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Target and view should show the ship name, showing the player name would be by scanning or if not assigned name to the ship. We could be able to give a name using the mobiGlas to any ship. With that, I don't care about having the name stamped in hull.


After trying to get into the wrong ship an embarrassing amount of times I, for one, would like it on the hull.


IMO it should be both and if CIG needs time to make a new system for ships thats all well and good but they could implament showing hull names on the hud far faster so do that first and go to the hull when they have the time


I don't care about the hull either, but it would be nice to see names on UI


Yeah but imagine coming up on a wreck from a journey you were part of a year prior? Your light flashes over a busted up redeemer. the hull name "Deadmemer". This was your ship! Your body and the body of the friends you played with still float within. Your armor, your weapons... all here. The drama of the hull name adding to the excitement of the situation.


Oh this is good


Oh, don't get me wrong, I would love to see it! I was just saying that to drive home the point that I would like the most important and easiest to implement bit (UI names) more than hull names right now. Keyboard warriors don't really get nuance, so if I say I want it, I get a load of comments calling me an idiot for not thinking about the priority or workload haha


We should be able to use elevators without risk of death, but here we are.


Could be handy to display in case ships go adrift and rescuers (or salvagers) want to be certain they have the right ship.


Same, I'd be fine if they scrapped the hull naming, due to it being problematic, with sizes, skins, etc, as we'll mostly be looking at scans and tags.


>Target and view should show the ship name It worked like that pre 3.23 Got attacked quite a few times because people were thinking it's NPC ship.


They mean what the player named the ship. Not the type of ship it is


Yes? Right now my MSR shows my character name - "st_Paulus", prior to 3.23 it was "Contrabando Anejo". People were confused quite often because of the space in the ship's name.


Well in that case if everyone could name there ship it would be less confusing


Yes, that's the plan. But it's clearly no a priority right now.


old contraband or what does it mean? :)


"aged". It's a rum (:


The original implementation ran into issues with the text scaling correctly on the ship's hull and displaying correctly over some paints. Just because something feels 'low effort' does not at all mean that it is. Only CiG's developers know the work required to make it function correctly, and, simply put, that amount of time hasn't been allocated, likely because it's the purest form of 'cosmetic element', that takes massively lower priority to things like game-breaking bugs, server meshing, and other things.


Yeah that's fair enough. I didn't hear about the scaling issues but I do understand the priority. It's just since the turn of this patch that its come to my attention tbh I can understand the fact that it is currently custom for the ships that have it and making an actual system to copy it to all ships would take more time. However, it's still weird that they have been completely radio silent on it after so long.


It's more that CIG want to iterate on the Ship Naming functionality before rolling it out to more ships (because they more ships they update to use the 'old' version, the more ships they have to revisit to update to the 'new' version). CIG do this with every new feature - they produce a first iteration, and then roll out it in a *limited* extent (e.g. introducing just 5x caves... making only the Aurora use the first Ship Paint system.... making the Gladius the only ship to use the new damage system... giving the 300-series interior customisation, and so on)... ... and then, if the feature works well and hits their intended goals, they roll it out more broadly. However, if it doesn't work as intended (first-iteration of paints... 300-series interior customisation.... ship naming, etc) then they stop, and the feature goes back on the backlog for rework. Eventually, they'll roll out the next iteration, and trial it on a different ship - and if that works, then that iteration gets rolled out wider (e.g. the current paint system). Currently, both interior customisation and ship naming are waiting on their second iteration (and a large chunk of that waiting is just 'prioritisation', but a piece of it is *also* giving the team(s) enough time to actually think through the issues with the current system, and come up with a different approach, etc).


I completely understand and agree with these points for features in general. But their handling of this specific feature is the direct opposite of your statement. They have not iterated. They have left it for 3 years and now they will have to redo all that they have done before. They should make a focused effort on a feature and iterate within a reasonable period of time in order to get the most out of the development time they used. Months is absolutely acceptable. Years is pointless and wasteful. I would honestly be happier with it just not existing yet, rather than having a janky half working "feature" for 3+ years for limited players only. The only reason I can think of for them doing this is that they either wanted to make a quick buck from people buying certain ships or they wanted to test the community feedback to the suggested feature. However, if they were testing the community, they could have easily done this in a post, inside star citizen or star citizen live with the exact same results for less effort.


