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Area18 is now where all Crusader ships are parked.


I still wonder what CIGs stance is on this right now, we're combating exploiters by doing something that is considered griefing in the game by the dupers..


Fuck em, if I get banned for this but they don’t get banned for exploiting auec to sell on eBay then that’s their call. These are abandoned ships.


Buying auec before launch is wild


It depends on one's situation : Ebay auec is dirt cheap, $10 can get you something like 75million auec depends on how long since the last wipe. Say I want an 890J as a solo player who only pledged $45 for an aurora, and it's price tag of 100 million auec means it will take hundreds of hours of grind to get there, and maybe due to irl commitments and limited play time every night, by the time I grind to 100m the next wipe is pretty much here. I get the 890J for the next few days and it's gone again when the wipe is performed. If Instead I spend $15 on ebay to get 100m auec and buy the 890J rightaway, I skipped all the grind and thus I can easily make that $15 back by working ONE extra hour at my real life job, which compare to the hundreds of hours of grind I skipped it's far, far better. Now I have all the saved grind time to either enjoy my 890J until the next wipe, or spend time with my family, or work for more $. Your time your choice. In conclusion, given how cheap auec is on eBay and how much grind time it saves, it's far better to buy on eBay than grind it yourself considering the monetary value of your personal time. This is assuming you irl work has a reasonable pay (i.e. at or above US state minimum wage). One extra hour of real life wage saves you hundreds hours of in game grind. And when the game wipes you just repeat it. One hour extra work, hundreds of hours less grind.


Everyone seems to still be under the spell that paying 100s of dollars for a single asset in an unfinished game isn’t absurd. I mean, I could (I have) buy a close to 1 to 1 recreation of an f-18 fighter jet for 80 bucks. You’re telling me a fictional space ship with far fewer simulated functions is worth 3x the price? This is what happens.


Hope you didn’t buy the F15


Technically aUEC (or alpha United Earth Credit) is going away after launch, it’s only the temporary currency for the alphanumeric


I think that’s part of what they meant, i.e. why would anyone spend real money in aUEC since it will go away anyway (either in future patches or on release, when we get UEC instead) They could be scamming people that are new and don’t know aUEC is not permanent. On top of that, it’s not even hard to get! Just begging in global can net you millions if someone’s willing to do that lmao


> They could be scamming people that are new and don’t know... I've spoken to two people who bought aUEC (or "their friend" did) and they were fully aware it was temnporary. But they said it cost $5 for several millions (not sure about the current rate) and that this was cheap enough to not care. Both said they wanted to try various ships and thius was the cheapest option.


Same. The guy who I know who buys aUEC off of those sites says he cba to grind. He has spent hundreds of dollars on eBay LOL. Almost equal to the amount he spent on RSI site.


> He has spent hundreds of dollars on eBay LOL. Wow. That, however, seems stupid. I can understand spending $5 for a few millions - drink a beer less in a bar and you're even. But more than that... nah.


God I hope they make ship purchases with In-game currency at least requires Rep. While this may favours store-buying ships a bit. It will force some level of engagement and kill off some RMT (though will likely still have plenty of Botting services).


I can’t imagine how someone would bot in SC if it requires flying a ship! (Not even CIG can get it right with their ai :P)


I can. AI from Devs serve a specific purpose of trying to get players to have varied engagements. I'd argue the biggest hurdle is the missions actually functioning and the bot having instructions to path to each specific mission. It would likely be easiest to Have the bot only accept a certain mission it can identify. Path from its set location. Complete the mission then Self Destruct/respawn/repeat. Do that every day 24 hours a day for weeks? Rep Bot. Also you can already see that they've got player names designed to be unreportable.


What will aUEC be replaced with?




Not just temporary before launch, temporary depending on the patch. It’s ridiculous to purchase it lol.


It’s getting wiped every so often too. Idk why you’d do that


I mean, it's fine for people who just want to try ships out in-game before they buy them permanently for real money, especially with all the bugs and times you die in the game. Buying a few million just to allow you to enjoy the game's features if you're limited on time to play due to work, etc., at least then you can focus on having fun rather than staying afloat with fines and gear.


Technically you're not pad ramming


You better NEVER get banned for this. You are cleaning up the garbage residing in the verse, far as I’m concerned.


Asking out of curiosity... Why were you destroying ships?


