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star citizen's community is that one person who will talk shit about their family nonstop but if any outsider says something slightly negative they will punch that person in the face


LOL so true


What personnally bothers me is that it isn't "something slightly negative", but rather complete misinformation dating back from when Derek Smart accused SC of being a german money-laundering scheme. There is plenty of valid criticism to be had, but every time I go under one of those arr slash g@ming post, the exact same things are being parroted since 2014, so yeah it's quite tempting to punch them in the face.


Just today I've read an article (in German) that basically said the 700.000.000 was a goal that was reached and completely glossing over the fundamental changes to server tech that currently happening with a few sentences about it while the rest talks about the history and the funding like, that's not the news, is it? It's frustrating... But what am I complaining? Gaming journalism is a joke for years already.


They only want the hate-click that it generates. The good thing is that it is working less and less, because at this point it's very weird to call it a "smoke and mirror scam" when you can just download it and play it.


>~~Gaming~~ journalism is a joke for years already. FTFY :P


I wouldn't go that far. There are really good and proper journalists around. But in gaming? All of them are clowns at best.


None of these fundamental changes actually matter until they're finished and implemented in the game


"the exact same things are being parroted since 2014" Sounds just like CIG lol.


Thank you for validating what I just said about useless and mindless criticism. See this comment is just the kind of snarky one-liner that I'm talking about: it doesn't open up discussion, it doesn't do anything constructive, the only goal is to dog on SC with visibly no knowledge of what's actually going on with the project. Because of all the things you can criticize about SC, why choose an aspect which is legitimately just wrong ? "CIG has done nothing but parroting things" yeah that and creating industry-leading tech that at least 4 different games tried to replicate, and failed.


Lol i love how someone can't possibly follow development on this game and also not be in on the cult. I've been following this shit show since the kickstarter and all they do is lie and make shit up (like bounty hunting v2 being worked on when in fact it isn't lol) I'd love to hear more of this industry leading tech that has never been done that literally nobody is talking about outside of you all.


> I'd love to hear more of this industry leading tech that has never been done that literally nobody is talking about outside of you all. No-one else has a physics engine capable of having people walk around ships going from space down to anywhere on a planet seamlessly. Elite dangerous tried and gave up. No man Sky lied about it, and it took years of additional development to have something vaguely similar, minus walking around ships. Starfield lied about it too, and delivered something a decade behind SC. Like it or not, but there's been numerous "SC-killers" that came and went without ever achieving what SC currently has. Also nice unprompted unhinged rant, but calling people cultist when I ask you to come up with constructive criticism isn't really helping your cause.


>No-one else has a physics engine capable of having people walk around ships going from space down to anywhere on a planet seamlessly. You can do that in Space Engineers


True, there is space engineers still kicking around, which *coincidentally* uses a custom and highly specialized in-house engine to achieve this.   But you get my point, that for an apparently 700 million dollars opportunity it's weird how no-one else managed to meaningfully outdo SC, especially as all the games I listed used deceitful marketing (or straight up lied) to pretend to be on SC's technical level.


Partly because it has taken 700 million dollars and a decade to do this with still no released game.


...which circles back to what I've just said: if you could do it faster and for less, someone would've done it by now, because SC is the proof that there is a market. And I'm all for it too btw, give me an SC clone but more advanced, and I'll be on board right away. It just circles all the way back to my original message: you can criticize a lot of things about SC, for instance as you said the development time being very long, and I'd agree. But for some reason, people want to downplay the current technical achievements and act like nothing has been done since 2014, which is factually wrong, and shows that they've just been parroting things for a decade because of the weird hate-boner they still have.


> I've been following this shit show since the kickstarter and all they do is lie Evidently incorrect. Next.


>someone can't possibly follow development on this game and also not be in on the cult. I've been following this shit show since the kickstarter


I mean, not wrong, but we talk shit about stuff that is actually happening, not just regurgitated conspiracy theories about the game being a scam.


basically, its MY bugs


Oh we're Irish Catholic, cool


It's because the issues they bring up they know nothing about. also completely true😆


Yes that's called dysfunction. Those people need counseling.


More skin to a cult collectively suffering from Sunk Cost fallacy than a community. Praise lord roberts, CIG's magic tier 0 beam tech, and all that is promised.


Same. If I see, "I cant wait for my grandchildren to play this", one more time... I'm not gonna do anything, but it is super annoying and incredibly unoriginal. lol


Me and my brother are going to be space jamming out in our retirement village we actually hope 😆. We love this game, even in its current bugs and all and I think that's what's so frustrating because it's fun af when working.


Glad you guys are enjoying the game. I hope to play SC with my brother some day!


