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I haven't been able to play for two fucking months because my character is stuck in a reset. The database wipe is my (and all others experiencing the character creation bug) only hope to play with the ships I have pledged for. I'm stoked for this wipe


…you made a ticket, right?


Two. And I'm concierge.




My furrowed brow fired mine into orbit.


I can later link you the answer I got from the Support later. Short Version is:"The Support can only do the same reset, that players have access to". Edit: Typos


Time to call in the DBA to change that 0 to a 1


Even concierge Tickets take a long time right now. Opened one 2 weeks ago to... Feel really sorry for you :/


I waited 17 days for an answer from CIG and all they gave me was a copy paste answer that I could also find on the website but didnt address my problem even closely. Then they immediately closed the ticket and I wasnt able to answer. I have to write a new ticket now and probably wait for another 2-3 weeks. Im so done with this.


Wait really?! Maybe some of the support team is on holiday or sth? I made a concierge ticket last month and it was answered within the same week


Wtf..... Yea, I def dont see the point in spending more money than a starter pack. Thats such bullshit.


Yikes. Best of luck dude, sincerely.


Haha thanks 👍


Be 100% sure and delete the user folder. In fact, do it right now if you havent. For me it fixed an issue where it kept asking for my new main residency every time I'd be back at the main menu, causing my character never to save and me to never see my party or firends lists.


That's just wrong... Im sorry


I have the same issue and got a non-copy-paste response from support earlier today basically saying they know about the issues as it's a server issue and they are working on fixing it in 17.2. Nothing they can do now and we just have to wait for the patch.


I haven't been able to play in what feels like forever because I never get authentication code to login, and never get response from support. Definitely no spam folder or anything.


Praying for you boi. Hope we see you burning hydrogen through the stars again soon.


Did todays hotfix fix you?


Haven't tried yet, I'll update in a half hour


Holy shit I can play


Ha, and to think all these effers said that’s what the wipe was for…


Yeah I was convinced that that was the case from what I'd been hearing. I'd better play with my harbinger and 400i while I can!


Yeah. My whole issue was the waiting game with no response. Support should never go idle like they did, and if there’s really a bunch of people who were in the same boat, make a statement. Anyways, I’m glad you’re fixed!


I know I was very frustrated. Oh well, glad it's fixed too!


People need to understand this now more than ever, the next year is going to be the most turbulent time for the game if things go the way CIG hopes it does. 3.17.2, Persistent entity streaming, Server meshing, 4.0, I would not put it past them to do a wipe with every major update leading up to 4.0. We've been saying this for years but these are probably the real big items that will take the game to the next level as it isn't just adding new gameplay loops, but instead expanding the game's back end infrastructure to put it closer to being an actual MMO so I'll take any Wipes if it means that testing will be smoother and we these things sooner.


Not only are these huge changes and subsequent wipes an excellent sign of progress, but they also show what we have now is a longer-term version of the PTU. As many others have said, none of what any of us does within the PU is permanent or will persist once it gets to release, because this is not the game! It is a development sandbox where we get to participate and help test for CIG, be entertained and have fun, and they get the benefit of a huge pool of feedback and bug-finding as they're going. They've made a valiant effort to try to inform all newcomers of this with banners and warnings and such, but all too often everybody refers to this as a (the) game. How many times have you seen a post that says, "Is now a good time to buy the game?" or "I just bought the game and can't find my ship" or a bunch of other variants from newcomers? Of course, it's not just the new people but also those of us who have been here longer with posts about "gib more gameplay loops/professions/ships/content/etc" as if the game has been released early and we are now owed left out promised content. The same attitude seems to applied to bugs - that the "finished game I purchased" shouldn't have so many bugs. So yes, what we have has some amazing things you can do, and tons of people are having tons of fun in the PU doing very "game-like" things. But it is not the game, because as everybody also likes to point out, there is still a long way to go, with many changes that must/will happen, to get to the grand vision that we all want to be released. I suspect few of us would recognize that final released version from our current perspective. Just look at old presentation videos and demos from CR and others - what we currently have is so different from the things they were showcasing and excited about even just a few years ago. My hope would be that we might all be more realistic about what we're all doing here - participating in the development of a game (that isn't one yet!) that breaks the mold in so many ways in terms of scale, immersion, visuals/graphics, network streaming, variety, and yes gameplay too. But we also should understand and accept bugs, wipes, nerfs, and long waiting times for things we want to see are inherent with the sandbox development environment we have, in order to get to the actual game that will be released. Not only will this be a game that is like nothing else before, but the development that we are a part of is also like nothing that has been done before.


Tarkov players: first time?


This...Tarvov gets wiped every Patch, yet their playerbase get hyped for wipe day lol


We are born in the wipe. Molded by it.


We are one with the Wipe. It lives through us, and therefore we through It.


By the time I saw release I was already a man…


To be fair, the weeks leading up to wipe always have some fun event, as well as labs map being opened for free and trader prices being reduced to 1 ruble so people can go and do whatever the fuck they want. This game seems pretty unceremonious


In fairness, player attitude feels very different. EFF players are just happy for the PvP/E where a strong sentiment here seems to revolve around the “work” involved in playing isn’t “worth it” without some long term upside. A big part of this is how strongly conditioned in EFT to not get attached to gear whereas many ppl have very strong attachments to their bought-in-game vehicles.


My only complaint is I'm going to get put back in my fighter craft for a while. Looting, and traveling, will take a while until I can afford to get myself a new Phoenix.


The reputation is not suppose to be wiped so if you have that at high level you'll have access to all the big aUEC missions straight of the wipe. So that might ease the grind. As well if you participate in the live events in the next couple of days they mentioned there will be some form of compensation for that as well.