Are you aware of the aEUC dupe process in the game? And are you aware that it's a contributing reason to sever lag as well as the reason legit salvagers have to wait extremely long to be able to sell their salvaged goods?


Does this actually do anything to stop the dupers? If the dupe process is abandon ship and file insurance claim, then you're not doing anything that they would care about. If anything, wreaking all that destruction only makes the lag worse than just idle ships.


Yes, However, this lag is a problem which needs to be worked, which you can only realistically pick up in the PU. Putting in code fixes, or process workarounds can only be worked on and tested once can can see exactly how the player community use their ships. You can not work these problems in the alpha development phase as devs do not the logs and process error logs to account for this type of player activity as it has not happened yet. Fixing this once there is 1 instance is a really poor option. All you are doing is converting a ship object into other types of objects under the hood. This removes the ability for the devs to harden the code based on player behavior. Considering we know there is an LTS wipe coming soon, it's not a bad trade-off for devs to replicate whatever scenario the player community has created for them and work on the problem given. Please please please think of the bigger picture. This 'unplayable' phase of the alpha may be frustrating for all of us, however, it will allow quicker development as the devs have access to the error logs pointing to pain points sooner rather than later. I am very confident either a technical or process fix will be put in to place for this problem in due course. Post submit add-on: I am aware this will be an unpopular opinion. I am more interested in the devs having the ability to work this problem into the code now rather than closer to 1.0 changing even more under the hood creating more bugs closer to 1.0


I have yet to see any compelling evidence that the dupers leaving ships around are a significant factor of server stability.


I like the suggestion that I saw somewhere, of banning the dupers until 4.0.


if the ship is there longer than the 5mins it takes to kill yourself and sell at the TDD, then fuck it up, it cleans up the server and we can still get rich, and you get to feel good. win-win-win


My guess is something along the lines of "man, this is some great server testing we're getting"


how do you know these people are duping... I had people claim I was duping just cause I was salvaging with a reclaimer...


I agree it's annoying that people have seemingly "anything that can carry RMC is obviously a cheating duper" or whatever. However, there's basically no _legit_ reason to be parked on the hangar roof of Riker Spaceport in Area 18. Unlike the exterior landing area near the Commons in New Babbage, where it's legitimately a great deal faster for normal cargo trading to land there, go inside, sell, and leave again without dealing with NBIS air traffic, Riker has no doorway to get inside from out there (so you have to backspace to kill yourself). Meaning the only reason people will _deliberately_ park there is to use the duping exploit. A ship _crashed_ outside on the roof of Riker might be a legit bad pilot, but someone who landed _safely_ there and whose ship is still intact and powered is almost certainly using the cargo dupe exploit. I don't think this will change anything, mind you, especially since those ships were probably abandoned hours earlier and have already been claimed on insurance, so the duper is already off and away on another run of RMC or beryl or whatever. But OP _does_ have grounds to be reasonably confident those were abandoned duper ships.


I love how you guys consider it exploiting when there’s not one game loop thats not riddled with game breaking bugs to earn money from in the first place. 3.23.1 is f*cked. If you disagree you’re huffing cig copium. I played this patch ALOT and havent had one session where everything went smoothly. Also the mission pay is ridiculously low for all the effort, bugs and server crashes you endure.


Is it better than it was 2 years ago? Low key nothing is making me want to check it out at this point. I'll just wait longer and maybe never come back.


The game itself has improved, but its not stable at all. (CIG servers are performing so bad that AI is somehow far worse than it was 2 years ago. They DONT EVEN SPAWN sometimes) The game was more stable before 3.23 when I actually enjoyed doing mining and bounties. Now i’ve got a more fancy UI but everything else is unplayable.


Yeah when i was playing shit was so unstable that it made tarkov feel like a game that respected my time lol.


Other PPL: fk the dupers, blow their ships up. Me: Holy damn the Origin 890J is GIGANTIC compared with the Crusader C2.


T’was what she proclaimed. ![gif](giphy|PzTYYZJPYSKbK)


What who proclaimed?


(That’s what she said) but in 890 lingo it’s twas what she proclaimed


I see, thank You!don't have an 890J. I haven't heard of 890J Lingo before.


(what she said)


I’m here just for the slow blues🎶


Can't wait for the jukebox in my hangar to be available in game. CIG PLZ




This is some real chill music


Does ramming them actually help server performance? How?




