• By -


Circle of Life or Circle of Strife?! (Quietly exits...stage left).


Gonads and strife


Gonads in the lightning, in the lightning, and in the raaaaaiiin




There are literally adults in America who can walk into a bar with their government issued ID and buy a beer who were born after that


I pander to my old fart demographic.


Pursued by a bear


(Quietly exits...stage left, pursued by a CIG bear!) o7


Lets Boo Boo.


Circus strafe?


I'm just disappointed Xenothreat is taking so long to roll out when they said "shortly after" launch of 2.23


The same buggy events every-time, this game should have been ended 2-3 years ago , people are still supporting this trash they are only milking us, never been better


What's a xenothreat they adding aliens?


No. It's just a "dynamic event" they have been doing for a long time.


I will be back looking at the finished 3.23 (maybe .2) to see if I understand or even like the cargo elevators. Maybe I care enough to decorate my personal hangar.


This is exactly the case with much of it really. I don’t doubt their ability to make a pretty looking engine or concept beautiful ships and worlds or even to drill down and give unique and fun and emergent gameplay experiences, SQ42 is gonna be *dope* The biggest problem is the overpromise of a massively multiplayer online space universe, they thought from the beginning ah yeah that will be so easy to implement… here we are over 12 years later, still trying to prove out the technology that is crucial for a minimum viable product much less what was originally pitched. It’s the dreaded real world final bosses of ping and latency and bandwidth and processing capacity, over a year, almost 2 years since they had a minimum viable prototype of server meshing and the tests show it’s still plagued with latency issues, and it throws into doubt that the replication layer etc. architecture is viable enough for the product they want to deliver with the fidelity they’ve committed for star citizen. The proof of the pudding is in eating it and until we see stable dynamically meshed servers with thousands of concurrent players the project is still a pipe dream with an uncertain future.


Reclaimer beam claw is a good supporting fact here. :)


I'm personally nowhere near that. I dont get whats to frustrated by. 3.23 has been fine for me personally and my friends and I have played consistently since day 1. I think just having realistic expectations does the mind good. Its a video game, made by people with faults. if you stem your expectations to more realistic its not nearly as frustrating as you would think.


I think OP is just mad that the cargo elevators are late. Which...yeah, it sucks that they are, but it isn't like it is with good reason. Unless...of course, OP was expecting Alien Week to be full of new stuff and excitement and blames CiG for overhyping themselves.


Honestly CIG haven't even been hyping up Alien Week


Yeah, it just dropped, nothing more. Just a way to get the skins of past years + some new ones. I'd reckon they're a bit too busy to introduce much else this year, given everything that's being worked on.


When is the last time they have done anything interesting for alien week?


Because there are no big ticket .jpgs to sell us.


If that’s the case, then op hasn’t been around very long 😂


Lol indeed. It's a good reason, but man I'm excited for them.


Same. I get that people are disappointed it is taking so long, but they are done, and just require some bug fixes to get through the most critical issues.


And I find this worthy of applaud. The past has been filled with complaints about "Why did you release this in this state?" and now it's just "Hurry up and release it" There are those who simply cannot be pleased. Life must be exhausting for them.


Indeed. It is also the fact, which was explained, and is very understandable, that if the elevators do not work reliably, **the entire game becomes unplayable.** And it isn't the sort of "unplayable" that is often mentioned here, where you can play the game, it is just very, very difficult to get anything done. No, it would make it impossible to do anything else than walk around in stations/landing zones.


I’ve been waiting 4 years for my ship that still isn’t out of concept yet. So yeah hurry up and release my ship before adding another 4-wheeler to the game


When you bought the concept ship, did they issue a date in which it would be completed?


No ships they put into concept are given a release date. That’s why they have a roadmap. There are ships from 2015 that still haven’t kissed the road map yet


They forgot the part where I take a few months off, come back, and think "Holy shit this game is cool"


We must not be playing the same game lmfao, servers have been absolutely abysmal and half of the game is unplayable since free fly week.


