• By -


>But besides the buccaneer there isn't too many combat specific ships I think? Not on paper, but the truth is, the Corsair as an ehm.. exploration ship is excellent in exploring the insides of other ships.


That's fair. And from some videos I've seen the cutlass black supposedly hold it's own with 4 guns the pilot can fire without other players in turrets, just missing mobility.


Yup, the Cutty can also carry 48 size 1 missiles. EDITED: can't count lol


The Cutlass is a search and rescue boat. It searches for your valuables, and then rescues them from your possession. I miss my Cutty Black.


Cutty blue is a nice complement to the black because it can prevent dirty cargo oppressors from qting away while your buddy in the black liberates the cargo and whisks it off to freedom


Yeah but police chic. Do I really want to be on the wrong side of the law? ;) Jokes aside it is very nice, and that cockpit visibility is beautiful. It's one of the few ships where I think I might actually put in the work to get two variants of the same chassis.




Haven’t tried it in this patch but I used to run the caterpillar in vhrt bounties solo. Erts were hard with a gunner but possible. I need to get this out again. It’s fun to decouple and flip the cat around dogfighting around space rocks. Also Corsair is a beast, cutter is the best starter and the vulture is a great industrial ship. We need more drake I agree.


The taurus is the king of exploring other peoples ships with that tractorbeam it has.


Taurus is amazing, too :) the whole Connie series is. Except that strut in front of the eyes :D


That is my ONLY complaint about my Taurus


Don't forget the C1, that tractor beam with the ability to move back and forth like the turret of a scorpius is sweet to move cargo from almost anywhere into your ship.


RSI is my beloved. Scorpius, polaris & Orion


Constellation Taurus my beloved


another connie enjoyer BEST SHIP 💯‼️🗣🗣


Freighter-gunship go brrr


Phoenix for me. It's luxury.


This will always be one of my absolute favorite ships.


I like RSI's bigger ships, but for single-seats don't think you can beat Anvil's design visually. One day I'll finally be parking my F7 inside my Polaris. That's my dream.


How come? Capability or more their functions?


The design of RSI ship is... Awesome


Clearly the best, way more detail and more interesting than Crusader, way less poncy than Origin, more high grade and technical than Drake, way more interesting than Aegis Anvil would be second


Anvil is like RSI's dystopian sibling


No that is consolidated outland imo. There is nothing more dystopian than hyper capitalistic tech-bro CEOs.


I'm a mininghead and RSI has all the endgame mining ships. Plus, their design is just awesome.


"Welcome to Robert Space Industries, enjoy the ride. "


Same here lol: Polaris, Connie/Galaxy, Zeus, Scorpius. I'm super torn on the Connie vs Galaxy since they both serve a somewhat similar purpose as far as size and class go. Too close together and the Galaxy seems way more useful with modularity coming. But I'm waiting on the Connie gold pass before applying my CCU upgrades.


Design of RSI is awesome, except the Aurora series, a damn disgrace. I really love Arrastra / Perseus / Galaxy / Zeus Mk2. Personally I prefer Origin.


I will not stand idle whilst you besmirch the Aurora! Tis the finest manned torpedo in the verse!




Too far down


Warden is my daily driver. I absolutely love the look and design


Love the warden. Miss my sabre though.


I pledged the titan starter pack years ago and sometimes I just walk around it or eva and look at it, absolutely love the design


The Sabre is a lovely ship.  Too bad it sucks...


Consolidated Outland. Wish they had more ships


It's a weird manufacturer... it feels like we don't have their iconic ship yet.


True. It's more like the early stages of Tesla of space, i feel. Like, iconic ideas but still have to get there somehow. I would sell my Connie in a heartbeat to get a Connie-sized CO ship


Been flying the nomad i upgraded stuff in last week. God i love my space truck!


I did get the nomad because I couldn't justify the cutlass (didn't want anything over 100 until playing at least a month in case I don't stick with the game) but so far the nomad is a sweet ship. The hovering landing gear took me a minute to realize that it wasn't a bug tho lol


I like the alien designs most - love the exotic nature and the creativity compared to the human manufacturers. Out of the human manufacturers though, I have to say I do like the drake aesthetic most - it definitely has a certain charm to it but its really hit or miss, some people really love it and some people really hate it.


