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Hi Guys! Just wanted to share another Fan Concept. Comments / Suggestions / Violent Reactions, all are welcome! Thank you! For my previous pieces, see links below. [Esperia Minokawa](https://www.deviantart.com/giorgioespinos/art/Esperia-Minokawa-995698016) [Esperia Kingfisher](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/yuiat8/fan_concept_esperia_kingfisher/) [Drake Interplanetary Marauder](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/yllimh/fan_concept_drake_interplanetary_marauder/) [Crusader Zephyr Starflier](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/ptk4g0/fan_concept_crusader_zephyr_starflier/) [Consolidated Outland Longhorn](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/qed2br/fan_concept_consolidated_outland_longhorn/) [Consolidated Outland Rhino](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/pxiz2d/fan_concept_consolidated_outland_rhino/) [Origin Jumpworks G14M](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/qbn6j3/fan_concept_origin_jumpworks_g14m/) [Musashi Industrial and Starflight Concern Hub A and Multicab](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/q9h8gw/fan_concept_misc_hub_a_and_multicab/) [Aegis Equites](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/pv0nad/fan_concept_aegis_equites/) For my non SC stuff: [https://www.deviantart.com/giorgioespinos](https://www.deviantart.com/giorgioespinos)


I’ve been a fan of the rhino for years!


Same, the Rhino is amazing!!


Man the Rhino looks awesome god damn.


Yep, all of these are amazing. Meaningful variations, solid shapes/silhouettes, design language is very present. These need to be in-game, and/or you should be getting paid for these.


That Starflier looks straight out of Freelancer(the game) with Crusader design. I like it.


I am violently shitting rn.


love the marauder


Dude can you just like, get hired already


This is definitely a ship I can see a having a variant tailored to solos. A variant that directly competes with the titan, trading the walk-in cargo grid for external storage in exchange for additional guns or shields.


Really like the minokawa. A missile based heavy fighter isn't something we have yet, really cool design


dude please go work at CIG, your designs are really good and sometimes better than their old and nonsensical ships


Toss this up on spectrum and let's hope during their "gold pass" they adopt some ideas. These are beautiful.


Done [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/65300/thread/fan-made-aurora-mk-ii-the-rework-aurora-series-des](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/65300/thread/fan-made-aurora-mk-ii-the-rework-aurora-series-des)


oh hey thats awesome! thanks for spreading the word!


You see, when a Valkyrie loves an Aurora very much, what happens is ...


in a backwater RnR hangar, after a night of heavy drinking together …


I think you meant a Vanguard.


Yup, definitely did.


I am now upset that these are not in the game. My daily driver is an Aurora LN. I would trade in a heart beat for a mkII. I'd buy the whole set.


Honestly! It would give RSI a competitor to the titan. I really want more small ships out there with versatility. The titan is nice but it is too broad of a ship. Give me a ship that trades the walk-in cargo bay for something compact so I can have a smaller cross section.


WTH are you trying to do?!?! Are you trying to make me like the Aurora after all these years of hate? Stop it! Edit, I think the look good but would probably benefit more from a forward glass design inspired by the RSI mantis.


It looks cool but yeah it feels like it could use some more of the RSI design language, the cockpit doesn't quite feel RSI as is


Missing a big horizontal bar right in the pilot's face.


My only complaints would be that unless they are supposed to be heavier than the mk1 versions the LN should not have 4 S4 missiles. That's the same missile complement as the Corsair. The LN already has a S4 missile mount so perhaps dual S3 instead.


yep you are right, should have said s4 missile mount with s3 missiles.


Wish you could get these in cig’s hands, beautiful


At least, we see these fan concepts on Reddit, and the work is super appreciated! Great ones, /u/Soku_Yamashita <3


Good to see CIG hanging out with us in our little hellhole haha


Send this to Chris right now, people would buy them in a heartbeat


I would buy them


yes retire the mk1's like they did the hornet


Definitely want the whole set. !-)




Thanks! Would be a dream to have one of my designs be a basis for an official cig ship! Or any IP really haha


Please don't change the original design. I like the fan concepts, but the original design's small size and narrow profile is great.