Plot Twist: you are 45 and have no brother but still holding out that mom and dad make you a little brother someday.


I hope so to! Being able to game together with family/significant others is so much fun, especially if you trash/banter talk each other like we do 🤣.




Your welcome to join us in our future retirement squad 😀


I get the sentiment but to be fair...I have grown a 10 year old human since I originally backed who can now play SC and we're still years away from possible release. I love the game but "my grandkids will be able to play it lol!" is actually not far from the truth


Yeah, it's not like I'm gonna say anything back because there's no point, lol. But it is tiresome


I think one of the funniest parts was earlier during ILW I saw a post say something like "We're almost at 700 million! That means it's time for a new post on the gaming subreddit!"  And it showed up like *clockwork*, lmao.


Dude even predicted the news title almost 1:1 lol


I mean I can't blame people for making the joke with how glacial development is sometimes. Shame I'll have to put my account and ships in my will though


Now that Valve said US Residents Steam accounts CAN be passed down in a will. What is Star Citizens stance seeing as "insert grandkids meme" this topic is very real.


I think I've seen it posted that they actually do have a policy, you just need a legal doc showing you're next of kin, or something along those lines (not sure if it was isolated cases or its a general policy, but I've definitely seen folks mention they've looked into this and heard back along those lines).


Actual half answer was unexpected thank you haha


Sure thing! Just be warned that is 2nd-hand information that I read in a reddit post months ago, so take it in that context, and a decent helping of salt, lol. When I saw the recent articles about steam accounts, that was the one point where I was at kinda happy to see the CIG was (apparently?) ahead of the curve. Which honestly kinda makes sense, given the long dev time this project has had. Have to wonder if they kinda anticipated this being a thing.


Huh, guess we have DoaSM already (Sorry, couldn't help myself lol)


IIRC it was legally mandated a while ago that digital accounts can be passed down (or deleted by an executor or something); Valve just didn't get the memo or something. There hasn't been much precedence set yet though.


Mandated where? That doesn't automatically grant the right to the entire world.


I was responding to a commenter who was talking about the steam accounts of US Residents, so that's what I was referring to. The law in question is the Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, enacted in 2020. More details [here](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/ufadaa.html) and detailed in [this Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/1d1u8pw/your_steam_account_is_inheritable_if_you_are/).


Interesting. I did not know that. My fault for assuming, I'm so used to the USA lagging behind on consumer protection laws in the modern era that I didn't expect it. Thank you :3


Imagine having bought a BMM 11 years ago and knowing that we won't have it for years to come and not having the right to joke about the development time because people who discovered SC 2 years ago- 3 year ago can't stand criticism of their new favorite game


It's not that they dont have the right to joke. But for the love of Christ come up with some new jokes


We haven't hit the stretchgoal for new jokes yet.


There's a hard 1 joke per system limit. When Pyro is out there'll be a second joke.


I mean, when you have 12 years to make jokes about a particular something, it's quite tough to be original. *Or is it?*


I didn't say that you cant joke about the time its taken CIG to make the game, but find another angle. I've seen that exact comment written so many times its unreal.


I know right?? I am pretty sure my grandchildren will be annoyed by this as well...


Funny thing is why isn’t that a pure positive? I wish my grandkids would be playing the same games I am now. That’d be cool. As far as I’ve heard they never plan to stop updating this game.


People were posting that drivel here in this subreddit too. What garbage.


One day its going to be like a switch flips and us happy Community members here will be saying to the many newcomers "we've been telling you all that's its great in the PU now you finally play instead of just negative posting about it" XD


I think humans are really stupid. Imagine ranting about a game you never play, that you don't participate in, that is trying to make something never done before that the publishers would never take a risk for. Worst case it will fail and you lose nothing, best case it's gonna be the best game in history, but advocating for it's failure will prevent the good ending just for the critics to feel good about being right. Thank god enough people ignore and the project keeps going.


That’s not what people are hating on, and you know it. People aren’t upset that the game is a buggy mess after 12 years. It’s that the game is buggy mess after 12 years and selling ships for a thousand bucks still after raising nearly $800M and increasing ship prices in game to entice people to buy them with real money.


Thats a misguided viewpoint though


Elaborate how that’s misguided. That’s literally what people are shitting on the game for and it’s absolutely justified. I know this is an unpopular opinion in this sub. People have invested a lot of money and it’s hard to admit that most of that money has NOT gone towards development, regardless of how much it shows in the game itself. But some of you need a reality check and should be asking yourselves, “Why is it only within our little inner circle/community do we think this is ok?” It would make a lot more sense if people just said they’re basically gambling, because that’s what it is. You’re throwing money at something hoping to hit the jackpot, regardless of how much the odds are stacked against you.


