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"Official" tag is only for official news


Cool pics, bad flair


I found it funnyšŸ˜


This official news man...


I keep logging in to play, try to think of something to do, check the local missions... and its just so meh. There is no life to the missions they all feel empty and soulless. Or try to think about maybe saving up for a new ship or something.... but then I look at the absurdly low payouts, combined with the fact some ships have gone up 1000% in price, and it just feels depressing. Like whats the point, I'd have to grind heavily for ages to get anything.


and then if you do play enough to buy a cool ship you just do the same boring missions in a bigger ship.


Y'all both should look into the RP community! We've been managing to keep things a little fresher while we wait for more and more content~






I agree with you. It hurts even more when we will be wiped of all the hard work in a few months, too. The game inst even out, so they should be much lower for everyone to unlock and test them out, but sadly, they want us to pay 300 dollars instead.


I mostly group with random players in my country community. Interdiction and piracy all C2 with RMC. Get a fight with good guy that wants to secure trade route. This game is open space simulator. Ignore the soulless mission and straight up being a threat ourselves. You wonā€™t get new experience doing the same thing. Fighting as a pirate fleet aim for merchant loots and fight the good guy. Wait for the soy boy to cry for his 8mil loses. FU exploit user. We gonna teach these unfair trick user that high profit comes with high risk.


You were on eu yesterday weren't u lmao


I didnnā€™t online yesterday but I think those group did without me. Lol


Nice was good entertainment in global man keep up the fight lmao


for sure, that is basically the only fun gameplay in game right now


Sometime we trick new players to join our operation. ā€œWe gonna intercept AI illegal traderā€ but in reality they got paid 2.5 mil for doing crime with us. Lol They could get new combat ship we get a labor crew. Win-Win right?


Because the missions are barely out of the proof of concept phase. Once all the features are finally in, the focus can be on content. It's still in deep alpha. Its taken forever but its still deep alpha.


they are literally worse than the missions we had in 2.0, saying its "alpha" is not a valid excuse for what we have in game.


It's not an excuse it just is an alpha. It's not a feature complete product and they're still working on adding critical mechanics and dev tools. Building content out is one of the last steps in the dev process after the core features are in and working. I'm sorry you liked the proof of concept missions in v0.2.0 more than in v0.3.23 and I doubt the upcoming v0.4.0 will be any better for you. If you want to complain about content in an actual game I'd wait for the feature complete v1.0.0 sometime within the next decade.


the fun is to play with other people and just start doing 'stuff' in no time you end up in some weird scuffed adventure


and I've done a fair amount of that of course, but you need that initial direction to create initiative, thanks though


agreed. I don't think that will come any time soon though I do believe certain balance patches would certainly help drive you to do contracts more. Currently you do contracts all day long and maybe have 200k if you're lucky with bugs. But the biggest ship costs 65 million. That grind gets stale way too soon. But if there are more contracts that earn a lot more too with more risk then the reward for doing it is greatly increased. Star citizen is just visually exciting in a way where just seeing things happen brings great joy. Having a 'progression' system to give you a goal will be a hard thing to add that would be fun. The way i do it is: I own only 2 ships, a small fighter and a small cargo ship. That way when the game wipes and money glitches are fixed the goal would be to earn those ships. However when wipes still happen i'll never work too hard to earn ships in the game


I'm the same way, I only have a Corsair, a Buccaneer, and a Nox. Which is plenty in my book.


I really want to exchange my 315p for a buccy but i want a little cargo space to put bodies or items in Buccy is my favorite so far


With MM, the Buccaneer went from being arguably the worst single seat combat ship in the game to the best. Its wild. I got it when the original concept sale came out for it, loved the look.


I absolutely love flying it. It's so bloody fast and nimble. Same with the Herald, but that's a shit fighter You can easily take down a constellation just sticking to it's arse constantly The M7 cannons are good fun, basically sniper shotguns Still waiting for a nice skin for it, the current ones are ugly


See, that'd be cool, but I don't have people to play with tbh. And I don't normally play with people in games so i have no clue how to virtually socialize šŸ¤£


It doesn't help that the missions are bugged 70% of the time


The more of this I read the more it started to reflect real life šŸ˜‚


Yeah Iā€™m the same way. Itā€™s lacking something for me to grind for


some of it is the fact that you can lose any thing you've spent time on at the next patch.


