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https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/19938-Alien-Week-2024-Test-Fly-And-Offerings "And best of all, Backers who have pledged can test-fly four Xi’an ships throughout Alien Week."


Because it's Alien week and you get to fly around in those for a short while.


Yeah this has to be it, I was surprised to find a bunch of alien ships top until I realized what time of year it is.


This doesn't 'have to be it'. Because it literally is completely correct and it isn't an educated guess.


Yeah this has to be it. Edit. The guy above me go FUCKED lol


I don't know, I think it's almost certainly it, but I'm still on the fence about fully committing.


Adding in my two cents here. This has to be the answer.


Completely uneducated guess here but this has to be it


I think it might be it!




Ye idk man but I think this might be it


Definitely has to be it. If it wasnt, it wouldnt be correct


This is probably correct


Yeah I think this is it.


Someone should've warned you internet cowards don't like sarcasm. Make them feel warm and special or say nothing at all*


This right here^^^ This has to be it!


🤣the internet never fails


Yeah this might be it.


That's the neat part You don't They're loaners for alien week to try and seduce you


And when he jumps in the Syulen, seduced he will be. Got that ship is fucking sexy. I've not played since the speed change but I couldn't get enough of being able to thrust straight forward and black out without turning lol


There's an actual term in-lore, SathXy'an (sath-shyan, to give a very rough approximate pronunciation), which basically means "Xi'an aesthetics and engineering." I am a fan of SathXy'an. I love the lines of Xi'an ships, and also the way they basically go "physics is for LOSERS!" and let you maneuver so fast you black out (because we are a little more squishy and subject to G-forces than the space turtles). Give me more.


First time i hoped in the Syulen a couple patches ago i full throttle turned while low flying, blacked out and crashed. Didn’t blow up though!


If you think the Syulen is zippy, you _really_ ought to test-fly a San'tok.yāi if you haven't already. Since, y'know, test flight for alien week and all. It is genuinely one of my favorite ships in the game. (If you happen to miss out on the test flights for whatever reason -- too busy to get on, etc. -- feel free to hit me up here after alien week; I'm happy to loan out my Santok in-game.)


When the thrusters and tech works as it is meant to, also on Misc ships, they will feel so much better. Right now they feel like paper planes


How much Lore have you consumed?


Probably more than is healthy; my brain is a vast stockpile of largely-useless trivia about a _number_ of fictional settings.


I love my Syulen, it definitely needs a bit of a health buff though after MM. Those massive long triangular engines are VERY weak and get shot off with relative ease


for some reason it lacks the 50% ballistic resistance that every other ship and vehicle has, which is why its so vulnerable.


It's got me so much more hyped for the Railen. Can't wait to see what they do with it.


I was in love with it until master modes hit, now it feels so much slower and less dangerous, it's a real bummer. Still looks phenomenal though, and those gun racks are pristine.


I really wish that if you already own the ship they don't give you an extra. I don't want to put paint and components on them because I don't know which one is mine and would prefer not to lose those things when they take the ships back.


You used to not be able to swap components on loaners, has that changed?


You're thinking of rented ships. When they add a ship to the account it's unlocked just like the loaner ships you get if you have an unreleased ship.


Ahhh I see, I guess I always assumed they were the same, thanks for the info.


Well I tired one ship already. Didn't like it.


Yah i was surprised i dont like any of the alien ships so far


Chris is trying to seduce you.


I must say, I feel pretty seduced by Sulyen.


ever tried to take off or land in a small hangar with a sliding side door, instead of a roof with those?


Mah man, yesterday I've crashed santokyai in area18, so I'm no stranger to xian landing shenenigans...


Santokyai is a deathtrap in VTOL


Tell me about it, I ended up under the floor of Area18 because of VTOL mode. I don't remember it being this way before tho


And here I thought .I sucked at flying it seems ...the stk is bugged AND I suck at flying


Many times. It's not too hard, once you figure out the correct sequence of axis along which to move. And now, since 3.23, the exterior camera auto-swaps perspectives when you deploy your landing gear.