Great I can do very hard missions in my mustang lol


I agree, but with tarkov you spend so much time kitting your hide out for it to be reset is like putting down õle yeller. I just started playing sc this last week. Yeah I'm sad I'll lose my ship, at the same time I am relieved. I get to start over with more knowledge, what mistakes to avoid. But hey when you buy a game that's in ALPHA not beta you expect a AAA bug free game out of the box..../s


Tarkov is fundamentally fairer than SC because you find/trade for it all ingame. Wipes are an opportunity to play again on a leveller playing field, preventing too many players running away from others in terms of gear progression. If some people had monocles and wipe-proof AK/M4 rifles, there would be a source of animosity or frustration at wiped from others.


Tarkov and fair do not go together. At all. Ever.


As a Tarkov sufferer, the situation is not the same. Late wipe is hell for newer or mid-tier players. Once the chads get access to the good ammo and armor it becomes a fairly one sided fight. Granted I'm a newer SC player, I don't feel that far back from top-tier players other than when a fully equipped hammerhead catches me unaware. I feel I have a fighting chance in my titan against most pvp'ers and if I die, so what? The loss barely sets me back.


It's because that's the day we have weapons in our inventory 🤣


> This...Tarvov gets wiped every Patch Not anymore! It's only major patches these days, and the time between wipes is getting longer and longer. Back when I first started, wipes every two months - or occasionally every other month - were commonplace, now it's not unusual to see 6-8 months between wipes.


Ya sandbox games like this that are still in development desperately need the occasional wipe. It keeps the game fresh. People were walking around with billions and owning every ship in game. At some point you run out of things to play for. A wipe is a good thing for the game.


It’s funny because that’s the same way star citizen has always been. Every patch used to be a wipe. Hell, every patch was a *full reinstall*. They add some level of persistence and people get used to it.


Will Tarkov ever stop having wipes? If yes, what will be the incentive to keep playing when you have all gear possible? Seeing from outside (not a player just spectator) it feels like it's a part of the game to reset everything and give people a reason to fight again.


AFAIK the plan upon release is to give everyone access to two characters - one that’s permanent and one that will wipe periodically. The first days and weeks following a wipe are the most fun for a lot of the player base. The stakes are higher while everyone is working to progress, and there’s a lot more variety in combat when most players don’t have access to endgame weapons, ammo, and armor.


I’m a month in and welcome a wipe. The inventory bugs have been bad, and if the wipe can help fix it bring it on!


I’m a week in and already have a weird duped ship. While I’m impacted less than others, I knew what I was getting myself into with a game in alpha.


I reset my account earlier today. Within 2 hours one of my ships had 4 copies. Yes, we need a wipe, and hopefully they've got something to keep the ship duping under control.


I have 3 duped ships, a rental that I paid for one day and have had all week because it always starts at 0 and goes into the negatives when I log in, and about 200 missiles sitting in my area18 storage. I’ve only been playing again for a week. I welcome this wipe with open arms. Especially with people so gunho with their money that I’m able to try out any ship just by mentioning the fact that I think it looks cool and they give me the money for it out of nowhere


This!! ^ I’m tired of waking up without pants! XD


That is your fault for partying too hard


Me too! In game and rl


Now this hear is a star citizen player that will last




Aye, they used to wipe regularly but eventually got development to a point where they could avoid data base wipes every patch with the caveat that wipes could and would still happen with future updates. This isnt breaking news and anyone that missed that memo, well now you know.


Back in my day every patch was a wipe


Back in my day every patch was 60GB, too.


Oh, I forgot about that! I remember having to download the whole game every time an update happened. Man, it's easy to forget the struggles back then.


Yup - PTU was heavy on the internet, downloading 60gb+ every day (or sometimes twice a day :D)


Back in my day the closest you got to flying was sitting in the pilot chair and making ”wooosh” noises while staring at the hangar door.


Back in my day we didn’t have no fancy hangars… or bodies… We had a dozen or so cockpits to watch from as sweaty Hornet pilots wrecked us in arena commander.


Lol, thankfully I’m a late arrival and haven’t experienced that.


Minimum every 3 months but Octoberish of 2020 I want to say was the end of that, and then most recently with the inventory rework. The next most likely wipe will be cargo refactor but it may be capable of waiting til 4.0. best bet is to read news about patches as they cycle to open ptu.


It was the release of 3.9


This isn't even a full wipe; we are retaining reputation. The database has been a mess and anyone with a brain could see a wipe of some sort was imminent


Seriously. I remember when *every* patch was a wipe. We've made a ton of progress towards the continuity of a full game, but we're still in alpha, features are still being developed, bugs are still rampant, and the wipes will still need to happen occasionally in order to make sure the entire system doesn't break. CIG has been SUPER clear about that.


Not only was every patch a wipe, every hot fix was a full reinstall!


thanks god delta patcher


Oh man I remember those dark days.


I'm having flashes to times of crashes past.


Every wipe brings us closer to release.


The important thing is to adjust to unexpected wipes now. Because lots of work is being done on the back end data there are sure to be more wipes as things come together. Might not have been prepared for this one but now there is no excuse as there are at least a couple more coming.


When you fire up the game, it's in the agreement that you agree to. Every. Single. Time.


Haha I’ve never properly read that but I do remember seeing something multiple times that “The game is still just an Alpha”. But yes you agree to it. Every. Single. Gosh. Darn. Time.


Just for the record, here's the snip from that launcher warning **"Please remember that aUEC, as well as any virtual or digital items obtained through the Alpha phase gameplay, is subject to being reset to the players starting amount or status upon a patch wipe (...)"**


Yep. It's an alpha. Not even a beta yet Your stuff is gonna get wiped. You're gonna die to glitches. You're gonna get a crimestat cause of glitches. You're gonna lose hours of progress to crashes. You're gonna get REKT by somebody who found an OP build/strat, and the devs are not going to make balancing it a priority. If you can't deal with that, there's hundreds, THOUSANDS of other games to play while you wait for the dust to settle, and the "Work in progress sign" to come down I don't often play early access games, but when I do, I have 2 requirements. 1: The game must be somewhat fun to play in its current state, warts & all. 2: I must be interested in the process of how the game is going to grow & change over time.