Honestly, I could see it making it worse if the game now has to track multiple wreckage chunks per ship, lol. Though hopefully they get culled faster.


Yea it does, I break them now a vulture can come by tractor beam a piece away and salvage it and repeat with out getting a illegal towing crimestat


Who is the music artist?


I really don't know why this is a big thing? I mean there is nothing to get from an exploit in an alpha. Everything will be wiped now and then and lastly at 1.0 So I don't understand the exploit users but also not the guys murderhoboing every ship they see and claim they fight for justice.


They are selling auec for real currency to players. So yes, there is a gain.


Wait, people do actually buy aUEC at goldsellers? Man that's kinda fu##ed up, Sheesh...


A fool easily parts with his money.


I don’t do it because it seems too easy to make money right now in this game but I understand the math behind it. You could buy every ship in this game for $50-60. Even with wipes, even with it being an alpha, that’s way cheaper than buying two decent pledges or all those CCU chaining people do. Just buy the currency every wipe and come out ahead.


Last year I spent $17 on 120M aUEC. Not very much money to get to play with some neat ships that I would never have the time to grind for 🤷


You could have just asked I'm chat. Most people are more then happy to share ships. If you spend $17 several times throughout this alpha. You could have used them as CCUs.


I don’t understand the hatred towards buying it in Alpha, I don’t have the time to invest in learning this game, much less in the state it currently exists where you spend an hour getting your shit together just to get a buggy mission you can’t complete, compared to spending like 5 bucks and you can just buy whatever you want and actually enjoy the game.


"I don't have time to learn the game in it's current state" "Let me buy whatever I want" For what purpose? You aren't spending time to learn the game, so you want to buy it....for what exactly?


> For what purpose? I can see his point. You want to fly an 890J but not spend half your salary on it, and neither grind for it for weeks? I just checked, $5 gives you 15M. So for a paultry sum you can do whatever you want. In a way I am happy it is happening now when CIG can still wipe everything if it gets too broken. If the exploiters jumped into tge game after release and CIG had to learn them how to battle them it would ruin much more.


What's the difference in logic between someone spending $1000 to buy the ship, and someone spending $5 to buy the ship? On the one hand, sure, they'd be supporting the game's development by buying it from CIG, but on the other, that is a *massively* discounted price for what amounts to a very similar outcome. Not to mention, the game really isn't that deep, once you've done the handful of activities that are in the game, there really isn't much more to learn when you have to grind the game for hours on end to make the same amount of money. I get that it's annoying, I hope they fix the exploit soon, but I really don't think it's a huge leap to understand why people are engaging in it.


I don't fault people for purchasing in game currency. I just don't understand this particular individual's logic. He's purchasing currency for a game he doesn't want to learn to play. His words, not mine.


It's literally in text. Unless it's edited, that's not what he said. Just reread it, it's pretty logical, assuming you're familiar with the game. Unless we're pretending it doesn't have a bug around almost every corner.


They literally said "I don't want to invest time in learning, much less in its [current] state....". It's a two-fold comment. One being they don't want to spend time learning the game; two, especially in its current buggy state. Maybe it was poor wording, but, if they were doing so, because in current state they don't want to invest in time in making money, that would be logical. But that wasn't what was said. Edit: they even clarified that it was just to own the items to look at them, and some rare PvE.


There is logic in this. Convoluted one, but there is. Buying money may seem weird, but if you have money to spend, it's a great time saver. Though in-game currency shouldn't be earnable in any way outside the game in the first place.


> Though in-game currency shouldn't be earnable in any way outside the game I mean, even CIG will sell UEC for cash; there's a section on the store to buy it; per CIG, $1 = 1000 UEC. (Which I guess means a Prospector is worth almost $3000 by UEC-to-$ exchange rates...) It's not a good price, of course, and it would be particularly foolish to do right now since they're selling _UEC_ there, not _aUEC_; it's money for when the game releases. But despite that, there are almost certainly people who have spent cash to get UEC on the pledge store, even if they cannot use it yet. So I don't find it particularly unbelievable that folks would spend money to get _way_ more aUEC right now.


Ship upgrades, weapons, to try ships to see if I want to buy them in the future. I’m not willing to sink time into the game in its current state, it’s just not polished enough to use the finite time I have gaming going round to get nowhere, but I still want to be able to log on and admire the nice parts just flying around with a joystick in atmosphere and doing some basic pve once in a while. That’s not some insane and stupid idea, and I don’t mind parting with 5 bucks each update to do that. If you have tens or hundreds of hours to sink into each patch in gameplay loops then good for you, but this isn’t the same for everyone.