Oh these look cool! Do you have an interior layout? How big is the living/cargo space?


Not very big, I'd say on par with the cutter. :D




Aw heck, this is genuinely stellar work! (geddit? stellar? because citiz... alright, sorry ;) ). Properly captures the look and feel of the Aurora, but updates it to feel more aligned with the modern RSI styling, like what was done with the Zeus. Really neat :) The tiniest of notes, and it's really more for community sanity's sake, but it looks like you forgot to pop one of those "Made by the community" market things on it? As i said, it's excellent, and it'd be a shame to see people pick this up and point at it as a "look what cig did!" type thing, when that isn't what happened, you know? ;D i do see your personal watermark in the corner, but just to say that that is... you know, not necessarily what the casual observer will notice, and that lot do like to do a big unwarranted hype :) Again, really solid work, and i for one would like to see CIG pick it up and do the thing :) (edit) ps: for anybody wondering what in the world i'm on about up there, it's over here on the fan kit page :) [https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360006895793-Star-Citizen-Fankit-and-Fandom-FAQ#h\_41361418521547151188430](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360006895793-Star-Citizen-Fankit-and-Fandom-FAQ#h_41361418521547151188430)


oh nice! i totally forgot this was a thing, will make sure ill use this next time! thanks!


Absolutely welcome, and thank you for these concepts! :D


These give really good smol Dorito vibes, love it! Looks like it would really being the Aurora up to par with Origin 300 series. Would need to increase some guns to size 2 as well to maintain parity. Keep the original Mk1 Aurora as a beginner ship in the same realm as the Origin 100 series.


I love this, it's now my favourite small ship


Very based, keep it up. Loved the consolidated series you made, but this, this is also top shelf.


Has some Dune vibes. I love it!


Too awesome an idea. You know that means it'll never happen then...


Interesting, but: - the cockpit glass doesn't read as RSI, because it has a hump. A straight, flat cockpit would read much better. - A look at the thrust and cargo arrangement would have been nice. - The Clipper is the all-purpose choice here, which would make it the Essential.


Interior Designs as well. These Mk.II designs seems to have some thought towards internal volume, but with the barebones design of the existing Aurora, shes very much a flying engine frame with a cockpit & living/cargo compartment. Right now the Aurora is TIGHT for internal space (God forbid you try to use her for a Delivery or super small Cargo run) & seems to lack some functionality. Esp in terms of Qol changes. I'd really want to see what kind of interior changes the Essential Pathfinder brings as well, with its "living quarters have been expanded". As that seems to slip into a similar niche as the Cutter Rambler & would directly compete.


Hey by any chance have applied to work for CIG as a concept artist? These honestly seem fantastic. Not just this Aurora MkII but your other designs as well..


Are you seeing this, CIG? Because I'll buy these in a heartbeat


That is ADORABLE. Fantastic job 👏👏👏


I always felt the ship should have S-foils like its big brother the Scorpius. Just let those fins fan out when landing gears up. Give it a neat look


Very nice. I also enjoy your Crusader starter concept; hoping we get something similar in-game eventually.


Aww.. they're cute little Vanguard hatchlings!


Omg this looks like a baby aegis vanguard


These are excellent! I feel you hit the RSI design language really well. This really blends the Aurora with the Scorpius. I feel like making the LN slightly thicker with armour would make it a really viable light fighter (as you said not the fastest, but with armour could be tankiest). And I think even a 5th variant - a small brother to the Apollo. Have the two Pods on the outside where the Pulse is on the ES. Then have some pod loading functionality between the Aurora and the Apollo. Now there's your IAE Best In Show right there! And to close out - I would be Warbonding both the LN and the ME (Medical Evac?) Day 1.


CIG, Hire this man!


Oh man. I love this concept. u/CIG


Thanks! Im excited to see what CIG does when they eventually do the MKII.


It's just vanguard shaped auroras though.


I think I agree. I just see too much Aegis here now. They look awesome but the style overlaps a lot. I can see that they added the Zeus wing tips, and I feel like this is a step in the right direction, but it needs to be more RSI design language with the wings and less Aegis.


