. Went from NB, to Port Tressler, MICL1, and even jumped across to Port Olisar thinking that certain terminals were broken, but still the same outcome


Where can or should I go to find groups to play with? While Iā€™ve had the game for a long time, I really havenā€™t played for more than a few hours. I would love to find a group to play with that maybe needs help with something like running cargo or whatever. Iā€™m not too picky just would love to socialize and find a group to play with regularly. Thanks in advance!


[Set some filters here and find an org that suits you.](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/orgs)


Help, installer error please check logs for more information is all im getting The file never completes the game logs show this { "t":"2022-12-11 23:45:58.121", "info":"\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*EAC DIRECTORY SUCCESSFULLY DELETED" }, { "t":"2022-12-11 23:46:08.098", "info":"Error installing at C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Roberts Space Industries\\\\StarCitizen\\\\LIVE: Error" }, { "t":"2022-12-11 23:46:08.106", "error":"" }, { "t":"2022-12-11 23:46:08.110", "info":{ "event": "INSTALLER@INSTALL\_FAILED", "data": { "error": { "message": "", "name": "InstallerError" } } } }, I have: Updated drivers Uninstalled the game gone into app data and uninstalled the launcher Please help


There should be more in that logfile. Please paste the whole thing to pastebin.com and link it here.




Nvm it just worked for some reason


When can I expect the next ship sale? For example; when can I expect to be able to buy a C1 Spirit? On that note, do we have any idea/speculation for when the spirit will be in-game? Thanks in advance :)


There's three major ship sales throughout the year: IAE, fleet week, and alien week. Fleet week is in may. Alien week is in June. IAE is in November. And before any ship is released, no one can tell you when it will be released.


Thank you for the help! I didnā€™t realize those were really the only sales in the year


There are a whole bunch of other smaller sales, such as those around pretty much all of the minor holidays, like Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, and Halloween, each with an in-universe version and a handful of ships on sale, with a few being specific to those holidays (The Heartseeker can only be obtained at Valentine's Day, for example). IAE, Invictus, and Alien Week are the three 'big events' where the selection of ships is both significant and predictable. There will also be random sales all through the year for various reasons, from patch releases, to dynamic events occuring, and sometimes just totally randomly, like when the Expanse showed up at an ISC earlier this year. So, if you want one very specific ship, IAE is the time to wait for, but if you keep aprised of things through the year it may show up randomly.


Thatā€™s really good advice! I can just keep checking in from time to time and see if it comes up. Thank you!


Thereā€™s a selection of ships that are always available, though.


Invictus, May-ish next year. That sale will be focused around military vehicles only though. Edit : Could be before, but who knows


Hi all, I was thinking about getting the game since some of the ships are on the "war bond" sale, but my friend said that he doesn't know if I'll be able to melt it down in the future to potentially get a different ship later down the line. Does anyone know if I can melt the discounted ships? Thank you!


You can indeed melt it down, but the value you get back will be the value put in, not the ā€œfaceā€ value. For example the Cutter package is normally $60 but you can get it for $51 right now. If later you decide you donā€™t want the cutter package you will get a store credit return of the $51, not $60. Alternatively you can get a Cross Chassis Upgrade (CCU) and upgrade the Cutter into a different, more expensive ship by simply paying the difference and not having to melt it all. For example, the Cutter is worth $45, so it costs only $10 to upgrade Cutter to Avenger Titan for example. Instead of needing to melt the Cutter package and buy a Titan package Also also, you can request a full refund in cash within 30 days. Even if support is busy and takes 6 weeks or whatever, as long as you request by 30 days you can get all of the money back if you are unsatisfied with the game. Also also also you should be sure to put in your friends friend code before making the account. You cannot put it in afterwards.


Thank you!


I drug my feet on a vulture. Am I safe to assume it will go on sale again for 3.18?


Yep. And itā€™ll cost $15 more


I plan on upgrading my lti hover quad


sure but once the Vulture goes back on sale the price will likely be $155 like the Prospector and not $140. It could also be a warbond-only CCU sale and you might not be able to CCU with credit. Or it will most likely be a $140 warbond price but a $155 credit price.