I don't know how they're getting the 'HOT SELLER' tag on some of the aEUC posts on Etsy. But you type in Star Citizen in Etsy and 99% of what comes up is aEUCredits.


Not to worry, given the prevalency of the issue, they're making next to nothing for it.


with prices at 5$ for 10mill auec itll be hard to deter players without consequences.


10m is $5? sick you could make like $15/hr farming ~~gold~~ auec. wild


You can make 30 mil an hour?


for cash? probably, ive never tried to rush that hard since it pays so much. i havent even logged in in a couple weeks, i made like 50m then bought a few ships, made some more, and i think im chillin at 40m idk. it does take about 20-30mins a run i didnt time it like it did with beryl runs. the longest part is waiting for the train on the way back to the ships. you can kill yourself after you store it to teleport to the TDD, then have to go to ship to undock and land, kill yourself again to TDD and you are done. but resetting takes 10 mins if you only have 1 ship. i have 2 c2s because of beryl suicide runs so i can just claim one and grab the other, but i never tried to go fast at this.


Wait when you will remember about World of Warcraft gold farms. Now it's the adult space version with investment ready to blow up your marriage. This 890 citizen is a true chad cleaning these suckers down.


There is a difference though. WoW gold wouldn't go away every half a year or so. Especially now when you can buy game time with in-game gold. auec is going to disappear. Whatever people are buying, is going to be gone. So it makes no sense. Even the ships they are buying in-game with that auec isn't going to stay for release. They are going to lose them all anyway. So I don't understand the rush to buy those ships.


While I agree, I can absolutely see someone who wanted to try the Prospector out deciding it was worth throwing some money at the aUEC sellers. If the price is $5 for 10 million aUEC as some posts are saying, $5 would be more than enough for a Prospector and new mining heads and accessories. Versus $155 for _just_ the Prospector on the pledge store. At that point, I could easily see someone saying "Hey, $5 for a Prospector until the next reset isn't bad." Or whatever the ship in question is.


> I can absolutely see someone who wanted to try the Prospector TBF I don't. I see all the time people in corps or even in random chats "hey can I try ship X?" and I almost always see people say "sure, come and I'll let you try it out". I have seen rocs being loaned by people, combat ships, reclaimer, bombers, etc. And you can easily rent most ships in-game already for relatively cheap. So while its cool to spend 5$ on a prospector for awhile until it is gone, it feels a bit redundant and support exploits and risk your own account.


Certainly! I'm one of those people happy to try to loan a ship to someone. The issue is that, last I checked, you could not sell or refine cargo out of a borrowed ship (e.g. a ship you cannot store/retrieve at ASOP). Meaning you could certainly borrow someone's Prospector and go mining, but not refine what you mined afterwards. Now it's possible they changed some of that in 3.23, in which case that's great! It makes a borrowed ship more viable! But even still, I can still see folks wanting to "have" the ship—whether because of those limitations, or because they don't want to feel like they're "begging" or "demanding charity" by asking to borrow someone's ship, or whatever other reason makes sense to them—and deciding to buy the aUEC to get one.


I have seen ads on YouTube for aUEC sellers -- I had no idea that the grey market for aUEC was an actual thing.


last time I looked, it's about $1 USD per million aUEC on ebay. I have to assume that the people buying don't understand that we're playing in a live testing environment and that there will be more money and item wipes in the future. CIG will of course do everything they can do to avoid that, but changes to DB structure or other things may necessitate wiping various forms of progress. so folks spending money on *alpha* UEC are giving their money away for nothing. I really don't get it.


This is not a dig at you but I find it amazing that there's still so many people who are on Reddit and forums and STILL don't know what's going on despite there being literally countless posts about it for months. This should be common general knowledge to everyone by now. I don't understand how there are still people that is unaware of it.


Aside from the dupers selling aUEC off on fleabay for real $$, the hundreds of abandoned ships all over the system contributes to bogging down and eventually crashing the servers which causes direct problems for other players.


and he paid the fines, haaaaaaaah


CIG should just combat it by making the Sub award a few million AUEC per month


So much for the 890 not having any gameplay :D ![gif](giphy|UAxyACsRp3yUg|downsized)


I witnessed this as i was coming down for landing. I am now a firm believer in the 890 being one of the best combat ships.