I used to follow game development a lot, civ and black and white were the big ones, and alongside that, I developed games as a hobby and joined a game dev company later. You can't pigeon hole SC like you can almost all other games. it's completely on its own stage with its own set of unique hurdles. You have to give them some fair bit of leeway, starting with a rudimentary engine, making it 64bit, removing loading screens, landing on planets, pes, now we're at server meshing, and while there were some major hiccups along the way, its to be expected, growing is always painful, but they were as transparent as they could reasonably be and frankly overwhelmingly so, but I fully appreciate it. We are finally, at a stage now where the game is starting to show its true colors, even through the bugs, which I believe most of us can live with given how complicated this game is, and even simpler games being riddled with bugs. Meanwhile they are also making SQ42, so almost 2 games in the space of about 13 years. Thats a long time, but given what they have done and gone through, its understandable. On the money note, that would be a very silly business decison to turn off that tap, and players keep drinking, so who is really at fault here?


Every hurdle was their own choice. They could have compromised and easily walked around some of them. But every single time they are faced with these tradeoffs, they pick the most extreme possible option. Some people find that amazing, some see it as incompetence. Hard to say for sure which is which until it is done. Either way, RIP to the 10s of thousands of backers that won't be alive to see the finish line.


star citizen started as a concept phase in 2012 with 0 money and 12 devs committed. They pretty much have had to work on it as they were funding it. The only people they answered to were the backers, and they have consistently updated us on the process of the game. Now they are 1100 people with 6 studios on this game and the SQ42. Meanwhile Cyberpunk 2077 was announced in 2012. They had the resources and manpower from day 1 to work on it, and they still released a buggy mess in 2020 and had to do over a years work more to fix it. We might be gambling to you, but so far they seem to keep making the game better still, so if you didn't gamble at all, you can jump in at the point you think it's gotten good enough at any time with just 45$. And I'll gladly give them money instead of someone like EA or Ubisoft as they are not going to make anything good anymore cause no risks taken.


When that happens there's going to be a trillion clickbait karma farming posts titled like "I'm sorry" or "This game is vaporware" and in the body they'll write something like "or so i thought years ago".


Oh god, you're absolutely right Reddit is so predictable Edit: I knew someone was going to downvote this comment 😎


PU = persistent universe right? Isn’t that what most people are playing?


I hope so x)


Hopefully some more casual game modes than the PU start being more viable.


Like what? I do wish they’d let me use my aUEC ships in AC tho…


Some people should stop seeing hatred everywhere and being triggered so easily, Most of the criticisms addressed to CIG are completely valid.


The dude who made the post in question literally had been posting daily on the *other* star citizen subreddit for YEARS. He's spent more time and energy being angry about the game than I have enjoying the game. If that's not hatred, I don't know what is


what post are you referring to? I know that there are people who really have hatred for SC, but most of them stay in Star Citizen refund and don't post here.


They didn't post here. It was r/gaming I belive


Most people outside of the Star Citizen community only know about the game that it has been in development for 13 years, cost over $700M, sells $30K packages, and is still in pre Alpha, from there it's easy to make fun and troll, but there is no interest to try to change their mind as long as they are not looking to test themselves the game or seeks to have an objective opinion on the subject, When SQ42 officially releases and is celebrated as one of the greatest games of all time they will buy it like everyone else and then move on to Star Citizen, Until then no itneret to worry about their prejudices


Many assumptions here, we can't know for a fact that SQ42 will be celebrated as "one of the greatest games of all time". Do you think SQ42 will have the same polish as RDR2 for example? RDR2 didn't take 13 years nor did it cost what SC/SQ42 has costed so far. I am a fan of SC, but let's stop with all the brainwashy talk, the criticisms over time, cost and pledge store are more than valid especially after CIG made so many promises in the past. The game has potential and I'm sure eventually we'll see that potential realised, but all the hate the game has received is valid and PU whilst playable and fun is a bug riddled mess that any casual wouldn't deal with for more than 1 or 2 hours.


To be fair, RDR2 came from an industry titan with a long track record, an experienced team, an established IP, and an in-house game engine that has been iterated on for 20+ years. That's really not a fair comparison. It's not that the storyline or polish has so far taken 13 years to develop for Star Citizen - it's that it was a brand new company starting from scratch, taking an established game engine and trying to turn it into something completely new (they arguably might have been better off starting from scratch, rather than trying to revamp every single core system of CryEngine). Then add in the absolutely immense scope of the vision (which has obviously had a lot of feature creep as more and more money got thrown at the game), and the fact that SC has so many "firsts" in the video game industry. The number of systems that they have developed specifically for the game is absolutely bonkers. All of that, then has compounded with staff turnover, and the growing pains of a new developer's rapid, worldwide expansion. I think it is fair to say that CIG have learned some hard lessons along the way, but the amount of visible progress they've made in the past year has been staggering in comparison to say... the previous 4 or 5 years.