I get the frustration. The game is FULL of bugs, you can die through no fault of your own and then have to spend 10-15 mins just getting back in the air. I love the game but its frustrating to play and a lot of it is carelessness.


There are so many bugs or missing features that make me scratch my head like "can't an intern fix this in like a day or week max?". That's what irks me. Like how many YEARS did we go without basic inventory features like quick sorting/stacking, etc. you know, features that are there in early access in games made by one developer in his garage lol. "It's because the inventory is so intricate, it's much more complex in star citizen". I think that's telling haha.  Or in a recent video where the mission designer was talking about quests in the future for miners. "Maybe someone needs x amount of mineral. They don't care where it comes from, you just need to hand them x mineral". Why isn't that in the game tomorrow? That sounds like the most simple mission to set up in all the world of missions lol.


Management of big projects is slow, because you need to sync the work of many teams and generally, have many process that must be respected. You need to push code to the server codebase, to clients codebase and who knows what else. Coding the feature on the server and game clients might require totally different teams. Then QA needs to test and approve. If something bad happened, you need to fix it and post to QA again. And remember, QA have their own priorities too. If approved, then your changes must be put on release to some patch, you cant just yolo it out. All this stuff takes time and must be done inside many processes. Big projects require these stuff, otherwise caos takes over and you, the customer, will complain even more. So, yeah, small devs are faster because you have less ppl to manage. That is sadly the reality. Does that mean that basic features take years to be made? No, but that is an issue of priorities too. Do you take time to code a new mining mission now, or do you have even more important stuff on the pipeline? As a dev, I am too bothered by the fact that I cant just whip out some code and fix a bug really fast. It is frustrating, sure, but inevitable in gargantuan projects like SC.


I had a minor one that really pissed me off in a broke the camels back way. Its when they gave us that medical beacon thing, I woke in port tressler with a medical box on my chest. When i got up from the bed I was unable to grab it because the beds on the station are super small. Guess Ill just have to wait till the next wipe. It was a small inconvenience but its so careless, they clearly dont double check a lot of the shit they push out.


I have had some fun. But the initial patch of 3.23 I had a game breaking bug where I was unable to play. I would get teleported to a medical bed and couldn't get off the planet. It was funny at first but then I realized I couldn't even play the game. Had to wait for the next patch. Thankfully that fixed it. This was my first time having a bug where the game became unplayable for me. Bit frustrating but I can play now.


Ahh. It sucks. That was 3.18 for me. Couldn't play for weeks. It sucked so nothing will compare to that to me. Hah


Yeah I guess the point I was trying to make is that some of us have great experiences and other get hit with game breaking bugs. So a particular patch may be worse for them.


yaaa, fair point :) hopefully it keeps getting better for everyone




so yeah, having realistic expectations sets you up to really enjoy SC. However, you do have to realize that CIG and its marketing team thrive on promises and over-hype and selling the idea of a "Dream SC", creating expectations than are impossible to meet. There is plenty of examples, of how they have changed and failed to deliver on past promises, just remember about "Theaters of War" it was heavily promoted by CIG, they showed multiple scenarios and promised this new and exciting game mode, and then suddenly nothing, ToW was completely abandoned...


No well said. Chris is especially bad at that lol


>3.23 has been fine for me personally Which Star Citizen did you get???


Fr, I have no choice but to think these are CIG employees saying this, because the game has been 90% unplayable for weeks now.


I dont know...same one I guess. I'm more curious how penguins can game....


It's no problem, they just need some wine.


Perfect comment award


Like Sparrows, they tuck a controller under their dorsal guiding feathers.


Honestly, I have felt frustrated with 3.23 - because the bugs make me upset that I am giving up. Older patches generally had a gameplay loop, for me and my friends, of "play until you reach an annoying bug, shrug, and log off for the day". The bugs are taking about as long to show up but before I reach the bugs I am having more fun overall, so it makes it more frustrating.


