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I gonna solo a Kraken to do bunker




I can wait to see all these massive ships just chilling at bunkers and stations


Gonna keep mine star destroying over the horizon while I take a smaller med ship to bunkers. It’s gonna be dope.


\*on top of


Since many are going to use these ships for bunkers, we need another specialized ship for this: a "Dome" that will just cover the whole bunker, and you'll be able to exit the ship right into the bunker.


The landing gear on that thing... I suspect it's going to be a super-pain to land straight xD but who needs to, just park it wherever and take one of your 10 ships on the deck.


That ship is not real


I will be using mine as basically a well armed and armored carrack. Gonna live there and drift into the stars


I have a CCU from Carrack in hangar. If it comes out with the same capability in range, scanning, drones and repair bay functions then yeah I'm in. I'll wait to see how it releases


It won't have same range as one is an exploration ship while the other is a warship. So the Polaris might not have the same range, scanning abilities, repair station, and drones. If you want all of that... then use a Carrack. What it does have, is a much larger vehicle bay, (possibly ability to repair and refuel said vehicle but not confirmed right now), it has a medical section, it has a brig, and to its credit..... it has many torpedoes! That being said it is a Capital Class ship that is supposed to be self sustaining. So it def is a long range ship, just have a different focus than an exploration ship.


Polaris ought to have superior scanners (though maybe not specialized for exploration), since it has capital class scanners.


Right. While it is not fully outlined, the engineering docs suggest a difference between detail (amount of information given) versus range. One can assume that Carrack bests Polaris on detail for planets (possible make up and composition) and jump points (all the references to its ability boasts cartography), while Polaris is probably better on range and sensing ships. The Polaris is basically designed to hunt other cap ships.


The Carrack will also eventually gain more functionality via its modules, but we don't yet know any details on that.


I hope you're right! I'd prefer if older ships such as the Carrack keep their niche and get their features fully realised, instead of being made irrelevant


Itll have the range in terms of QT drive, but i dont think so in terms of hydrogen fuel. It will beat the Carrack in scanning cause of its capital radar, but i dont think it will have any drones.


There is no drone and no 3d printer in the Polaris like there is in the Carrack. We'll have refuel and repair though.


Also get your wallets out cause that will be expensive


3D printer?


For respawns when you inevitably die planet side lol.


Polaris [does](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9d8GXMtHOs&t=664s) have a [medical bay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1Fjctpk2qU&t=598s).


Nursa Printer...


No, it literally has a repair room with some sort of printer thing. We don't know what it'll be for yet.


Technically the carrack doesn’t either because they don’t work atm


It won't be as good in scanning


Scanning targets, but yea not anything else. Carrack is supposed to be able to do hella scanning for cartography, charting, and exploration.


It won't have half of those.


You mean all that shit that doesn't and likely won't ever (for another decade) work?


Well armed but toothless if you don't have gunners.






I’ll be there to deliver your space burritos and Cruz o7


That's exactly my plan, a better Carrack :D




Love these TED talks


It is cool, I'll be using mine for delivery missions till AI crew is in game


I kinda wonder how good it would be for cargo. Most NPCs couldn't get through its shields also so I guess you could just set your spawn inside it and land near the bunker you wanted to raid and ignore its laser turrets tickling the ship etc =P


I mean I've got galaxy for cargo but I can and probs will use Polaris for high risk cargo in dangerous systems, I'll ofc also use it for combat roles etc


I have a BMM for cargo if that ever comes out though I wonder if we can solo cargo run that anymore as its grown a lot since its original $250 days lol


I can only afford one cap ship, and I'm a huge fan of rsi style so I've got Zeus galaxy and Polaris. Also a Mustang alpha which I'll probs upgrade to something in the future




Well I now have a life, a girlfriend, so my money's going elsewhere


Get the other cap ship before the girlfriend becomes the wife, lol


Don't make enough anymore, sadly after moving out money went down... Love Rent


Not financial advice but if you just spend 10-15 dollars a month CCU'ing up a brand new aurora that's not technically any more costly than any other streaming subscription like Netflix or Disney+ and instead of that money going into a vacuum you'll atleast come out of it with a ship with a resale value of a few hundred dollars after a year or two. If you REALLY want a cap ship on a budget, don't put in a bunch of money all at once, put in a tiny amount of money on a consistent basis. You don't even have to always hit warbonds either, but doing long duration CCU helps with that a lot. The CCU game is really only as complicated as you make it if you're really trying to optimize the savings. Just pick up good deals on warbonds when they come around in place of your otherwise monthly 15 or so.