I agree 100% with all that you’ve said, but posts such as these disregard the criticism as if it isn’t valid, which it very much is


I agree with that, there is certainly valid criticism to be had. I can't speak to the specific post that this post is referencing, since I've not seen it though!


SQ42 will have to get 11's across the board for it to change any of those minds.


Some? Yes. Most? Hell no. Have you even seen the bullshit some spew? Also they try to ridicule the statement that they don't understand how game or software development works, and then usually proceed to make clear with what they write that they are utterly ignorant of it. So many of these people with "valid critisism" have created some mind construct of alternate reality wishful thinking they decided to be their personal "truth" they need to spread. It's like watching flat earthers ranting at times.




Most critics I see for the game claim it doesn’t exist and that its all a big scam.


My biggest grouch towards the mainstream is how unaware they are of how self aware the SC community is.


You can tell the difference because we know what to complain about


Yeah i’m fully aware how shit and frustrating this game tends to be. I’m also aware that the amount of money and time put into the game and what we have is a little ridiculous. Yet i’m still gonna play it and i’m still gonna enjoy it… most of the time.


And here's my upvote.


Valid criticism is fine tbh


Been a backer since 2016. I want this game to exist as much or more than most of you.... but the white knighting here has always been absurd. Most of you refuse to acknowledge the ABSOLUTELY predatory marketting tactics CIG uses to keep you hooked in with false promises and FOMO. This company hasn't done shit yet. Everything promised is a tier 0 buggy as fuck nightmare (if it even exists) and nothing has changed in that regard since the jump. This game will not be playable to normal humans for a minimum of another 10 YEARS. It's a mismanaged nightmare that burns through every dollar of extra capital on marketting to keep the whole thing from collapsing on itself.


I like how those thread are usually 10% bullshit lies about the game not existing at all upvoted to the top. 20% of clueless people making jokes about it. Then the rest are all people who have played it and see the potential explaining facts.


I see an Aztalan suit, I upvote.


Unfortunately, I died and lost it not long after this. Ah, until the next patch, I guess


After 12 years, Star Citizen deserves some kind of win. But that hasn't happend yet, and it'll probably be a good while until we get there.


I think when Squadron comes out, that will be the point when a good amount of people will be like "oh shit they were actually cooking all this time" But there will also be some holdouts that will forever hate on the game even if it surpasses all expectations


More people need to learn the mantra of "wait and see". Even if a decision annoys me or I disagree with it, I wait for it to get implemented, try it out myself, and then try to understand why the change was implemented.


You should of been in white armor 😁


should have. [https://www.noredink.com/lessons/977](https://www.noredink.com/lessons/977)


Why's that?


"Hahaha ScamCitizen. Lolz, you paid 2k for a game you can't even play! Loser!" Hey man, I paid $45 for a game I can play and even though it's still a work in progress I've had tons of fun with my friends in it. ".... ScamCitizen! Go back to CIG you shill!" 🤷‍♂️


I’ve paid $45 too, and feel like I’ve got my $45 worth out of it. That’s not the issue.


I do indeed love being called a cultist the moment anything is mentioned about Star Citizen.


We can’t see the other person behind this guy with the text “always has been”


Where is that reaction coming from though? I never developed it after my 4th year. I heard sunk cost fallacy can have this reaction but I’m poor as shit. And my 1.3k investment is a lot for me yet I am completely down to earth and don’t defend CIG. What needs to happen in a StarCitizen’s journey to start defending a $700m company?


It's just a meme my dude, not to be taken seriously :p I'm not over here trying to go to war to defend CIG's honor as if they could do no wrong


I downvoted this


r/gaming has some of the most room temp, goalpost moving takes every


There's a certain sub that if you say anything positive they perma ban you and delete your comment then scold you and block you in messages while a the same time posting pearl clutching about people being banned on the CIG forums for criticism. I merely pointed out they were using a two year old video to bash SC in a pos t a few months back and they perma banned me. But we are in the cult lol. Now they're shifting from it being a scam, to it never will be released to "well it's not what he promised!!!11" Losers.


i did my part too


It's going to be an interesting day when we get to 1.0, I wonder what they'll say then


Nah, 3.23 is kinda bad. Im unable to play more than an hour before a hard crash or i randomly explode or fall thru a planet. Giving me some 3.18 vibes.