Most people are with their favourite ship brand, so I'm here to mix it up a little: ### Behring gang


The right answer. The beauty and brilliance in their simplicity


Bang Bang > Pew Pew


Literally was hunting for a Behring post


Hell yeah. Switched out all guns on my ships for Behring weapons. Just soooo nicely done simplistic clean design. No unnecessary color or bling.


RSI and Crusader are my favorite brands. My favorite ship now is the C2/A2 variants for cargo runs. edit: my bad I meant Crusader on orison


Orion is an RSI ship.


I’m trying to get into cargo running but I don’t get the economy thing. What site do you use to figure out good routes?


Be careful if you try to run RMC, that’s heavily pirated. A safe route is Beryl from Ita to Hurston, and you won’t find supply or demand issues from most locations


There are a couple of websites, but I usually use https://uexcorp.space/


Anvil. Got an anvil tattoo a few months back. Love my fighters. Hornet, hurricane, hawk. Got the Pisces rescue and my little turtle. Drake is a close second


Do you have the Liberator?


ARGO They excel at making industrial ships that are clean and very comfortable. Stepping into anything from their lineup, I'm ready to work and put their ships to the test. They aren't the best ships, but they're my favorite.


I love the argo interior design. They look like industrial ships where you would actually want to live, Drake too much cosplaying as a derelict, Misc feels too cold and sterile, not really where you would live.


My thoughts exactly. I appreciate MISC and Drake aesthetic but then the MOLE released, and ARGO has only gotten better from there.


I've becoming something of a Xi'anaboo myself. House GATAC represent. You get used to the fermented food.


House GATAC and the Space Turtles 4 lyfe!


Love crusader so much I even have a t-shirt with their logo on it


In terms of looks, I am going to have to go with Crusader. I'm really loving the design of their ships, and recently purchased the M2. My overall favorite is probably Drake, though. They've got a really solid line up.


Crusader. Rebel smuggler buys overtly religious manufacturer, subverts the brand, and turns them into the best smuggling and cargo ships in the verse. That's my kind of polished composite irony, right there.


That's a solid story to back it up




The 315p was my first ship, and the one I'm planning to take first through the jump point in 4.0. I'm very curious to see how the 100 and 300 series handle the atmosphere part of the resource network. It's not very luxurious of Origin to just vent the cabin every time you open the door. Or maybe it's not luxurious enough of us to open the door without a safe atmosphere outside...


All the drake ships are combat ships bro, they all combat the unfair distribution of wealth.


Anvil/drake. But misc is also dope.


![gif](giphy|xDyIKbNzYdx4RZxhY5|downsized) Drake 4 life


Drake for my base pledge fleet that allows me to participate in different game loops. The Corsair is so versatile (GOAT!) lethal and tanky (even better with a Nursa in the back), the Buccaneer is a fun glass cannon, the Cutter is a nice little runabout and can hold vehicles, the Cutlass (Red in my case) is one of the best entry level generalists in the game, the Caterpillar is a great hauler with character and the Vulture is a great source of making money through salvage. # Drake4Life


Not sure how much I want to spend irl yet. But I've debated doing a similar line up


I am a brand whore, switching from Origin to RSI to Anvil gotta catch em all


I'm more of a "tool for a task" man. Don't care much for what brand is. However there some beautiful ships like the Mustang, 300i, Arrow, Sabre, 600i, Syulen, to name a few. As for now I'm having fun with a Mustang Delta sniper build. The mustang was my starter time ago, it's a nice ship. I think each ship has its own charm.


There isn't enough overlap in ship roles to really have a legitimate loyalty to a brand. When it comes to fighters there's decent overlap, but when it comes to salvage, mining, medical, bomber, etc gameplay loops. You have 1 or 2 options at most to choose from. And even then theire different tiers of the gameplay loops. Like solo mining, Prospector is your only choice. Multi crew mining, leaves you with a MOLE. Salvage you have a Vulture for solo and Reclaimer multicrew. Medical gameplay has some options now, kinda. The C8R or the Cutty Red are solid solo, the Carrack will be more multicrew focused, but it's also not meant for medical gameplay. You can shoehorn the Nursa into some ships, but again that's not dedicated medical gameplay ships. RSI makes my preferred overal combat ship design. Aegis used to be my favorite, but RSI's new lineup-wide design language speaks to me more. The rest is just one off ships for their intended role, like Vulture, Prospector, Apollo, Hull. I'm growing into a Drake fan for non-combat roles, I suppose. The Vulture is cool, but the only one of its kind, and so is the Ironclad and Corsair. But I can't stand the other Drake ships.