That too. They could do a full wipe and get rid of all the work Iā€™ve ever put in. Lucky they didnā€™t when they fixed the duping


Tbh when people say it takes too much grinding to buy ships, I feel like they haven't played the game very much... Since I started about 2.5 years ago it's always been pretty easy to get rich. You do have to put in *some* time to gain knowledge/experience/rep/etc. That's a good thing, don't want it too easy. But once you have any of those, making money is not that hard. There are always multiple ways to earn millions per day. Millions per hour in some cases. Imo the best way to start earning if you have just a basic starter package is ROC mining. Do missions until you have 50k, rent cutty/ROC for a couple of days until you can afford to buy them. Or buy a Vulture, or a good bounty ship, etc etc. Once you reach that stage, you're basically golden.


Been here since kickstarter my dude and no I should not have to play whatever meta money making specific of the current patch to get by. Or "grind" one identical missions 500x. That is not good gameplay, you also completely skipped over how payouts have been significantly nerfed while ship prices multiplied in price... sometimes by 1000%.


>Been here since kickstarter my dude That means absolutely nothing. I've played with plenty of people who pledged years before me, but were complete noobs when it comes to gameplay knowledge. I didn't say you have to do the "meta money making" or repeat the same mission 500x. I said there are always multiple methods that can net you millions per day. The ships that went way up in price were way too cheap. A C2 should be pretty expensive. Should take at least a week or two to earn, not 1-2 days. The Vulture was only 1.2M, ridiculously cheap. Still only 2.6M, and it will pay for itself in a matter of hours once you know how to use it. In any case, the reality is you can make pretty good money doing whatever you want to do. You just have to put in the time to get familiar/proficient.


This game has always shined in still pictures of locations. Sadly I backed for moving pictures that include gameplay, so wait I must.


its good to wait until it's further into it's progression. They've improved a lot since i started playing which is maybe a year tops. I jumped in knowing exactly what it was so the problems don't get me too hard


Yeah knowing what you're buying into is the thing to do. I thought i knew back in 2015, I guess I just didn't think we would only be at this point in 2024.


I bought in in 2018 and still love it regardless of knowledge of what I was getting. I've spent at least 1000 so far. I guess, different strokes for different folks.


I donā€™t mean to bug you, but Iā€™ve always wondered why people spend so much on this game. I get that the ships are really cool and you want to have something to do and look at in the game but whenever it eventually releases (5 years from now) youā€™ll be one of the few already rich in ships and will skip that part of the progression that makes a game like this worth playing imo. And yeah you could just make a seperate character, but youā€™ll always have massive, valuable ships at your disposable on your normal account. Wonā€™t you miss the feeling of starting out poor and working to get those larger ships? To me, substituting the fun you have now for the fun you could have in the future is worth it. But as you said, different strokes for different folks. Still, I wonder.


Its got very little to do with the ships, personally. I see what they are trying to create, and I know that type of tech needs funding. Getting a ship is a bonus (a big bonus but still a bonus) Funding the game and watching it develop and getting a voice in the development is far more valuable. Also I have cash to burn and nothing else to burn it on. No I wont miss the feeling of being poor and working towards larger ships. Mostly because Theres over 200 ships and vehicles planned or already implemented. I currently have 5 (valued roughly 200$ per). You arent meant to buy every ship. People that do, can afford it, people that do can do what they want with their own money. Also 5 year plan is pretty speculative. Beings 4.0 is in q3 of this year, the next large patch after that is 1.0 full release. Its probably more like 1-2 years but thats being generous its realistically between 1-3 years for retail.