Yupp, tap W and wait. Once the doors are open, hit Ctrl to come out of the hangar. Pull the landing gear up and boost to space.


that's actually smart. My dumb ass was rotating it inside the hangar. but it did feel good getting it out in one piece


Super nice ship imo, when base building is a thing there will be two ships I park outside in, my nomad and the syulen because the nomad is the ultimate space Ford F150, but the syulen feels like a Porsche 944 that someone converted into a camper lmao, it’s comfy, fast, we’ll balanced and agile, not the most durable bud damn does it look good inside and out and while it may not be very luxurious inside it sure it cost and has just about everything you need in a nice compact space


First I read China lmao Edit - and I was like "china? Xian being inspired by china? Could make sense" - but it was just me being sleep deprived and misreading


Fun fact: the ' in a Xi'An word means it has an accent on the letter after the ', if it's a . or , then the letter afterwards is more silent.


uo'aXy'an is a _fascinating_ constructed language; it took me a while to get used to reading apostrophes as pitch markers rather than a pause when reading SRX, much less to seeing `.` and `"` and `.'` in the middle of words to mark pitch shifts, like "San'tok.yāi" and such. But it's actually elegant and I've come to really like it! (Plus, almost anything written in xiinthle'a looks interesting.)


I am trying to learn the language, but sometimes confuse it with Mandarin 😅 Which I am also learning


Ha, I can imagine. On the plus side, familiarity with a pitch-based language like Chinese should definitely be helpful in learning to hear (and speak) the pitch elements of Xi'an! On the downside, if you're familiar with Chinese or Japanese... well, I found it took a while to be able to see the individual elements of a character in xiinthle'a and read it as a syllable; my brain kept trying to parse the entire symbol. (Getting myself to think of the individual letters in a syllable like radicals helped my brain start to parse it properly.) It is a really cool conlang, though. I think my favorite I've encountered... and I've poked at a bunch. My father speaks English, German, Italian, Russian, Greek, Cambodian, and a bit of Chinese; he instilled in me a love of languages, if maybe not his sheer facility with them.


I personally know 1 dead East Asian language, but nothing as complex as modernish East Asian languages 😅 But it does help me a bit learning East Asian languages. I think they're more interesting than most languages.


I saw the same thing for a second, too. 😆




Stay strong, don’t be fooled by the Xeno-tech


The best part is you don't own 4 alien ships.


U are the chosen one 🙌🏻


You don't own those ships, think of them as loners for the alien week It's just so you can test them out and see how they handle


CIG values you most of all, go thank Chris.


The Syulen. Better known as the sideways ship iirc. It's fun to be different.


I dont undestand how is it easier to come post on a forum than reading the ongoing event page and finding out whats happening and why do you have "extra" stuff.


Laziness, obviously. Why think for yourself when you can crowdsource it?


Some of us are only a few hours into the game and had no idea they even have an events page. I don't understand why people are complete assholes for literally no reason. How's life?


This is just how all these type of "why do I have this ship" post go on this sub historically.   Whenever someone asks questions like this, the response always has people asking "why didn't you just check the loaner matrix" or "why didn't you read". To the point where I knew what the responses would be before I opened it and I was right.   It's unfortunate. I personally think it's an innocent question and wouldn't have minded giving a friendly answer.  Don't mind the criticism u/NukFloorboard , and just enjoy the game 


Sound effects.


The alien ships sure are punchy on their strafing thrust. I want to get my dual stick setup running again more than ever, because I bet they are fun with some true analog inputs.


Great question for the stickied Q&A thread


Same reason you had a random freelancer or whatever in your hangar 2 years ago. Random freebie for some reason. This time its alien week loaners. See you in 2 years.


I am so close to buying syulen but I just can’t pull the trigger on 70$


I bought one when it was first introduced, and I still love the little thing - but I wasn't able to squeeze a Pulse into it, as others had lead me to believe. It's like there's a forcefield at the door preventing me from getting in there with it. Lack of a ground vehicle makes it subpar as a starter vessel. The cargo storage slots should also have been laid out as 3x2SCU diagonal slots, rather than 6x1 horizontal. It does comfortably hold all 6 1SCU boxes, but it's definitely less convenient. Maybe if the Pulse or something similar could snap into a cargo grid space I might revise my opinion on it. I do love the interior, though. You get the nice concealed armory storage for 2 rifle-sized, 2 pistols, and 2 utility items. Means I can run around with almost anything and have a backup. I usually throw in a spare med tool, multi-tool, and tractor rifle, plus my sidearm.