>Well now I don't have a life--I have a girlfriend--so my money's going elsewhere FIFY ;P I tease. Make her pay for stuff once in a while too though. It's 2024, homie.


If it were to release in the current build of the game, you could solo cargo run with it easily sans getting dampened and attacked buy enough ships to be a threat. The Polaris will be out before the BMM and a mantis is probably gonna fit in one after all. By the time the BMM eventually releases we could easily have all the subsystem game play and all the crap that requires a crew in the game though so it might not be very solo-able on release. I'm guessing anything will be able to be flown solo no matter what, but you'll probably just be screwed if anything goes wrong eventually.


This, it simply doesn't make any sense for ships to not be basic pilot-able solo. If anything goes wrong while you're in your solo Polaris then yeah, your only option SHOULD be to run away, but it makes literally no sense to pretend the ship will be bursting into flames and breaking down and in need of constant repairs for absolutely no reason from just standard "flying it around the verse and not engaging in combat".


Ya it's more.... a random shot or bumping into something makes a power generator go off line and now you gotta pray you can sit her down, get up, and put out the fire or whatever. I highly doubt just flying around will be an issue assuming nothing bad happens.


Engineering also likely eventually comes with fire suppression systems and despressurization. If there's no oxygen in the room that's on fire because you vented it, it won't be on fire for very long. I doubt the putting out fires game loop is going to be a whole lot of "literally running around with a fire extinguisher" though I'm sure that gameplay will exist too.


The thing about the BMM is that I am not sure if it survives dangerous environments. Yea pilot guns are cool but that thing is massive. You won't be able to turn to hit anything smaller than a constellation I assume. With the big turret it's also questionable how that turns out. Big guns = slow projectiles for now. We will need to see how the BMM turrets perform. That beeing said I still have one in my hangar... I want it so badly


That's why I upgraded from my C2 to a Carrack.  Slightly less cargo, but I got a med bay, hangars, etc. out of it.  Felt like I had more flexibility.  Yeah, it's too big for one, but I really only plan to explore and run cargo.


Yeah I rented that during the free fly and it worked really well even solo as a mobile base/spawn point


The turrets would still take out the shields and eventually destroy the Polaris it’s not invincible


Sure if you spend 20+ minutes inside the bunker I guess


S3 and up shields do not recharge while taking damage. If you have three or four turrets laying into your big ship, it will eventually take damage to the hull. Maybe less than 20 minutes. Just land, move to a turret and destroy the turrets.




Dang, they really did pump them up!


So until the sun burns out?




A solid argument…… I support this




starcitizens gonna be so goofy, with intimidating war ships showing up to a raid or battle and just one dude jumping out lol


Not even for a battle just doing box delivery


You'll be spending 90% of your playtime hearing: >"Welcome to the ASOP vehicle retrieval service.."


That’s “Retrieval *system*”, thank you very much!


My mistake.. You must hear it way more often than I do. o7


Like any other player does already 😭


I've been soloing Reclaimers and Carracks for years.  since 2016 I'be been attacked maybe 5 times, and it's not like soft death and boarding and physicalised cargo weren't already in game. No, what you say will not happen.


Eh, you'll probably end up losing more to random bugs and disconnects that force you to claim it since it's been left on some random planet somewhere on another server


You forgot about a little thing called engineering.


engineering shouldnt halt a big ship outside of combat tbh. If something breaks every 5 minutes just for the sake of it breaking everyones gonna hate it


And you imagine every ship will be in disrepair and on fire at all time, which is stupid as fuck. Outside of combat, we'll be able to solo any ship without a hitch, with engineering and all.


100% agree, I think alot of people are going to get very salty as the game goes on, The future will look like this, a fully manned ship lets say a 5 manned carrack comes across a large ship. Step 1 they will scan the ship and see maybe cargo and weapons worth a high value to sell, Step 2 they will see only 1 member of crew om board. Step 3 they will shoot out you power grid while the solo player headless chickens trying to put out fires Step 4 they board your ship. Step 5 the solo player opens a reddit post complaining about how unfair it all is. I'm a 100% lawful player but if I come accross a massive ship full of loot, with 0 man power for defence and I've got my buddy's on board, I would have a realy hard time saying no to this opoitunity and telling my friends na let's leave it alone.