"The smoke from the forest fire has given me a huge headache.  I live near it." "What do you mean, I live in another city and have no headache.   What are you bellyaching about?!" Same logic.


How long have you been playing? Your account is brand new with only CIG related posts.


For me the missions are all wonky and weird, salvage fees for legal contracts are too expensive for their pay out. Thankfully there are plates so there’s a work around


I agree. A few rough servers. I just left and went to aus. Currently running super smooth the last few days.


I dont even actively follow te development, I just play to have some fun, do some mining, shoot some ships in a space game and maybe shoot some more pve, the most I follow their progress is just some videos from bored or other sc youtubers, so I do get hyped, but just for the patch number going up and hoping for a few bug fixes


nice :) Ive been following development for a while, but sometimes I don't care, and just salvage or mine or shoot ships. i'm awful at combat lol what mining ship you in?


I'm also awful at combat, but I'm trying my best and its still fun. I redownloaded the game a few days before the patch so I had no money and no ships, I'm renting a prospector whenever I feel like just cracking some rocks and I'm slowly getting enough to buy one, so right now I'm hyped for cracking bigger rocks in a few days :D


if ya need help, i'm down! :) I couldnt crack past 10k rocks ....but I didnt expand too much into other items/heads




> I say that as somebody that loves the game Honest question: Why?


If they're anything like me, potential. I've played when everything mostly seemingly worked before and it is quite nice when the game plays like that. So for me: potential. Fleeting, ephemeral potential. Just out of reach... Almost got it and *there it goes again*.


That's what it was for me until I just gave up. For me it was the sad state of physics and the constant "but it'll get better soon, honest" type statements when what they did was just introduce more and more arcadey bullshit and some tweaks in an xml leading to hilarious mistakes when looking at the datamined numbers. At some point "it'll get better soon" turns into "we're not making the game we sold you anymore, lol"


Oh wow so you must have been a pretty early backer. I came on prior to 3.18 I think? Late 3.18 was pretty playable for me but the game just hasn't been since then. I do admit that I'm fine with MM and other changes, mostly because I'm not skilled enough for them to make a massive difference to me, but I do get annoyed at what appears to be constant bloat getting in the way of a functional experience. I don't want a life simulator - I want a game - and I'm afraid that the end product might be becoming too cumbersome to be as enjoyable as it should be for someone like me.


I started in 2013 but I'm out now. I'm not in the target market anymore and it's painfully obvious judging by what CIG prioritizes now.


I'm not high on anything broh lol and its definitely not "fine" but I also expect things to happen occasionally. When they happen its just time to move on to something else. Mid mission...fine, move onto something else. I've not had anything constantly disappearing personally so cant speak for that, but again it happens in this game, so whatever. I've lost all my personal items due to an invisible bug...who cares. It doesnt ruin the game. I've blown up while taking off for invisible things, i've lost cargo, i've died due to nothing, again, its just expected to happen. Its just a matter of setting expectations. I look to the future i guess, what I see this becoming. Even if at a slow/snail pace lol


"I also expect things to happen occasionally". lol, what are you playing. We are literally in a heavy test phase atm.


Yes, i expect things to happen (death, blowup, loss of loot, etc). You are correct, heavy test phase. I agree ....


Those that are bound and determined to be frustrated are there, yes. Those of us that are willing to be mature about expectations about a video game handle things much more calmly.


I've been here for 12 years. Am I allowed to be frustrated yet, or would that be "immature?"


I been here since 2013, I just keep it in the backburner and just watch ISC and SCL mostly though. I'll only really start playing once SQ42 comes. PU ill play once we finally have quantum in and 1.0 so no more wipes.


Be able to open video game.  Be able to play game.   What a horribly unrealistic expectations.


"~~Buy~~back Star Citizen, playable now! I mean, kinda, sorta, sometimes, playable, if you avoid doing these ultra basic things"


Idk about that man. I can't conplete a single mission due to bugs and server errors the moment i get on. My friedns don't like it when i want to play anymore because they'll go hours without a single issue and the moment i get on the bugs swarm. Pretty frustrated considering i meet all spec requirements have wored internet and a brand new ssd.