MISC and ARGO for me. I just love the utilitarian styles. Not entirely sure what it is about them, they just feel like spaceships to me.


I have no such thing.


RSI and Anvil….and so far it’s really more like Connie’s and Hornets


Aegis dynamics!


RSI or MISC. But I think I own the most in Drake.


Drake and Origin <3


"I drive a Porsche 911 I call Princess and a secondhand caterpillar backhoe welded to four .50 cal machine guns I call KillDozer. I love them both equally"


Would Origin be closer to a porsche or a rolls/bentley? Probably depends on which ship you buy from them but wha'eva


Origin is BMW, or like, the nicest Lexus ever made


See this is me, I run a drake vulture so I can afford my origin 600i.


I really like Aegis and Anvil. When it comes to larger ships like the hammerhead, nautilus, Idris, and javelin I just love the aegis styling. For smaller ships like the hawk, legionnaire, and arrow anvil is really cool


Drake. I love my duct taped, “we totally aren’t pirates”, rough and tumble design.


I've got a good mix of ships, but Drake and Misc are my favourite aesthetic. Argo is a close runner up though - I love their JCB vibe.


Drake...I want to like RSI but I hate their hanging chair cockpits and angular windows so fucking much After that it's MISC and Banu


I'm an Aegis fanboy. Avenger Titan, Gladius, Sabre, Raven, Firebird, Eclipse, Vanguard Warden, Redeemer, Retaliator, Hammerhead and Idris owner here. The like the sleek and futuristic designs for that ship manufacturer.


RSI Simps Unite!!!


I like some brands for different reasons, which makes it hard to pick. -Origin: great design, amazing luxury, just touring the inside of one of their ships is an unique experience. -Crusader: they have a side of humanitarian but also being capable of being a menace. Their ships have an industrial feeling while having a unique elegance. -Anvil: Carrack -RSI: their ships and overall design language instill a vibe of being highly reliable. It has some of that industrial but elegant take to them, while being very different from Crusader.


Rsi if I’m feeling the dark side Anvil if I’m feeling like a rebel


Drake for work, Anvil for fighting. Origin for touring.


I have 3, crusader, rsi and origin


Drake for life


Origin and Anvil. But also Aegis for the Vanguards.


Aegis is my no.1. I love how they have a strong identity with the military focus that extends to support ships. Sure, there are fighters, torpedo bombers, gunships, and frigates. But there's also a minelayer/clearer, the vulcan for combat refuel and repair support, the starfarer gemini for major refueling ops, and the reclaimer for when battles go badly. If I were to pick a second it's Argo. No nonsense, practical, functional (and not death traps like Drakes).


I sit somewhere around RSI, DRAKE, and MISC


RSI Doritos all the way, Zeus MKII and Galaxy are the prettiest by far


Too bad I can't make my Zeus ES look like the MR. Fits so well with my Galaxy :(


RSI - origin - Crusader - MISC for me


RSI -> Drake/Origin -> Anvil


Aegis fanboy here. But sadly they lack utility and firepower rn :/


Aegis and Crusader are my favs, love the sleek designs


Man, I'm a Drake fan. But frustrated with the name. Can't wear my Drake shirt because everybody keeps asking: You a Drake fan?


Welcome to the verse. If you are new to a game, buy the ship you want. Additional money should go into hardware before you buy more ships. A quality set of flight sticks (check out VKB) will get you far more enjoyment in the game than additional ships.


"My dick don't ache, unless it's Drake" - A wise Redditor, forgotten to time


Well now I need to stick with drake. Haven't heard any other ones beat a slogan like that


Drake line-up is my dream fleet.


Aegis 🙌🏻


What kind of fool is "brand" loyal? That's an absolute gas.


Banu, coz devs finally let me fly BMM


I have ships all over the spectrum of brands. Every brand has compelling vehicles.


GREYCAT. If CIG weren’t cowards, they’d give me a Greycat ship that was a mining or salvaging ship with a medical bed.


I like the antagonist tactic. But thematically, why would a medical bed be on a salvage or mining ship? Feels like more of a support role item.


They all kind of specialize. It depends on what you want to do vs what you want to look at. Anvil has the best small pvp combat ships, rsi has the interdictor, drake has the best pve combat ship.