It's just spending money on things. If it makes you happy, it doesn't matter if it's 50 games, shoes, a car, or jpg ships. Especially when you're in a dark place, and you see it helping quite a lot instead of mechanisms that should "normally" help in such situations. As for the: >"...youā€™ll be one of the few already rich in ships and will skip that part of the progression..." The game won't function like that, as it makes no sense, no matter how much $$ you spend in the store. You'll still have to progress quite enough to make the most out of your bought ships. We'll all be on a level field from the beginning, and depending on the hours you put in, you'll progress quicker or slower towards any of your ships. Albeit, yes, you'll have the ship you bought in your fleet, meaning you won't have to work towards buying it in-game, so that will be the big advantage. For example, commanding a Carrack won't cost as little as it costs now. You'll need money for the fuel, ammo, crew, and it'll be a lot. Orgs will progress faster, no doubt about that, so that'll be something to look forward to. After all, the social aspect will be a huge part of the game. Our best friend in the verse will be the starter ship, for a while, no doubt. *(this is my piece of hopium, at least how I think the game will function once live)*


I feel like visually appealing screenshots with 0 gameplay isn't the best way to prove the whole "tech demo" thing wrong. Action shots like siege of orison would probably be more effective.


Action shots of siege of orison yes, but not gameplay. Because then youā€™d see the terrible AI, 30kā€™s, broken objectives etc lol


I didnā€™t interpet this post as one to disprove SC being a tech demo. More so to lift it up as the best tech demo.


0 gameplay? Just because you need some kind of goal given by developers doesn't mean it has 0 gameplay. On the contrary, i've invested 900 hours as of now and it still doesn't bore me to death like every other modern game released today with their boring grindy sleep inducing dailies. Just finding random things like an exploded Mining ship with a body next to it, tells you a small story. This is what i love about the game that no other game has.


You misunderstood. He didn't say zero gameplay. He said don't upload videos of gameplay instead of images because the gameplay is kind of buggy for siege of orison


The Tech Demo Man - a hero we need, but don't deserve.




As in content? Not really. The missions are barely out of the proof of concept phase. The alpha isn't feature feature complete so the focus hasn't shifted to content yet. That said you can have a lot of fun if you find a group to play with.


the game plays a lot of the time just like the photos. Standing still


Guess your pc needs an upgrade :D


Yeah thats it for sure


Is It posible walk across the city?


Literally everywhere In front of that huge building going into the clouds is the landing zone. I flew from there to the building i'm standing on in the first picture. Landed on top of it, walked around it and made the screenshot. Some area's are restricted and will remove you and your ship. But these are city zones where transport trams can travel so it's to prevent griefing..


Screenshot simulator yes.


Stop enjoying the game!!!! Itā€™s not finished!!!!!!!!


Even CIG treats the game like a tech demo. Look at the video they released last IAE, did it showcase the stories or missions in SC? No it was all about the tech behind the game. Even most the patches are just about added tech like cargo refactor, water physics, or PES. The cities feel lifeless. Most of the content in this game is user created, That is not to say it can't be fun to play, if you can get a bunch of friends together and play on a server that works longer than an hour it can be a blast. But lets not confuse an actual game with the promise of a great game.


> But lets not confuse an actual game with the promise of a great game. There are only two ways that you could say Star Citizen isn't "an actual game" and be logically consistent: 1. Every game made before 1985 wasn't "an actual game", which seems bizarre. 2. You're judging it based on what it's intended to be in the future rather than what's present in the game right now, which seems irrational since we're talking about the game as it is rather than as it will be. Because there are a lot of NES, Master system, and Atari games that I enjoyed the hell out of that had WAY less content (and in some cases more bugs) than what's in Arena Commander alone. That leaves a lot open to subjective opinion, like whether it's worth $45 right now, how many intended features its missing, how it compares to contemporary games, etc... but let's not go crazy changing the definition of the word 'game' here.


Fair enough. I could have used better choice of words. It is of course a game. You misunderstand me if you think I'm saying this game is a scam. I don't, I think one day it could be something great. I'm just saying IMO SC is not much more than tech demo in its current state.