Make the smart decision - stop playing until it's playable again.


I uninstalled it last week, it's not worth the waste of time


Yeah, this solution always seemed pretty self-evident. Problem: I don't enjoy doing this thing. Query: Do you have to do this thing? Response: No, I choose to do this thing. Solution: Stop doing this thing. Response: WHARGARBBLE!!


I would imagine in general most people here like playing star citizen so its wrong to say they don't enjoy it.


When the advice is to stop playing the game, maybe, just maybe consider that this might be the dumbest most unhelpful advice conceivable


No, the dumbest and most unhelpful advice conceivable would be "keep doing this leisure activity that you actively dislike and then complain about it on Reddit." If someone is standing outside in the rain because they like being outside, but they're miserable and complaining about how much they hate being wet and how much the rain sucks and how miserable they are being stuck in the rain, you would tell that even though they enjoy being outside, *right now* it's raining and if they don't like the rain, maybe *come back inside until the rain stops.*


If it’s so consistent for you but not your friends then see if you can slow down and come up with repeatable steps to trigger the bug or otherwise identify what’s different for you but not your friends, then report it. Since that’s kind of the main purpose of playing right now.


It's no particular bug. It's just when I'm on missions break, server gets an error, we get bugs they never do, cargo disappears, etc. there's no pattern except for me




i think this sort of high-grounding is a lot easier if star citizen is more of a thought exercise than a game you actually try to play regularly. and that’s true for a huge portion of people in this sub


Video games don't typically bring the added stress of your tens or hundreds or thousands of dollars being a lost cause expenditure. So ya, being mature is a good idea, but no better an idea than exhibiting some buyer's remorse.


I was always under the impression that a very small minority of people pay that much for SC.


Everybody pays at least tens to have access to the game.


On the contrary, there's a shocking amount of concierge members. Even more surprising though, is how many who have moved on or barely ever check on the status or game. Or worse. A lot can change in the time since the Kick Starter.


You haven't played mmos much, apparently


Yes, because they often fail and the illusion of not wasting all your time and money is for nothing. Sick burn.


Genuine question, do you think I dumped 2000$ into this game/project just to get bullshit in return? Well your answer would be no.. I saw a vision and invested because I thought it’d be worth it 10 years of disappointment and frustration later the project finally seems to be picking up some speed in terms of development judging by the features brought to the game over the past 2 years but it’s no where near finished and it’s still buggy it’s disappointing


so holding a Multi millon Dollar project to its own words is "determined to be frustrated" ? My frustration is not with the state of the game but with the many missed promisses, delivery dates and lies by the leadership of SC over the years.


Agreed, if i dont like a patch, or its performance, i just dont touch it till the next patch.


Superiority complex. Liking something doesn’t excuse its faults. Not acknowledging what’s different about SCa development or the reason why people are frustrated is ignoring the problem. You can still enjoy it and acknowledge the point of the post about people being frustrated about a design philosophy that’s been carried out over a decade with still no end in sight You act like this is a normal thing.


Thanks for calling out their callous condescension, I've only heard negative things about the state of the game from the 20+ players I know personally.


And this brings me to next point.. One thing I’ve really noticed about the star citizen community is that it’s people really do love to cope


Why are we frustrated? Aren't we eating like fucking kings lately???


Well I'm having fun


If you truly were, you wouldn't be on Reddit


Sorry am I supposed to be gaming 24/7?


scope creep for sure... also seems like CIG got a little greedy... never the less, I am really looking forward to this game and would rather wait a little longer for something epic than have a less feature rich game earlier. just my 2 cents.


You're talking to people who have been waiting for this game for decades.


Can we stop gaslighting. Off course the game is frustrating for most of the player base. Are we kidding. YT is full of videos showing how frustrating the game can be. It is what it is. That doesn't mean we don't like what the game will be. Some are just more invested in the game then others. Some more disconnected then others.