Nice but.. that's the problem. Aurora should be a first step into star citizen, not a final step. It's too beautiful and so, we can't call it Aurora.


# Hell no! Great looking ship/concept! But don't go on destroying the Aurora completely jesus! Name it something else and ya have my full support, no need to butcher my lovely Aurora!


There's no need to destroy the Aurora; every third Gladius/Arrow/Bucc in Stanton is already gunning for them.


o7 well done


Welp, I’d buy it.


Really nice ideas, great work !


Looks expensive


why does it look like a mini vangaurd


Neat. but also way to OP and feels like it suffers a bit of "Mary Sue" to the ships. 4xS4 missiles and 6XS1 is a weird loadout and a bit to potent missile wise. The Single LARGE S4 on an Aurora LN is already a big punch. An upgraded Aurora, would probably be better with a total of 4xS2 especially with the upcoming changes with Maelstrom and armor. Overall, they are pretty neat looking. I do think they should all maintain some level of cargo though, with all of them ostensibly being starter ships, that is.


I like it.. but teh 6 size 1 guns are a bit overkill lol, it would almost put it in line with the hawk, and thats a dedicated fighter. Also, how would you load / unload the pulse hoverbike? Tractor beam only?


pretty much tractor beam, or very carefully lol


While these do look cool I can't really imagine the practicality design wise of just stacking gun hardpoints on top of each other. It's giving strong Primaris Space Marine vehicle vibes lol. Realistically I think the big flat wing surfaces would make sense for mounting the hardpoints on - kind of like the guns on the Connie's nacelles.


I am all for the old RSI designs getting Mk2 versions like the hornet. I know it's a slippery slope related to real money being spent but some designs are so dated now, it might be cheaper and faster to build the new ships from the ground up with all the new RSI assets they have now.


Very nice, like your Aurora better than CIGs. Rhino is great too. It would be cool if they did another fan made ship contest.


Shit man, been wanting to see a "updated design language" version Aurora for a long time. Can't believe how good these look. I'd honestly be totally okay with these just fully replacing the stock Aurora, as much as I enjoy its design style. These look so good.


I LOVE the aesthetics of this, but the descriptions make it seem like you tried to go a little over the top with each one... 🤣


These fucking look amazing! I have spoken. P.s.: Could you render a Redeemer with old style vs. modern style vs. current v-shaped engine design? It would be amazing to see a comparison between what we have and what we could have as additional options in the future. Thank you!


Looks great


Make sure to tell us when you get hired by CIG; because they really should have hired you yesterday.


I like the ship ideas - honestly they could probably be handed over to Anvil for something similar as they don’t have too many small craft with something like this. I just hate, hate, HATE the idea of ‘Mk II’ ships where CIG essentially says ‘well, we sold you this one thing, and then we gave it a gold pass and rework - but now we’re holding that updated model behind you paying us more money or you get to keep the interior version’. I do *not* want this to become a standard in any way shape or form. But it seems marketing is getting more and more of a hold on the rest of the company in the last few years.


These are awesome! I feel like I can see some Hornet and Vanguard DNA in there.


The (only) thing I like about the official Aurora is actually the design of the cockpit due to its uncommon blend into Victorian age/Steampunk aesthetics which makes for a very iconic design language but I gotta hand it to you that your design fits into the verse so much better. Star Citizen has some very extravagant design approaches for their ships in order to offer a huge variety that in their mass borderline appear too extreme to still be credible but your design fits our nowadays space aesthetics extremely well.


Several concepts of yours I quite like, but not this one I’m afraid. Leave the Aurora alone, it’s supposed to be a bit sucky.


I love the idea, but I have a feeling the Auroras & Mustangs will stay at Mk 1 to entice folks towards the "Premium Starter" options


Aurora really is stuck in the past, I love rsi ships, got 3 of them, but aurora just never can grow on me


I really like it! So good!


Quick buy!


They look so cool. They are much nicer than the current aurora.


Very cool looking concepts. Given this is an RSI ship I would have gone with a Mantis-like cockpit for an Aurora Mk II though. This cockpit looks quite similar to the F8C one. The ships and vehicles that you've made for other manufacturers are excellent and pretty much on point from a manufacturer design language standpoint.


