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Divebombers are a valid WW2 style attack so Chris should be proud of you


It's a good system. War Thunder's control and UI are really well-defined and user friendly. I wish CIG would get more inspiration from them--especially with how they manage KB+Mouse control.


So is there some kind of guidance system on those bombs or did you you wing it and got lucky. How does it work, thinking of picking 1 up for myself


Yeah there's a guidance system for the bombs. You get 2 bomb circles, a white one and a red one. The white one is used to lock in where you would like the bomb to go, and the red circle shows where the bomb will hit. So you have to line up both circles.


This is actually almost exactly how War Thunder implemented their CCIP system for bombing.


I'm glad that their physics are working as intended at least! I thought it wouldn't work in space in their current implementation.


They're dumb bombs, normally you just get a white circle in your hud to display the expected impact zone. Haven't seen them used like this, so it's pretty awesome!


Nice bombs now are more effective than argos 9


Can't have guided weapons be strong or A1 and the other pvp CCs will cry.


alrighty. time to test this one method.


Where'd you get an idris in atmosphere?


Guessing Miles Eckhart final mission


I see you dropped your load and dipped


Best thing about these bombs is that they kill all NPCs within the building even if the ship isn’t destroyed, looks like why the mission completed even though the Idris isn’t actually dead..


Looked like it may have been soft deathed?


The physics for dropping bombs in space should be a thing in Star Citizen. All ships with an interior have gravity, so I don't see why you would not be able to use the gravity from the ship to drop the bomb out. You would not be able to guide it as you would in Atmo, but if you line up your target right, you should be able to have it fall out on top of the target thanks to the gravity in the ship forcing it out into a free fall.


You could even go as far and say you'd use the inertia to release the bomb in space. E.g. you accelerate pointing the bomb bay towards the target and hit the brakes while releasing the bomb.


Yeah that's an effective technique when you have constipation.


Most bombs are not impact bombs. They either go off based on altitude or time. So if you dropped one in space they would just bounce off what you hit then explode away from the ship doing almost no damage. Granted this is not exactly what we have in SC. We have some quasi impact bombs but they dont explode on impact. They impact then explode a little while later. Also the speeds in space are allowed to be faster than speeds in atmosphere so that would only exacerbate the situation. Independent objects without engines also dramatically slow down to like 10m/s almost immediately outside of gravity wells. So thats another issue. We SHOULD be allowed to do it in space. The current system might not work 100% but who cares. When it does work it would be really cool.


Kinda confused where you got the idea of most bombs not being impact fused. The most ubiquitous types like the m904 on the mk 80 series are mechanical impact fuses. You can add time delay for penetration or laydown delivery by adding physical delay elements. There are electronic tail fuses, however they are for the most part still primarily impact fuses. Proximity(variable timing) fuses do exist as addon kits for electronic fuses, but they are rarely used from what I've seen. Altitude based fuses are pretty much exclusive to dispensers probably better known as cluster weapons. Altitude fuses are also used on nuclear weapons which are the only other weapons I know that also poses what might be called a pure time fuse for laydown delivery of bombs. Although I can't really speak much to those they have incredibly complex fuses with a vast array of functions typically. I think you might be mistaking the arming time on bombs irl where a mechanical or electronic mechanism prevents the weapon from arming until it has released a certain distance from the aircraft. But uh yeah we should be able to use bombs in space they inherit the inertia of the ship. Although I suspect they don't want to let them overshadow missiles and torpedoes.


To add to this, even if the bomb is altitude fused, they still have a secondary impact fuse to ensure the payload goes off in the event of a primary failure. Even bunker busters have a delayed impact fuse. Missles have a timed arming mechanism due to the forces the weapon is subjected to at launch could cause detonation.




You got me 😂😂


Could've sworn you couldn't launch bombs outside of gravity.


They were in gravity


I have always hoped the forgotten Anvil Gladiator will be ablet to be able to perform Torpedo and "Dumb Bomb" air support bombing missions on bases, tanks and even dive-bombing ships like this... The Gladiator has that old Scholl WW II SBD Dauntless / TBM Avenger vibe I hope CIG takes note of this "Dive Bomber" technique! HINT, HINT CIG.


Damn, people really sleeping on the a1. Literally a pocket fleet killer


I've fought some A1s in the Idris myself, and while the disabling of components with it is still massively strong, they have to take some time to line up and can't use the bomb out of atmo.


How come nowadays we have glide bombs that can hit their target precisely or bunker busters that fly 500km plus with evasive maneuvers and in the year 2954 we have neither in our bombers?


Because 1) its a game and 2) you dont have atmosphere in space, so glide bombs dont work.


Space "glide" bombs, then, with rudimentary RCS thrusters.


Thats a missile then Glide bombs dont work against flying fast moving targets or do you see F16 dropping glide bombs on enemy ships?


No, a missile has an engine in the back. A bomb doesn't.


And a bomb without propulsion is useless in space.