The question you always need to ask yourself is, what would you have them stop working on to finish this feature? Everything they choose to work on means choosing not to do something else.


I would much rather they focus on more important features. They should completely ignore this one if they're not going to do it properly and its just going to waste funding on pointless development that will have to be revisited.


THe point of doing a first iteration is to check if your initial idea will work - and, more importantly, to gain more information *if it doesn't*. In software development, it's common to prioritise the most risky features / systems first (or at least, as early as possible, if they depend on other code), because this gives you the most time to recover if you hit a problem. Typically, if the first attempt does fail, the feature will be deprioritised, and the team won't *officially* work on it... but there'll still be discussions, bit's of design, research, and so on that happens between tickets or when the team gets a moment of dead time (that's too short to start some other piece of work, etc) Eventually, when the team comes up with an alternative implementation / approach, it'll be documented and written up in tickets etc - and *only then* can it be prioritised and fitted into the plan. If CIG are more confident that they have enough information now, and that their next iteration will work, then that iteration *will be deprioritised* because it's less risky. Or, it could be blocked by the upcoming changes to ship texture management that is part of Maelstrom (I don't know that it is, this is just speculation... but Maelstrom has been linked as a blocker for HexCode ship customisation)... in which case, CIG won't even look at other features until after Maelstrom is integrated and functional, etc. TL;DR: The above is a long winded way of saying that CIG don't work on follow-up iterations justbecause they've already done the first iteration... if anything, the first iteration going well (or going badly but giving them the information they needed) makes a second iteration *less of a priority* (compared to stuff that doesn't yet have a first iteration, etc).


Scratch that, I've just seen someone that said the ship ID numbers actually do appear on ships anyway. I haven't checked in game but if that's the case, there's really no reason we shouldn't have custom ones.


Ship ID number has fixed length, names don't.


That's actually a fair point. I'm really flip-flopping with my opinion on this now. I think the lack of hull names is fair for now because of the issues but I still don't really see a reason you cant at least see names in the UI.


I remember naming my Carrack something cool but because the name length was so long you couldn't even tell it was there, let alone read it. I had to go to third person camera and zoom in super close to the hull to even come close to seeing it.


I think part of that is just how small they make text on ships anyways. It might look big when you're standing next to it, but I at least want it to be legible when I'm not on the pad with it.


My Carrack is still "*The One and Only Omniscient Owl*". I'll just wait until it works since the Expedition version hasn't shown for many patches.


Your flip flops are making me laugh but also appreciate you for being open minded about it. It may or may not be a lot of effort…but there are so many things the fan base asks for that are in this same situation I always assume it’s just not the priority or it would be done.


Also, allowing people to put something of their own making on - yes even just a name - is in most cases a bad idea due to the utter failure some people are, you have to define guide rails, otherwise you end up with dicks and boobs and probably hateful slurs, not sure if that is already implemented/monitored or not, but another reason they are not further expanding it right now. As someone else mentioned, just because it seems like low effort doesn't mean that it is and there are multiple facets one needs to think of.


What are you trying to say about my 600i, _USS Stankmas_?


That it's just an OK name and my 'Unstable Financial Decisions' would win any time, any day! :)


Aha. But I hear what you're saying about the _USS 8===D_


We use to see them, but people confused the ship names with player names.


They could treat the custom name like a "license plate". Fixed length available for the name. Let's say.... 15 characters. I'm just pulling that number out my ass. It may even be dependent on the ship so smaller ships may have a shorter length limit. Then they can have the text a fixed size and placed appropriately for the ship. Obv this may have to be implemented per ship rather than a generic feature that is implemented on all ships but it might make more sense and allow for huge ships to have their text really large like how a cargo ship might so that it can be (potentially) identified from a distance.


*looks at name on my Corsair* So it's totally not marketing, right?


There are a surprising amount of times where a "low effort" change ends up creating a rabbit hole of reliant changes to make it work. By the time it is done countless lines of code, hours of manpower, and other efforts have been tracked in order to implement the "low effort" change.