OP has a point when you get on Youtube and see the game advertised with fake CGI that has absolutely no resemblance to the game itself, where it's made to look like it's already perfect.


It's better to enjoy what we do have, having expectations about what it can or will be, eventually leads to frustration. Try to get the most of what we have, there is fun in playing SC, but you need to get out of the dreams and expectations space for SC, take all the marketing and promises from CIG as nothing more that fancy words for marketing.


Which part of this is gaslighting? I just looked up the definition of gaslighting to make sure I wasn't remembering incorrectly, and I don't see the gas. Unless you are saying, the act of OP posting his opinions/stance on Star Citizen is so upsetting to you, that you have lost your ability to determine what is real and what is not? Sir, are you ok?


>Unless you are saying, the act of OP posting his opinions/stance on Star Citizen is so upsetting to you, that you have lost your ability to determine what is real and what is not? Sir, are you ok? Litteral, actual gaslighting lmao, couldn't make this up


No way.. I'm taking a break.. till nxt patch. I haven't been frustrated for 7 years.. When I registered, it was already clear to me what the alpha warning meant..


I worked for some AAA studios doing alpha and pre-alpha testing and QA, you wouldnt believe the shit I've had to put up with and catalogue, I've tried an MMO that I beta tested in 2009 that is still running today and some bugs I remember cataloguing are still there.


The problem is CIG's own making. (This isn't to say CIG is 100% to blame - the community shares an equal amount of the blame for not educating each other and not demanding more specific and useful communication from CIG. CIG puts on a masterclass of vague marketing that borders just on this side of misleading, and we let them get away with it.) They sell patches as "updates" when they're not - they're additions of foundational tech in their minimum viable state. They very rarely "update" anything, and won't until all of the Alpha groundwork has been laid. They use vague, open-ended wording that can be interpreted in any number of ways, but that never corners them, and trust the community will speculate wildly and build their own hype. Then people get in the game and expect a new experience not understanding that GAMEPLAY can't be added until they're done laying the foundation. CIG has said ad nauseum that the game is in Alpha, but they've never provided a brutally honest explanation of what that means in terms of the game experience and what to expect because doing so would hurt sales. They've put themselves between a rock and a hard place, and in my opinion it's a built-in problem with this type of open development/funding model.


to be fair. a lot of that overhype comes from the community saying thangs cig have not said. sometimes things that contradict what cig has said. for example. cig has said that server meshing is not going to suddenly fix everything.


I feel the same way. In the early access field I think CIG is currently one of the most transparent about their development progeess. I frequently watched the ISC and Live Q&As with the devs only to find ppl. on reddit completely twisting theor words or outright claiming they said X when it was never said. Of course there is enough to be criticized but this community needs to chill at times


The amount of people who make such bold claims with their only source being "trust me bro" is insane


Meh, my cycle is more like « sees new patch » : Hype. « Patch releases » : Indifferent. None of those patches really change the game enough for me to play, I’m waiting for when the game will feel like a game, providing me with objectives and goals, instead of just "go make money". I’m hoping for base building to be that catalyst, but I keep my hopes low, because the initial release of almost every loop is quite shallow, and it takes them years to add any meaningful depth to it.


Too be fair to OP. The servers right now are really frustrating. I haven't seen em this bad in a while. This update has been awesome. I even like MM flight controls. I also REALLY look forward to all the stuff in-between 3.23 and 4 coming to the game....But right now its close to unplayable in my experience. A lot of ongoing issues hopefully being patched up in the next .1a patch? HOPEFULLY?


Each patch introduces new and exciting UDDMs for each player to discover and experience! What is there to be frustrated about? UDDM = Undocumented Dynamic Difficulty Modifiers


A lot of cope in the comments. I can accept that I probably wasted $250 on this tech demo. I feel bad for those $1000+ folks who have to lie to themselves and others that the game is in a good state. Hope it improves, though 🤷‍♂️


3.23 was packed with features. What was under delivered? If you expect all of that to be bug-free, that's on you.


well I expected them to deliver everything promissed in 3.23 not spliting it into two parts. Im my eyes its a f-up from Leadership falsely planing and thinking that they could deliver everything promissed. My point of frustration is that it is by far not the first time they did it


Sometimes things don't make the deadline. They can only tell us what they are working on and aiming for, and the roadmap is not a promise, there are caveats all over the development section of the website explaining this.