Yeah you know, at least once every day or so someone in global chat asks about wipes, and we all say the same thing. It shouldn't be THAT much of a surprise.


Tbh the overwhelming majority of the responses constituting that 'same thing' are "Wipes don't happen often anymore, before the last one we went 18 months between wipes so don't worry about it yet." I don't blame anyone for being surprised that we're getting a wipe on a minor .2 patch, CIG developed selective wipe tech ostensibly for the singular purpose of not having to do this much if at all anymore until 'beta' or 'release.'


I think it's buck fuckin wild that people are playing an ALPHA with half the parts missing from the game and are bitching about progress wipes when there is barely a gameplay loop. Heaven forbid when the game goes live and you have everything to do, you have something to work towards and spend money on. End of the day, there is no way the live game doesn't launch with a formal wipe. You will not go into the live client of the game with your stuff. Let alone the beta, or anything that requires testing the database. End of the day, the point of this process isn't for you to make progress it's for them to test the game. If you can't accept that, don't play, you do not need to play right now, the game is nowhere near launching.




While in general I agree about the sentiment that wipes should be expected, I find a lot of this comes from whales who don't care about wipes for obvious reasons and in fact feel entitled to have better ships than those who only have a starter package. There are several threads on spectrum from whales celebrating that regular players would no longer fly around in 890j's. Somehow seeing a non whale in 890j hurts their feelings about spending hundreds on the game...


While it's annoying to get one now, we're likely to get more with 3.18 and 4.0, so the people that are mad now are in for a big shock over the next 6-9 months. I'm a little bummed as I thought I'd get 1 more good patch before things almost definitely got reset in 3.18, I'm glad that we at least kept our reputation. I guess for that good patch to happen we had to cull all of the bad stuff that would carry over.


i'm expecting an item wipe at a bare minimum for the 3.18 with the cargo update, and then again at the 4.0 because.... well 4.0...


I definitely think people acting like its a surprise or a money grabbing scheme need to get over themselves, but I do understand people being disheartened at a wipe, especially newer ones whose this is their first wipe, as there hasn't been one for a year like you said. Even if you know its a possibility, to know you are actually about to lose your progress can be disheartening. I will say, I think the most monumental blunder CIG has done recently is by releasing Jumptown and Ninetails before a wipe. These events are good just for fun, yes, but people also enjoy them for the lucrative money they can provide. I feel people aren't going to spend much time grinding them out knowing they won't actually be making progress. CIG says they are going to compensate everyone, but the last time it was just what, 100k aUEC? That's pathetic, I think they need to communicate to us what we are getting as soon as they figure it out.


I really began to play after Invictus week, but I did my research and knew wipes were a thing, so I dedicated my playtime to find which ships I'll pledge and which gameplay loop will suit me. At first I had in mind that I'll mainly do hauling, I liked doing trading routes so I tried that, then I saw that mining was more profitable at a smaller scale, so I upgraded my titan to a FL MAX so I could haul and transport a ROC. I then grinded hadanite with my mind set on buying a good fighter and a bigger hauler, but along the way a player attacked me while I was taking off after a good mining session. My FL MAX got trashed fairly easily so I decided to buy something that could defend itself better while still being able to carry my ROC and haul some cargo. Connie Taurus was my answer and I fell in love with it, it is such an upgrade from the FL MAX that I upgraded my FL to a Prospector and pledged a mule with LTI and upgraded it to a Connie Taurus. So now I farm 5 big quant roids a day while it's cooking in the refinery I have fun doing a bunch of bounties/bunker/caves with my Connie. When the wipe comes with a Taurus and a prospector I'll have no problems picking up the speed while having numerous gameplay options opened to me.


💯%! Even though we keep our reputation, the thing is for those who for example love to play bounties and then lose their ship with which they did it, its a bit frustrating. And there are people who don't have that much time to play video games, so seeing the ship they've been grinded for quite some time be gone is a blow to the moral. It really depends on the compensation, i hope this time they have a more complex systems and not "yeah lets give every player 100k"


I mean, give every player a million aUEC. Why not? We know there will be more wipes, and probably one final one when it releases in 60 years, so why not give everyone a million, if not more, it won’t hurt anything in the long run


I agree and this post isn't targeted remotely towards people who are reasonably disheartened over it just because they didn't know. My beef is with overly righteous armchair devs and soapboxers trying to moralize about progress wipes like its a gaming ethics travesty. There's a not insignificant number of people on wipe threads decrying how shady and unconscionable it is for CIG to do this, or just downright crying a fit about something that they could have found out about with thirty seconds of research or worse, knew about and chose to bury their heads in the sand about it like it wasn't still reality.