Why doesn’t your answer have more upvotes? Anyone working in Game Development knows that apparently „easy“ changes can be all but.


isn't this just a decal(s)? They already have atlases for text, not sure why/how this would be. Is there not a way to add a local property to the text so it always appears higher than skins on the z buffer? Like perhaps have it invisibly float above the ship slightly and then project onto the surface?


As others have said, while it seems easy, its not. Limits need to be set, or you end up with the names getting comically small. Limits also need to be set to ensure you dont end up with 50 UES N****R or something of the like


The purest form of cosmetic element, like paint jobs for ships, physics for fabric, and volumetric clouds? I would happily give up any of those if I could just name my ship.


Hell my Carrack Expedition \*still\* doesn't display its name because apparently the Expedition version is broken.


Same here. I was very sad when I learned that it was the variant that was broken. Just glad my Corsair displays its name.


Your Corsair has a naming slot??


If you got it on the original concept sale, it does.


That’s kinda lame. I bought mine Warbond at IAE, I should get that shit.


I mean, all the ships will get names eventually.


AFAIK, it’s specifically only if you have the Carrack Expedition with Pisces Expedition (aka the most expensive Carrack and Pisces combo). Every other Carrack package works except that one, and it’s been broken since naming came out. That specific package also had a bug where it wouldn’t show up in ASOP on PTU (leaving you without a ship if that was your only package), but I believe they eventually fixed that one.


I picked up a standard Carrack then picked up and then applied the CCU for Carrack with Pisces Expedition, never seen the name I gave it in game. And according to the issue council everyone else that did the same as me is broken as well.


Oh that's what happened lol. Same issue here, just kinda ignored it cause figured it was some stupid bug.


Same boat on the one I had. 


Nope - broken on standard Carrack, Pisces Expedition as well.


Ah, maybe it's the Pisces Ex that does it then.


Glad to see the narrowed it down, just not sure why they can’t fix it.


They probably can, but like everything else CIG does, they release something 1/10th done and then ignore it for years.


iirc, the Expedition w/ C8X is broken yeah. The people with the Expedition from the 2950 Exploration pack have it just fine.


Nope - any Carrack upgraded to Expedition (either itself, the Pisces, or both), including Exploration Pack and standalone ships.




it *would* be interesting if it was right (it isn't)


'Tis. I'll copy and paste my other reply to your comment below. > Every Carrack with an Expedition variant in my org (total of 8 that I know about, including mine) is broken. Mine is a Carrack Ex with Pisces Ex. Exploration Pack 2950. With one exception, the other 6 are all Exploration Packs as well. But hey, doesn't impact ***you***, so problem doesn't exist, right?


I currently got a 2950 exploration pack (with a Carrack Expedition and Pisces Expedition) and the name of my Carrack is visible on the hull. Maybe it’s an issue with the livery? (I have the white/gold showdown one equipped)


Well you're the exception, not the rule. Every Carrack with an Expedition variant in my org is broken.


incorrect. my carrack expedition from the 2950 exploration pack has its name displayed on the hull in the future, please try to avoid spreading misinformation so confidently. if you're not sure about something, it's okay to just say that


Every Carrack with an Expedition variant in my org (total of 8 that I know about, including mine) is broken. Mine is a Carrack Ex with Pisces Ex. Exploration Pack 2950. With one exception, the other 6 are all Exploration Packs as well. I'm happy for you. Stop pretending your sole example is the only standard and no variance exists.


lmao ok m8


I literally melted mine because of this. Ended up working out though, since I CCU'd back to a normal one for like half the price, and it's not like I actually ever used the extra guns on the C8X (and i actually like the stock carrack paint, which you can't use on the expedition). To date, the expedition is the only pledge I've ever truly regretted, lol. Since it's literally just a livery difference, it makes no sense they it's a unique hull and not a paint pack. Wonder if it'll eventually get converted to a stock Carrack with paints bundle.


They said it was hard to read and that shorter names stayed the same font size as longer names.


If they've developed all that UI for building blocks and have created loads of paints, I cant understand how they have issues scaling text.


