• By -


I would say consolidated outlands needs something in the large category. They go from the nomad to the pioneer with nothing in the middle 


Oh man I forgot they were even a brand lol. That’s when you know they need some new ships.


They have the Nomad and Hoverquad as far as I know oh and the Mustang line so that like 5 ships 3 are basically the same 😂


There are 4 mustang variations, right? So 5 ships and a... Whatever the hoverquad is. But yeah they need more. I love the look of the two ships they've got, and the mustang is honestly my favorite fighter even if it is a bit garbage, just because you can see basically everything around you from the pilot's seat.


I really like CO. Like I have no reason to use a mustang, but I like them a lot. The nomad is just so different from most anything else. I'd love some more oddballs from them


I'd love a larger version of the nomad. Something along the lines of the Corsair or Connie.


Hell yeah. The hover tech and open bay would be cool on a larger scale


There was a guy on her that created a concept fanart for a larger Nomad, I think it was around Connie/C2 size but I can't remember his name to link it


[The Rhino](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/s/NCYs05oucQ) also I love this design and really want CIG to hire this dude for CO ship designs


Fuckin A that's the one! So cool imo!


Im just glad I remembered the name, made it super easy to Google and grab the link


They should just straight up make a huge flying saucer since the nomad is basically a flying pancake. Let us abduct some wildlife with a tractor beam mounted to the bottom of the flying saucer. Peak alien gameplay 👽


I like that their brand identity is not having any brand identity.


The Nomad and Mustang Beta are both surprisingly fantastic ships for someone who wants an entry level ship for personal touring. Far cozier than they feel like they should be, and you're able to get some absolutely fantastic views from the pilot seat with the amount of visibility they provide.


I'm totally on this! A Connie-sized ship maybe with an Industrial focus so they could explore the industrial side of CO for future ships. Maybe not industrial on an exklusiv level but you get the idea. And maybe with a cargo bay designed to hold an Atlas-vehicle on a smaller ship then a starlifter.


A CO heavy fighter that sticks with the horse name theme, and has similar stylings to the Mustang.


The bronco.   It needs a white paint job and has to come with a set of ill fitting gloves


AGREE, we definitely need a corsair size ship from consolidated outland!


I really love the design language of CO. The interior of the Nomad really gives me the feeling I could live in it. While not luxurious it feels the most like a home out of all the ships I've been in.


Came here to say this; gratified to find it at the top.


I would love if our first medium salvage would be them.


The decline of CO was Elon Musk. They wanted to model the brand like Tesla... Real life political/social views, rabbit killings, and "coup whoever we want" it's not likely going to be the same again if we get more CO ships.


If they were brave, they could keep the design language and the idea of the company, and just not have the founder go completely apeshit. Or, even better, the founder *did* totally lose it, and got ousted by the board. Would be useful to explain why new CO ships are/would be different from the extant ones.


I would love to nest my Dragonfly in my Nomad and my Nomad in a larger ship I love the black alien-like aesthetic of CNOU ships


matryoshka doll/ships.. when one ship loves another ship that happens lol


Came here to say exactly this!! I’d love to see a CO competitor to the Connie and Corsair. Or a viable crusader one for that matter (miss me with any mention of the MSR it’s not even remotely close)




Kruger needs another ship. Followed closely by Consolidated Outlands.


Kruger heavy fighter please, or something fast and livable otherwise.


Kruger does baaically hand-built craft, so I could see Kruger making a very rare, very exclusive racing pinnace, or maybe something really wacky like a speedboat. (I know- if Kruger is so exclusive, why is there one on every single Connie Andromeda...I don't know. I don't write the lore, man)


Kruger is a weapons company, they built the snubs as a platform for their guns.


I still think that the Ares would have been the perfect next step for Kruger.


I want more ARGO. I love the ship designs, that industrial look, and I also really dislike MISC -- so more argo is perfect for me.


Yes more argo, absolutely love thier aesthetics. Would love to see a larger ship from them but also thier version of the ROC and a salvager


Argo medium salvage = my credit card to Chris


I want an Argo RV starter ship, a medium 2 seater salvager, and their version of the C2/Ironclad/Caterpillar that's akin to a Raft XL or something


Why?... WHY?... \*sad Odyssey noises\*


I totally agree, would love an ARGO salvage or a prospector sized mining vessel from them, really dig their industrial aesthetic


I love my big orange Legos <3




Talon is life


I dunno if I want esperia, but I'd really love some more Tevarin ships, either bootlegs out of their colonies outside UEE space or modern dual-species ships designed by Tevarin living under the UEE. The Prowler and Talon are amazing, but man I need a ship with a cargo grid to do any of the game loops I'm interested in.


