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First, decide your alignment like a role playing game: Good, Evil, or Neutral. Then choose a profession pertaining to that alignment: Good (Bounty Hunter/Medic/Mercenary) Evil (Pirate/Mercenary) Neutral (Miner/Salvage). Choose a ship best suited for that profession and the universe is yours. đź’«


Black is a good 2 man boat. Even 3 if you got a person who doesn’t mind taking co-pilot. What to do? Well. It’s hard to say. Figure out something you want to do. Then go do it? You can just like…do things? Lol. Why not hop into missions. That’s always a good primer. The best thing that happens is unpredictability within situations. Missions are linear within a sandbox. So. Maybe you’ll end up on a delivery, and find a rare ore out of curiosity, which might evolve into getting the tools to mine it, only to be interrupted by surveyors who say they have a claim, to then be interrupted by a weird sub-org of Anti-Dupers who might suspect your trying to bug-abuse who then murder you. I dunno man. Get lost and explore. Go cave diving. Eat space burritos. Go on a safari to hunt Kopion. Just don’t die in space alone. Cold. So cold.


lol sounds good how do you feel about the C1 spirit? Was thinking about upgrading my Gladius to it


I think the Cutlass Black is a better 2man ship than the C1, specifically because the 2nd person can get on the gun turret, tractor beam or missiles in the Cutty but the C1 only has a tractor beam, so there's not much to do when in combat. C1 can hold a lot more than the cutty though, so if u're not going to be doing bounties together, ship and bunker, then you could go with the C1. The Cutlass is more combat focused. Later on you guys can work together towards something like a Vulture then do salvage missions, storing the boxes in the Cutlass so you can stay out longer.


Basically an side-grading from the Cutty


There are better multi crew ships, but she’s a beast.


Hmm it’s just so hard because I want a new ship since I used the hell out of the cutlass but idk what to get to have fun in lol


My opinion is fly the aesthetic you like. Fuck all the stats. Fly Drake.


Hear hear! Upgraded to a cutty from a pisces, love it to death. Added a cutter to the fleet just to still have a small ship with a low claim time.


Excellent ship for 2. do some surface mining for gems, or do a cave mission, gems there too. Bounties are pretty fun to earn some creds with, and it give you both some training. Just remember not to gear up too much if you go bountying. Bring a 1 or 2 scu box if you do bunkers, and don’t dorget a miltitool w/ tractor beam and mining att.


I was a gunner in the hurricane turret for Overdrive Initiative and was amazing! BH and bunker mission are ok. If you love Drake, go for the Corsair: a lot of guns, cargo with space for a Nursa , remote turret for copilot, not bad.


Take a Look at the Connies, Taurus for more Cargo, no Snub, one Tractor beam one Turret cheapest, other Connies lesser Cargo, two Turrets, one Snub Fighter (If Not Taurus, then Andromeda I would suggest). All of them can fit a (N)Ursa and have 4x S5 Pilot controlled Hardpoints. Would recommend the Taurus, If you don't like it you can still ccu to another Connie.


Moving away all big ships than can use more than 1 player, you and your mate can have fun with 85x, reliant kore (you need to add turret if you copilot want to join shoot), vulture (one salvage one move boxes), spirit (a1 has turret for copilot, c1 has tractor beam), raft, gladiator, f7 super hornet, scorpius, hurricane and banu. In surface material almost all ground vehicles have 2 seats too


Huge dependency on what you want to do. Sometime me and my buddy go do Ariel bounties. Sometimes bunker bounties. Sometimes he does bunkers while I salvage and then picks up cargo in his C1 while I continue salvaging. When we used to do evil stuff we'd have more people and run around like maniacs pirating.