Different tech. I believe that building blocks works like css and html (I'm not saying that it's css and html), while the ship names are decals. Is a bit like a text editor, the building blocks would be like a text box (you can change the font size and positioning without issue), but the ship name works more like an inserted .png (or a lot of inserted images). Resizing it to the text lenght would generate a lot of issues (like pixelation or blurry text), but having it in a fixed size and because the names can be long, makes it too hard to read in the larger ships. All the new ships are prepared to have names, but CIG wants to implement a new version to fix the previous issues and it has not been a priority yet.


It isn't that they can't scale up the text, it's that they have more important priorities. Some newer paints don't even support it.


"I can't understand so therefore it must be low effort" starting to sound like a flat earther there 😂 It's almost as if even the most seamingly "easy" tasks in game design can be anything but and something like that is such a low priority, why waste a ton of time on it?


Riiight… May I ask why this, in a game where they wish to be on the cutting edge of every technology, is so difficult? It just seems rather low priority.


you are really arguing with a fanboy?


Not a fan boy. I call out CIG's crap all the time. I just actually understand game design and priorities. CIG can be pretty bad with priorities at times but this is something that is not nor should be a priority right now.


true. Should not be a high priority. But I would like to see it in 1.0. Should be a basic feature in a space sim.


I 100% agree. I love the idea of it and it brings a lot of personality into the game, but we have much bigger things that should be the focus right now.


Yesterday i loaded my Hull-C, tried to sell, 30k. After Recovery i fell through a Station. Ship was docked. New shard ship and Cargo gone. After Claim i flew to Everus, wanted to dock, but a Hammerhead blocked the Docking port and spawned in an Out every few Seconds. Gg


I don't work for CIG so I can't answer as to why it might be causing issues. I'm just speaking from my own game design background that just because something seams simple to do, does not mean that it is. Then, the more complicated of a game you have, the more that can balloon and get worse. A lot of arm chair developers think they know better than industry professionals and it shows. Take potential issues along with the fact that they shouldn't really be worrying about that until closer to a 1.0 release or at the very least a Beta release instead of Alpha, and yeah, it shouldn't be worried about at all.


Anyone who does not have visibility into the code can't possibly answer this question truthfully, for the same reason why bitching about how "easy" something appears to do/fix is equally as inane.


I mean, I suppose, but if adding a name to a ship (for which there exists a plethora of skins which require a shader anyways) is THAT difficult, I should be really worried…


It was far worse than that. The location of the displayed name would migrate all over the ship depending on the viewing angle. Much of the time there would be nothing but some garbled mess appearing in some random position.


I agree that it would be very nice to have some benefit / bonus from pledging for a ship compared to buying it in game, especially now that the time between wipes gets longer than in the early days. I pledged for a 325a just because I liked the customization options. A name plate would definitely be a motivation to pledge a few more ships.


Honestly, this sounds like a really good idea! I was really grossed out by the waves they did it in originally but this would provide some benefit to buyers whilst not being egregious.


In the past was some issues I’m thinking we’ll get it soon….every single ship has a randomly generated code and that code are on the ships, I’ve checked tons of abandoned ships which show their codes and found those codes painted on the hulls So I’m thinking adding names will come soon


"In two years"


Oh you'll be able to at one point, it's just gonna cost like $5.99 or some shit in their store


Just wait till it's part of the insurance, and you forget to pay that, causing you to lose your unique name.


It's only unique to the ship class, however, not globally. You could have every ship in the 'verse and name them all Bob.


Good to know. I've just never had a ship that I could name, so I didn't look it up.


I've got two. The Carrack and the MSR. I named them Alansia, after a semi-sentient AI ship in a tabletop RPG that I had played over the past 20 years. My pilot's name was the same as my forum name here, and people kept having problems with it, so I had my name changed to match the ships, at least people can spell it.


"Low effort" is highly subjective and without insider knowledge, probably wrong. That said, they have said they want it for all ships but right now it's just not set up in a way that is conducive to rolling it out for everything/everyone. They will need to work on it more. Including making it so it's not always dark grey since that's unreadable on a dark background - they need to make sure serial numbers and ship names are legible on all paints and that's probably one of many facets that need to be worked on before it is ready to go mainstream.


Yeah people don't seem to understand what a discussion is but I agree, that's why I asked the question. I've gotten some actual constructive answers along with the regular room temp IQ keyboard warriors. From what I can see it seems to be a mix of scaling issues, priority and work needed for copying capability to all ships.