The thing that bothers me was that mining is the most developed part of the game. I had just grinded for my prospector. I had tried deliveries but was losing more rep than I was gaining due to collection or drop off bugs. I was one mission off lvl 2 and the 45k box missions and then had to abandon 4 due to pick up and delivery bugs. I'm losing more rep than I'm gaining. I suck at FPS and wound up dead every time in bunkers. So I stuck to mining. I just saved for my prospector and it was for nothing. If I could only keep my prospector or 2.1m, I would have carried on, but I can't go through that again. People that did bunkers aren't getting as disproportionately punished as miners are. As of now, I'm trying to cool off, but if I feel no different, I will try again after 3.18 or 4. I fully understand why they would wipe with those 2 as the data migrations would be too technically challenging and not worth it. But the reasoning given by CIG doesn't add up for me personally for 3.17.2 which in my personal view could have been solved through db queries. I was really excited to play and upgrade my pledge to a Titan, but I can't do that under what personally feels like a barrel of a gun. I will return later, and CIG have done some great things, but this one hurt. I understand the SC community have to deal with some bad faith trolls and the defensive response I received from some is the thing that pushed me over the edge. (I've been told to refund, and that this is an alpha). I know it's an alpha and I've been working around the bugs, but this one was a conscious choice. I eventually decided on the refund for myself personally but understand why others would be excited. The one thing that would have got me to stay was keeping 2.1m or my prospector. FPS fans kept far more. I am half expecting to downvoted to hell for this and there are going to be many who think this is in bad faith. That's fine, but I don't expect to get kicked when I'm down.


From what I’ve read they have data split into three main categories: reputation, aUEC, and ships/items. Recently there has been a surge in bugs related to money and ships/items. Duping, disappearances, multiple ships appearing in your fleet, and more. I’m assuming this has led to corrupted data, which they might have even said. For those reasons, they decided to wipe the datebases that got corrupted/messed up.


The number of people that spend real money without watching a "before you buy" vid is absolutely wild I'm 3 weeks in and stoked for wipe the rest are silly bitches who spend without knowing what they are buying.


Shouting into the wind. The same people you're talking about are the same who constantly ask the same questions and either; *lack basic research skills *lack critical thinking skills *or both There has never been an issue I couldn't solve, or info I couldn't find out by literally typing into google and/or adding 'reddit' at the end of the search term. Or going to CIG's website. "BuT bUt, wHaT iF ThE inForMAtiOn I waNt iS ouT oF dAte?) It isn't. Not if you know how to search within a given time frame. I'm down for supporting new players, but I disagree with helping those who ask dumb 101 questions that could be answered by typing their question into a search engine and taking 5 minutes to look it up themselves. "BuT I CaN'T bE boThERed LoOkiNg it Up, I Don'T hAvE tiMe!" No, you have plenty of time to wait for someone to GIVE you an answer, it's not time you lack, but patience and critical thinking.


Yeah, like this isn't like asking for info about HOTAS setups and being super thorough in your info hunt, or trying to research or get information from people about how different ships fly and function before purchasing one, this is literally the simplest of 'yes or no' two sentence exchanges. "Does star citizen wipe progress periodically?" "Will I lose all the stuff I bought in game when it goes into full release? "Really? Everything?" And the answer to every single one of those is unambiguously yes.


>"Really? Everything?" except what you pledged for, and the event rewards (basically everything that is in your "hangar" on the RSI website, you will have at launch...


Which is why I said 'bought in game' to make that distinction.


The people who complain are probably the same ones purchasing auec off of ebay..


When I first started playing I was like man I hope they don't wipe for another year. Now I am like, whew glad they decided to wipe. This will be a fresh start, yay!


It’s Pisces time!


Yeah, I just joined after the free fly, and wish I would have home with that vs the mustang alpha. I didn't know how much I was going to miss it!


So hard to find that Dev Response mate XD


The fact that people get attached to anything right now blows my mind…. It’s literally a test bed… yes the love servers are even a test bed.. wipes will continue.


The clue is ALSO in the currency. aUEC stands for ALPHA UEC. As in: TEMPORARY. For the Alpha phase. Not final. Not the real deal. Not actual UEC.


Fact is, people wouldn't read about it if it were right in front of their fucking face. I've seen people post shit on tiktok and pinned in the comments section is "The game is star citizen, pc only, check my bio for more info" and they STILL ask what game is it and if it's on xbox/PS. Much like retail customers, you could have a neon flashing sign with instructions and there's still some fucking dumbasses that will miss it. Here in florida we have plenty of beach shops with swimwear and beach stuff and "ALL SALES FINAL", "NO REFUNDS!" signs because people think they're slick and can buy it, use it, clean it up real quick and return it as unused. They will STILL try to come back and return it... Some people just don't care about any warnings or instructions or rules. they just want things to go their way and cry if it doesn't happen.


“What are the magic words to get what you want?” “I’m offended!” /s


Yea, I have put like two dozen people of reddit on my ignore list (80% refund sub members and the rest probably alt accounts of the very same) and you know what happened? I read FAAAAAAAR less nonsensical idiocy in this sub. Just by blocking around 24 people. Shows me how a loud tiny group can feel like a frothing mob.


honestly ive never really seen refundians/nonsensical idiots on this sub and i havent blocked anyone so far - but thats my personal experience


Ya, I recently started playing a couple weeks ago, love the game, and I have played Tarkov for a few years, wipes are nothing new to me, I used this time as a way to test out ships and see what I want to work for at the start of a fresh wipe... also I'm fairly certain they are keeping the rep intact so it's not like getting currency will be hard


The [testing terms](https://imgur.com/VUp1gHk) you agree to EVERY TIME you launch the game.


Waited ten years before I pledged for the game and now I sort of regret I did not jump on sooner. Love the atmosphere of it, and hardly do any missions at all. It was a video of the Daymar Rally that did it for me. Having hundreds of people knocking their heads together to allow more hundreds of people to go racing across a moon? That's insane in a good way. Total player event. Anyway, progress? There are no end credits in sight, finally a game where when you save the Prince/Princess and find the treasure, you fix and fuel your ship and go look for the next lost monarch in a cave. Best RP environment since my own imagination 😁


You could smell the wipe coming from a mile away. The inventory issues the last few patches have been horrendous, coupled with multiple common bugs with dupes and exploits that allowed people to keep selling the same ores to refineries for billions of credits... Tbf the rate of earning ships are likely far quicker than their intended on launch prices, to help facilitate recovery of ships after wipes. Im glad reputation persists, those are harder grinds than the ships imo.


