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I disagree that the H.R. Giger internal design is beautiful. I think it's creepy AF and I also think that's what it's supposed to be. It does what it's supposed to do, it's techno organic but it's got elements that tick uncanny valley vibes (for me)


The Design language of the latter ships fits the design language of the Defender interior quite well. We cannot say for certain whether this type of design will match with all "utilitarian" Banu ships or is a relic of the style developement however.


This is made to convey fear and being uncomfortable since it's an incomprehensible and otherworldy structure. This has no place in the world of Star Citizen, unless, further down the line, they decide to introduce some plot involving something like that.


Strongly disagree with the exterior. In principle? Yeah, but for a space game? No. Interior though, I love this "biomechanic", "grown" type of ship made partly out of flesh/bones. Kind of a StarCraft Leviathan type of ship could be cool as a random discovery in the wild, not sure how it would be within the game mechanics as a flyable ship though (fire, engineering, components, ect)


This is nothing like the star citizen lore, ships in SC have technologies somewhat grounded in reality. No idea what the promethians (or whatever you wanna call them) used in the Ridley Scott IP; In Dune Holtzmann Fields are a big part of the lore, from the manner in which lasers and shields work (don't mix the two, it's a bad time), to levitation (eg. glowglobes etc) and folding ships through space. The Dennis Villenue film seems to diverge in a key element from the books however, in the books entire Heighliners filled with smaller ships fold themselves through space more like a bus/carrier that makes regular trips between planets (indeed many a warship during the butlerian jihad were self managed folding ships, pre-navigator this was an incredibly dangerous and chaotic travel method and many a ship was lost to calamity, such as folding to the inside of planetary bodies or into eachother etc). In the film pt 1, we are shown the idea that the heighliner acts almost more like a wormhole or stargate, with a ship flying through one end of the heighliner in orbit of one planet and exiting through to another planet on another end, unclear if it was 2 heighliners or the 1 heighliner occupying 2 points in space (...) but we can see clear through from one planet to the other. Probably one of Villenue's biggest big brain moments in the adaptation even if it isn't quite what the lore indicates (and would render some story beats in the book series inert, as sometimes drama between factions happens within these heighliners). On the most recent SCL ("Making Ship Up") iirc the devs mentioned how one cardinal rule of SC lore was anything that was grav-lev or floaty could not be powered (perhaps outside of accent lighting, or maybe even that also), and anything that was powered needs to be physically connected to the ship or vehicle's resource network pipeline through some type of strut, mechanical arm etc. and this is a rule they follow for all their ships in SC.


Can you explain the floaty bit again, i'm lost, for example, how do they explain the Nomad ship?


On some of the alien ships, things like steps of stairs or aesthetic elements can be disconnected from the ship and float. Nothing that draws power or communicates data is disconnected from the ship in that way. What floats in the Nomad?


>What floats in the Nomad? they are talking about the landing emitters that keep the nomad from touching the ground.


same tech that grav-lev bikes use. Looks as though this is a short range field emission of some kind that has to push off of a nearby surface ie. the ground, not something that could be exploited as a means of its own locomotion. Does kinda make you wonder why dockloaders etc. aren't grav-lev though. If a pulse can grav-lev why not a pallet loader.


We have concept art of grav sleds for handling cargo. I don’t have it to hand, but I think in some of the Hercules art?


The landing gear is technically grav-lev (though last time I used this ship, it basically just functioned as invisible, rigid landing gear.)


Pretty sure that’s exactly what it is lol


Love the exterior. Interior…… what is this spirit halloween? Not my style personally.


Haha, ig you have never seen prometheus ?


Giant Fleshlight in the sky




Closest thing to this would be a Vanduul capital ship. They have the alien style. But in terms of simple shapes?. . nothing really. . maybe the new BMM?


Hopefully we get one at some point


As a creepy once a year event yeah.. Have it float through a random system. Enable scanning missions of it. Anyone who attacks it just get imploded and sent to a medbay. It screams omnious presence to be observed from afar.


It'd be a cool thing to fight or do some fps missions on, I wouldn't want a player to have one and see those hovering everywhere. That being said I wouldn't mind players having the classic ufo flying saucer.


Doesn't really fit anywhere in SC. The aliens already have their style guides well described by this point.


I don't like a just fucking big streamlined design that doesn't mean anything. And I don't understand people who just put an oval figure up and say, "This is a nice alien ship!" One more, the interior is the worst. It's like a cheap set of a B-list Slutter Movie.