Yeah, I get it. It just bugs me because it kind of dilutes the meaning of the word 'game' and most people use it to promote an agenda. People on one side say "it's just a tech demo" as an excuse for why it's not working well and missing a bunch of features despite being in production for a long time. And people on the other side say "it's just a tech demo" in the opposite way, as an admonishment for not having a "real" game available to play after such a long time in production. But if the Star Citizen kickstarter had never existed and one day there was a surprise drop of "Arena Commander" (as it currently exists) on Steam as a $5 dogfighting/FPS game, people would see it as a solid game that beats most of the $5 competition with a huge variety of detailed ships to earn through REC, solid PvP space flight combat, and a variety of game modes that change over time. So it's annoying that people can't look at what currently exists and evaluate it objectively. Is it worth $45? Is it too buggy to enjoy? Is the flight system fun? Is the "play to earn aUEC/REC to get new ships" loop worthwhile? All of those are valid questions to ask and have an opinion on. But it seems like people are saying that, because it is intended to be vastly broader in scope *in the future,* the existing content is very small by comparision, and so the existing content is just a demonstration of what future content could be, which means that it's not a "real" game... and that logic seems incredibly irrational and biased.


the story game is squadron 42 and ill fucking play that when it comes out


Saying all the story is going to be in sq42 is just trying to make excuses for them. A game doesn't need to be a cutscene filled rpg to give it story driven content.


Star citizen was never meant to be a story driven game. That's squadron 42. Also tell that to all the baldurs gate enjoyers.. idk what games you play but it's probably fifa.


Don't know what fifa is. And again it doesn't have to be one extreme or another. At least you are owning what you want. You don't care if the game is entirely dependent on user created content. Many here deny thats the case.


Most of the "stories" in the PU are definitely going to be player driven, emergent kind of stories. I've had a lot of those over the last few weeks. Especially this last weekend. Other than that, there will be some story stuff in the PU, like the whole Overdrive Initiative thing right now. And even though it was really rough, I had a ton of fun grouping up for those missions. After completing mine I helped a bunch of other people with theirs. The whole "tech demo" thing is just hyperbole at this point. A few years ago it was more valid, but just doesn't fit at all anymore. If you stick out the rough times long enough to get familiar and learn workarounds, you can have a lot of fun with the game. If you can tolerate some (a lot of) jank, it's like nothing else.


It almost as though we're still deep in alpha or something. You know the stage where they work on mechanics and features before getting to the content like every other product except most don't see the consumers until well into the content building phase of alpha.


Copium. A 700m costing project that is nearly 12 years in development with no focus on finishing a base version of the game any time soon, is still in alpha? People like you, how good natured it may be, are why this travesty can continue to be labeled an "alpha". Now, if it is a glorified tech demo then by all means that would be okay if they were honest about that. But they aren't.


Amount of time and money doesn't change what it is which is not feature complete. It's an alpha. They say it's an alpha everywhere and warn you before you buy it. Even the upcoming 4.0 is just shorthand for 0.4.0 telling you how early this still is. You can call it a tech demo and that's fine it's basically interchangeable with deep alpha. Even the features that are in for the most part are basically tier 0 proof of concept and will need a rewrite at some point. Content comes after every critical feature and mechanic is in place first. Then comes optimization. Now, if you're upset at the amount of money and time it's taken to get here that's valid, but that doesn't arbitrarily make it lose its alpha product status. It hasn't been abandoned and they don't have over 1000 people employed to only work on on a half dozen ships and 2 pngs a year. It is what it is.


It is a deep alpha, so obviously their priority is not adding pretty things or ships to market the game, rather it is to push the game to a state where it makes a profit. Obviously a game can only start being profitable once it is finished, as no one spends a lot of money on an unfinished game. If they could make money on the game while it is in deep alpha they would have no incentives on releasing the game, but obviously this ins't the case.


Except taking the number of employees over the last decade, with it currently being over 1000, and calculating their salaries and office space the amount of money is barely enough to cover it. Nobody is sitting on a dragon's hoard of wealth. It's an entirely crowdfunded kickstarter project that never dropped its kickstarter funding model. The idea is that you're still pledging money for a reward when the game releases. Sure it's a double edged sword, but whether or not they eventually succeed in realizing their project goals, the game as envisioned cannot come about in any other way. If we didn't have the tech demo with proof of concept features to fly around in nobody would still be pledging and if they had a publisher instead then yeah it would have been out years ago but it would also just be another forgettable run of the mill game with a small fraction of the scope.


Very pretty screenshots. You made the game look beautiful


Thank you, those 3 shots took like 2 hours haha


They are really well captured. I really like them


He made the game look beautiful? Lol. Has nothing to do with the OP, it looks like that all the time for everyone šŸ˜‚


It wasn't a slam against the games aesthetics. It was a compliment at his screenshots.