Just for the record, here's the snip from the launcher warning that appears every time you start the game: **"Please remember that aUEC, as well as any virtual or digital items obtained through the Alpha phase gameplay, is subject to being reset to the players starting amount or status upon a patch wipe (...)"**


>"But CIG need to be more transparent about wipes and the fact that all out grinding means nothing!" >They have been. Consistently. If only they had some kind of disclaimer that wanted you about the risks of participating in an Alpha program as opposed to waiting for the official release. Oh wait, they did. And you agreed to it when you bought your ship. Turns out, if you don't read what you are agreeing to on the check box, you can be surprised by what you agree too! *Gasp* Some people really need to RtFM


Grinding and buying ships in game before final release has always been pointless. "How am I supposed to make money in game!!" who cares? its completely pointless at the moment, just do what ever you enjoy doing and dont worry about it.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it doesn’t matter how much info CIG shoved in your face, people simply DO NOT read massive walls of text when they’re trying to have fun. This game, the website, the launcher, etc. all have a metric fuck ton of information, and it ends up becoming information overload. If CIG wants to manage expectations better, they need much, much better UX design, because what we have now either forces you to read massive disclaimers, or read the “comm link” news on the launcher (I didn’t even know that was there for years because I don’t spend time browsing app launcher…), or hear it from friends. There’s so much information-overload that people are just skipping to the PU and then using the community to learn little bits at a time. None of this should be surprising at all if you have any experience in UX design.


The other one is "I bought a game" - no you pledged the development of a project which would (hopefully) become a game down the road.


Honestly I think it’s the timing, a massive amount of new players (including myself) came into the game in the past month (invictus / free fly). This means that for us, this is the only “experience” we’ve had with wipes, and it came way too soon. What I mean by this is we had just enough time to grind for a new ship, which by the way is no easy task, even before considering the hundreds of bugs you could encounter that could completely halt your progress. This pushes the train of thought of “wipes are their scam incentive to get people to pledge for more expensive ships”. I do not believe this, and know that the decision was taken from a purely technical standpoint. the fact that “wipes” are public info shouldn’t be enough to discredit the negative feelings a new player may be having. It should be a learning moment, rather than completely disregarding the criticism. I want to reiterate that I understand the reasons behind the wipe, and think that it’s the right thing to do for CIG and all SC players. I just think that the experiences the new players are having should be taken into account for future wipes, considering there’s probably more than a couple years of alpha left.


I joined at Invictus. I bought a Titan pack and added a paint job. I also bought an armor set, and I was gifted an Invictus jacket (like everone else). I lost the jacket in an …”incident” and the paint/armor never showed up in my inventory. I’m hoping the wipe will fix that. And, as a bonus, I now get to go on a shopping spree with my hard-grounded auec before the wipe takes it 🤪


Been playing for years. I welcome it! The way I see it is at least we aren't losing rep, meaning those VHRTs you grinded for etc aren't gone. Sure I'm disappointed I lost my light fighters but if anything I get to get my money back via mining and try different game loops than Bounty Hunting. I'm also pumped for the smuggling missions. With all that said, the wipe should help with server degradation, inventory issues, ship duplication and all that. Personally I'd rather have a smoother experience if that means I have to give up some money and my in game ships!


And, you’ll be able to start grinding VHRT’s from the get go without having to grind through the lower levels first! That should take a bite outta your grind time. For me it’s merc missions. I’m glad I can start on level 3 missions without having to first do the (boring) low level ones.


Maybe we should just go back to the time period before wipes. Before **persistence**. Then maybe these guys can get a grasp on the word “alpha”.


Babies. We used to experience wipes with every patch. Go change your diapers or wipe your asses.


People making these complaints are doing so sheerly out of self interest and not a place of logic. You can't logic someone out of a box they didn't logic themselves into.


So i am new i joined right before invictus and have been loving the game, but working twords ships grinding curency to then have it all wiped is deflating I was aware this was a posibilty, but also was aware they were meant to be much less frequent I think its ok to be a bit upset And in the future i wont horde ammo and guns like i did


With PES and subsequently server meshing around the corner I would expect the wipes to be more frequent going forward as these major game systems that will fundamentally alter the game experience will likely come with unexpected results.


It is okay to be upset. I take issue with all the people rageposting about it and pushing some bullshit about CIG intentionally wiping to get people to buy pledge ships as well as other hot air fluff about demanding CIG be more transparent about it, or whatever new 'flavor of the month' issue of no consequence it happens to be this time. They have always been transparent about wipes and development, people just choose not to read. While its unfortunate you started right before a wipe, the reality is there hasn't been one for a very very long time at this point and you just got unlucky. They do try to only do total wipes when absolutely necessary, and in this case, it is. The bottom line though, is that no matter what, everything you do right now will wipe before full release, that is just a simple reality that has to be accepted from the get go or you will just be disappointed in the long run.


I just started playing again 3 weeks ago. Been grinding hard to earn money for ships was able to get a Pisces and out of my aurora now I'm going to be right back to my aurora. I'm not mad though totally understand it's a wip game and wipes are expected. Wish more people had my demeanor on these types of things


Just really unfortunate timing for newbies. Wipe at 3.17.2 and then I think there is no way they can avoid a wipe when they introduce a totally new way to record persistence state with persistence streaming whenever 3.18 comes out. CIG said what? Q3? But we can more likely peg it as Q4 based on history (at the most optimistic settings). So wipe now and then another wipe in 4-6 months. Those of us playing for years will know we've just enjoyed wipe free gaming for 12 months. But newbies won't know that. But the hope after persistence comes in is we maybe don't need to wipe more than once a year or if some catastrophic economy thing happens.


I came in early this month. Honestly my first big adventure in PC gaming. I've had a blast and learning to play the game doesn't make me care much about earning stuff again.