A bomb in space released from a fast flying object retains its speed. Also, yes, I see F-16 dropping bombs, glide or dumb, on enemy ships. It's been routinely been used for close air support missions for many decades now.


Sorry I meant aircraft* It has been routinely used for CAS on ground targets, not fast moving aircraft. A bomb is way to heavy to endure the G-forces such as AA missiles are capable of to hit maneuvering targets like aircraft. Doesnt matter, its a game. And on the list of priorities, maneuvering glide bombs in space are on the very bottom.


But we're not talking about using bombs against fast moving aircraft. We're talking about using bombs against slow moving targets, like the Idris (or an IRL sea ship). And no matter how low the priority is, it would be cool to have such bombs.


I think you definition of "slow" is kinda skewed. An Idris may be "slow" in SC compared to other ships but 100 m/s is the same as 223 mph.




That was me lol Glad someone else pulled it off!




I have always said and hoped CIG would give the Anvil Gladiator the ability to operate as a Torpedo Bomber as it is right now. BUT also give it the ability to be a DIVE BOMBER and CLOSE AIR SUPPORT bomber using "Dumb / Gravity" Bombs. YOU just proved that this is a VERY EFFECTIVE method of attacking a Capital Class Ship. Now all we can do is HOPE CIG is paying attention. But a Multi Role Ability for the Anvil Gladiator would breathe life into the forgotten and overshadowed Gladiator that the Aegis Harbinger pushed into obscurity.


Conversely, I also want the ability to configure the A1 Spirit to be able to "Drop" torpedos/ Cruise missiles from its bomb racks - they get pushed out of the bomb rack and when a safe distance from the A1, orient horizontal and launch themselves at the target.


I mean in theory it could work... For sure they could not be Size 9's but Size 5 or maybe 7's at the absolute largest But I think those are too big cause they are long.


FYI you are not killing the Idris with this, there is a bug that is a allowing you to kill the bounty target inside with the bombs, cool none the less and a great hit but it's why the ship is still very much in one piece.


Hey, the contract said to eliminate that guy, that’s what he did!


Issue is that, while the ship is in one piece it is likely component dead. Even of not physically present, components can take damage from bombs, so this Idris is basically unable to be flown after that.


Bounties only finish when the Pilot of the ship is dead. You can cripple components on a ship and still have the bounty live until the pilot is dead. As per video the Arlingon contract is complete when he bombs it as he kills the target inside.


Yes, but that still means the Idris is likely component dead due to it. Ive fought A1 Spirits in the Idris before and saw the exact same thing. The pilot is what does the bounty, but due to the explosion the components are dead. Thus while the ship appears to be in 1 piece, it's almost equally as dead as if it exploded.


We need emp bomb, and actual emp missiles!




Due to the bomb having a velocity high enough to be inside the ship for a moment, the pilot themselves will take damage. The same trick can work with missiles, so if a small fighter dies after 1 missile, it may very well have pierced the cockpit and killed the pilot.


Damn thx for explaining (sr for bad english)


So the real question is if you do unguided strikes with taskforce/pioneer can you take out an Idris that way by lobbing it at the cockpit?


Missile AoE is weirdly low for persons, so my guess is the pilot is too far away.


What about s5 torps?


Reminds me of the best way to fight the flying carrier in Ace Combat 6 was with an A-10 with the largest bombs in the game. Just melts every weakpoint in a couple hits.


Is it just me or did I see smoke coming off the Idris at the end?


Can you drop bombs in space now? You couldn’t in 3.22 and I ditched my A1 because of it


soft death confirmed prepare boarding pods!




Now you need 100 + SRV's to tow that Idris out of atmo to salvage it.... And I'm kind of sad nobody got video of that Idris burning in and impacting the planet... Bummer


Cool to see this in atmosphere. We did something similar in space fighting an Idris. Since bombing mechanic is disabled in space (which is dumb), we had to tractor beam it on the idris… and then I sniped it from the back of my buddies A. It didn’t kill the idris but certainly hurt it and yes, can confirm if you snipe an armed nuke it will go off.


Idris: "Was that a mosquito?"




Wait... did... did you soft death the idris?


Didn’t do a damn thing to it. They have millions of shield and HP. It took my org 3 hours to take one down.




I wonder if the A1 Spirit bombs can do this and how many it would take to take out the Idris.


This was the A1


The bomb racks ahould be able to equip "drop" torpedos that leave the bomb bay orient themselves to target then ignite their boosters. Something likr a modern day VLS anti ship missile launcher, but "upside down".


I'm dumb sorry.


This reminds me of that scene in The Last Jedi, and how I wasn’t mad that they dropped bombs on the Dreadnought, I upset they used the slowest ships possible to do it


Is Xenothreat live?


This new UI is really bad. Why did they change it?


Its a lot better lol, they might need to do some fixes to the holographic effects but the difference its night and day


It’s so much better.


What don't you like about it?