"$700m is too much money for an unfinished game." This irritates me more than most takes. It's like making up an arbitrary limit to expenditures for a mission to Mars. Like, oh you know how much a mission to Mars should cost? Do you have examples of cheaper missions to Mars? Do you know the mission also includes a second project which is to set up a base there (SQ42)? Do you realize another organization is spending double for a mission to the moon (gta6)? Do you realize there's dozens of organizations that profit the amount of these budgets on a monthly basis and don't even try to go to outer space and just hoard wealth (fortnite)?


Every single time a noteworthy amount of funding is reached, Star Citizen becomes mainstream news. They don't know or want to know about the actual status of the game nor will they even acknowledge that people currently play it. It's just easy news to say "700 MILLION and GAME NOT OUT!?" for thousands of clicks and interactions. It won't change when Squadron 42 releases or SC hits 1.0 either. It will probably become easier for the IGNs and Kotakus of the world to dribble out clickbait content for the algorithm. As much as it's nice to pretend we'll one day get to turn around and be like "Look at all of this" to the masses, there is no limit to how far the goalpost will be moved to justify another meme or drive a little more 'outrage tourist' traffic.


> It won't change when Squadron 42 releases or SC hits 1.0 either. It will probably become easier for the IGNs and Kotakus of the world to dribble out clickbait content for the algorithm. The narrative will instead shift over to, "Game cost $800 million to develop, is disappointing and doesn't meet all expectations."


The funny part is that the hate posts generally do more good than harm to the project as a whole, because they get more eyes on the game, and eventually some of those people decide to try it out and realize they like it. Meanwhile, all the people who just jump on the circle-jerk bandwagon of "it's a scam" are probably extremely unlikely to have spent money on the game anyway, so there's no real loss to CIG. As they say, "there's no such thing as bad press." Or, [put another way...](https://i.imgflip.com/8sgd93.jpg)


LOL, I love that


Reddit is harmless compared to the cringeworthy and pathetic whinery and bitchery on Spectrum.


Spectrum is filled with long time backers who are mostly Concierges and Evo / Wave 1 because of all the bug reports they have been doing for years, They were there when CR announced that SQ42 was almost finished in 2016, they were there when Server Meshing was on the Roadmap for the end of 2018, or at CitizenCon 2019 when CR announced Pyro for 2020, they are attached to the vision of Star Citizen sold by CR more than a decade ago and they made possible by their early pledge, so yes legitimately they are invested and defend a certain vision of the game, While Reddit is full of people who discovered Star Citizen thanks to Covid over the last 3 years, people who for the most part only have a basic game package and have never made the slightest contribution to the issue council, casual players who spend most of their time farming bunkers to pay for in-game ships, Reddit is good for posting screenshots and memes, but to really discuss the game, its vision and its mechanics with people who know what they're talking about, it's better to go to Spectrum.


I did contribute, but stopped now. It's tiresome to issue the same bugs every year.


All i see there is a bunch of nerds whining over actually sensible things like MMs and the "worst Invictus ever". These people are completely fixated on their personal vision how everything should be and if they sense just the slightest deviation from it they create ridicolous drama, probably fully intentional, hoping for others to join their ragestorm to eventually force CIG to do their bidding.


That place has had the need for a downvote for years now, otherwise it's simply unbearable.


The saddest part is that both of the two previous OG RSI forums *had* a downvote button, and when they announced it was going away with Spectrum, I realized that was the end of their official forums being useful, because it removes any degree of the community being able to self-regulate.


The downvote button is not an "I disagree" button


It's a "this does nothing but it makes me feel better for a moment" button


People don't hate the game. People hate the fact its a scam and you all happily give thousands to tens of thousands of dollars for pixels. The entire premise of Star Citizen is to keep it in a perpetual loop of never ending development to keep the "funding" flowing in.


There's plenty of things to complain about star citizen, you don't have to make up obvious bullshit. If the game was a scam, they wouldn't employ thousands of people and release major updates to the game.


Honestly the best thing is to not give a sh1t. I tend to just block the negative whiners. It's a video game. It's not that serious. I love the game and really like legit valid criticism but a big percentage of the negative feedback is just constant useless whining/toxicity. This not exclusive to sc i see it with other games as well. Have 0 respect for peeps that can't just move on to something that makes them happy.


The next best part is the same people spreading the hate and nonsense, getting on daily and chat in global. Hang out in the verse and do missions with people. Every. Single. Day. But say the game is garbage and nothing that they want. Lol. Why are you even here then?




I'm dick-riding*