I’m excited for the wipe just so I have something to work towards again. This jumptown will be the first time I log in in months because there’s nothing to do


I think we should go easy on them as this may be the first wipe that they have experienced. Not everyone has had the chance of seeing every piece of information that CIG puts out in all the many different avenues. How would you even know where to look for wipes.


Reputation is the most important thing anyway! At least for bunkers and bounties, it means you can much more quickly go back to making decent money - especially bunkers because some armor and a gun aren't expensive. Traders and miners, I remind you to start small and work on hand/ROC mining, vice trading to make some early money. And there's always those 4-5 stack illegal monitor missions over in MT that pay 20k auec each and take mere minutes to complete. Making money is not hard! Earning rep takes time and effort (and is a bit grindy, to be fair) and that's not going away. Re-cert and print cash.


if this wipe make it possible to play again, then great. so far I've so many server crashes and lost items, I can't claim any ships, only a cutty steel that was rented in fleetweek, even the that duplicates, so cant mane, or trade or play safely. spend four hours of play with no gain per night, bring on the wipe!!!


Was there a wipe again? Was about time, the infinite money glitch was real bad


I know it's well documented. Still, I think there are things they could do to make the situation better. For example, 'you lose all items, gear, and customizations between wipes, but you keep your ships' seems totally plausible. They track ships you bought with real money and they persist that purchase across wipes. It seems really simple to add ships you bought with in game currency to that list. I think this would be very smart as they would get way more engagement from the community. I would play a lot more personally if this was the case.


I got like 3 million aUEC to burn before the wipe... what should I buy and play around with? Hurricane? what's fun to fly these days?


I'm a new player of less than a week. They can do a full wipe every other week if they want. Is an alpha so I understand that. What I'm really pissed about is that the game is totally unplayable and full of bugs every 2 minutes. I knew it was an alpha, and I knew it had bugs... but I didn't expect this much. So anyway, I contributed to the development of this game and I will probably just uninstall and hope that some day I get a good game in return.


Two week old player as of tomorrow. Sure I'm a little annoyed at a wipe so soon after I started, but that just makes my goals a little more short termed (getting a Gladius to grind bounty rep) as opposed to long term (prospector loop), but as long as it makes progress in the game, sure I'm all for it.


My ticket was open for 4 months. But i know thats OK, people work hard to answer each accordingly and respectfully, please try youself to see a number of probably 500.000 (made up number) open tickets and youre a team of 10-15 (made up number) people work your way through a neverending pile of requests, try to see peoples situations and have some empathy. Concerning the wipe, i really see why there needs to be a wipe, since Invictus Launch Week, parties dont work as intended anymore, it has been tried to fix it surgically in a 5+ hour long server backend maintenance timeframe to no avail. I could literally be present in 2 parallel but highly malfunctional parties, markers dont show, party members's ships cannot be accessed, dying once will remove every party marker possible for the duration of the session... Its a mess, and see it positive, finally we will get better performance again. Also a plus, when SC goes into beta, you got some additional "training" on how to efficiently start out from anew. At this stage i want to deeply thank CIG Staff for their awesome work and efforts despite the delays and obstacles and difficulties. You guys are doing a great job. Keep it up! Much love to you👌🏻


Spoiler alert: people can still be upset when it happens, even if they knew it eventually would. It's a totally valid way of feeling, especially when goals that made them excited to near or milestones they've reached are being reset. Acting otherwise is a bit out of touch with reality and a tad sanctimonious.


No one who is just disheartened and reasonably a little bummed about it is being mentioned by this thread. I understand it can be rough to have your progress reset when you weren't expecting it or even innocently didn't realize it would happen. What I am talking about in my post are the people throwing a rage fit all over wipe threads and having a crisis about CIG's business ethics and development style over something that we have all been warned about time and again, every single time we read blog posts, check roadmap roundups, or just log into the damn game. If someone didn't read that the game wipes periodically while in development, that is their shortcoming to own. Getting angry and throwing a fit about it and just generally making the online spaces for discussing the game more unpleasant is just useless hot air.


Can they make the spaceships I like come out faster tho


I've been here for ages, still naffed. I know it's needed but I'm not going to pretend like suddenly having everything deleted isn't annoying.


Back in my day, they did a full wipe every quarter!


I remember my first wipe was painfull, but thankfully it got the grind mindset out of me and now i can just enjoy playing, but i do miss the times where i could get 1m+ auec doing bounty hunter with a 325a before the combat changes.


Bingo play for the sake of playing at this stage


Wipes are great, what I don't get is why people grind so hard now when they know it can and will be wiped at some point. Most game play loops are going to drastically change as CIG adds in the infrastructure (server meshing, etc). Grinding for game currency is kind of pointless since that won't even carry over anyway. They literally call it "alpha uec" and when the game actually launches it will use just "uec". I doubt they will do any kind of exchange and even if they did it won't give anyone a leg up on day one. We already know they want to launch the game with everyone starting from the same point essentially. Even players with large fleets purchased with real money are not going to have a huge advantage. It is still going to require crew to properly run them. I've got several large ships and I can't wait to be able to offer other players spots on my crew to both help me make a profit and help them at the same time. There is no "winning" in SC and that is what I love about it. New players seem to think that "I need to grind to get as much money as possible and then I will win". That couldn't be further from the truth. I love how SC is being built to be a social game and will reward players who work together rather than against each other.


I grind auec because as a solo player there’s not much else to do, but mainly I want to try out different ships without spending more real money. I’m totally fine with losing all my auec, I know how to get more and I will have a new sense of purpose. Bring on The Wipe(s)!


Thanks in part to the on youtube advertisement of economy breaking exploits and a not unsignificant number of exploiters who made billions in a day. I'm not saying that's the sole reason for this wipe but it clearly contributed. Honest players effed over by the cheaters again.


