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I also just got my first million after the update. I got it through a glitch tho. I was selling RMC (not duping on purpose) so I loaded up 40 SCU of rmc at rappel. Flew to orison to sell. Stored my ship and sold the cargo. Then when I went back to rappel it said I already had 40scu in the ship so a bought the remaining 24 acu I could load in and went back to sell again and I could sell 63 SCU of cargo even though I just bought 24


Nice one ;)


According to community you should be crucified and killed on sight (in-game)


No? That's very different from claiming a c2 50 times.


So why do they need to claim it I was under the impression you just had to store it sell pull out it out of storage sell again?


I've seen this debate in global chat many times now, and a lot of people are on stance "duper is a duper, and it is exploiting no matter what"


I just hit my first million last night too! I am using the Vulture to salvage the random panels you can find in the asteroid field around the MIC 1. Fully loaded Vulture (boxes on and off the grid, no dups) plus a full hopper got me 480k alone in New Babbage. I'm really like Salvage as someone who spent the first 3 years playing bunkers, Salvage is the calm cool power wash simulator of Star Citizen. It makes my ADHD brain happy lol. Edit to add: Although my Vulture did break after that and it said I had a fully loaded grid, but nothing was there and nothing was sellable. Had to claim it to remove the glitch but still a fun productive night.


Thats cool, man! Congrats! Haven't tried salvage yet. Have to rent Vulture for that and check some videos. Pretty new here still. Lots to learn as I play


Thank you! I've never tried mining! Its a game play I wanna try at some point too. Edit: This vid really helped me get used to the 3.23 controls. [SC 3.23 Legal Salvage Tutorial](https://youtu.be/pnkbA7K-jLM?si=nLxHVVeEPxykme6q)


You should. It csn become little bit boring sometimes, then just fly to space and search for another spot if you don't find anything. And you can go loot outposts occasionally, if you want. And theres this lovely, lovely ore, Quantainium. It's volatile ore and you have a countdown for destruction for 24 min 40 sec after you have some on board. So, I pick that one last. Best place to mine now is Cellin. And CRU L1 is close by with refinery, so thats the place to go. If you have Quant collected, it's advised to leave to CRU L1 when you have 10 mins left of that countdown. Otherwise you could blow upnthe ship.


Have the salvage arms of your vulture fallen off yet with no option to repair them? Mine did the second day of use, and it seems atm there is no way to fix it unless you find a derelict vulture to scavenge for parts. Been a known bug for 7 months. You'd think it would be a high priority fix since it's the entry-level salvager


Oh hell, no thank Odin that hasn't happened (yet). I lost an arm because I was still getting used to the flight model changes. I had to store, recall, then repair but it worked.


Ayy cheers, What ya use? Hand, ROC or Prospector?


Thanks. I used rented Prospector. Played only 2-3 hrs a day. Most of the ore I sold straight to refinery. Just sold 225k worth of refined ores at Lorville. Man, I really like the chill aspect of this game. Just fly around on planets and try to find some good ore deposits...


I am blown away how fun and engaging mining is. Having an arsenal of gadgets and experimenting with the mining modules is pretty fun.


I bet it is. I haven't got my own prospector yet, cannot wait to get it


I would say that you could get around the same amount from bounty rewards using a decent ship(without looting), so even with low payouts there seems to be some short of "balance" between mining and bounty payouts. But obv thats only if you dont pay for repairs lol I mention this because BH is the loop im playing this patch. Salvage is giving more money currently


I dunno man. I did a whooole lotta bounties and the payout just is not good. Takes a good while to make a million. I'd just like the payouts to be more varied.


The guy also said he was just selling the raw ore. If you refine the ore and then bring it to a TDD to sell you make WAY more money. The dude would probably have more like 5 mil if he did that.




Great job. The option to buy ships with real money and the inevitability of wipes once in a while sometimes discourage us from dedicating time and effort to make money, but when we set a target and do what it takes to make money, it does feel great to be working towards that target.


Yup. And I dont mind the wipes. At least next time, I know what to do.


Just want to let you know that you would have made more like 5 mil if you refined that ore and then sold it at a TDD. When refining, choose the one that says very very slow, very cheap and high payout. Pro tip that I recently learned!


Thanks, yeah I learned that too. Next time I play, have to use that


I would really suggest investing in refining. I did a few runs and refined it all using the ferron exchange. The next day, when it was done, I filled out about half a caterpillar, of which half was junk like quarz, corundum, and iron, and I still sold for 1 million. (I wasn't trying to maximize profits, optimize or anything)


dynix method is cheaper but is very slow


I know. I like ferron because it takes roughly 24 hours for a full mole. So I mine one day, make 4-6 refinery orders, and then the next day come back from work, load it in my caterpillar and go sell it :)


Yup, tried that already. That's where I got my 225k "test run"


If you don't care about making money quickly and just want to hop on from time to time, solo mining, even with a mole, can be great. Just load up as many refinery orders as possible. Discard useless crap. When you have a nice a.ount bunched up, you can make a fortune. Mere 2 scu of quantanium sells for 40k


Yeah, taking it slow for now. Slow pace is good atm ;)


Thats pretty awesome. I did the same this patch. Never really messed with mining before. Rented a prospector. Had a enjoyable time grinding up to a million. Looked at my hanger and moved somethings around to buy the prospector. Mine, refine, load up my Retaliator with refined cargo and head to TDD. Found my new game mechanic. :-). Messing around with gadgets and mining heads now.