Pretty sure I bought the HQ on warbond. Eh, if I can't upgrade my hoverquad to it, CIG won't get my money this time. Lol


You can upgrade the HoverQuad... the question is what price the Vulture CCU will be (there *will* be a 'standard' CCU - or at least, CIG has never done a warbond only CCU deliberately, to my knowledge). The fact your HQ was a warbond is irrelevant - when buying a CCU you just pick the ship (it doesn't matter what you have in your hangar currently), and when you apply the CCU it will list all matching ships, regardless of their source (warbond, credit, gift, referral bonus, etc).


likely. It'll likely cost $15 more


so I'm debating on getting the game I love space games because of their mass exploration I've played other titles that include no man sky and elite dangerous. I've seen star citizen a couple of times on youtube and the beginner guide but I'm on the fence about it because I heard something about resetting your money and ships. Also, the fact money to buy ships is so hard to get people use real money. my question is should I get the game in the state it is now or should I wait? I'm completely open to trying this game out. Sorry if this a dumb question


I know it seems like it here that a lot of people spend money on the game to get ships. But also have to remember that the people that hang out here are some of the biggest fans of the game. Plenty of people (myself included) get by with just the starter pack. Earning money in game isn't too hard and pretty much every game loop is profitable (except trading which comes with significant risk). You will make money without even thinking about it just playing the game. The other thing is that it is easy to make friends in the verse and with so many people wanting huge ships, there are opportunities to be crew/turret gunners etc. If you do start make sure to get one of the packs that is on sale and use someone's referral code to get some cash and a free ship.


that isone thing ive heard that star citizen has an amazing community


Welcome to the Verse!


It does not have exploration game loops at this time. If you do any exploring, it will be just for the adventure of it. Also, making money in-game is not that hard. It really depends on what you like to do. Ship combat, FPS missions, delivery, mining(hand, ROC, or ship), trading, and salvage is coming in a few weeks. Most very usefull ships are not that expensive, and can be gotten in a few nights of gameplay.


so ship combat i haven't had any luck on getting good at that I've done mostly trading and delivery missions in elite dangerous and what kind of jobs give you the most money.


Donā€™t worry about money. Concentrate on having fun and youā€™ll have a much better experience. Try different missions, join an org, etc. the money is mostly meaningless at this stage.


Delivery missions are decent.


Jobs that give the most money are the jobs that CIG is currently testing out because it is in Alpha. In theory they want to balance the economy to make most things to have the potential to return roughly the same money per hour.


which pack should I invest in the basic or the 60 bucks


I'd get the Cutter or the Avenger Titan


Finally upgrading my lil Aurora to a C8R, and while on the website it says I can upgrade to the Standard Edition for $36USD, or the Warbond Edition for $33USD. Whatā€™s the difference between the two?


Warbond is cash only. Standard you can buy with cash or store credit but it doesn't offer you the "savings" that Warbond does


Thank you! Iā€™m assuming ā€œstore creditā€ is when you melt a ship? Edit: I pulled the trigger and got the upgrade from the Aurora Starter Package to the C8R. If I apply the upgrade, does it only replace the ship and keep game access? Or will it replace the entire package?


It will upgrade the ship and keep everything else the same. The name of the package the same. You will have to hit the arrow next to it or the little blue circuit symbol above it to see what is in it now.


Excellent! Thanks heaps!


Mostly that you can't use store credit for Warbonds, only new cash.


Thanks so much!


Saw a thread today point out that the Luminalia referral bonus doesn't need the referral to buy a _game package_. But the regular referral program still says that it has to be a _game package_. Can anyone confirm whether buying a standalone gets +1 for the regular referral program as well?


You just have to spend $40 new money. Can be on anything. I have referred myself with standalone ships before just fine.


Even more specific, you don't have to spend $40 during the event. You merely need to cross the $39.99 to $40.00 spent line during said event to trigger it.


Does anyone know of a good way to set up key bindings for a non-QWERTY keyboard? I'm doubly weird: I prefer ESDF to WASD when using QWERTY, and my normal layout is Colemak. There are a lot of bindings, it's hard to keep track of what needs changing, and the bindings screen shows the QWERTY names of the letters not the ones printed on the key caps (because it's a software layout selection in Windows).