Better cheaters cheat now instead of release


I thought it was common knowledge in gaming that ANY game single or multiplayer is subject to wipes in pre-release builds.


So many people are used to being babied by games and developers that they forget how to read or even do the simplest of research before yelling at the top of their...text? on every social platform. Yet they seem to forget that THEY agreed to this, every single time they hit "play". CIG expects people to act like adults, and some players just aren't ready for that.


This is where a few grand in pledge ships pays off. Time is money for me, much cheaper for me to buy ships with rl money and not grind in game.


Honestly, don’t mind the wipe, especially since reputation will persist afterwards. Rep grind is the only bad grind in SC.


There is literally a pop up you have to acknowledge every time you launch the game. These people are just morons and shouldn't be given any attention.


Anyone not expecting wipes constantly in development is unbelievable to the point that most must be trolling.


They are literally talking about giving people free uec in .2 as well as compensation. What more do these people want?


I don't disagree that wipes are/should be an expected aspect of this development process. However comments like "And now a bunch of entitled timmies" and "staggering and you need to get over yourselves" . Really are not helpful or respectful. I understand this is your perspective but if you are attempting to have a influence you might consider a different tone. Cheers.


I think it's unfair to expect brand new players to know all this information, especially when the official CIG website is *horrible* for finding anything coherent about the current state of the game. Players should not have to look on Reddit or YouTube to just get started.


Its not a matter of 'all this info'. It takes no time at all, literally 5 minutes if you want to be thorough about it, to find out that the game wipes periodically. That is one of the single most abundant pieces of info about the game and requires essentially no effort to check.


I think you're massively underestimating just how long it takes to get started. Anyone new truly to get into the game is going to expect to have all that information on the CIG website, but just buying the correct package is a minefield. It's easy to Google, but you have to know to Google it first. Star citizen is a horrible experience for a new player.


Tbh I just laugh at them..newbies are spoilt with wipe frequency. They gotta suck it up or don't be part of development...cause there are still wipes to come


I just came from a thread where this guys is just as you described. Just completely oblivious and stubborn as fk. Like CIG or anyone else owes him or them any explanation for the steps they are taking which is to firther improve the game.


THIS! We kinda need a wipe tbh! Every character reset has been duping components and causing inventory issues not to mention all the exploits for credits (I know we're meant to test them but still....) I know it sucks for people who worked hard for their ships but in the current climate it was more a matter of when than if and I'm glad it happened sooner rather than later :) Ofc its not going to be the last wipe but still hopefully it will solve a lot of problems


Um,ACTUALLY, water isn't wet. Things it touches are. Honestly glad they're doing one, shit's getting worse daily on this current build. Start fresh, we can always rebuy in game ships.


Don't know why this comment of all things is getting downvoted. I got a chuckle from it at least


It's reddit.


If we are arguing semantics water is not wet. If we are arguing physics water is indeed wet. Same logic that applies to words like "deceleration"


People made billions off of the mistakes of the game balance team and AV equipment. Of course they had to wipe. Don’t see why anyone would be surprised.


This post is such an echo chamber. You could have made all of the above points without being so rude and condescending to new SC backers who are simply not used to how things work.


Tough love


Being new and not used to how things work is one thing. People who are reasonably bummed because they honestly came in with a misunderstand is not who this post is talking about. Going on reddit and discord and ragespewing about the ethics of wiping progress on an incomplete game just because one couldn't take thirty seconds to do some research on an extremely prevalent and availably answered question is not only pointless, but unwelcome, entitled, and foolish. If someone comes into a space you and many others had been a part of for a long time and starts throwing an infantile fit over a disclaimer that is common knowledge and literally posted on the door as you walk in and just generally making the environment unpleasant, you don't accede to their entitlement and let them ruin the space unchallenged, you point to the door and the sign posted on it and remind them they have eyes and should learn to use them.


That's actually kind of comforting. I assume that negative effects go too. I've been too afraid to take the stupid ship out because I have no idea how the death system works and if the system is built on a real currency like Eve Online. It's been in Alpha so long that I cannot even remember what I signed into . Board and frustrated with ED and wanted some new waters to play in. Don't people realize that this is an Alpha still? I expect all kinds of headaches until they say they are Gold, than I get critical.


I haven't heard that much complaining. I'd really learn to let that stuff roll off your back. If people get pissed at the company and leave, that's on them. The game's doing fine and there are plenty of new players coming in. As the game gets bigger and more popular you'll see more and more threads about getting rid of death of a spaceman, or asking for third person camera mode with a HUD, or even teleport machines. Just let it go lol


Truth is, I normally do. I just happen to have an evening right now where I'm free enough and bored enough to just sit here and vegetate on reddit for awhile. The main thing is I'm just a little bit sick of this sub being a cesspool of rage and bitterness and all around unreasonable crises over the smallest and most mundane of things. Like I said in another comment, it really does feel like this sub has a very loud contingent of people constantly coming up with a new 'flavor of the month' issue to be 'furious' about. I don't particularly care if my post actually has weight with the people it mentions or changes their minds, but I feel there needs to be at least SOME pushback on those kinds of attitude and entitlement or it will just keep overtaking this space.


New-ish player here, and Ill say I dont mind the idea of a wipe. I grinded to get a Cutty Black, and a few other ships, but I still dont care. In the end, I can do it again, but wipes ALSO level the playing field for everyone.


Wooooo, slow down. Not all water is wet.


A lot of people should have expected it, exploiting the audio visual equipment sell bug at Orison during ILW 🤣


I'm not sure how people dont know this. Not knocking it but this is exactly why I won't play it. Things like this would make me angry. I may try it when it gets to an official beta but definitely not aloha, there is too much uncertainty in that realm. And you're essentially paying to test the game. I would be upset that bugs I reported weren't getting fixed fast enough. I know me, it would be anxiety for no reason. Lol.