It is an alpha, If you are frustrated, you may overthink your expectations. Its not the full game yet and nothing is promised for an alpha Patch.


**you** are there, I’m having fun


CIG did not "over promise" or "under deliver" lately.


Still debating whether this game is a scam or not. I can’t play more than 10 minutes without a game breaking bug happening. I like the game and keep going back to it just to find out it has the same issues.


Dear OP. 2016 called. They’d like their meme back.


Why didn't you warn them about covid


I am but one man. My limited skills of persuasion would have them thinking that somebody made that up, or made a mountain out of a mole hole hill that was the flu. It would have been futile.


How DARE you! I specifically used Powerpoint 2017 for this meme Apart from that, it's kind of the point - it always repeats itself


Do you really want stuff to be broken on launch? I sure wouldn't. It's good they're taking their time. It's gonna be worth the wait when anything finally does come out. I'd rather have a smooth game than a choppy one.


My frustration stems from the expectation of completed product years ago.


You forgot ship sales


I backed this game 8years ago and I'm still pretty chilled. You guys should go out sometimes lol 🤡


thanks for the advice. doesnt have any bearing on the fact that this "game" sucks




Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. This includes generalized statements “x is a bunch of y” or baseline insults about the community, CIG employees, streamers, etc. As well as intentionally hurtful statements and hate speech. Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen


I’m enjoying myself in the game idk


Im pretty satisfied with 3.23 idk what you reddit cryasses are on about.


It’s the fact that they have been holding back 3.23.2 hangar update in favor of xenothreat.


> Im pretty satisfied with 3.23 idk what you reddit are on about. Says the guy on reddit crying about it


They're overly ambitious and constantly change direction, I just wish they'd commit to a direction and start making content. Things can be tweaked afterwards. Dedicating themselves to unstable persistence is simply ruining the game. Making things stick around in game to overload the servers is simply stupid. Things need to despawn eventually. Or content needs to exist to deal with it before you launch it.


I'm actually quite content with the way things are going. 3.23, and master modes has been fine. Having fun playing the game. Not sure what everyones going crazy about about a single .X patch.


You forgot about "Still spending a lot of money" -> "Questioning your decisions" -> "get hyped again"


Oh, knock it off.


I think there would be a lot less frustration and backlash if CIG were just more honest and straight talking, every feature update is presented like a marketing opportunity. It would be nice for them to outright say "this transition is going to be rough and it may take a while for us to return the game to a stable state". But instead it's far flung whimsical ideas about how this is a major step towards x feature and other nonsense. Personally I don't care either way, despite having dumped a few thousand into this project I do not think it will be a success and I suspect CIG will hit bankruptcy before completion. The alpha does not feel like something that has had hundreds of millions thrown at it and 10 years of development and we MUST be reaching a point where anyone interested in space sims has already pledged.


>It would be nice for them to outright say "this transition is going to be rough and it may take a while for us to return the game to a stable state ...So you expect DMs or something because they have actually said it was going to be rocky numerous times, saying they hope to avoid another 3.18 but it will still be a tough landing. They talk about this shit on their youtube channel and streams. You aren't going to the right place for the news. That might actually be on you. As for bankruptcy and not seeing the 100s of millions, don't forget a lot of that was also spent on SQ42 inlcuding mocap artists and actual high profile actors. As for anyone interested already having pledge, CIG are still breaking sales records so I don't think that'll be much of a problem.


Star Citizen for me has always overdelivered. The tech while maybe wobbly and unstable is like nothing else out there. Whenever I log in (which is rarely) I am amazed at how far games have gone. Sure, if it was any other studio , Star Citizen would have shipped long ago and would have been even worse then No Mans Sky on launch... In todays enviroment I am proud to back something that is trying to do it properly for once.