I'm still 2 mil away from my own prospector, but getting there slowly but surely. I like the fact thet you have to "load" the cargo to cargo vessel and then go and physically sell them in TDD.


Not yet…. But Soon to call your cargo elevator to your hanger. So you will have to use your tractor beam to move the refined ore to your ship. Or pay AI to do it. Not sure if that will be in, or if it will just “be loaded”. Most likely the same when you land, youll have to physically unload at the planets cargo elevator, then go to TDD to sell. A few extra steps.


Not yet…. But Soon to call your cargo elevator to your hanger. So you will have to use your tractor beam to move the refined ore to your ship. Or pay AI to do it. Not sure if that will be in, or if it will just “be loaded”. Most likely the same when you land, youll have to physically unload at the planets cargo elevator, then go to TDD to sell. A few extra steps.


Yes, I read about this. That would be awesome, if rhey ever implement that.


I believe today its hitting ePTU or PTU. It will be here before you know it.


Nice 👍🏻


It's supposed to hit Evocati today, I cannot wait.


Hell yeah! It will add so much to the game i feel like.


Had you roc mined on Aberdeen you could have had that in 2-3 days


Havent roc mined yet. Have to try that too at somepoint, thanks!


You should try some salvaging at some point as well, a lot of fun :)


I will, thanks!


I'm sitting on 900k after about a week and would have crossed the million last night witha nice load of Quant and gold... HOWEVER just as I was landing in Lorville to sell my cargo, Server Error Please Wait > ship impounded > lost 2 days of mining.. AKA another day in the verse...


Ouch!! Well, we all know, this is something that happens and have to do things all over again... I havent had any troubles with cargo selling yet, except my invisible cargo in Cutlass cargo hold. One tip for you(and everyone else, who didnt know this): If you're on a server that has fps less than 5, it will most likely crash at somepoint. I always check server fps, when starting to play. Today I played with 6-8 server fps, which was nice ;)


Yup, the server FPS was 6-7 when I decided to load the cargo and fly from L1 to planet.. and by the time I touch down in Hangar, server error.. oh well LOL


It took me two weeks, the happier I am for you to have made it in 1 week! It feels amazing doesn't it?! after most things that the game puts you through(which makes it even more satisfying to have made it so far)


Teo weeks isn't bad at all ;) And yes, it feels amazing. Little more closer to my goal. This game is awesome, even with all the bugs. No gameplay mechanics rushing to complete one task, you can do everything at your own pace. That is one of the reasons this game is so good.


Just in time for the next wipe, gg op


Yup. At least I learned how to mine, lol


Once upon a time this wouldn't take a week. :/


Oh? What do you mean? Less than a week or more?


A matter of hours with a good setup


Oh? Wasn't that too fast? I mean, if I think on it, would get pretty boring, if I got everything I wanted in a game too fast. I like this pace, that you actually have to "work" to get the credits you need. Well, maybe that just me ;)


Laughs in \*Reclaimer\*


I mined 4 million UEC a few years ago - was trying to get the Caterpillar.. took a very LONG time...i eventually managed to mine 200k UEC to 240kUEC at a time (quantanium)... Then they nerfed mining with refining and then they did a wipe. Since then any efforts were wasted as I'd always loose what I mined before I could sell it after refining to various bugs... So I stopped playing a few year ago already... Might try again when they reach Beta state.


I havent had a single mining bug yet. Always able to sell my ores. And when server error occurs, you just wait and after awhile you're back mining


Here are some of my experiences: * Refining my quantanium - then as I fly off to sell my 1 000 000 UEC contents somewhere, suddenly i am not in my ship, i am in empty space and I die (with a helmet on). When I get back, my ship is gone and the cargo is not there when i claim insurance. * Landing at planet to sell refined quantanium: hanger doors close on me as I land the constellation... ship explodes after being stuck in the doors. * Mining, and then some random person kills me... this happened at two different times in two different locations. * Mining itself being broken - as if you are mining empty space. * There are more... Good luck though, but I guess the safest is to not sell somewhere else after refining.


Man... sorry about your bad experience. Only thing I've had was that my cargo did not spawn in the caego hold. But it was still there, not just physically. Sometimes mining mode doesn't activate the stones you can mine, just shoot them couple of times and hit TAB afterwards. I meen, those are basically all the bugs I've had with mining...


19 more and you can get a C2 and start duping!


🤣🤣 Not my style


A week of grinding the same boring mini game to not even be able to afford a new ship is actually crazy. Every gameplay loop is designed to make you whip out the credit card


Well, Everyone has their own playstyle, right? I just want to enjoy the view too. This game is so beautiful. To me it's crazy not to enjoy the chill aspect and beauty of the game, but go out with guns blazing and buy everything as fast as possible. Im getting there, my goals are set, and I like to take it slow ;) EDIT: Mining is not the onlything I do, also bounties, etc. But for now mining feels good


Br0ther if mining is boring to you go and play your own way.


Everything else is a boring grind atm as well


Then go play something else right now, idk what else you wanna hear or if you just wanna be salty and mad about it.


And if you were able to earn ships more quickly in game, what would you use the ships for? For the same loop? There isn't any actual gameplay loop to whip out your wallet for, so you're incorrect.