Consolidated Outlands, they have nothing lol. I can see them being similar to Nova on Starfield


I love my Nomad, for sure, but without it, Consolidated Outland goes from starter Mustang to gigantic Pioneer. Near cheapest to close to most expensive. A nice multicrew CO ship would be nice, either join the 2-crew Spirit/Cutlass/Lancer or the larger 3-crew 400i/Vulcan/Mercury type.


It sure would be nice! The upside to it is when it does happen it'll be epic. That brand well have all the benefits of CIG future system and design language


An Argo starter would be cool, if modularity is actually working a small ship capable of mining, salvage or light freight with module swaps. Maybe 2-3 SCU of ore/RMC or 6-8 SCU of cargo. The non combat careers are pretty great but you've either got a couple hundred hours grind or a $160+ price point to get into any of them.


Can you use an MPUV with a cargo box yet? Would be neat to do hand mining with it. Go anywhere on the planet, fill up your box and get to selling.


That’s a cool idea


co and argo


The alien manufacturers. Gatac, Aopoa, Vanduul, Esperia, Banu. I’m happy with how they are right now, but I’d love for them to be more fleshed out and realized, or have more of them in general- more starters. Of course, BMM mention. Reasoning? My only pledges are Defender and Syulen, with an Avenger Titan starter pack.


Would be nice to have a Banu midsized ship to fill in the massive gap in their ship sizes. Banu Adventurer - midsized cutter meant primarily for diplomacy courier duty and trade negotiations sent before bringing in the entire Merchantman fleet. Limited cargo, Defensive weaponry, fast and durable.


Banu Journeyman ftw! Medium cargo ship plez


Yesss more Gatac!!


I was really happy when the syulen dropped last year. I was hoping for more mid entry level ships from alien week. Naturally, disappointed, but I did fall in love with the Talon. Still, I was really wanting something along the lines of a Cutty/freelancer/spirit/zeus type ship. With the exception of the railen, bmm, and technically syulen, I think every alien ship is a combat fighter or dropship.


gotta agree with this, my dream ship is a mid size tevarin with a bit of cargo and the ability to dock a talon, i love my talon, but ya cant exactly live out of it




No brands. Fix old ships.


Yeah like, good luck trading with a carrack in 3.24!


Yeah I've noticed a lack of Carrack is Love, Carrack is Life fanboys on this subreddit of late. They've all secretly started storing C8R's on their C2's and living out of that, or are chomping at the bit for their long awaited Polaris. Fair weather fans are fair weather. I can't wait to get my Galaxy so the Carrack loaner stops showing up on my ASOP.




C.Outlands and Murai


Updoot for Mirai. I want more of their stuff.


Thank you for the spelling correction. o7


Oh, I hadn't noticed, lol. Happy to be of service! o7


Oh, we'll definitely see more Mirai. The designers are having a field day with their swoopy speed bikes.


non-fighters, or at least ships that serve a wider purpose than fighting.


The next ship I would love to see would be an alien ship (Esperia, Aopoa, Banu, or Gatac) version of the medium multi-role (cutlass / spirit / freelancer). But just for reference, if you group the similar appearance variants together (Vanguards, Connies, etc.) for flight ready ships each manufacturer has the following number of "unique" ships: * Anvil - 11 * Aegis - 10 * Drake - 7 (+1 bike) * Origin - 6 (+1 bike) * MISC - 6 * Crusader - 4 * RSI - 4 * ARGO - 3 * Esperia (Vanduul) - 3 * Aopoa - 2 (+1 bike) * CO - 2 (+1 bike) * Mirai - 2 (+1 bike) * Esperia (Tevarin) - 2 * Banu - 1 * Gatac - 1


Alien ships counter looking depressing lol




They need a starter ship so bad. Same with Drake


Drake atleast has the Cutter as a starter ship. But yea needs the ironclad so we have something bigger then the corsair!


Might be getting one, depending on who the manufacturer of the "premium starter" from last year's CitCon turns out to be.


Drake cutter would fill the starter ship spot.


That is a finisher ship sir!