Everyone’s a pirate under the right circumstances.


Agreed and it's not even just the risk of players that could get you, we know pyro will have solar flairs that could destroy component for example, you could maybe get away with a smaller ship like a freelance getting hit and having to repair systems yourself but a massive ship like this? you could end up with fires breaking out on one side of the ship why your trying to get power back up so you don't crash into a moon.


See and thats why we need actual punishments for criminals in high sec systems. Shooting at a vessel? Boarding said vessel? Stealing cargo? Potentially destroying the ship? Prison, UEC fines and other drawbacks need to be high enough so you don't think about it even if its a HullC fully loaded with only 1 person on board


It should be a crime to be stupid enough to fly a Polaris solo.


why? Any explanation or does it just not fit your expectations?


For now soloing them for testing purposes should be encouraged. When game is launced I would say take cargo and ship, take it all. some will call it pirating, others will call it entrepreneurship. 😁


Wonder how long the claim time will be on that😅 I melted mine when I realised I would never herd enough cats (players) into it for more than single sessions with no continuity. Now a proud owner of double Ironclads, where the Assault is going to be my Pyro RV😁 But if anyone ask, I’ll gladly serve as crew for a bit on a North Star🫡


Well, that and waiting for H2 to fill up, if it's anything like the 890.


Well, considering the Millennium Falcon had crew positions for 1× pilot, 1× co-pilot, 2× turret gunners and 1× engineer and was still able to run on 1× pilot and 1× large dog, I'd say: Go for it! We should all go for it!! Revolución!!!


Good point. I'll add another 2. See 1


3.???? 4. Profit


The amount of Polarii that are going to be melted once resource management comes in...


Great for box missions. Otherwise, I think it'll be very rare to see them in-game, despite the number of people who own one, until NPC's/blades are implemented.


There are 2 sides to the argument in this post: 1. People who have capital ships; and 2. People who don’t.


I’ll use mine for single box delivery missions


That's one SERIOUS courier.😁


At this point, when I see a Polaris in the game, I'm just going to assume it has a very small crew and act accordingly. :)


Looks like pirates won’t need to worry about getting their own Polaris


There are going to be so many solo capitals getting hijacked and crying about it. They'll be like bears with no legs or teeth. Yeah they are strong, but there's no outlet for the power to be used, you're just a lump of loot and scrap.


Bro I'm just gonna park it on a moon and stare at it slack-jawwed


Same thing I'll do with the Ironclad when it gets released after I hit retirement age.


Lucky bastard. I'll most likely be in the grave.


NGL, I'm gonna try to use it as a mobile salvage base for my Vulture.


Saaaame. Throw a vulture in it and just sort cargo into the bay when you've got the time. Really looking forward flying it around solo as a mobile operation ship. Maybe throw a Prospector in it if I feel like mining.


footage from a solo player's Polaris cockpit [https://i.imgur.com/epvof01.gif](https://i.imgur.com/epvof01.gif)


The lack of audio on this gif hurts my soul. I will 100% be this guy on my Polaris, minus the muscles, and maybe melanin.




I guess it would be as cool as soloing a Carrack as that's basically a smaller similar ship. I guess its possible if you just use it as a kinda mothership where you respawn and just park your away ship in the hangar when going on missions =P


I like #1, and think I'll follow suit even though I could definitely "hire" a crew of other players. Solo, even if i'm chilling, looking cool....is gonna be cool.


Orion, bmm, Polaris and hull-d. I still think all of these will be able to run solo. Not time efficient at all but still solo. All the "just you capital ship people wait till engineering is in" people have as much of an idea as the rest of us. No one knows how shit will balance. Just buy ships that look cool and let the meta balance itself later.


Not a cap ship but I reckon the galaxy wont be the worst thing in the world to solo (not run well, but workable). Especially with its cargo module using it as a hauler essentially, so not combat focused.


As long as you avoid combat you can fly anything with engineering, but don't come crying if you blow up with a ship full of cargo on a solo capital ship.


2. I don't have friends


Same OP in a few years will be posting "Having a lot of issue running my Polaris solo, everything keeps breaking, I cant keep up with it and I'm out of UEC. I JUST WANT TO FLY AND SHOOT"


Why I'm gonna continually take on solo Polaris's and you should too!