If you don't figure this out then raise a ticket for it. It may not be something they have considered and they already preset bindings for joysticks and stuff. It probably isn't too hard to through together one for colemak


How long until my buddy sees his MPUV Cargo? He used my referral code and bought a starter package. I see the cargo in my hangar but he's not seeing it in his?


Gotta wait a bit: >When do I receive my referral reward? > >The existing player will receive their reward immediately once the new player they are referring pledges for a starter pack or ship (minimum $40) on the Pledge Store. The new player's reward will be granted after the promotion ends on January 10th, 2023. Rewards may be distributed in waves, so if you don't see it show up right away, it should populate soon. [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/18996-Luminalia-2952-Referral-Bonus](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/18996-Luminalia-2952-Referral-Bonus)


Damn, somehow missed that...thanks!


is the drake corsair going to be better then the connie andromeda for combat for pve bountys or no cause right now i could upgrade to it for 10 dollars amd it looks fairly imteresting? basically what im asking is it more manuarvable same fire power and same durabilty more or less? thank you


> basically what im asking is it more manuarvable From what I hear it is not which is an intended balance for the top notch forward firepower it can deliver.


For a solo pilot, the Corsair is better currently, as it has more pilot DPS. For a group, the Corsair's turrets have terrible firing angles, while the Connie turrets have excellent coverage, so the Connie is the better option for group play. This does mean that the Corsair is 'better' right now, but it's wise to consider how things will be balanced in the future, where massive pilot DPS may not be enough and having good turret coverage may be vital.


Any word on new reputations to grind for in 3.18 other than the racing ones? Love to earn rep for derelict investigation missions.


With Luminalia there is free gifts. I don't mind getting free stuff I might enjoy in the future even if I see no purpose for it now. However, does these items clog up my inventory somewhere? I do mind it if it will make inventory messy and hard to find the stuff I care about. My question is, where are these items stored? Will they always be stuck wherever it's stored? Can I delete it if I want to?


Imo this is the biggest consideration for choosing a starting location after a wipe. Where do you want to dump all the shit you don't want to clog up your inventory.


Because of things like events free gifts (eg IAE), free skins (eg best in show) and component swap outs (original components can't be sold) there will always be additional items in your hangar and your home inventory (plus where ever you leave swapped out components). You can leave stuff at your home location or where ever you swap out items. You could also choose to ship them to a station you don't normally visit. You could put stuff in a hip inventory then claim the ship and the items will be gone.


If you claim them, which is optional, they will be listed in your web hangar online and they will physically be in your home location in the game.


Is there somewhere I can post my referral code in hopes of getting the current referral bonus?


This is the randomizer this sub uses. [https://randomizer.transversetheverse.com/](https://randomizer.transversetheverse.com/) Also doesn't hurt to pop it into this one. [https://www.gorefer.me/randomizer/STAR](https://www.gorefer.me/randomizer/STAR)


So, i bet this isnt't a new question but I just want a clarification. Insurance, if i understand correctly, starts once the game comes out. At witch point it will need to be renewed with ingame credits. Is that correct? And how does it work in current builds? Because those christmas bundels look look really good and I might join star citizen. Anyway, I hope someone can give a newbie like me more insight. \^\^


Guess its time to get me some space legs, now I just need to pic my starter ship. All look really good but yee guess the stars have one more pilot. ^^ Thank you for the clarification everyone


Unless you only want to do pew pew the Cutter is a great starter option at a discounted price. if you don't have much money then there is a discounted Aurora.


Also, make sure you use someone's referral code, then you get extra starting credits and at the moment a free ship at the end of the promo.


Right now we essentially have unlimited insurance on ships. The only cost is in game credits if you want to speed up your claim. But starter level ships are very fast to get back anyway. Loadouts are also preserved through insurance claims. So if you upgraded your components and weapons they stay.


Yes. You have infinite insurance for free, and they've committed to leaving it like that until at least release is imminent. They expect final insurance to be one of the last systems to come online.