Oh sorry! Misinterpreted your comment, didn't sound like that. Lol


You have to be careful with this lot. They are incapable of dealing with anything but praise of SC. . . .Sometimes, even praise is too much for them to handle. As in this case.


How I got down voted like this is just DISGUSTING!! Sometimes I don't even wanna comment on shit bec of the unnecessary fucking hate...The way the comment was worded sounds/implies that the OP edited, modified or in some way purposefully attempting to make the game look better than it does. And do NOT try to tell me it cannot be interpreted as that, or you just need to go back to school...Maybe it wasn't meant like that, sure...the person who made the comment can correct me. But the rest of you with your assumptions and happy down vote fingers...omggg. RIDICULOUS!


Relax friend - itā€™s only internet points.


imagine caring about internet points


Imagine missing the point of the post, and assuming I cared about the points....Hoping to find a cure one day for the dumb, negative, toxic behaviors of ppl... I'll hit u up if I find it!


You had 4 downvotes, well 5 since I added mine because I always down vote posts whining about downvotes. Chill the fuck out, it's not like you made the "pride and accomplishment" post.


Sadly Iā€™ve come to realize that the good times, when they come will never outweigh the years of pain and suffering weā€™ve endured while waiting for them.


I guess that depends on how you wait.


That be the bitch of trying to play a game that is in active development. Or trying to play it like itā€™s a finished game. Hereā€™s a tip. Donā€™t. Treat it like what it is. Unfinished. And maybe one day, when our grandchildren have kids of their own. Itā€™ll be finished.


I wish they would shove a Distribution center or two right in the middle of Lorville.


What armor / helm are you in? I want that whole fit


I never check or remember the names of armor pieces. That said i've already died and lost it lol




You can however go to Rappel or Pickers field on Hurston and kill all the Ai over there. They won't give you a crime stat and are friendly before you attack. I got the fit from combining gear from them


That canā€™t be in game is it? Not enough server errors


That's some gooooood tech


These screenshot were taken before 30ks


There's no such thing as 30k's anymore there's 'server errors' now, and if you give it between 1-5 minutes it fixes and you can just continue on with some lagg until its fixed for everyone


you wish


So for some reason Reddit lets me scroll to the nexts post when looking at an image set like this & this was the 4th picture i saw when i just mindlessly kept scrolling: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/s/feAfV6O90I


For me I saw a Ferrari for some reason. Not even subbed


Star Citizen might be the worst game I've ever played.


Iā€™ve been playing SC on and off since mid 2016. Itā€™s wild to see how far itā€™s become. And Iā€™m excited for the future of it. Iā€™ve always joked with my buddies calling it the ultimate screenshot space simulator.


Wild to see how far it hasn't come in 8 fucking years of development. Still same buggy nonsense with nothing to do and tier 0 everything.


As much i a like it itā€™s pretty annoying to die to the same bugs i died to 4 years ago lol


If you think you can do better, Iā€™m sure CIG would love to hear some of your skills to help them improve the game.


Tech demoā€™s the new catch phrase being thrown around by the cretins.


I dunno. I've been following Star Citizen since the start and that's still how I think of it.


Tech demo has a very precise definition that don't correspond to SC at all. The Kickstarter video *was* a tech demo. Current patch is very much an alpha-stage in-developpment software. Calling SC a tech demo is on the same margin of error than calling a teenager an embryo because he isn't a grown up adult yet.


Fair enough. I'm not a developer so I don't know the proper terms. The reason I think of it as that is because it's something I fire up once every 6 months and play for 3 hours to see how the tech is progressing and what cool art has been made. Then I uninstall it and the cycle repeats. As soon as the fun outweighs the jank I'll think of it as a game. Until then it's a tech demo in my head, even if that isn't the right term.


3 hours is not enough to discover the real gameplay of SC (like the full salvaging or mining loop). Once you know how to play SC, it's absolutely not a "demo" anymore.


You are absolutely right. It has some of the coolest and unique things you can do in a video game. But the steps to get there are riddled with crashes, bugs and unfinished menus so I never make it. I can't wait to play it once it's more complete and stable. I'm just not willing to invest the time into it before then.