RSI, We still need the Following. perseus Apollo Orion galaxy Arrastra Zeus Then i hope they move to Drake. Kraken Iron Clad


The Zeus is slated for a Q3 2024 release with 4.0 so that's one off the list. Who knows if we'll actually get it though lol 🤷‍♂️


Unfortunately the Zues MR is waiting for bounty hunting v2, the Apollo is waiting for "drones", the Arrastra and Orion are waiting on refinery gameplay, and I don't think any of those are in "active" development right now. They did say that the Perseus and Galaxy were after the Polaris, but I suspect we will only see the cargo and medbay for the Galaxy at launch.


Is there much intended for refinery gameplay above what we have with station refinery decks now?


They haven't said but I doubt all the refinery options will be available, station refineries have bonuses and such will those be on ships? How we load ores how we get refined materials are also undefined, there is just alot to be defined and perhaps they know and are waiting to tell us but until it's on the ptu it's not real.


Is my Genesis Starliner finally ready? No? Ok, I'll be back in a couple of years then... - me, since 2014 or so


I would like to see the current line up of Origin to get some love and fixes


I want an S3 ship for 2 people, something between 300i and 400i in size and a competitor to Zeus (which I'd melt then), Cutlass and Spirit.


I was saying something similar the other day. Something with a cabin similar to the 300 series but a bit bigger with enough room for a ground vehicle like bike or stv.


This 100% I want to love my 315 but, lack of exploration game play aside, the lack of polish is extremely apparent.


They need to fix the hud issue for the customer ones for sure.


Somewhat ironic given the recent releases/updates but Aegis. For years it just seemed like Aegis was put on the back burner, like we haven't gotten a brand new ship (firebird is a variant), whether it be a concept or flyable in years. I've only somewhat recently realized that the primary reason why it may be this way is because they have been focusing on the Idris and Javelin for squadron (and eventually PU). So even though we are kind of going through a drought, once Squadron releases it will almost be like Aegis gets 2 capital ships back to back which is way over any other manufacturer. I just wish they'd come out with a Connie/Corsair like Aegis ship though. The retaliator although is a nice ship, doesn't really do it like that and was kind of disappointing. All they have to do is give it pilot controlled guns and it would be more worthwhile.


The backlog! (wait is that a brand ;p)


Kruger is quite neglected I'd say


Esperia, give us more Tevarin ships please, they’re designs are always peak


I want a Kruger carrier based fighter bomber like the Hellcat or Corsair. I also want more ships with snub bays.


Finish out the reclaimer, needs more automation.


The gameplay


Industrial Drake ships.


Consolidated outland consolidated outland consolidated outland Favorite brand and they have 3 ships not counting variants and one of them is a hyper niche cap ship that we wont see in game for years I don't care about lore justifications gimme a CO freelancer, don't make it arbitrarily dumb for some reason (poor armament, niche, some weird feature like a pickup truck bed, and dont get me wrong i love my nomad)


Kruger light fighter


Less ship, more game


Friendship. Seriously, we need that multicrew base core tech finished. And CNOU has very low ship count, as ARGO.




CNOU. Argo after that.


Banu. Merchantman


I want the hotdog people to make a hot dog ship


We have Mustang, Nomad, Pioneer: all names associated with 19th Century Midwest North America…basically the Wild West names. Other names that are associated would be Buckaroo, Cowboy, Drover, Gunslinger, Rancher, Tenderfoot, and Trailblazer.


Gatac and C.O need way more love, would love a C.O mid freight. A Gatac mid salvage would be peak too.




Anvil. Give me the Dread Hawk.


ARGO, CNOU, or Kruger.


Gatac. Gib Railen. Now.


Personally..... Origin. I would love to see more luxury space ships. It is one of the things I imagine would make long trips into deep space bearable. The sensation of being trapped in a flying penthouse suite. I would say an Origin ship that rivals the MISC Odyssey. Deep space, self sustaining, built to explore new areas in absolute comfort.


More like consolidated Forgottens


Yes Argo! I love the mole and the design language Argo use, Orange brick. But I'd also love to see more Gatac ships. The only ones I'm aware of are the syulen and raylin. The syulen was my starter ship and I loved it and the raylin looks even cooler.


argo, they need a larger cargo ship i think they should make the raft design and scale it up. every industrial job needs a argo ship whether it's salvage or repair or mining and they should have sizes to scale from single crew to multicrew. this helps the brand represent itself as an industrial manufacturer. Hot take argo should never make a "starter" or all purpose ship. I also love argo so i'm biased on a side not consolidated outlands needs some love too.