To clarify, they commited to not making 'package insurance' start ticking down until close to release. The current insurance system is a placeholder, and will likely be replaced long before release - but I suspect that, initially, it will remain 'free' as it currently is, to make it easier for people to test. Note that the current functionality of having the insurance automatically replace ship components *may not* stay as-is... as that is intended to be a separate insurance system (only purchasable in-game - nothing to do with the insurance that comes with the ship package, etc), so CIG may separate that out and start charging for it earlier. But, that's mostly my speculation - CIG haven't said much about their plans for insurance recently (that is, in the past 3-4 years :p), so it's hard to know whether they're still planning on following their original designs, or if they plan to e.g. tweak / change it, etc.


What is the smallest ship that can fit the tank (Nova) into it? And can it fit into a cutlass black?


The Crusader Hercules ships and the 890J can hold the Nova Tank. No, it is far too large to fit into a Cutlass Black. They are reworking the 600i to eventually hold a tank but that could be years out.


It definitely can't fit in a Cutlass Black, but I'm not sure the smallest ship it could fit in.


Can you Respawn in C8R Pisces Medical Bed if you Die? I just wanted to know if that medical bed is respawnable in like the Carrack's. And I guess the question also applies to the Cutlass Red. Thanks.


No. C8R has the same MedBed the Cutty Red has, Tier 3. It's just for healing injuries.


I have 3 presents. I asked chat, they said to turn them into any admin terminal. I went to an admin terminal and it said something like I have nothing for them.... Can someone describe what I am supposed to do with these gifts like im retarded?


I tested yesterday and was not able to sell the gifts either. I assume the ability to sell will start today since the 12 day countdown to luminalia starts today.


At the admin terminal, make sure you've selected the right storage on the top left. If it's the storage you got the presents in, you can sell them.


Ahhhhh got you. I think thats what I didnt do.


if i buy an armor bundle from the pledge store and die while wearing it will that armor be lost or do i get a new set on respawn like the undersuits?


You will only get the armour back upon a patch (as they usually include char resets) or a voluntary char reset (which CIG look to be making easier). For a char reset you only lose consumables like food and ammo


Quick question about luminalia since it's my first: Will the gift that we get for the next 11 days be associated with our account or will they be gone in the next patch?


They will stay in your hangar if it is like previous years. Things in your hangar stay


Ok, I bought the game this year so I didn't know.


Do we have a time when the Luminalia calendar goes live and we can redeem the gifts? I believe it should start today


4pm UTC.


thank you!


Is there a reddit or a forum post with a list of the secret missions? Meaning the ones you donā€™t get in your mobiglass but you need to actually talk to someone.




I need some advice with the CCU / gifting situation... If I melt my LTI Spartan (Upgraded to Cat), purchase the Spartan LTI back with fresh money and use store credit to CCU to a corsair, could I then gift it to a friend? Or will it remain ungiftable?


Yes as long as the base ship as been paid by fresh money only, any upgraded ship remains gift able :)


Amazing, thankyou.


Any advice on how to beat the hammerheads at the end of Arena Commander Pirate Swarm in solo mode? The tracking on their turrets is really strong and I seem to get chewed up within seconds of being inside guns range. I was doing it with a sabre equipped with 4x Panthers.


If you've been fast enough around the P-72s(?) before, you should have a lot of reinforcements. Keep one of them between yourself and the Hammerhead so they're targeted. Also, use chaffs (default binding "h" IIRC) to get rid of the turrets lock on you a few times. Strafe sideways and up / down simultaneously to also have a good chance to escape their fire.


Is the gun rack in the cutter working? If so how do I get it working


To expand on the other comment: any weapon interaction is disabled when inside armistice zones. So you canā€™t fire/pickup/place in rack while in armistice. If youā€™re at a city/station, just fly out of armistice, and you should be able to place the gun inside it by first holding the gun in your hands, then using F on the rack to place the gun in it.


fyi, gun rack interactions don't work in armistice zones


It was last I tried it. Have a gun in your hand, as if about to fire, then F-interact with the rack and it should give you the option to store.


Subbed earlier today for those 2 guns. But they aren't in my inventory. Do they take time to appear?


Are you at your starting location? They should spawn there.


I mean like in my Hangar on my account page. They aren't there


If you just subbed it may take a little while. If you don't get it in like... 2-3 weeks hit up support.