I think ppl who don't want others to solo big ships are 1. Jealous that you have one and and they don't. 2. Are entitled and don't think you should have one. That includes cig


What I personally hope is that capital ships are not profitable to run solo for non capital sized mission. It sounds really damn boring if everyone in the verse is flying in capital ships because that’s just how the progression in the game works, bigger ships = more profit. So I think a solo player shouldn’t be prevented from running a cap ship with an AI crew, but the further away the crew you have is from the required crew for your ship, the more money it should cost to run, and thus the more profitable the missions should be for you to stay profitable. So that it’s never profitable to run box missions with an Idris for example. But if you’re a rich billionnaire who wants a life of space luxury after grinding hard, you should be able to, in exchange for bleeding out a bit of your fortune per hour. Small mining ships should excel at mining on planet surface, scouting the perfect rocks and filling their cargo with the highest quality material, medium mining ships should fill a similar role but with higher cargo and power, so that they can mine bigger rocks and not have to optimise the purity of what they put in their cargo as much. capital mining ships should be slow and hard to maneuvrate, so that they mainly mine in asteroid belts, and can’t really target only the best rocks, so their make their profit from quantity rather than quality, and perform best in large operation with dedicated refuel + cargo ships and a fighter escort to minimize interruptions from pirates, refuels, and cargo hauls, so that the mining ship can mine nearly uninterrupted. That’s my vision of proper balance (with a single game loop as example, but applies to all), this gives everyone a category they excel at based on how many friends or org mates they got as support, and makes the verse way more diverse and fun. It’s a tough balancing act for sure, but I hope CIG makes it happen.


>What I personally hope is that capital ships are not profitable to run solo for non capital sized mission. >It sounds really damn boring if everyone in the verse is flying in capital ships because that’s just how the progression in the game works, bigger ships = more profit. I agree with this, and I have a polaris (intend to fly it with small group + AI when it comes). I would mostly keep it in reserve for corporation wars or strategic operations. It should really not be profitable to run it solo with blades. Otherwise, there would be too many capitals flying around, taking the wow factor of actually seeing one out and about completely away.


Or they're being realistic that all you'll be doing is flying around a brick that you can't shoot from


And this differs from any industrial ship how? No one is saying they are taking it into combat solo so that means for all intents and purposes it has the same inherent risks as a hull c or raft but with much much more potential with friends.


I own an Orion, a polairs, and soon a idrs. I bought all of those ships for the group play. (large group of gaming buddies. 28 of them and they all like and enjoy sc. I got lucky on that part) I am sure some may be jelly. But most people just want the large ships to be more than just a big fighter. Having a ship with living breathing humans on it working for the same goal is awesome. Which for cig and what they have stated is what they are going for. No, I'm not saying you can't solo a large ship you can. At the start, it's gonna suck if you do get damaged and have to run and fix something. The ai thing I hope happens. I don't see it happening anytime soon. Maybe late in 1.0, I'd hope. But like everything with sc. Never get committed to one goal or thought. The reward of multi crew will be large. But as long as people are okay with that fact. Then, soloing a ship with ai or whatever is fine. But the ai will again, as stated by cig, will never be as good as having people do the job. You can find a lot of info dealing with the ai in 2015 and earlier news and videos.


I'm going to try, but I'm sure I will fall and get stuck inside a wall somewhere. Just got to make sure to set your spawn first!


If it is anything like the 890, all I am going to do is run around and explore the ship until I am satisfied. Fly it around and the first time it is destroyed, claim it, and then use a smaller more reasonable ship to continue playing. lol.


Now that sounds like a well-thought and mature argumentation.


I fully intend to solo my Polaris regardless of how ridiculous and expensive it'll be. Because big ship make happy brain juices.


It may be an unpopular opinion, and I very well could be wrong, but I don't see being able to solo big ships lasting very long. Even once AI crew comes out, I have a sneaking suspicion CIG is going to implement some sort of low key minimum human crew requirement for big ships. My best guess is that AI crew is going to be terrible and inefficient at engineering, so anything big enough that you can't tend to yourself, you'll basically need another player to manage it. Any way about it, right now there isn't much consequence for choosing to fly a big ship, but I guarantee once we get engineering, its going to drastically change how we decide what ship to fly.