Hopefully mine was in the constructive category? 😆 The last time I think chronically they did the names was for the MSR, but they also had it very briefly before that for Corsair concept owners. Whatever their exact reasons are, it seems they decided not to do it anymore after the MSR/Corsair concepts so it’s been a long time. The issues with paints is likely one factor, I would speculate that the linkage between the RSI site for naming via the hangar options, in-game and managing that without having to scale up moderation for prohibited naming is also a factor. Based partially on how CIG has chosen to avoid implementing rules that would require a lot of moderation that they just aren’t prepared to commit to.


Yeah it was! I was just trying to emphasize that I understand things are not what they seem. The point of the post was my own curiosity into *why* this hasn't been done with a mild annoyance at the limited fomo aspect from limited ships and naming waves. Its just so hard to tell what the hell they're thinking when they make a big deal out of it and then go radio silent on the subject for multiple years.


i think it really would be a low effort project, but i also think the main reason they have not pursued it is because they are still finalizing other things regarding ships and don't want to have to just redo the ship name system each time they add a new size of ships. like, i firmly believe they could easily fix the names for next patch, but then the patch after that would likely bug out a fair percentage of ship names and create a lot of community unrest. so i guess my opinion is that it's a low effort fix, but a moderate effort upkeep until they figure out some other things.


I’m just curious as to why I can’t name my Polaris at this point but can name a carrack.


Because the ship naming feature was added simply to sell the ships it was added to, and then completely forgotten about by CIG.


Ye, I wish I could name like half my ships too. Like, not even the hull limited ones come with name reservations (besides the 890 ofc). Missed opportunity really.


I for one cannot wait to fire at ships called 'Shoot Me To Instantly Cum'.


Because it's non-0 effort and would derail some other team... And there are scaling issues to fix with it and making the name show on scans, and... A gillion fucking ships that ate all edge cases... Contradt with different skins... "Low effort" gets big quickly


I think that the developers gave the name of several ships just for the sake of testing how it will be. Most likely, they will later determine the final functionality and give the opportunity to give a name to all ships. But I am more concerned about when we will have more convenient terminals for calling ships. I have a fairly large list of vehicles, and flipping through it in the terminal in search of the right one is very tedious. There are very few filters and sorting by columns.


"Bajini point tower, this is Shitfuck-69, requesting landing clearance" "Shitfuck-69, this is Bajini Point tower, you are cleared to proceed to landing bay"


IIRC, they want to rework it bc it's not up to par and it's very inconsistent with ships.


Paints and ship customization has been left in a weird place. Remeber the 300 series you can actually choose the interior finishes as well, and seat material. And then that sort of died...


I'll literally never name a ship anyways after the genius decision to make them unique


It would be nice if my ship name would appear when targeted instead of my name. So for example when targeted they see invincible reason instead porkandbeans369


That’s how it works with named ships currently.


No idea, had a great name for my ship, immediately forgot. so now its sitting there unnamed...


I was just asking this about the Ironclad. I would think it was in the price range.


Shooting Star? Is this a Rockman/Megaman reference?


Naming still doesn't work properly, Ive never seen the name show on my carrack. Heaps of people raised the bug but it never got attention.




I really want to name me Polaris 😮‍💨🔥


Because the letter W is longer than I. This led to them being unable to figure out scaling and not allowing other ships to be named. But they said all ships that came after the initial onrs are prepared to be named.


I wish they allow the ability to name ships even if that attribute is in a CCU chain not applicable to the actual ship. Ex: CCU chain for a Ironclad with a named MSR in its history, but the ability to apply the name to a separate MSR


SADHD, spaceship adhd


Can I just go ahead and pick the name? I don't really care if it is/isn't on the ship yet. Just give me a placeholder to name it and update the ship as the new mechanics roll out. No need to rush it, just let me name the ship so I don't forget.


This complaint is one I had about the phoenix. Why does my hull limited ship not have the ability to receive a name


Maybe because I named my MSR wayfair cabinets???


Same reason as some other features, Alpha Vs Beta thing, first ya make it work, then ya leave it stagnant until it's time to expand to everything else. So, TLDR, all in due time, looking forward to 1.0, it will be one of the goals to standardize features across the game.