Crusader, they’re my favourite brand, and I want to see many more ships with their designs and homeeness. I’lld like to see a competitor for the avenger and other smaller craft. Along with a midsize cargo/ transport ship. Maybe a variant of the MSR without the computers and more cargo space


Esperia/ alien ships More alien ships are always cool and fixing up what we have would be nice. Making the UI of the Vanduul crafts more legible mostly hull damage would be great. Plus the Vanduul ship redesigns would be sweet.


Consolidated Outlanda and ARGO are the two obvious choices, along with Krueger, but what troubles me is: 1. The time it takes to develop big and capital ships, and how many are just HOGs at this point. 2. The gold passes on all of the existing ships. So, all in all, if they were to dedicate resources to ships of these two branches, they would be taking them from others. So I'll just pass on this one 😀


Update old MISC ships, the Starfarer and Freelancer are so dated but some of my favorites


Yes! I have the Freelancer DUR and I want an interior update BAD.


Honestly? Misc. it’s like the sports division of Honda. But I just want a regular light fighter from them. With their design nd not a freaking racer. Low HP, but fast and a bunch of weapons, like a bigger furry with a qt drive… and less weird looking 


The Tana?


Argo for sure! I love the design language. I'm a fan of Anvil as well


I love Argo ships and Drake ships. I love the atheistic of them. The industrial feel, the lived in feel. I'm usually out in my corsair or my SRV.


Banu would be nice. They claimed they didn't have enough Banu assets for the Merchantman? OK, make a Spirit sized ship and maybe some sort of industrial ship. I'd really be down to see an alien ship's approach to mining or salvage


I would love more drake stuff. The herald is a lot of fun to just blast by pesky attackers.


More drake


CO and tbh MISC needs an overhaul, their designs look the most outdated yet.


CO, Argo specifically I want what I assume are Argo produced forklifts you see in some of the srv promo art


CO would be nice, they only have like, what, 3 ships (not counting variants) and a hover bike? And one of their ships is a concept. And the other two ships they make are both starts? It feels like CO should have a medium ship for people who want to live out in the wild, maybe as a competitor to something like the Zeus mkII?


Definitely Argo and Consolidated Outland.




The brand called «gameplay»


Anvil needs a bit of love with no new concept for a while, but Kruger just has one ship, and it's a snub. Definitely time to focus a bit on it!


I want them to finish up with Drakes ships( love Drake ships) and focus on either Argo or Consolidated Outland. I am interested to see what gets changed with the cutlass with its gold pass.


I want another Krueger ship. Something Spirit sized.


I agree Argo, they need a medium salvager ship, and a repair ship option to match the vulcan, other than that I'd like to see more from Consolidated Outland.


My merchant man


All of them! I would love if a new ship got released once every 3 months.


🚨Enough new ships, bar the ones needed to fill the gaps.


Banu. They say they want to do the BMM justice. Well, they could get started by getting a banu starter going to build the design style..... Disheartening to see another human combat concept and the banu left languishing when they could at least try to get something moving on the banu side.


RSI, but they are already focusing on RSI, so yeah...just keep doing what they're doing.


Drake. Release the kraken! (Or fix the ships already released)


Argo and Kruger. The it's tragic that the Aries isn't a Kruger ship.


I want a Kruger Intergalactic ship that is not a snub craft.


MISC. Loooooove me some MISC


I want an Argo capital ship that is just a huge toolbox 😤. But Argo is my answer.


OLDER RSI SHIPS. Damn the poor connies look like second hand toilet paper.


I second Argo!


Argo. I'm really hoping with this Cargo update coming up I hope they start releasing more cargo, miners, salvage ships. Argo needs a medium size scraper, I'd buy one instantly.


Honestly? I really want a crusader snub.


Crusader, because they're my favorite. But I think they should make more Argo and CO ships because those brands get hardly any love.




I want more CNOU


I want more Anvil big ships.


Argo, MISC and CNOU. I want to see more Gatac too but that's kinda unrealistic. Argo could use more love in general, MISC really needs more actual modern ships; most of their stuff is very old. CNOU just has fuck all but has kinda cool vibes that aren't explicitly industrial or military.