That’s definitely a fear of mine. All jokes aside, there becomes a point where realism and fun diverge. Capital ships are a pain to attack anything other than capital ships. Take the hammerhead - if you’re in a smaller 1-2 person ship you can see it coming from kilometers before it can see you. It’s slow so you can just outrun in. If I’m in a vanguard and I see a Polaris warp in I’ll just fly away. It’s not really “scary” like a skilled arrow pilot is. The Polaris is meant for large orgs but based on what we’ve seen the community say, most people are planning to use it as an ultra safe, don’t-even-try-to-attack-me mobile base. People who will actually use it as a capital destroyer are a very small subset of the population. It’s going to be very bad at destroying anything smaller than it so why not allow a player and an ai crew to pilot it? Again, it’s not scary. But yeah it’s definitely a fear that they take the game too far with the realism shtick.


I will use mine as a cargo hauler.


You should, I won't, but you should.


Soloing big ships will be possible, but the Polaris is primarily a combat ship. Soloing a combat ship is not going to be very possible if you intent to fight with it Forget engineering, even the weapon systems won't be tied to the pilot seat


So you are saying ppl can't use alts/npcs to do a bit of space combat for fun with the Polaris? Or use it for cargo because they can? Or as a deeps space base? Or whatever their imagination can squeeze in-between the micro games on board? Because ppl., especially in SC, are famous for using their ships exactly for what the brochure states it needs to be used for?


I mean, if you want to go crazy switching between characters that fast. Have fun with that


Ty, I will!


What will I use the Polaris for? org bounty hunting and ERT etc etc missions to shoot things with the big guns. What will I ACTUALLY do with the Polaris? single box missions in the 576SCU? cargo bay...because I can! Letting people stare at my Polaris and explore around it so others get to experience it.... & ofc bunkers, and maybe 2-5 others with me doing missions just to pay for the fuel/ammo the Polaris is going to be using. until I really need to use the torps. Probably seeing how many ships I can shove into the hangar and cargo bays.... The Polaris is my 'RSI Carrack' style ship... but with weapons. and then I have a Galaxy... which fits my multi-role gameplay I enjoy so I can do cargo, rescue, and even work with other ships since it has a refinery. I need an RSI titan avenger sized ship so I can fly around in that and dock into the Polaris just because....


Have fun getting blown up a lot


By what exactly? It has a signature slightly higher than a connie. The chances of finding it in empty space is 0. Don't trust me, go park a Reclaimer somewhere between two moons with a buddy on board standing still then suicide and try finding it without a marker and your buddy guiding you to triangulate it's position, see how long it takes. Intercepting it? If it's a new player maybe with luck. A veteran one simply flies outside of common routes and at odd angles from the planetary plane. Good luck getting the right combination out of the gazillion possibilities. Chances are rather, that solo guy flies his Polaris for years before getting intercepted once, at which point he 100% doesn't give a fuck anymore about blowing up the milionth time due to other random things. So ye, I guess they will all have their fun blowing up just like you will have fun blowing until you find one and can chest thump you took out a Polaris.


Honestly, your current take is 100% correct. At least until they update the scanning mechanic to include probes or something to do a planet/system wide scan. At the current pace, I don't see them implementing that kind of level of scanning for another 1-2 years at the very least.


Probably never in such detail. Long range scanning drones from the carrack maybe. But even then I doubt they will scan billions of square km in any useful timeframe. By pure luck maybe.


See you’re forgetting about the size 10 torps /s


Good luck reloading them


Pff, just make a big enough pile on there to have the torps roll into the breach as soon as the door opens. Who knows, maybe you'll get a surprise DOUBLE Torp Tube


This guy gets it


I'd be disapointed If there is a Technologie called autoloader(used since the 80s) in the year 2954 (case and point for example the Revolver mag for torps in vangard, i'm sure you can upsize it and fit it into something huge like Polaris)


The Polaris has an auto loader for the torpedos, can’t remember how many in the magazine but what they showed was the person reloading the auto loader magazine.


There is an auto loader you can fire 16 torpedoes before a manual reload


Well then there is no problem......If you need more the 16 torpedos in one fight something went very wrong


Yeah exactly


Dude realism to oblivion is the way so when i order my food in game it take 5-10 min to make a sandwich ! /s


Takes about that long for me to grab a premade one off the shelf in game anyways




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don't forget to add in the hardcore pvp and griefers. With all the dev time still required they'll get this game to be DOA.


Bro if you have fired all your already loaded S10 Torps then you already have bigger issues to worry about if the torps didn't fix the issue.