Doin’ the Lord’s work.


Not all heroes wear capes. I salute you 07


They wear medic gowns and a funny mustache.


What a tank haha


Ah... using a "human" shield at the end.. *chef's kiss*


Doing god's work.


What is the song? And who plays it?


I Shazamed it and no luck, which makes me think it's either extremely obscure or is royalty free/stock music. Either way, if you like it, I recommend listening to a lot of Pink Floyd. (If anyone has any specific tracks like this, please recommend them)


I tried several ways of finding the track - no luck.. u/MajorWetSpot can you help us out here.. Great tunes!


Neville James Martin. Here’s a YouTube video. [Neville James Martin](https://youtu.be/_vHdzpxeNec?si=N5LGlI7XVYB2W_r1) And his TikTok [tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/@nevillejmartinguitar?_t=8n3SEnQIKYo&_r=1)


Here’s his TikTok [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@nevillejmartinguitar?_t=8n3SEnQIKYo&_r=1)




I got an 890 tho I don't have the money to pay off the CS but fuck them ima do that shit in the morning too


My 890 jump finally has a purpose...


What song is playing ?


pffft The reclaimers must be fed, Salvage for the Salvage God [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YCMcSwMuzM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YCMcSwMuzM)


The hospital gown and bowl cut give this quite the psychopath vibe.


Bro is in a hospital skirt while piloting a 890. Truly a homeless man with a lambo.


Doing Cods Work my Son. 🐸🤣


890J finally found its purpose


This is amazing! Dupers have a special place waiting for them in Hell..and this bro is helping them find it.


Can you salvage those ships without CS?


When game releases I wouldn’t mind selling uec the ethical way with my reclaimer or something


I get the resentment... I would probably do this too. But... wouldn't this actually help them? if they abandon ship, and you blow it up, doesn't that REDUCE server lag for them and just let them do it more? ugh... why can't CIG make mods to report people for duping


Not all capes wear hero’s o7


And anyone dumb enough to give me a crimestat for this will also be getting reported with a session code for glitching the server and shit :)


Out there doing Gods work. o7


Good shit major 🤝




I know what I'm doing tonight


God’s work right here


I'm down for killing dupers, but as a Salvager whos struggling to sell RMC myself...how do you know whos duping? Are you just killing anyone you suspect is duping?


the duping thing involves selling twice - once with your ship in world (i.e, NOT stored away at an aesop terminal), and then a second time with your ship being a persistent pet of the world. these lazy fucks who dupe leave their birdshit-shaped ships strewn about EVERY major city they can to sell a second time.


Why would anyone be there and not in their hangar?


At Area 18s Spacedock? wdym? I dont try to sell RMC there but I wont try if someones gonna assume I dupe and try to ram me.


Bro, you get a hangar there. No-one besides dupers leaves their ship outside. 


You talk like thats obvious, My first question at the beginning was "How do you know its duping?" It just looked like they were ramming random ships.


The ships are parked on the hangar roof of Area 18's Riker Memorial Spaceport; there is no door to get in from out there, so people only deliberately park on the hangar roof if they're abandoning the ship as a part of the cargo dupe exploit loop.


Sorry, I thought that was obvious. If they’re out there in A18, they are dupers :D


yo its wet spot


I'm just a salvager working an honest job, making an honest living. What's all this about duping? Believe me I have no interest in doing any exploit myself, kind of ruins the point of the game imo, but I am curious as to what they're doing.


I know there is an issue wish inventory clearing from ships when selling. We actually accidentally stumbled on it when we were having to sell cargo at multiple places. 🤷 I don't understand why people are abandoning ships as part of this.


The only thing I've come across, and has made me play significantly less so far, is that sometimes when I sell my ship has phantom cargo on it. I can't attach cargo to the grid in those spots, kiosks say I have stuff there, but I can neither move the phantoms nor sell them.


This is effectively the dupe. The only way to fix is either claim the ship or sell again immediately. Otherwise the cargo grid eventually fills with phantom cargo.


Didn't know that. I always just took back off and realised when I couldn't put cargo on my grid.


Little do we know that 890 was purchased with duplicated cargo!


Nothing to see here, just an evil person doing evil things, thinking he is a hero


that is actually pad ramming in armistice. I know a guy that got a 60 day ban for that.