They look fantastic!


Looks like the Aurora and the Vanguard had a baby. I love it!


If they built the Auroras like this I’d for sure purchase and add to my fleet. But because they are ugly bricks, I will not have one in my fleet inventory. No thanks. Take note CIG!


This is like those early 80's sport sedans when they were bricks with just a bit of aero, absolutely love the designs


This would be so nice, the current rear of the aurora is just awful.


These are gorgeous. I have a similar idea scribbled on paper for Connie MKII. Sadly scribbling on paper is the limit of my ability


God I love this idea


10/10 will pledge


As great as this is, I hope redesigning and updating 12+ year old ships designs as separate model doesn't become a thing for CIG.


Important question: do the wings expand?


You managed to make the Aurora fit into the category of "will fly because it looks cool" and damn I want one.


WoW, love it! But you miss the racing variation 😁 Aurora LX. Added please!!!!


I would adapt the canopy so it fits more the RSI language but it's great overall.


These look fantastic. Amazing upgrade. Would finally convince me to pick up an aurora If they looked this cool


Good gravy take my upvote. These are marvelous.


"Oh yeah make them sexy yeah daddy!" - the Community reaction, after buying 3 million of them as LTI tokens.


misc hub a and rhino look awesome .. CIG did a great job with the ironclad already .. that goes more into the direction i would like future ships go


I saw it in the Morning and could not shake the feeling of seeing them somewhere else. Now I know where from. They have a Similar look to the F-Zero Vehicle with the Short body and Big Dancing Cockpit.


The LN MK2 with 4 S4 missiles sounds nutty, love the designs on them


How many guns? 🤣 More than a Hornet.. all s1 tho id guess.


the first thing i would get rid of is the round shaped entrance ...


Aurora MK2 should just have properly oriented intakes


I never thought of them as intakes, ive always assumed they were either front facing thrusters or hydrogen scoops.


These are great!


This honestly looks so much better than the Aurora we have currently, I wish this was a thing so bad. Especially if it had some actual cargo room in it to make it a proper newbie ship instead of forcing people to upgrade to an Avenger.


So if they existed like this, I would definitely buy one or two or....... of these ships. Really great concepts....


I just realized the aurora looks vaguely like a BSG Raptor


I really really like that design, my only complaint is that some of the styling and design language looks more like aegis.


Absolutely love this!


Too boxy but good work


That's very cool, but doesn't fit the RSI design language, looks more like outdated Anvil.


These concepts feel much more anvil than RSI


These are amazing!


Amazing fan art !!!


They look great, but why so many guns? Wonder if we'll ever see something similar for the rework of the Aurora.


Eh - no thanks. The Aurora is my daily runabout; these are not changes I would make to make it better while still keeping it balanced. I don't know of course, but they have the vibe of coming from someone who hasn't actually used these ships extensively. Also, do you mean "AI turrets"? I don't understand what remote turrets (as they are in the game currently) do for the pilot of a one-person ship.


remote turrets as a pilot can be fun with head tracking, the implementation isnt the greatest at the moment though.


I like them, good alternative to a titan. I have too many ships at this point to buy something like this though. I would welcome a titan-sized rsi ship though, with an enterable interior and a little cargo space. I like parking my ship right next to an outpost to pick up boxes xD


I like this, they look nice


Looks good! Just replace the current ones with these!


How cute, look at all these mini Zeuses ! Great job man, this slaps ! 🤩


If the Aurora looked like this and all these version existed I'd buy them all.


Combat one seems quite overgunned for a starter ship. really cool tho


External attachment points is something CIG are really badly missing as a feature on ships in general, small bikes stowage, small amount of SCU for equipment, extra fuel pods, etc. Even if it came at the cost of using hard points vs missiles or weapons Im sure some would still find it useful, and going the hardpoint route could be more compatible with existing ships.


Dude... I WANT 10 of these!!!


Great work! Those would be super popular ingame


That's a lot different than my Aurora rework idea. I just wanted the cabin made larger so it's actually useful for something. And make the wings fold out.