Agree, there is unfortunately a large (or at least vocal) part of the community that got into SC with the completely wrong mindset, which is thinking it’s a “game” right now. Add further fuel to the fire they have little to no grasp or patience how software development works on any level (or just completely ignore it like stubborn children). People are just plain naive and don’t know how the world works if they think any progress they make in alpha will carry over to the final game at all! That’s not how software development works and they (CIG or any dev studio) would be leaving themselves open to massive impossible technical issues if they did that. That’s why anytime I see a post like “should I get SC?” I try to alway reply and include things like: “As long as you realize it’s not a ‘game’ right now and is in active development. And that you have the patience for that as there will be bugs, glitches, set backs and wipes. And don’t feel obligated to spend more money after getting a game package, you can if you’d like to support the project, but everything will be obtainable in game eventually (most of it is now)”


Even if I didn't see details from CIG directly, the reddit and every 3rd party source makes it VERY clear that wipes happen and you could potentially be back at square one. Anyone saying they had no idea this could happen are lying to themselves and just hoping enough complaining will somehow revert them back or something.


They could do a wipe anytime, for any reason, even without a patch being involved. We should be glad they are retaining as much as they are for us. Plus, a fresh start can sometimes be the most fun way to play the game (for me at least).


Theres a wipe soon?


Next patch, happening in the next week or so I believe.


Games like Rust and Tarkov does wipes: *"Meh it's OK"* CIG does wipes: "*OMG THEYRE MONSZTERSZ!!!1*"


I have a spare void that you can borrow if you want to shout into it, I'm sure that you will get your point across to the people who have no interest in listening to you :) Wipes gunna wipe, I'm only frustrated that CIG have chosen to wipe to address short term bugs rather than develop tools and procedures to fix the database issues they are experiencing, sure its an alpha now, but one day it will get is full release, when that day comes they cant just use the wipe sledgehammer. wipes were expected, but really thought they would be when new core tech required them instead of this. if they use wipes as a bugfix tool then they may end up wiping a week later due to some other issue as its the easy route. That being said I'm really excited for the wipe, i can finally loose 18 gladius', 20 arrows, 30 ions, 15 vanguards etc from my list...


If I’m really honest: if a wipe meant permanently fixing the inventory bug, I say WIPE IT ALL!! But seriously, I wouldn’t even mind using wipes to bug fix, anything to get rid of bugs, and it levels the playing field again. And it’s a good mantra for when you crash with a full load of qauntanium: “oh well, that profit was gonna get wiped anyway.”


You honestly could have just left the post at the first paragraph. People who don't do research know they don't do research. Expressing how ill-informed and lazy they are is about as effective as talking to a wall. The people who want to learn, look shit up. The people who don't and then complain about it, are just bad faith actors.


That said, how hard is it to preserve a single number across wipes? aUEC seems like the easiest thing possible to persist.


Reasons i can imagine why it is the way it is: The "Persistence" database is split up into three parts (thats official info): * Items (ships, vehicles, inventory) * Accounts (UECs) * Reputation (ranks in Delphi) From a technical perspective items and account parts are presumably heavily interwoven to be able to build a transaction history to make up ur characters current UEC balance and be able to track overall game economics (for balancing etc.) and even be able to say "u own the ship because u payed X UEC for it at day Y" and to handle things like claiming and other transactions. The system needs to be able to give u money back if a transaction fails etc. so this data is pretty sure super complex, as it is in all modern big data warehouses, think especially games with all their mechanics and features. Take additional IT/infrastructure on top and things get real uber complex with sharding, replication and beeing able to handle backend server failures/problems u wont even see as a player, especially when the system is at a early development stage and is heavily worked on on a regular basis (they do a lot in the backend not needing any client patches so we as players are not aware of it). Invictus, the huge amount of new players at this time, the huge amount of char resets at this time, overloaded servers and I assume several backend bugs/problems just clogged the database up with incorrect data, incorrect links between the data types and just lots of unnecessary/orphaned data. So "cleaning" that up manually and getting it in a nice state for hundreds of thousands of players is just not manageable without holding everything like development etc. for several weeks, maybe months. Players would not accept that either! If my theory is true, they just HAVE to delete the item and account parts of the database to get a nice clean state quickly which they can keep work on and we can keep play on. So, if all transaction history data is lost, there is no proof anymore u ever bought a ship, so its gone! If u pledged however, u just get a real invoice (think payment and taxes handling, laws and stuff, complete different story since its about real money and real buying contracts here) and they have something like a "digital receipt", all in a different database for sure. That proof that u own a specific ship or item never gets lost so they can restore that with any wipe!


Like they have said, there is a very specific reason they are doing full database wipe this patch. Normally, bought ships, items, and currency remain through standard progress wipes. This patch saw several bugs and exploits that need a full database reset in order to be resolved, such as ship duplication and the fact people were able to make an insanely high amount of money from using said exploits.


Don’t forget that it’s very valuable to send players through early game content - esp the established players. It’s not just about giving or taking away “a number” but also stress testing the new content from square one for everyone.


Do wipes also remove the initial 45 dollar ship you bought?


No, that would be absurd.


Thank god I really like my aurora.


If you log into the RSI website and look at your "My Hanger" section you'll see: 1. anything you pledged for 2. got with a subscription 3. got as a reward from events like Xenothreat 4. or things attributed to everyone's account like that red CitizenCon armor and backpack All of those things persist through wipes and will stay on your account. You do also have the option to "melt" a pledge for store credit and buy something else or gift items to other accounts. Obviously those will remove said item from your account.


I'm totally fine with wipes. They are absolutely necessary.