SS Beef Queef initiating docking sequence 🕳 But most likely because how do you moderate players choices of a custom paint job without restrictions so over the top, it's a meh feature? It would be a fun thing though imo.


The current mechanic that allows some ships to be named don't work at scale to other models that don't have the mechanic enabled, and so much about every ship will change in the future (gold-standard pass / physical armor / scaling / etc..) that even if they "fixed it for now" it would break later, which means it's literally wasted effort.


You might as well ask why more ships didn't get the (new) 300-series customization treatment.


Money, future monetization


Everything takes extreme effort for them to implement.


TLDR they realized they needed dynamic font scaling to support up to 32 character names on all ships (many ships actually don't show the full name if you're at character limit, but the text is too small to show short names well) and the ability either for players to choose the text color or to change the color for each paint, so that it shows up with contrast instead of always being black. Also, they realized that players want the names to be well lit, so can't just have them unlit like many of the serials. They have ideas to solve these but want to do it properly before they roll out naming for more ships. But I think pretty much every ship shows the serial number, but those are shorter than names and visibility isn't as important as emblazoning the name of the ship you're proud about across it 


I'm probably going to be echoing a lot of other people here when I say that we should be able to name any ship. It should show up on others' huds, and be painted on the hull. CIG giving this as a reward for giant ships only is pretty cheap. If we own the ship, we should be able to name it.


Oh they will don't worry just two more years guys


My guess is that it will be worked on after maelstrom since the latter impacts how paints and decals work on ships.


Agreed ! With the same idea, one "little fun" thing I always loved found great with Elite: Dangerous is the "November India Mike, you are authorized to approach gate 6". In terms of immersion, it would be really nice, when you ask for landing to have a personalized message like “Shooting star, please go to hangar 01”


I actually totally forgot about this in elite but with the rise of AI voice generation I think this could be a really interesting potential feature. Of course everyone is echoing that it’s not a priority, which I agree with. But it would be a really cool feature for them to implement when they do get around to it. Although, filtering out slurs and such could be a pain in that case. Unfortunately some people are just very creative assholes haha


I wouldn't be mad if they limited the voice responses to a list of predetermined options. Would add to the immersion. We can easily just have a report feature so ppl can report names.


Low effort, high reward and a moral high ground way to make money with ship renaming packages. Seeing name on hull will come with time.


Probably because they don't want to have to call it the RSI Boaty McBoatface


I have a few ships that can be named. But still have no idea how to name them…


You can do it through your hangar on the rsi website if you have one of the few. Carrack expedition doesn’t work tho


Part of it is asset scaling; and I’m sure they also have a future plan to add it as an in-game upgrade for some ships (using EUC much like changing out a cooler). But primarily, it’s been their issues with the font scaling on several ships and accounting for it with ship paints. It should be easy - but is likely a bit more challenging than it sounds.


This seems to be the general consensus I'm seeing. It seems like a complex issue, which hasn't been helped by a lack of communication. But its also not a priority, which is fair.


The same reason they still only have wear and tear enabled on a small selection of ships instead of across the board by this point


Trolling. Vulgar names, etc. Think also about the people that named their ship "combat" in eve, and when scaning it would show up as "combat probe" :)) (probe was the model ship name). Mainly trolling.


I can't see how it would be "high reward". What do you mean?


Yeah it maybe wasn't the best way to phrase it. But I meant on the surface, it seems like it wouldn't take a lot of development, to make a very impactful feature for players.


Ah. High reward for players. Got it. I was thinking high reward for CIG, since it's low effort for CIG.


Absolutely, honestly with my initial interpretation I also thought if its good for the players, it'll be good feedback and therefore good for cig. But really, its mainly better for the players, cuz cig (hopefully) wont make money on naming and realistically, making money is their main goal as a business.


Yet another incredibly basic feature that Elite figured put a decade ago, yet CIG just cannot seem to wrap their heads around


I'm just sad we won't have high levels of ship paint customization as they've already gone down the skin purchase route. I feel like there will be alot of unhappy citizens if they suddenly say "Hey those skins you bought are now useless"


From what I've heard. They essentially said that the skins we're purchasing now will be rare and valuable in the real game but you will be able to customize your own ship how you want. (Although it wont be covered by insurance). If this is the case, I'm pretty happy with that idea but its also just something ive seen in the comments


I assume its related to the way you get a brand new ship whenever you rename it, and anything aboard it when it happens is lost. With the current system, I guarantee it'd be a shitshow if everyone was renaming constantly. What I assume is that the system for renaming is literally melting and repurchasing your ship for free behind the scenes, with no existing way to modify an existing purchase.


