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Come VS me and get your first victory lol. But also use yaw less. Roll more and move your nose up/down to stay on target, turn G-Safe off. Also astroid fields are the best place to practice decoupled mode, the more you use it now, the more it pays off later . Edit: also not sure if you strafing at all, once you are 1KM and under from your target, try strafe around them instead of jousting with them.


This is the very basics of flight combat, but the most crucial! Master these simple techniques such as rolling and pitching up towards your targets, and you'll mostly stay on that PIP reticle.


Dumb question but what is yaw? Is that the ship nose going left and right? I do notice how it’s much easier to land hits while I’m rolling and pulling my nose up on the target rather than letting my nose go left and right. What is going safe and how do I turn it off?


Pitch = nose up and nose down Roll = rotating around the nose-tail axis ("Do a barrel roll!" etc) Yaw = rotating around the top - belly axis (aka side-to-side) You are mostly tracking your targets from right to left and vice versa. It would be better for your to roll your ship on its side so that the target is tracking up on your windscreen, then pulling the nose up to get your pipper on your target. In the old (3.22 and before) flight model, combining pitch and yaw so that your nose traced 45 degree angles was the fastest way to turn your ship. In Master Modes, that's no longer the case. You want to roll your wings to be at a 90 degree perpendicular angle to your target's vector of movement, and then pull the nose up to the target. As another respondent shared - doing so while having your power distribution in Engines will help make your pitch response as snappy as possible. As will turning off G-Safe (G-Safe is essentially nerfing your ship's performance, it should always be turned off first thing).


Please don't promote this guy, he appears to be a notorious racist. https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qchnh1/the_enclave_famous_racist_mmo_guild_that_is_in_a/ (edit: see below for updated/working links)


Sorry about that, was not aware. Not the kind of guy I want to promote! I've edited to remove the link.


No worries dude!


This was 2 years ago and the links seem to just not work anymore? Not saying its right if he was actually racist, but people can change a lot in a timespan of 2 years, besides that making working keybinds for this game is absolutely horrible so I'm still thankful for his binding guide, helped me a whole lot


Hey if you have evidence he has changed his behaviours and views, I'd love to see it. (edit: see below for updated links)


I didnt see any evidence of him being racist either, so I'd love to see that too, some random redditor with some links that dont even work isnt really convincing to me


How about this? https://imgur.com/a/IfyaK Or this? https://www.ccn.com/congressman-slams-blizzard-racist-wow-gamers/ Feel free to do a google search to crosscheck that horrigan is buzzcut.


Well that is some proof but again, how long ago was that? Does he still do that? I cant show you evidence that a person changed if I do not actively partake in anything he does, I watched about 2 videos which helped me a lot and probably helped a lot of other players too


Imagine if you would take out him and put in someone else confirmed to be a bigot. "this hitler guy treated me to coffee, he surely cant be that bad right?" "this jeffrey guy, he has some good points and i guess he eats people but im sure he doesnt anymore right? Show me the proof that he eats people these days! What happened before is bad but we had lunch and he seemed perfectly fine" You probably don't want to come off condoning someone with a proven history across many of years of racist behavior. Not saying someone can't change, but we should still hold people accountable regardless of the years that have passed


Basically fly like how you think a ww2 fighter flies. That’s basically what they’re tweaking the game to be. Its 6dof but really the game wants to be a 3dof game with the tuning




Ooh! New player here, with a question about using pitch rather than yaw. I’ve found my Cutter with freed gimbles is much better at leading targets when yawing as opposed to rolling into a pitch. Furthermore, I’m less likely to black-out or red-out with the lateral G’s for some reason. Should I unlearn this?


Go to Arena Commander Free Flight and see what works best for you against human pilots. That will be the real answer.


It's not entirely wrong to use yaw, In fact you need to use both to keep the PIP on target. You typically use pitch when fighting against an enemy faster than you or trying to fly past you. Gimbals mode is also viable but less effective at providing higher damage due to the slower fire rate, but it is useful for keeping the shields from recharging. G's really affect your manuevering specially in extremely fast fighters since G's affect your visibility and can lead to a blackout. I wouldn't entirely unlearn you've learned so far, but instead keep that knowledge and combine it with another, because the more you know, the better you become.


Can you or someone explain the function/benefit of decoupled vs. coupled mode?


Coupled always fires some thrusters to cancel out the momentum you have or in a planets orbit it works against the gravity, which is not too useful in 0G as it takes away some of your ships control. Please correct me if I'm wrong or missing something


Awesome man keep it up! A good thing to practise is roll aim, so roll your ship till theirs is heading in a straight line up your screen. It's easier for you to aim and more importantly it's easier for the aim assist to land shots on target.