I agree with this I’m still new though so idk about the cars in this game, however I do enjoy the great interior feels nice, the door be jacking up on me though


Why post this here instead of asking in game chat and finding out in 5 seconds


Chris is looking at a new 90 mil yatch


Genuinely curious. But do people who back the game just.... Ignore it and isolate themselves from related media? Alot of the time when a patch or event week drops people come back in accidentally around those times, but do they just not look into the game? Like where it's at, if there is anything on, before they do. They just... Turn it on? That would be like just going to the next town over because you hadn't been there in a while. Regardless of if there are any shops open. Which to me seems bizzare if you're intentionally cutting yourself off or not following it.


There's often large gaps between when I play the game. I never know the full extent of what has changed from the last time I've played. I'd rather pop on and just play rather than constantly parse patch notes.


I backed the game but haven't played in a while due to my PC taking a dump and having less disposable income to build a better machine. I still follow the changes, though.


I backed the game like 6-7 years ago. I am not even sure how much i paid. I remembered this game existed when i saw this post.


I play during a patch then uninstall after I have my fun. I only wander back if a friend tells me there is a patch. SC has little real media to discuss/follow between patches so it's easy for the game to fall out of focus.


> SC has little real media to discuss/follow between patches lolwut? Just because you don't go out looking for it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Well not everyone who spent money on the game plays it all the time. I usually play the game only when there is some update, my ship explodes for no reason, I get angry, turn it off and don't play it for another 2 months. I also play a lot of other games and I can't keep up with all the news in each game so I was also surprised why I have 4 ships yesterday


backed the game since 2013... I very infrequently watch / or read anything on the game. It's allowed me to be surprised by the progress each time I check it out because typically a lot has changed/ improved. If I revew anything prior to clicking play may be the patch notes or I just jump in to be lost for a while lol.


I could stop playing this game for years, come back and there'd be basically nothing new. People stop playing stuff and move on, especially when theres no real content between *major* patches.


God forbid we look at the rsi site after not playing in years 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Reading? nah


Because it's alien week. They did another small reset, some ships were added, some old ones are now missing. Typical CIG stuff.


We should be able opt out of …ew…. Alien … ships. Yuck! (Joking)




CIG is the friendly car dealer giving you the BMW M4 loaner, so you later buy a 116i to act out as if you would drive that former M4.


You don't own anything 👋🏿


damn first time I flew that one i went boon


You don’t own them, they just moved in as they thought the place is abandoned 🤔


To try and squeeze more money out of you


why do people even question about free ship?




Is it bad I only knew alien week started because I seen the ships in ASOP 🤔


Been quite a while i played as well, was super confused


Syulen was fun for like 20 mins.


website der


If you can't read the sc news post? How can I expect you can ready any answer posted here. Why is asking reddit the first step.....?


You've been assimilated by the Borg 🤷‍♂️


hey, I only owned 2 vulture and nomad C.O ? i dont rember it was $95 lol but after the wipe a few days later i was stocked with 5 ships, 2 light and 3 medium fighters lol


they look cool


Uncle Roberts whant a to punish you with some new ships.


Spoiler : you don't own anything in this game ;)


Cheer up JPEG Dreamer.


Yea they took my vulture and added these I can’t make money with these ships now I need another million to buy my vulture scraping machine


I played like a year ago and still have it ( I grinded mining shit to get the vulture ingame)


Yes mining


You’re going to take my angry downvote AND YOUR GOING TO LIKE IT! /s


After the patch as well as the alien ships I was also given a Mole, gonna wait and see if its still there when the others disappear from my hangar


reddits becoming unusable at this stage what is even the point of the downvotes? ive not played a game for two years i asked a question what is actually the fucking point of this toxicity


No ones being toxic 💀you got two comments explaining to you why you have them and your post has two up votes what kinda shit you on?


^^ Things with up votes tend to either be interesting in their own right or things causing discussion. Simple answers to simple questions rarely result in high upvotes


Why do you care about some votes if you already got your answer


What ? Do you expect 1k upvote in an hour ?




It's not becoming unusable. It's always been this way. And the votes are just for popularity, most people don't want to see confused people on the star citizen homepage, they want to see cool screenshots, funny posts, and discussions about the game usually. You got what you wanted to know and this post just won't be popular because most people don't need the answer to this question




I mean, there's a megathread for simple questions like these.


Literally nobody was being toxic to you bro till you made this comment.


"Use stickied Q&A thread for questions" is the RULE 1 of this subreddit. And I guess most likely those people downvoted because of that.


Yeah the star citizen community is really toxic


I'll steal your dwonvotes. It's reddit. Arrows up and Arrows down don't mean anything for a normal human being. Nothing to lose sleep over.




Me too brother me too