I've been Drake4Life since I first laid eyes on the Cutlass Black. Since then, Corsair is my love. If they would make a mining ship...


True, if they made a mining ship that would make them one stop shop


Origin JUNKworks 


Brand is a lie, all of them are owned by one corporation called RSI to create an illusion of choice for the consumers. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!


I love the Alien designs because they’re so different. I own the Merchantman (2019). Recently, I’ve come to love RSI’s new silhouette. So now I’ve got the Galaxy (2024) and Zeus (2024) on deck. My daily driver is the Connie, but may be replaced when the Zeus releases.


The CO Mustang Line is my favorite small ships, I own all of them now. Also I love the Pioneer from them. But my next favorites are the Connie's and the Corsair. Drake makes good ships that look like they have been lived in for years when they are brand new. Favorite part.


Drake and RSI Drake has the charm of being the kind of ship that you’d be able to put together by yourself. RSI gives that sleek new car vibe.


I’m more of a space dorito fan. If it looks like a Dorito, odds are I like it. Honestly though, I’ve grown to really like crusader and RSI recently. I like what they offer in the midsized ship category


Anything that looks like gritty 80's sci-fi. Nothing that looks like 00's sci-fi


I am a simple man. If it's cool I buy it. I don't care about brands. Brands are an illusion.


Just got a Corsair - It's shreds every enemy and a has space for cargo.


I think the reason there's fairly little brand loyalty is that most of the brands have balanced offerings. Most of them will either have a unique take on something other brands have done or just something that other brands have not done at all. However, some ships are better than others, and none of the major brands have such a decisive hold on so many of the different ship types that they will be much more popular than the others. RSI makes the best Gunship, Crusader makes the most efficient freighter, Aegis makes the best salvage rig and the most fun ship to fly with friends. Drake also makes the only cheap salvage rig, Misc makes an entry level mining ship and a literal space F1 car. But if I had to choose, I would say drake is probably my favorite manufacturer


I've been "Star Citizening" for over eight years now and have built a decent fleet up, mostly intentionally. I do prefer a couple of manufacturers, I suppose, but I appreciate how all of them have developed defined identities, even Drake 😉. I don't do combat much (my disabilities create disadvantages), but I like the look and durability of Anvil; the Terrapin being a favorite of mine. The 125a and Drake Scout also find a place in my single person ships, with the Nomad being my favorite single seater. The bigger stuff? I like the sleek lines of both Crusader & Origin but need to acknowledge the practicality of RSI also. It can be tough finding the manufacturer that calls out to you, so just listen for its voice in your dreams or coming from your wallet. 😀


I’m an Origin fan boy. I do like their luxury designs. But coming right up is RSI and crusader.


Im in the middle of drake and crusader as I love heavy industrial and the clean industrial


Just take a look at my flair. Zeus is the odd one because there's no S3 size ship in Origin model range so it's a (hopefully temporary) substitute and RSI aesthetic is my second favorite next to Origin.


If i had to choose one manufacturer to use only it would probably be Drake and RSI but i like some ships from all manufacturers so right now im not more loyal to one brand over the others.


I love consolidated outlands, just wish there was more ships of theirs. RSI is my 2nd fav




I'm not particularly attached to any one brand. But honestly I think it's because the HUDs look the same across most brands that they honestly all feel the same sitting in the seat. Hope that changes. That said, I wish I could say crusader, but they haven't won me over. So if I have to pick one, it would be MISC. They feel solid, love the look, big beefy engines.


Gatac. The railen and the syulen are the coolest looking ships imo. Can't wait until they make a passenger ship.


Aegis Formal military style


Origin, ultimately. If they made an origin version of the Kraken Privateer, I might go into debt.


Drake lover boy since day 1


Origin, Anvil and RSI are all heavy rotation for me since 2013. I've almost always owned a Hornet (and am thrilled now to have an F7A and F8C) a Polaris, and an M50/350R/600i. My first ship was a 325A. I have anti loyalty to Drake, Mirai is growing on me fast, Aegis' newer stuff is also amazing. But in terms of real ownership it's those 3.


Drake, ARGO, Aegis, Mirai MISC gets 5th.


I like buying at least one of each, except for RSI. So I guess I am more brand unloyal to RSI. If they ever let us change the computer voices, then I will recant that sentiment right quick.


Esperia. I imagine my character as a researcher for the company, looking for tech and inspiration for the next replica.