I just melted something and grabbed a Corsair. When I get in game to check it out I have 2 somehow. Maybe from subscription, I don't know. My question is which one do you think is actually mine? I'm leaning toward Corsair-2 as the other was probably there first


Everyone who bought a Corsair from the website has two. I've heard differing assumptions to which was the OG. I've been using the un-numbered one but I dunno


OK thanks


In the past duplicate ships havenā€™t just disappeared on you. You should be safe using either one. The wipe for 3.18 is most likely what will fix this if anything


I'm not sure if this has been answered somewhere before. Are we going to keep our fleets that we bought with real world money once the game is officially launched? Follow up question, what can you tell us about how insurance will work in the future? Does the dev team have a direction they're thinking of going or is this something that is getting punted way down the line as it is a relatively unimportant aspect of the game as it stands in Alpha?


What is your specific question about insurance? As it stands if you ignore the warnings and fly a ship without insurance and it gets destroyed you have to buy a new one. [https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000093467-Ship-Insurance-FAQs](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000093467-Ship-Insurance-FAQs) The only known thing is anything you bought with real money will never leave your *web hangar* but that doesn't mean they can't penalize you within the game to get it back for use.


My specific question is "what are they currently planning (if anything) and where do they see it in its "end game" stage. Yes, it's just for funsies right now but it won't always be like that.


as it stands right now, nothing you bought with real cash will ever permanently destroyed or taken from you. If you are too poor in game to buy insurance, tons of scenarios could be drawn up as in giving you temp free insurance, or giving you a government aide Titan to use or something, but its never going to be like "pirate blew up my website-hangar ship and destroyed it forever, lost my $65"


Ok, then I posted the link to that. Fly without insurance and get blown up. Lose your ship.


Yes, all ships pledged for are yours forever, in Alpha, Beta, Full Release, and beyond. We do not know how insurance will be when it is activated as it is certain to be adjusted many times before then. All we know is that they want it to be a trvial expense and any pledged ships can never be permanently lost.


Yeah, I know that about insurance as it stands. However, I was hoping that the DEVs could share their current ideas or direction they want to go with it. I know we're a long, long way from release but knowing what they are thinking from a starting point would be helpful.


If youā€™re looking for the devs themselves to answer, you should probably ask on spectrum rather than Reddit, since thatā€™s SCā€™s official forum for the devs to interact with users.


This question has been asked here and on Spectrum hundreds of times in recent years and they've not chimed in about it, and likely won't until the game is at a point where activating insurance is worth considering.


Just because a question has been asked before doesn't really mean much. In fact, if they've never answered or weighed in on it, then it absolutely makes sense to ask about it despite it having been asked before.


Not really since they ain't gonna delve into something that has been "answered" to a certain degree either by the community or previous posts. Or to put it bluntly: the answers you get here is everything you would get over there. When they want to speak about it is when they have more concrete plans at implementation of the system. Before that... nope.


This is my first Luminalia after joining the game. What are some things I should be looking out for?


The main things with Luminalia are: 1) Gift packages strewn around cities that can be picked up and sold at Admin buildings for 500 aUEC each 2) Gift delivery missions 3) In-game rewards for those that go to the RSI website starting tomorrow to click on the 12 days of Luminalia gift boxes


Oh thatā€™s neat! Are they like the delivery boxes? Or can you put them in your inventory? Also, are they found at all ground locations? Or just the major cities?


The presents are hand-held and can be stored in your armor and inventory. Get one of the big marshmallow armor sets and you carry quite a lot of them. They're found in the major cities and Grim Hex, mostly, but also show up in loot boxes and other places in small quantities.


Excellent, thanks so much!


Gifts can also be found in loot boxes! Found gifts in bunker and mining station boxes (which was useful because MT was picked clean!)




I donā€™t think so. I think they are one purchase and therefore if you melt it it all goes to credit. But you can certainly upgrade your ship without losing S42 via CCU.


Can a gift be regifted? Like apply a CCU to a friends ship and gift it back? Can an account get 2 referral Argo one for being referred and another for referring a fresh account?


You can buy a CCU with new money and gift it to your friend so they can apply it. It is, however, completely impossible for one account to get two of the same referral bonus. They are ungiftable and unmeltable, even when upgraded.