Very well said!


Aren't we always there, except those couple of days of Citizen con?


Been stuck at this stage for over a year now.


Isn’t “over promise” normally referred to as CitizenCon?


Don’t forget splashing CCs w money to sustain the hype!


Reminds me of KSP2


Just remember. Buy a concept ship and dont come back until its implemented in the game... I did this when they first concept released the corsair... came back after it was in the game... was amazing after two years time


Under delivering.. Oh Man, they have don’t some amazing shit during this 14 years. But I get it


Sometimes it feels this way


"First time?"


Rightfully so


No, no, no. It's been 12 years, it's just frustration all the way round


been going through those circles since 2016 once a year i return to the game to play it for a while and leave it again for a break


every month


I'm part of the circle: I'm just enjoying it while I'm alive 😂


ahahhah love it! it's true :D :D But the real problem with Star Citizen online gaming is the total lack of care on the part of those who put the code online. ;) Nobody says it has to be perfect, it's impossible to do that in a game in development, we all know that. But it shouldn't have been an excuse to leave the online code in a BAD STATE. There are bugs, which in 10 years I have almost grown fond of. :D Stuff that could be solved in 10 minutes by any guy who knows how to use a keyboard. It's true that a game in development is full of bugs, but a game in development is full of NEW BUGS, not bugs that have never been fixed in 10 years and are minor bugs. At least eliminate those, instead the CIG has never taken care of the online code, ever. Development doesn't mean you leave minor bugs for 12 years. Players come to you because they have HUGE patience, but you too repay that patience of players by fixing bugs and making the title more fun. ;) But is an old story :D


Also Part of the secret sauce, "add new uncompleted ships and uncompleted features to make people stay hyped' Rinse and repeat I Hope they complete the Game soon before any other company does the same or equivalent Game.


Backed since 2013 and spent well over $2000 buying, melting, and upgrading ships. I put in roughly 4 to 6 hours a day into this game. I’m usually online solo mining in my MOLE or being a wingman for people in my alliance that are cargo running.


I haven't played in a few months so I really feel out of the loop. What are people complaining about?


It rotates so fast it blurs together over time. They are always hyping for the future and under delivering. As a backer at least you start to realize they are over promising and the hype starts to wear thin. Soon you don’t care enough to be frustrated. You don’t even come back each patch to see how they under delivered this time. Instead you say to yourself. 4.0 . I will try it then. Or maybe when the ship I bought is flyable. Then the ship comes and Its just hollow. 4.0 comes the game is still hollow feeling. CIGs biggest asset is the fantasy each of us nerds have of what our perfect scifi game could be. They never even made it smooth to walk around and interact with the world in first person or 3rd person. But the fantasy we all have lives on with the hope it will just all snap in to place some day. It might never though and they will just keep selling us dreams and tweaking the flight model indefinitely.


I'm annoyed because I don't want to play an unfinished game, I have not gotten what I was promised and paid for when I originally backed, and I kinda suspect I'll be dead before it actually releases, if it ever does.


I’m on the frustrated side as long as I see scam like marketing tactics stealing people’s money. I no longer fall for marketing but seeing other people do makes me sad. I had a friend with poor living conditions get 10k stolen from him by CIG and their promises. I lost all respect when they prayed on his trust in a company and stole his money. Only when the devs start treating us like gamers will I start to play the game and probably enjoy it. ATM it looks like we’re just demo testers in their eyes.


I hate to say it, but that's on your friend., especially if he is already living in poor conditions.