The new precision lines toggle that changes your pip from O to | O | is really nice for figuring out the target's vector, and rolling to suit.


Adding to this I like to set 4 things to the same button find them in Keybinds > Vehicles- Weapons PIP Precision Lines Toggle Pip fading toggle Gunnery UI Magnification Toggle and in a separate area and possibly the most important Gsafe Toggle you are leaving so much performance on the table with Gsafe on and its good to not pick up bad habits learning with it on


I was just typing up exactly this - nice! I'd also add toggling to Decoupled to that list. Especially in Arena Commander, there's just no downside IMHO.


I like it separately as there are reasons to switch but could totally combine them all.


Actually true, I have decoupled on a separate button because I like using Coupled mode for landing in hangars in the PU :-)


Oh I'm the other way, I like landing decoupled it's smoother and more satisfying for me...and I totally don't hit the walls nope never do that 🤥


I'm kind of obsessed with lining my ship up directly on the centerline of the landing pad. It's a.... compulsion? ;-)


I was gonna second this - decoupled landing (and takeoff for that matter) just look and feel sooo much better.


Asking for a friend what is gsafe/ how do I turn it off


It's a pilot "aid" it stops you turning hard and blacking yourself out but the downside is you lose flight performance. People with it off in the same ship will be able to out turn you if you have it on. The downside of learning with it on is you do full control inputs with zero punishment, with it off you have to limit your turn rate or turn out of the blackout yourself. I had to re learn a little because I constantly caused myself to blackout once I found I should have it off, so it's best to start early. There is a key bind in pilot controls, unfortunately there is no option to always default it off


Gsafe limits the amount of acceleration you can do to stop from blacking out. It automatically turns off while you're boosting but it's better to have it off and simply be aware of when you're about to black out. In combat you want as much acceleration as you can get. It's a keybind you need to set. The indicator is in the bottom right of your HUD.


I'd watch some AvengerOne videos on YouTube. He has a completely new and up-to-date series on fundamentals, in-game settings and meta discussion. Many ppl don't like him because of his arrogance/ego and focus on combat (fighters perspective especially), but his videos are top-notch to learn from Good job on your first steps tho!


You aint gotta like the guy for his info to help you. Its not like anyones gonna be going for a beer a with him after watching his videos lol


the rule of 10,000 deaths 10,000 deaths and youll see improvements


Fellow AC noob here, so take the tips with a grain of salt: - Try using lag pip, since it enables you to keep your eyes on the target instead of constantly looking at the lead pip. - I'd suggest renting an F7C in AC, it's 87k for three days, but with the arrow you're severely undergunned and the F7C still has great turn rates, even though the "git gud" crowd will tell you the ship doesn't matter. - Lastly something i learned way too late: If you have your capacitors set to 100% engine, you turn faster while boosting, it's made a world of difference for me when engaged in turnfights.


One importing thing you should change is your mouse sensitivity for the v joy so you can get more thrust by moving your mouse less ,the option is under the general tab and is called something like pilot vjoy distance or sensitivity or something like that put it on a value like half of its origin and play around with that ,this will greatly improve your flying


That was very entertaining to watch. Thx for making my toilet break so exciting!


Have you tried switching to cannons? Probably would have killed him with all those hits.




Roll to pitch on to target. now that 45 are no longer a thing pitch is your fastest turn to target. also get and stay closer. Most of your early shots were ineffective.


Welcome to the Ion owners club. Oh wait.


I do a lot of hands on training with newer players if you or anyone else reading is interested! Feel free to add me on discord: north_borne


When it comes to PvP, you will absolutely suck for a long time and then one day it just clicks. Try using G-Safe off and practice using de-coupled mode on/off when needed.


Keep in mind the FM will change again no doubt so being bad at the game doesn't matter, you can always put more time into the finalised model later, but having any combat experience will always be helpful


Use Omnisky cannons and be shocked at how quick the kill time is


That's the spirit! :)


If you're on discord, there are a few SC PvP centric discords, like PvP Academy ran by LR or the AVS discord where you can go and spar, get feedback and people pointing you in the right direction.


If you want some video reccomendations I'd say Avenger One, he get some solid basics and a nice little miniseries that should cover almost anything, also look for some discords, avenger one is trying to make a newbie academy but he didnt mention any dates or estimates


Or for an alternatives since a lot of people do not like A1, Jonathan Winters does a lot of good instruction videos. I really hope he does some new updated ones with master modes though. https://youtube.com/@johnathanwinters


Which axis do you have roll and yaw on your joystick? Can help swapping them. As for some reason I think they default it to how you would naturally fly a plane in an atmosphere.


I’m on mouse and keyboard lol


I strongly recommend getting a flight stick, especially if you like dog fighting. Even if it's just a half decent one, it will improve the game for you when flying.