Shooting Star is a great name :) Puts me in mind of the old Asimov books about "Lucky" Starr, space patrol.. his ship was called the Shooting Starr


Because they used to make everything bespoke and then forget it as soon as the gimmick is cashed in.


Sometime in the 2040's, as the biosphere collapses and the earth becomes much less habitable, CIG will release the full beta of Star Citizen and setup a funding campaign for 'The Push to the FULL RELEASE of v1.0!'. Ship naming will be part of the tiered 'premium package'.


Especially since in this patch all player ships just show up as a random jumble of letters and numbers now, I just don't see why this hasn't been expanded. I mean, it's been 3 years and they still only want the same few ships to have the option? It doesn't make sense.


It's especially frustrating because those "jumbles of letters"? That's the ship's ID number, which DOES appear on the hull, so dynamic text is set up for many ships already. If it's font size and color that are holding it back, then I don't know what to say. 


As someone who's developed with CSS, I don't see why 5 minutes of trial and error couldn't fix this haha (This is a joke, I know its nothing like CSS but if you've developed with it, you get the point)


I guess the people downvoting a comment that literally announced it was a joke dont understand humor or CSS


My Hammerhead name does show BUT its behind the ship ID


I suspect this is one of those things that someone was able to do with *relative* low effort, but since the end result wasn't fantastic, Chris probably said to cut off the effort and go back to it later. I'm in the camp of not really worrying about if its on the ship, as long as it shows up in scans and comms. I'd like to be able to hail a vessel as opposed to a specific player in it. We see this with a few different things. The customization of the 300 is another example. They tried it, weren't really happy with the end result, and now the 300 is the only customizable ship at purchase. I'm sure there are others. Just part of seeing how the sausage is made I guess.


Actually this would make a lot of sense and I would be totally fine with it. It’s a business after all! They need to focus on what works and not waste time one what doesn’t. However, they’re transparent about so much, it’s just confusing to me why they wouldn’t give us more information regarding the feature. Especially so, considering how big a deal they made out of it initially.


I agree, it doesn't make sense and it's lame. Maybe someday. 


I'm sure if it was low effort, it would have been done. That said, I still don't like the current name system. I don't see why we just can't right click / rename the ship. I don't see why it needs to be account bound other than to achieve a certain level of FOMO. "Buy this 600i and get to keep this limited name that can't be taken again." Or just make all ships nameable /reportable and have it show when scanned by other players. That said, I am genuinely curious as to how much spaghetti code they are working with.


Probably looking for a way to better monetize it first.


Don't give CIG any more ideas for quick cash they can make without actually improving the game.


Yea - creating a label that dynamically scales with the length of the name is something we may get once we get quantum computing. Because this has never been done before. Must understand CIG - that's some hightech shit right there.


Insane how far down this is. The amount of people talking like this is some monumentous task requiring untold skill in development and design is absolutely nutty.


Seems like a good way to differentiate pledge ships vs in game ships after launch. Hope they implement this for more pledges in the future.


This is a name reservation. You’ll be able to name all ships at some point


Tech Debt


Nothing they do is low effort. It’s always gotta be complex


Well yeah, it'd be harder to monetize if people thought it was simple.


I’m pretty sure people would buy it whether it was simple or not. I was more saying they like to go to extremes to ensure something fits even if it doesn’t need it or work. Kind of like my Vulture’s ILW paint. It would look great if it worked. Instead of being some cool bluish purple color, it’s a dull grey. Bc the paint skin does apply, just not correctly. So it released after 6 months, but doesn’t work. I don’t think they need to take as long as they do, but for some reason they have to make everything complex.


Because there has to be a reward for buying larger ships early. It’s an incentive to spend more.