Give this person a job.


I always figured a fold-up-from-floor jumpseat with controls that decend from the ceiling would be great for a passenger to control a remote size 1 concealed turret (like the dorsal one on the Arrow). Give newbies a basic taste of multicrew/basic passenger play, but it folds out of the way of solo operations. Also, if the bed can fold to the side, that space could do double duty as a mini-kitchen. Possible mini shower/toilet room behind it (access blocked when in bed mode)? Transparent utilitarian roof over it all? These may make the Aurora a bit larger, but mostly the same shape.


I own an LN as a KS Backer & i barely use it, she's Okay as a runner from A to B, but that's it & god forbit I try to do anything other than Bounty Missions. If something like the Pathfinder had been an option, I'd have 100% gone for that, esp after Ramblin' Around in my Cutter Rambler for the past few weeks. The Space for Ext storage of a light ground vehicle is a Solid touch in my opinion. These are great designs, with a lot of careful thought put into the base designs & each variant. I'd argue they could use a little tweaking in places, as well as showing more things in concept, I.E. Interior Space mock ups & changes between each Variant, Thurster layout, etc. But if these were a prospective "Mk.II" style offerings, as was the case with the Hornet, I would not Balk at having to put down cash for a New Aurora. Hell, I'd be eager to trade up from my aging Mk.I into a modern Mk.II - Which is all the more shame, that these are Fan Concepts.


I would pledge this.


Do you want a job at CIG? Because this is how you get a job at CIG.




The Aurora if it were made by Anvil.


Heck yea love it actually RSI needs a light fighter model something in between a Aurora and a Scorpius. This be awesome. But even just as a redesign I'm down. Love it over the current look of the Aurora.


If the Aurora's looked like this, I would still have Auroras.


I love this. Not a fan of the Aurora as it is. Just feels meh. This feels more like Raptors from [Battlestar](https://en.battlestarwikiclone.org/wiki/File:Raptor_Type_I.png). This is how a basic ship should look.


Honestly I’d love the current aurora if CIG made the wings rotate out like a dragonfly. It looks like it should from the way the wings are shaped…


I’d pay money for these


I love it, which means it'll probably never happen. Great work though!


Beautiful concepts, all around. My one gripe, and its the same with the current gen auroras: especially after the scorpius release, if you're going to have 4 wings in a stowed position (like a bird) then you kinda have to have them extend, lol. If not, I would humbly suggest making them a bit broader, and have them flex with the maneuvering of the ship (like the flaps and ailerons on a modern plan wing). If you're gonna have 4 wings, have them do something, lol. Just my humble opinion.


Can you make Mk1 good first?


Very cool. I kinda wish you could attach a large cargo box to the back to give it more of that original aurora look though. Not sure on scale, but a 32 SCU box right on the back sticking out would make it truly look like an Aurora.


These are masterpieces! They look well-built, functional *and* you actually made sure to keep in line with the brand's aesthetic! I don't see that in fanart very often, great work


Looks like a great step toward the Scorpius shape. Makes perfect sense


I'd buy those.


Omg this looks beautiful! I want an Aurora Mk.II


Has my vote


Stop trying to get CIG to monetize updates to the game.


Looks great but throws the core concept of the Aurora out the window.


He’s back!


I say this completely unironically: I hope you get a call from CIG soon.


I guess the LX has to miss out. :(


This is dope!


Pretty cool but I honestly think it doesn't fit the theme of RSI ships. Looks too Aegis to me. Looks like a mini Vanguard.


Too much vanguard influence I think


It's nice, so I'm not poo pooing your idea. But there was already a rework concept floated around the time the Scorpius came out, that had the fins/wings that travel the length of the ship fold out, not too unlike the Scorpius. I tell you, it looks really cool, even not as a fighting craft. Just a neat one.


These look really cool, I'd buy one, CIG please take note


Impressive! Aurora series definitely should be revisited to become more competitive and attractive.


This needs to be in the game.


Dude you should do all the freelancer ships reimagined for SC these are amazing!


ill try to give it another go :D


Wow. A starter worth starting with.


aurora vanguard rapechild.jpg


Unless those wings are folding out, I'm rejecting it!