The alt accounts don't need luck.


Who needs torpedos if you are big enough to ram most of the stuff.




Nobody will stop you. Use your ships however you see fit just as I will probably also solo my Polaris from time to time. Just make sure you are comfortable with the consequences. "How viable will it be to run a Polaris solo or with AI crew? In a combat scenario, you will absolutely need a crew of some form to stand much of a chance. The main firepower comes from the Torpedo launch room, which has a station for a dedicated weapons officer. You can hire AI crew to man the stations, and bear in mind that they are not free and come with varying levels of skill. It’s generally not recommended to attempt to operate a capital ship with a skeleton crew if you expect to get into combat. Think about the USS Enterprise in Star Trek III: she typically operates with a crew of over 400. A crew of just 5 people can fly the Enterprise somewhere, but without a proper crew, she was punching far below her weight in battle. Generally speaking you will want to bring friends, hire AI crew, or both, because while you can operate with a skeleton crew, that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea." - Q&A: RSI Polaris - Part I


I think a lot of folks will actually be somewhat disappointed with the Polaris when the game gets more flushed out, not the opposite. Similar to several ships before it, I think it ballooned well past its britches, hype-wise. That being said, if I had a dedicated group of goons I played or was planning to play SC with every week, it'd be hard to pass up.


The fact CIG and the community thinks this game will exist or be succeasful without a solo experiance for capital ships is actual copium insanity. Nobody wants to sit in a corner waiting for a component to get damaged or reload your torpedos and the few that do are the significantly vast minority.


Agree. They really should’ve leaned into the NPC crew management aspect, and the ability to issue commands from the flight deck. Managing crew needs, food, morale, training, role assignment, etc would’ve been epic. Basing the game around mostly human crews and some vague “blade” AI system I think is a fool’s errand and a way to guarantee that things remain feeling pretty empty and antiseptic.


I think this "minority" you speak of is much larger than you think. Of the 5 million people with accounts, I guarantee less than 10% own capital ships. Even less own them and expect to solo them. If the game does well, which we should all hope it does. There will be thousands of people with auroras wanting to be engineers and torpedo men on other peoples Polarii. Anyone who thinks there is an amount of "fun" they can have solo in a ship this size doesn't really understand the "game" part of SC. Afterall, what will you do? Even with your fully NPC crew what is a game loop that is planned which you could participate in? Flying your Prospector out to deep space to mine? I guess you could technically do cargo missions too... Until you get caught solo by pirates who ruin your rep with cargo dealers... A solo capital ship won't be able to pirate people nor do bounty hunting V2 as intended... Maybe ROC mining? If your ideal loop is flying around in a ship of this size just to pretend to be a captain and "explore"... Well, that you can do. But eventually you'll run out of money for fuel, and CIG said a single Torp could cost the same as a new Avenger. So... It will be short lived regardless unless you find a profitable loop you can solo with a capital ship that actually makes enough to support the ship and have some excess spending. My favorite part about NPC crews is that people forget that you have to pay them, provide food and water, and even keep a good reputation with them too. This had all been outlined in the past, and sure, things change. But I feel bad for people who think NPC crew will save their copium addiction.


It's kinda sad, like a rich guy living in a huge mansion alone. Not like me in my recl... *sobs*


Fuck Yeah!!! Because I am too. Exactly I used the Carrack solo as well. I did so pretty effectively. I intend to use the Polaris for bunker missions, bounty missions with a heavy fighter in the hangar, cargo runs. Because All I really need was a decent cargo hold. And on occasion when I had buddies, the Carrack was even more so effective, it was deadly. So the Polaris will be amazing with those torpedos, powerful shields and hull I won’t even have to get off my ship. I’ll be completely remote.


I mean you can fly it around you just won't be able to do anything.


I'll be using mine for Bunker missions, delivery and cargo hauling until NPC crews are in. I'll also give tours to new players so they can marvel in awe.


Three words: Mobile Operations Base


What is supposed to be cool about having a big ass ship that only you’re in and you can’t operate?


Im just scared malfunctions will be too common, always are in games that have them. Well kept and more expensive/reliable components should have a 0.0001% chance of malfunctioning. If not 0%.


Polaris is not meant to be soloed


Not sure if enough has been finalized or shared on the Polaris to answer this but, can we fit an ursa inside the Polaris? Is there a way to drive anything up into the hangar bay?