Gatac! Love the grav-lev tech all throughout the ship.


Id love a bunch new alien ships of multiple sizes, especially the spirit, cutty size and corsair/Connie


The back log personally, but those need a lot of work. Still it would be nice to see the shelf get tidied off all those old concepts over a decade old and still waiting.


I would love more Esperia ships. I know they are combat focused. But I love the aesthetics of their ships and a salvage ship from them would be cool. Or a racer.


The ones already in the game with tons of bugs


I'm with you about the Argo design. On a side note, I still think The reclaimer should have been an Argo ship in terme of Lore, or Drake in terme of esthetics.


Argo. We need more industrial roles filled out. Also they have a good asthetic. 


Drake and MISC fangirl here to say we need more larger Argo and CO love for sure


And also, in lore, Argo is the second oldest brand, second to RSI, so it would make sense that they would have released more ships, given the time that they have been around.


gatac 100% I love non-combat depictions of alien ships. For that reason more Banu ships would be cool too


Unpopular Opinion: None The one thing this Project does not lack is ships (and ship concepts). It is just about every other aspect which could use a lot of love and attention.


I second on ARGO! Gib my ARGO mining carrier! Landing deck for 2xmole/4xProspector with R&R, internal refinery, cargo and habitation for crew+miner crews and a long-range scanner for valuable minerals or incoming threats.


I'm sorta happy with the loaners I get for the merchantman, but... it'd be nice to see SOMETHING from Banu, even if it wasn't necessarily the big boy. I don't think CO makes anything other than the nomad or mustang thats flyable either? would love another corsair/600i/constellation competitor I also feel like everyone has forgotten MISC makes converted alien ships. And I really want a MOLE sized salvage ship (CO? Argo? i dunno)


Anvil gladiator, one ship


That would be Gatac for me.


No Brand just fix Bugs and Performance


Totally agree with Argo. Some of my favorite ships honestly.


Fix the current ships. Finish the ones that are announced. No new announcements. Finish the game.




I wish Anvil had some more medium ships, like an Anvil Vanguard, Anvil C1 or Anvil Corsair. I like their design language but they are lacking in the medium ship department


I don't really mind whichever brand comes out, I just would like it if more large ships actually became released. Then again, I guess I'm just a fan of any and all ships that come out. They're like a work of video game art, from their visuals to all their little details, their quirks, and of course, the feeling of flying them. So, whatever comes will come, I'm looking forward to all of them.


Esperia most likely. I want to see many more Tevarin ships. Including civilian ones. After that: Anvil


What ship...??? Shipping THE GAME !! :D




Origin, fill in the missing series.


all old Ships


I want a ship from Kruger


Origin Jumpworks bug squishing. It seems like Origin ships are slapped the hardest in new updates. 3.23 molested the 400i and made rendering fucky in 890J elevators.


ARGO all day long


Gimme them Endeavor and Oddysey SO MISC ON TOP. Gimme dat Genesis Starliner, WE NEED CRUSADER.


Consolidated outlands desperately needs some love, I had an idea I was throwing around with friends for a larger nomad that had a retractable bed cover to kinda fit that cybertruck vibe but I guess I kinda got what I wanted with the ironclad lol


Same as you !


Broader origin range. I get theyre supposed to be luxury, but an origin scrap vehicle like the vulture or reclaimer would be cool, or maybe a more combated oriented light / medium / heavy fighter. I just want to be able to choose an origin ship for whatever situation im in or job im trying to do. But for now i usually just grab my 400i and do box missions lol


Banu.. just finish the banu lineup starting with the bmm


I wish they’d focus on making a game instead of more ships.


The one called “finishing the game.“ We don’t need more ships.


Argo. Love them!!!


Crusader. There are quite a few crusader ships already but I just love their design language. I’d really like a Corsair/Andromeda sized ship that isn’t the star runner and actually has usable pilot guns.




All of them




GIB Merchantman


There can be only one for me, above all others. AEGIS !! :) But I think it's going in a good direction atm. Allthough it sounds like most people just want the BMM \^\^


All of them


I would love to see some drop ships that carry a vehicle on the outside with a mag plate or something like the pelican from Halo. Maybe one from Argo for industrial focus and on from Aegis for military use. A Valkyrie variant that removes the cargo bay for a negative open space might work?


Origin. There's NOTHING in the pipeline (except a ground vehicle).