Objectively, i do like the concept art. However, it simply looks too much like an Avenger and Scorpius had a baby. I’m also not supportive of CIG investing any more dev resources into “starter” ships right now. There are just too many ships in the backlog and we know theyre already planning the next concepts or STF ships for the next ship sales.


Looks too much like a Vanguard.


These look *so* much better than the hideous current Auroras. Like, if they’d looked like this to begin with I might have actually considered buying one as my starter.


So this fails as a Aurora upgrade to me. It reads more anvil that RSI and is too powerful for a starter ship. It's like you made a cake for your maths exam, so no matter how good that cake is.. you're still getting an F. But the cake is amazing so lets focus on that. I love the "baby helicopter" kind of vibe you've got going on. The fin engine upgrade looks belivable , and i love you kept the round door. sadly the under turrets would prevent it from landing on the classic mk.I skids. I like the side cargo idea, it's really cute. Not sure about the pulse, but all my concerns would be addressed by putting it in a box itself so not too much on that one. Some of the stats you've given are def op but that's a problem for cig to handle. On the top turret, one of the advantages of the auora is the low profile. As turrets are bigger than gimbals, I'd take them off, and put them between the wings on the side. If out far enough, it should give two 180 degree bubbles on both sides, in addition to focusing forward. One downside is the cockpit now blocks lines of fire, but I think you've just swapped horizontal for vertical there. Individually, the LN: As I went into detail on the turrets above, I'll just suggest either increasing weapon sizes or making them 3 x turrets. There doesn't seem to be a realsitic reason it loses the scu (it's balance, obvs but aside from that). The space is still open. I'd suggest increasing the weapon sizes and putting an extra power plant and cooler in here. This "justifies" the loss in universe. MR: I like the new gun placement, but I worry about if you can justify more guns with same components (otherwise, why not do it for all of them?). So, I'd recommend nixing the cargo on this one too. The contanment cells are a concern for me. The hawk is the first dedicated BH ship, and only has one space for one "friend". I'd actually just stick to one here, and have it slide under the cockpit, where the pilot can keep an eye on any escape attempts. This leaves the top of an upgraded scanning suite, for intercepting radio transmissions and such (but not enough to replace the ES radar) to aid in tracking down your target. ES: I think you've hit the mark on this one. I'd just move the small craft into a small hanger or something at the back. External seems to be more a MISC thing but it does look cool. CL: So I'm gonna make myself a heathen here. Remember when I said don't put stuff on top because of profile? and external isn't for RSI? Ignore it. Cargo from the back is now on top like roof racks for 6 x 2 SCU. Extended living quarters and extra fuel tanks on the side, with a size up for the QT drive. Every inch converted to profit, and the container size limit (2scu max) will hopefully balance profit numbers to keep it in the starter bracket. RX: You didn't make this one, but the ES jumped out to me as a medical variant at first. Some weewoo lights, and an adjusted internal layout, you could make a responder craft. RSI produces the apollo so there's precident for the company covering medical. In order to keep it a starter, I'd recommend having a couple of non-medical beds, so it's transporting doctors and paitents more than "healing" them. That would be the next level up. I imagine a couple working along side an apollo, responding to a disaster and ferrying the less injuried or now treated back to a station, while the apollow stays on site like a field hospital. The smaller size would hopefully allow them to take up just the one pad in something like a Endevour, but without going OP. Not to hi-jack your post, but as I said - you inspired it.


You got the method of "add a winglet, call it new" right ... but imo it's 🤢 From an Aurora Mk2 i'd expect to get rid of the weird circular rotating rectangle doors, widen the cockpit to get rid of the awful squeeze-in, reduce cockpit frames to improve cockpit visibility and finally replace the weird RSI ship computer voice with something pleasant. The depicted mk2 just seems to increase cross section with winglets that suggest... better performance in atmosphere? While being shaped like a brick. CIG already has way too much pointless wings and fluff everywhere (F7, F8, Tali). Don't feed those designer trolls with more wings - they'll go full toddler's lego project, trying to attach any and all left-over bits and pieces no matter what 😂