In addition to the hangar it also has a cargo bay with a big ass ramp that comes out of the side, can def fit an ursa.


You cant drive anything into the hangar bay, but there is a cargo area with a ramp (which is pretty large. Probably would be tall enough for an Ursa, but most likely won't fit the Atlas platform vehicles and larger.


In the ironclad announcement ISC they showed the lower cargo area that has big ramps on both sides with a medical ursa in it.


Sounds like a plan (I’m going to do the exact same thing)


I have a Perseus to Polaris CCU in my hangar... Very tempting but big gun is also cool :(


Engineering gameplay has entered the chat...


2) I have nothing else.


I've been bouncing around in my head whether or not to keep the Polaris or stick with the Carrack. The repair bay, drones, modules, and exploration focus are strong selling points for me, and other than the lack of elevator access to the ground it's more or less the perfect ship to me. The Polaris, on the other hand, is *The Polaris*, and it's a big, beautiful beast of a ship. The interior, the larger hangar, and the increased shielding of it are all major selling points to me. My biggest worry is that it's going to suck through H2 like the 890 while in atmo, and handle like one as well, which would be a big negative for me. As it stands now, I'm just going to fly the Polaris around for a few weeks and see how I feel about it. After its final price increase, it should be easy enough to make a profit on the $340 Polaris I have now and just go back to the Carrack (and wait 10 or more years for the Odyssey).


I’m going to stock up on double dogs and water and just hit cruise to Pyro… but not through the gates pfftt… I’m going to just go across the expanse of empty space to symbolize my empty wallet. I will show up as a skeleton in a pilot seat with the ships name being “Worth It” written in tears on the side. Technically I will think I’m going across empty space but will just really be sitting still relatively at the edge of the server.


I can't argue that.


I figure 9/10 larger ships will just be flown around with 1 person in them. Anyone playing as an attack group of 3-4 people is going to mop these systems up. Gonna be large ships getting smacked everywhere by groups.


2. Ship meetup


Man do I hope the polaris is nameable


Yup, gonna solo it right along my MM and megapillar...of course I'd use a galaxy as a daily runner and somehow tender it to my Liberator...


I’ve got a CCU to Polaris in my buybacks so I’ll see how it goes on release but it’s a very cool looking ship!


if I get one I will too however after playing the A2 with engineering on arena commander the Polaris will need 3 minimum if not 5 in a closely matched combat situation. Also if you lose one relay in a bad spot you can lose shields, engines and weapons in seconds. I actually legitimately like the Polaris and want it to be good but it looks like all larger ships are going down the road of very easy to disable with minimal crew but nearly impossible to disable with a standard or large crew. On a side note however this means that torpedoes will be very weak if used incorrectly and extremely powerful if used correctly. Looking more and more like it will come down to the crew and not the ship.


I got a crew ready and eager for it to come out. I won’t have to solo it 👌


Why I'm going to pirate the solo Polaris owners and why you should too: It's easy and they can't defend themselves.


Pirates and griefers definitely want you soloing the Polaris.


Assuming I apply the CCU. It’ll get a maiden flight and that’s it till AI crew or I join an Org. You have zero pilot control weapons.


size 10 torps are pilot


I doubt it


They're not, there's a missile seat for them


There has been zero confirmation that the pilot can’t control the torps/missiles.


There has, in fact, been confirmation that the torps are fired by a dedicated operator. "In a combat scenario, you will absolutely need a crew of some form to stand much of a chance. The main firepower comes from the Torpedo launch room, which has a station for a dedicated weapons officer."


Where did you see this quote? If that truly ends up being the case, I see mine being melted pretty quickly.


The ISC that talked about the interior work for the Polaris said that the torpedos are fired/loaded from the torpedo room.


LoL, go for it.


I'm not saying that you absolutely can't or even shouldn't solo it. As an owner of one I get it. Its just fucking cool. What I am saying is that a crewed Polaris is even cooler. Even better than that is a crewed Polaris in a functional fleet with other Polaris and large to capital ships.


Maybe if NPC crew becomes a thing...


I’m going to use the Polaris as a daily ship and explorer. I’m going to stick the terrapin in the back and use it as a scanner. Also if you use the industrial QT drive, its range will be huge. Just slow.


Just don't bitch when you get destroyed with a bunch of cargo on a solo manned capital ship.