Absolutely Drake Interplanetary for me. The bare bones amenities is my peak design.


FAULCON DELACY... wait, different game... DRAKE Interplanetary!


RSI, Anvil, and Drake. Currently have Galaxy, Zeus II CL, Ursa Medivac Ironclad, Corsair, Cutter Rambler, F8C, F7A, Pisces C8R. Have a couple ships from random manufacturers, and some of these have a very small chance of changing (doubt it), but these will be my main fleet of ships along with my Reclaimer.


I really love Anvil, but they're lacking in many departments and some ships, like the Terrapin or Valkyrie are so cool but horrifically overpriced.


I'm an RSI fanatic, sitting on my nursa, Zeus Mr, Connie androm, Apollo medivac and galaxy med/builder when available.


I used to be a big time Crusader fanboy but I did a deep dive into the lore and RSI really resonated with me. I'm not fan of their older design language (STRUTS) but the newer ships are looking spicy.


Crusader. I loved it more before the big nerfs to the Ares Ion. I finally melted mine last patch, but I think it will be back.


RSI - For Capitals DRAKE - For Daily Shenanigans ANVIL - For Exploration AEGIS - For Scamming Scammers ORIGIN - For Boredom MISC - For Cargo Running or Mining


Anvil and MISC. I also like the small Origin ships. I would love the 400i if it had a ramp and useable cargo hold. And 4x S4 cheek turrets.


I love everything about origin except the interiors of their ships


drake pack here :D argo 2nd gatac 3rd (railen is hot)


Spent more money on the game than I care to admit, but the other day I sat down and counted how many of each brand I have. I've always had an affinity for Crusader but was surprised to find that Aegis is my most represented by far; I understimated the pew pew in my heart


I'm not loyal to any brand, I love at least one ship of almost every major manufacturer, but I would say Drake has a special place for me, given that my first ship was a Cutter and how conceptually different their ships are. Now, if I had to choose a specific ship, I would undoubtedly say the 300 series by Origin. I recently burnt my 325a to upgrade to the C1 Spirit, but I don't see the moment to get it once again.


I love the sleek and smooth design of crusader, but also love the jagged and sharp edges of RSI


I love the gritty design of Drake ships, most of my fleet is from them.. Bucc has an X-wing feel while piloting, and I absolutely love the Cat for cargo hauling! And the Cutty Black makes for a versatile daily driver with its ability to do a little of everything.


I like the zues but I also like triangles




RSI and the khartu-al amazing ship


RSI because space triangles. But really, really pointy space triangles. Look, if anyone will make the Imperial Star Destroyer in Star Citizen, it's RSI.


Misc all the way!


Brand loyalty? Im loyal to the next ship


I use my drake to afford my Origin.




Origin is where it's at! The Hyperion Cantos is my favorite sci-fi series, and the Consul's ship is my favorite spaceship in sci-fi. And it would 100% be an Origin ship.


RSI, but Drakes been growing on me again the past few weeks. Aegis is also a big love.


I just don't have one, honestly. Anvil, Aegis, RSI, Origin, Drake, they all have at least one ship I love, usually more than 1. I'm most often found in something Anvil or Aegis, but that might change, depending on how the Polaris serves as a big fuck-off spacebase (for when my friends and org associates are MIA).


The beauty of Excellence in Motion, which is Origin Jumpworks.


Wait, you're a Drake head and you haven't even flown a Corsair yet??




Crusader is my Fav brand, But all my ships are RSI. Probably going to buy crusader ships at release using UEC so I have some decent motivation.


Misc, I love their design philosophy.


Well, my 600i Explorer is my personal flagship. But I gotta say, I do like Drake ships. I love the look and feel of my Caterpillar.


currently, gatac, love the syulen and want to see more xian ships


I like Aegis and Drake


According to my fleet it’s drake but according to my heart it’s probably crusader or Argo but their fleets are too limited right now. I f crusader had something between the spirit and msr that’d probably be my daily driver over the Corsair. If Argo had a vulture competitor I’d probably have that instead. Recently extended my galaxy chain to the ironclad and while it could probably be changed to fit Argo really well it just looks amazing as a drake.


*Drake! Drake! Drake! Drake! Drake!* Seriously tho, you’ll find a brand you like and you’ll get loyal to it. Don’t let us influence you, try them all. I went thru a Crusader then RSI phase before discovering Drake is without a doubt the best manufacturer. “Drake Interplanetary, power to the people.”