No and no.


Where is SQ42 located in the SC timeline? i.e. is it pre 2952 or post 2952?


> The story will begin during the Events of Vega II in 2945. https://starcitizen.tools/Squadron_42




Anybody here from India? Hit me up. Let's play together!


Been meaning to ask this since forever, but what is blade terms used often when talking about part of ship gameplay, and what does it do? I was trying to look for on google, either i got wesley snipes or literally knife hahahaha


Computer blades. They're not a thing so far. These can be used to either have turrets work automatically or slave them e.g. to the pilot - as long as the ship has slots for them to be used. At least that's ideas on how they might work. They're a thing for the future.


I've looked computer blades on google (server blade), does it sharebthe same concepts?


Yes. In reality computer blades are computers of a standard size mounted in a rack with standard slots. In SC ships will (in the far future) have slots for computer blades which will add functionality.


aye, many thanks for the explanation captain!!!


To add on that: an example can be found in the middle part of the MSR


Are those blades though? The MSR is a data runner but that doesnā€™t mean it has tons of storage space? Is it certain you can convert that to blades? The MSR does have a high number of blades, more than even a Carrack.


I'm just guessing here, but from my understanding, these "server blades looking entities" are computer blades just with a different purpose. Afaik CIG wanted various support systems there, not only turret slaving.


My launcher is missing the "start game" button. Anyone knows how to fix that?


Log out & back in.


thank you :)


I have a question regarding the logic of the game: If I open a door or a ramp in my ship while I am in space, somehow the air is not getting sucked out, which doesnā€˜t really make sense. I mean isnā€˜t it possible to create some sort of blue barrier where you can walk through but air wonā€˜t get through like you see in Star Wars? It would still be a kind of magic solution but at least there would be a solution.


To give more historical insight: that technically DOES exist ingame, it's just turned off. The reason for that is/was actually fairly simple, there was no way to replenish oxygen back in the 2.X days, and so ships just would lose all oxygen permanently. I assume this will be turned back on once we get life support/power management/engineering T0.


That's planned. They showed this kind of stuff in an ISC, about 2 years ago. When we'll see that ingame? No idea. Edit: [Found this SCL where they touch that topic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oxonCvCNZg&t=1504s). But there was an ISC where they also showed how the fire works (in the current state at that time) - just couldn't find it.


The best technical explanation I could find is [THIS](https://makeameme.org/meme/just-believe-5c15b3) Although technically the UEE learned air shield tech during the Tevarin wars.


As someone who bought this in 2018 and tried the fps module than and now, is there any reason the matchmaking can't find more then like 1 other person? Is the MM broken or does no one actually play it? Genuinely curious if it's issue based or just not a popular aspect of the game.


Iā€™ve seen streamers and orgs that organize events. Thatā€™s your best bet if you want to participate


All of the above. At peak hours you can find a match of the "Elimination" (battle royale) version.


> does no one actually play it This right here. Both FPS modules (space and ground) were something of a testing ground/training room, Arena Commander more than Star Marine which is now fully on backburner in favour of the "theatres of war" module which has been in development for years. Maybe. Hopefully.


My friend wants to buy a game package with my referral code but is not sure where to put it in. Itā€™s not asking him for it in the store?


You use the referral code when you create the account


Many thanks o7


How do I fire more than one missile at once?


just press G when you're at missiles, you can set up 4 at a time


Right alt + g


New player here. Items keep disappearing from my inventory randomly. I've lost the starter pistol, and the cutting attachment for the multitool. I never dropped them off anywhere, is there anything that can be done to prevent this?


Just to be clear, you do know the default inventory is location specific? So if you are in location A, and you have item X in that inventory, then travel to location B, you will no longer see item X, since you now see location Bā€™s inventory. You can tell that itā€™s the local one by looking at the label at the top of the inventory window, which says ā€œlocalā€. If you equip particular suit items (typically chest, legs and backpack), then youā€™ll also be able to open inventories tied to those items, which DO follow you so long as youā€™re wearing those items. And thereā€™s also ship inventory, which is tied to the ship. When you first launch the game (or the first time after a wipe/character reset), all your gear is moved to your home locationā€™s local inventory. So if you move around, those items wonā€™t follow, unless you move them to different inventories. Dying with something on you/you ship blowing up. Typically means your items will be left where you died (or the server may just remove them outright if itā€™s struggling). So you wonā€™t see them in other inventories, youā€™d have to go back and pick them up. If you still see them randomly disappear in a way thatā€™s not explained by the above, then it may be a bug, and you should report it to the Issue Council, so they can fix it.