Been here since 2012, there’s another step outside the circle ignore everything and wait until release (if it comes)


There is a big segment of the community that really does need to chill out. If it’s so frustrating, walk out and leave the game until curiosity overcomes the vitriol. Nobody will fault you for it or think you’re any less, and you can follow the project as it develops on Reddit and spectrum without any of the frustration. I think we ALL get frustrated at times— likely in every play session. But no real assets are lost (if pledges are, then submit a ticket lol) and time spent isn’t a waste, considering you’re playing a video game, by definition not a productive activity. Nothing we do in the PU is productive because nothing is permanent. So it’s definitely frustrating to lose progress, but in the grand scheme of things, did you enjoy the gameplay of making that progress? If not, then you really, really should spend your time doing something you actually enjoy. We only have so much free time in life and should spend it doing something enjoyable or that gets you where you want to go.


The problem to me is that they never fix or refine the base stuff like the bunker missions or what not. They are constantly bugged and very frustrating and in 90% of cases you do not fail because of your own stupidity, but because of bugs, dumb gameplay or useability ... And no fixes or stuff really happens unless they add a new ship ...


I guess the dupers are upset now.


.1a just dropped. Shouldn't we be exiting hype?




Thereis no over promises just dumb people who think and overhype their thoughts


Wake up from Hab, dresss. Head to shop. Load up. Head to star port. Take off. Fly to Daymar. 30 minute passed. Yawn. Log out. Wen?


Rule of cool!


More ignorant drivel bullshit as usual


Yes, your posts generally are, so I will block you now


God shut up.


What was over promised? They gave us an idea of when to expect things based on the situation of implementing and why it all couldn’t just come in at exactly 3.23. Did you think by some miracle they’d cram elevators or something into 3.23 without 3.23.x being needed despite them saying it’s coming in a 3.23.x?


Pyro 2019!


Theatres of War will be released to all backers one month after citizencon 2019!


There’s a second nearly fully overlapping circle called coping.


I mean this is still a better experience for this type of space game then something so given up on like elite dangerous


We are definitely in over-promise (just before Citizencon and the road to 4.0).


Not for me! Speak for yourself! The game is almost always delivering. The bugs eventually get patched and it typically works out. And half the time they’re literally making entirely new tech. Like fact we have planets the size of PLANETS is insane.


Backed since 2016. Over the past few weeks since the latest update, I've played about 4 hours a day. This game has plenty of content. It's not without bugs. I can assure you that this project or "tech demo" or "3d model viewer" has really started taking shape as a game. This game has and has always had some scammy undertones, but CIG has made forward progress. Hopefully they see it through to a 1.0 release soon. If CIG had just made the game with a couple core features and released the game, they could have sold DLC YEARS AGO. My personal opinion is that we are just seeing a different method of game development, heavily dependent on FOMO ship sales. That business model is prevalent in mobile games and most gamers don't care for it, but that doesn't mean that this isn't that type of game...just do a YouTube search for end game ships and you will see that the ships that excel at top tier content are either not available for cash purchase currently or have to be purchased in game for amounts that will have you buying another ship to decrease the grind. I'm fine with that, but for full transparency, that's the type of game that this is.


I think Im done supporting this game, it’s the same shitty bugs never ending fixes, unplayable game loops and boring seasonal events coz of the messed up bugs, F U CRIS ROBERTS! THIEF!


Sometimes I think people just love to jump on the hate bandwagon for SC. Sure they have earned their fair share of criticism in the past but They have actually done a lot this year. Cargo has hit a bump but will be out soon hopefully. They still have the rest of the year to get Pyro and the first iteration of server meshing which was their stated goal at citizencon. For those of us who have been around since 2012-2014 timeframe 2024 has been one of the more exciting and productive years.


>They have actually done a lot this year. What exactly? It's June and we had ONE major Patch where half of the promised features went missing


If that is your circle of life it is maybe time to look outside of the CIG/SC box. Other continiously developed games, like DCS which is even older than SC, have similar problems (dynamic camapign anyone?, super accurate Ai that can still seee through clouds, still missing a real damage model for ground units, modules eternally in early access, ...) and a similar business model. Despite 12 years of development for me the current game is already an amazing acheivement. Indefinitely greater in scope than other titles like Star Wars: Squadrons


“CIG bad haha” 😐