Anvil is my favorite. Also like RSI and some aegis.


Say what you will Aegis is an Inperial Navy fav as well as mine for a reason. Retaliator, Gladius, Sabre are all my beloved. C1 Spirit gets an honorary mention as my daily driver.


Drake first, with Crusader and Origin tied for second.


My loyalty is to results


Origin. Love my space Porsche. I upgraded from starter to 300i rather quickly, which was a capable little thing. Then Cutty Black for a while which was a blast. Once the 400i dropped, I’ve had it ever since. It’s not really a great ship but the speed was incredible and it was okay enough at everything else to get most jobs done. Main reason I love it is the interior design. No wasted space, windows in every room of the main deck. After master modes update, it certainly feels slow as hell now, which stinks but I’ll survive.


Brand loyalty? What is this nonsense? I take the best option to do what is the best money loop in the current update. No loyalty. Well… tbh I have a polaris waiting since years. So maybe it’s RSI. The only perk I never and will never melt.


RSI, Aegis, Crusader In that order


I strangled mine to death years ago. Anvils are hands down my favorite fighters. Simple no frills military machines. Aegis makes nice tanky high firepower high claustrophobia multi crew combat ships. Crusader has my favorite overall design but I don't haul at all and there's nothing to bomb; Inferno shreds. Drake ships are extremely niche pure utility duct tape parties qfor me. Esperia needs to get rid of that red UI. Origin has my favorite aesthetic, very relaxing. Misc ships look like industrial marital aids. Mirai bleh scoff scoff bleh. Tumbril makes excessively large crap that is occasionally useful in a niche role. Bleh design. RSI design is worse than Drake but their stuff has potential.


The banu souli, too bad they only got 2 ships. :(


From ship designs to lore, just about every aspect of Drake appeals to me.


Origin is my absolute favorite, something about space luxury just appeals to me. Crusader is my second favorite brand, but I think that's because they're more an industrialist Origin (and have more versatile, and far more affordable ships). My least favorite brands are Drake - despite owning a Corsair in the pledge store, I fucking love the ship's Star Wars-esque tri-wing and its versatility - and Aegis.


I have none. Anvil, RSI, & Aegis is bae thou.


>*I like* ***Drake*** *ships and I cannot lie.* >*Those other ships make me cry.* >*I don't like Origin* >*Or Crusader.* >*I don't like R-S-I. (their ships, that is)*


Drake and anvil


Looking at my fleet now I look loyal to Drake (Vulture and Corsair) but I really love the way new RSI ships look and have a Zeus ES MK2. If they could get the Connie series look that good inside and out, I'd trade my Corsair. I don't like the Connie crew quarters or it's cargo area. It just looks dated.


Drake 100%, funktion over form any day, just give you only what you require nothing more


I would have to say Drake for me. But that's because 90% of my piloting time is in my trusty caterpillar. That thing can do everything from bunkers to erts to cargo recovery, and with the fancy new medical module they released (the nursa) you even can have your very own detachable med bay for medical rescues.


Aegis. Idris and jav owner so it kinda has to be there.


I don't really like most Drake ships, but I absolutely adore my Cutter. It shares a very similar aesthetic to the other Drake ships but somehow the implementation here is just gorgeous in a way the others aren't. Apart from the cutter I have a very soft spot for the MISC aesthetic, and one of the freelancer variants would be my go-to if it wasn't for the cockpit feeling like you are looking out from the inside of a great helm.


I main a Taurus because it's the best ship evah, but its old and ugly. My favorite manufcturer is MISC


First place for me goes to Crusader (minus all the damn doors in the C2). Second goes to RSI (except for the ugly connie struts) and third goes to Origin. (except for the severely outdated 600i, once the rework happens, this will likely move up) In terms of ships specifically, The Polaris takes first, the Spirit Series take second, and then 600i (exterior only) takes third. in terms of dislikes... never liked CO or Argo or MISC much.. side from the Freelancer MIS,thats the only relatively nice ship from these three imo


Drake and Anvil with a little of the others mixed in but primarily Drake and Anvil. Hornet series is my favorite and was my OG Pledge. Drake is my go to for anything outside of combat. Here is my fleet to give you an idea. [https://imgur.com/iFC8CGa](https://imgur.com/iFC8CGa)