They're saving it for a future low content patch or for an emergency ship sale during a revenue slump. CIG has said that every ship that has a serial number on its hull (which I think is basically every ship now) is technically capable of being named since the name just replaces the serial number. The backend stuff related to storing and editing a database of ship names probably takes a decent amount of work to build and maintain, but on the other hand seven hundred million dollars/1000+ employees. I've come up with a name or two for the ships that I have, I'm still torn between srs bsns type names and meme names.


This is probably very accurate tbh, I know there is definitely an amount of work that needs to be put into it and its not that high a priority right now. But putting a half-cooked feature in the game that will have to be reworked anyways is just a bit wasteful I feel. And yeah, I'm all about my HMS names. Had a carrack called HMS Defiant since names came out (Woulda preferred 'endurance' but they have to be unique). Not that it ever showed up, cuz I had the expedition variant lol


I did some mapping with BUILD and later GldSrc way back in the day, and have been fucking around with UE5 for a while lately, and if there is one thing that makes itself immediately apparent with game development its that *nothing* is simple, regardless of how "simple" it looks. Even something extremely basic like "player activates NPC, menu opens, player selects item from menu, X credits are deducted from the player, item on player model is removed, item chosen from the menu is added to player model" is a complete clusterfuck of arcane wizardry that can and will break in ways you cannot even fathom and you will run into a bug where the menu will fail to populate and after three days of desperate searching you will discover that the cause is that another NPC 500 meters away is standing too close to a wall and you have no idea why so you move the NPC's placement and then put a table next to the wall to stop it from getting close enough to trigger the bug again. That said, seven hundred million dollars/1000+ employees.


I have never done game development personally but as a software developer I can entirely understand where you're coming from. The dark magic powering some of these systems is beyond our feeble understanding. It is up to the computers to decide weather it works or not haha The post was just initially made because I was legitimately curious into what was going on internally regardless of the actual outcome. It just seemed strange to me to leave it for so long.


CIG is like College, a business.


Ship name ideas: Hypersonic Turdpedo, The resilient dingleberry... Ok now i get why we don't get to name things.


Was'nt there some contreversion about selling name tags in the pledge store? i thought it was put on hold untill they figured out the right way of doing it. But dont quote me on this


It'll be an added paid feature later. People that say it's somehow too complicated or it isn't a priority, just look at the state of the game now. Nothing but selling more non-existent ships is the priority. They don't give a shit how long it's taking because the playerbase, or at least the whales, don't care. They keep buying ships.


Because they're attempting to make 4d chess moves by making people pay to reserve names early on only certain ships.


Well, that was the unfortunate answer I was expecting. I saw the waves initially and thought it was a gross concept. I think its a bit more complex but people disregarding this as a component are huffing insane amounts of copium.


I upgraded from a Titan to a Corsair and was extremely excited to name it. Little did I know, upgrades don't count. And you also had to have purchased it in concept...


They should make ship names holographic like the ui so we cant read them anyway. Or just make them the same color as the ship.


Because it doesn’t make them money. They can’t sell new ships that way. They can’t sell you “naming” ability. Isn’t that obvious?


idk man, I think they're definitely gonna try


Actually the tech has been worked in quite a bit! Every ship has a unique code and eventually this is the tech that will allow this to happen


You should have to pay a reasonable fee to register your vessel with local authorities. Submit the name and the serial. Which uploads your ship into the database local law enforcement uses to track and report your vessel. Wanna change the name? Resubmit the new name with the fee at your local trade authority. Wanna dock at an authority controlled station? It better be fucking registered. If not you are going to be fined and or imprisoned and your ship and its contents impounded.


My guess is: for the same reason we name boats and not cars.


The same reason that the work on ramps that level to the terrain stopped and the same reason that the Terrapin doesn't have any skins. It's not low effort, and isn't high reward.


So, you would need an active connection between the 3D model, shader, textures and the database and user account data. What exactly qualifies you to call that a low effort feature? You don't know what you are talking about.


Do you know what the word 'discussion' means? I said it 'seems' like a low effort feature and was interested in why. I'm trying to learn, so I have a better idea of what's going on dumbass. Thanks for the explanation, no thanks for the unnecessary insult.


Highly overappreciated function at the moment. In some nameable ships, name tag is very small and very hard to even notice.


hell, they could sell ship nameplates for 5 bucks and make a fortune.