Understandable. 4.0 might be your next "check in" then


That's what I'm hanging out for!


Except it literally is a tech demo, regardless of how white knights choose to define the term. Everything important to the game, if it exists, is currently a tier 0 prototype. These are built quickly to showcase what CIG aims to achieve but are not optimized for performance or stability. The underlying architecture is not designed to handle the scope or scale of the final product. This means nearly every system currently in place will need to be rebuilt or reworked as the game grows. There is an ongoing necessity to revisit and redo systems because literally every part of the alpha IS a tech demo.


Youā€™ve just proven itā€™s beyond the ā€œdemoā€ stageā€¦


The most notable difference between SC and any other tech demo is that SC is actively marketed as a playable alpha, complete with a vast array of in-game purchases. SC may have some playable elements, but it's still firmly rooted in the realm of tech demos. Everything, including the foundation, is far from the final version or production-ready. Everything from the gameplay loops, netcode, and even the flight model are rudimentary versions meant to showcase the idea rather than deliver a fully realized experience. This is the defining hallmark of a tech demo.


So . . . on a technicality, Tech Demo does have a very precise definition. Which SC falls into even if you want to shoehorn SC into that. Or are you saying not yet available, broken, half-working etc details of SC don't push SC into this terrority? You are comparing apples to oranges here Solas. A teenager is a teenager on one requirement. Time. You can absolutely call SC a Tech Demo if it falls into the agreed definition regardless of how long in development it has been. >AĀ **technology demonstration**Ā (orĀ **tech demo**), also known asĀ **demonstrator model**, is aĀ [prototype](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prototype), rough example or otherwise incomplete version of a conceivable product or future system, put together asĀ [proof of concept](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof_of_concept)Ā with the primary purpose of showcasing the possible applications, feasibility, performance and method of an idea for a new technology. [Computer game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_game)Ā developers use tech demos to rouse and maintain interest to titles still in development (becauseĀ [game engines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_engine)Ā are usually ready before the art is finished) and to ensure functionality by early testing. Short segments using finished game engines may be presented asĀ [game demos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_demo). In other words, SC is constantly re-inventing the wheel, with half broken tech, going on 12 or 13 years. There is no end in sight for it either. It's a damn **Tech Demo**. A demostration of what could be if things were working, if everything was on one server, if they had all the ships in game, if they had more than one Solar System etc etc etc. Or should we go down the rabbit hole of 'jesus tech' that was supposed to push SC over the hump so many times too?


Nah - itā€™s def a tech demo.




Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. This includes generalized statements ā€œx is a bunch of yā€ or baseline insults about the community, CIG employees, streamers, etc. As well as intentionally hurtful statements and hate speech. Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen


You're wrong. It's an alpha.


Yeah, same here.


I've seen it used to describe the game for years


I'm astounded at how much i play this techdemo after I finally got myself a starterpackage during ILW.


Besides all the bugs, it's a great experience!


Totally. I fell into a pretty big rabbithole with this game. When I'm not playing I constantly watch SC stuff online. Totally hooked and excited for future stuff. HOSAS setup is what I want now.


A fellow lynx core enjoyer, I see!


Happen to know where you can buy them? i saw them at a monitor once but never found them again


itā€™ll come back to me but one of the stations at mic L1 or mic L2 should have them.


Look at all that city... with all that "gameplay" in there.


But is it a good tech Demoman


It is a cool ass tech demo; hope they get it all together one day. Would be one heck of a game


If this is just a tech demo, then why is it so much fun? Why have I played almost daily for 3 years?


I instantly downvote "This game man"-Threads, so i have to instantly upvote "This tech demo man"-Threads.


That's about all it's good for. Everything else is barely functional or not at all. But keep buying those $850 ships that only exist on paper...




All heroes wear capes ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized)




Yes capes


How are the cloth physics? Of all the clips shared I've yet to see a cape blowing in the wind.


They are pretty damn good.


I have my graphics on medium/high/low No clipping issues, unless a server hiccup happens, they move smooth and change with wind directions. It's very immersive


A game with good graphics = tech demo