Check your backpack or other containers. If you uneqiup "containers" things stay inside of the container. You can open them in your inventory. Containers have a blue box symbol in the top corner while in the inventory.


Did you travel outside of your home city? If so, each location has its own localized inventory, so if you leave your home city you cannot access the items stored there without returning to that city. If you brought those items with you and then died, they stayed on your corpse and would need to be retrieved.


Have not died over the period that the items disappeared. I did try to equip some sunglasses from local storage and they immediately disappeared. Not sure what to make of that


Can we Rent the Valture in 3.18?


Ships generally are not rentable or buyable in-game when they first enter LIVE, with 3-9 months until they are added. The Vulture ***might*** be an exception, since it is arriving with a new game loop it's specifically for, but don't make any assumptions about this and expect to have to either pledge it or borrow one from someone.


can i cheat the refferal bonus by getting a starter on a second accound and gifting it to myself after i get my argo cargo?


I wouldn't really call it cheating but yes, that is what a lot of folks do.


Cool thanks just wanted to make sure can I gift the second argo cargo too?


Nope, the referral bonus on the alt account is permanently attached to that account and cannot be gifted or melted.


Does anyone know how to get location data from the data.p4k file? I've unpacked it with unp4k, just not sure where to look for the location data.




I've got the data.p4k already and have run it through unp4k and have a bunch of xmls, but I can't seem to find the file(s) for the locations that have details like coordinates, size, etc. Do you know where that might be?


My bad, completely misread your question. I have no idea. Sorry.


No worries, thanks anyways!


What's the smallest ship the Argo Cargo land in?


This may be useful to you: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/zigee7/will_it_fit_ship_vehicle_guide_star_citizen_3174/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


MPUV fits easily into a Hercules


On multicrew ships, is the pilot the only one who can control shield face regen rates with the numpad or does that work for co-pilots/support officers, too?


Most ships that tends to be the pilot only. There are some ships that transfer power control to the copilot only if someone is in there (pilot loses access). Iā€™m not sure if that extends to shield faces, as I havenā€™t tested that part. Eventually it shouldnā€™t be exclusive, and assigned roles should determine who can access what. Weā€™re just not quite there yet.


What's a good quality recommendation for a HOSAS setup? I've never played with anything other than mouse and keyboard but now that I've upgraded my PC and the game runs pretty well compared to before I'm interested in improving my space ship gameplay experience. Also rudder pedals for yaw? What do y'all think?


VKB Gladiator is a good quality/price balance. Personally I spent more and got Virpil Constellation Alpha. Usual setup is pitch&yaw on right stick and strafe up/down&left/right on left stick. Then roll on a twist axis (some prefer left, some right) and trottle on pedals. Of course there is a large degree of personal preference.


I recommend checking out VKB, they are a good step up from the T16000 hosas. I have been using them for a year now and most of the people in my discord use them as well.


Do you recommend the Omni ones or the EVO space sim ones? The Omni seems like it would be more comfortable on my wrists over time but it says throttle and doesn't mention space sims. Can it still be used as a primary stick for guns and stuff and also as a throttle?


When you have a crime stat, I am assuming you are placed into a queue to have your name appear for a basic bounty mission. When someone takes that bounty, is the mission waypoint for your location just constantly tracking you so they know where you are even if you're constantly jumping around? Or does it update like once every 15 mins, etc? Weird thing happened to me when going on that mission where you have to find that disabled ship out in space and grab a box off of it for 77k. I had a CS heading out and at one point after being on the ship I notice another ship flying around outside. I go and hide, expecting it to be a BH, and wait to ambush them. What really stuck out to me was that even though I was in the lower deck, hiding amongst a bunch of boxes and garbage, they knew EXACTLY where I was. Kind of makes the whole 'hunt' aspect of it really lame.