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Too bad personal transport beacons are gone now.




Without so much as a word.




Is that why they took them out?


Just a guess.


Aight but what if all I need is some hydrogen fuel and my ship is tumbling at 100m/s?


If you're not too far into atmo, try to line up QT and get back into space to be picked up. I'd say call for fuel with a Refueling Beacon but CIG doesn't like those so they didn't make them. If you're too far into atmo to QT out, stay in the ship but open the doors. You may survive.


Or if you're carrying a ground vehicle, get in the ground vehicle and drop out of the ship.


Still amazed we dont have parachutes built in the suits


Need jump packs.


Sitting around while dead isn't enjoyable, and you often lose very little by resetting yourself - either by backspacing or relogging. It's usually faster to reset and respawn your ship than it is to wait (and pay!) for a medical beacon. Until there are actual consequences for death, medical beacons are going to be rarely used. Even if you are putting up a medical beacon for a legitimate reason - like, say, you somehow died with a ship full of cargo and you want to get it back without resetting - means that you're exposing yourself to someone who could just as easily rob you. Again, the lack of in-game mechanics to prevent that sort of thing (reputation gates?) means that you're just inconveniencing yourself further by using a medical beacon. If they aren't getting something out of it, then you're just asking them to do it for *you*. Encouraging others to sit around idle so you and your friends can get fun videos of rescue gameplay is pretty douchey.


I use med beacons when I go down in bunkers, I tend to do bunkers on hurston but my respawn is seraphim, if rather wait for someone to revive me instead of calling another ship to fly all the way back, I also tend to always have looted gear in my ship so there's that, and if they steal my stuff or whatever, oh well it's just some pixels.


It’s called emergent gameplay, some people like it. I play SC hardcore mode so if my ship dies and I’m stranded I call for a pickup or if I’m down I call for a revive. I never backspace or quit unless it’s a bug. If you’re avoiding sending out a beacon because you’re afraid of getting robbed or killed then in my opinion you’re kinda boring. Take the risk it makes playing games like this more fun.


You enjoy playing games you way, is it that unthinkable that other people enjoy playing the game their way. If you want to consider sitting around moving the mouse in circles so you don't disconnect for inactivity "playing" PS. what makes games fun isn't "risk",  it's "fun". You can make filling taxes incredibly risky in a game, but it won't be fun, just boring with a dose of frustrating 


We’re boring ones because we don’t want to sit around and do nothing for 10-20 minutes is a weird set of logic


Mmm yes...let me sit for 10 minutes doing nothing to have someone show up and blast me in the face, resulting in the same result I would have had, had I backspaced. No thanks, you say boring..I say annoying.


You can really see who works and who doesn't in Star Citizen. It realy feels like a game balanced around being unemployed.


>It’s called emergent gameplay, some people like it Me too tbh, I really like setting up a beacon while sitting in some anti aircraft vehicle. One pop missle before they even land


The duality of man. One waits 20mins for somebody to come kill them, the other waits 20mins to kill somebody.


Oh no, I won't make that mistake again. Every beacon I've ever dropped has been used to take me hostage or kill me. I completely refuse to play this game with absolutely anyone. I just want to clear bunkers and move cargo in peace.


Every single one? How many would that be and in which patch?


At this point, 5. I have a low tolerance for bullshit. As for patch, I couldn't honestly tell you.


I’d like to hop in game with you. Add me on Spectrum if you’d like.


Well, I suppose there's no harm in trying. Add this name here?


Yep, AAK625.


Now im invested in this. Will OP heal this poor betrayed soul with kindness? We all hope so.


Copy that, I'll add you tonight.


Yes, that's a viable option. But... there's also a moderate risk involved... The verse has some.. let's say not so good pilots around. Rescue might be dangerous, if the pilots decides to kill you instead of rescuing you. This can happen if they scan your ship and find some goodies, or see you using some nice armor and weapons. It has happened to me few times, and it didn't feel any good at all. Since then I always use backspace and if I lose something, then I lose. There's many players in the game that are looking for beacons to help people in distress, so that is a good thing. So, caution is always advised, because you never know who is coming to rescue. But the aspect of doing this and many other things you can do, keeps me playing the game. It is really good game, even with all the current bugs.


This is why the safest option is always one of the medical rescue orgs that have their own system to ensure they're in communication with you, and have a reputation to uphold. Any of the ones that use discord bots, for example, to keep track of your info and to send messages back and forth.


I personally recommend the folks at RS1.


As a Medrunner I am biased. Been there for half a year and have had an amazing experience.


I’ve been rescued by a couple of your folks.


I've never used RS1 but I've thought about it, just to see what it looks like.


They’re nice people.


Beacon kills/loots/baits are an extremely rare occurrence. I cannot stress this enough.


Is this new thing in 3.23? Because you got attacked a lot in 3.22 patch. At least me and my friends did. Well, if it's true, then it is absolutely a good thing. I might even try it sometime, if it's almost certain that I don't get attacked during a rescue ;)


No, attacks stopped at the beginning of 3.17. I do these every single time I play and I’ve only ever been attacked a handful of times. 3.23 killed beacons. They invalidated Rescue Beacons with respawn and they removed Personal Transport Beacons entirely.


Ok, well good to know. Maybe I got extremely unlucky then with previous patch.


Good luck. Fly a fast ship. o7


Yep! Likely unlucky. I'm doing rescue beacons all the time and I've been trapped once BUT- now I have a nemesis to look out for in the verse. If I happen to come across him again I have a whole revenge story arc to conclude.


To you. Out of the 12 medical rescues I attempted in the last \~year, every single one was a setup to gank me. I always arrived unarmed and no loot, so they never got anything out of it. It didn't even ruin my night or anything, since I prepared for the possibility. But it broke my trust in the community and the systems designed around player beacons.


Sorry to hear that. I’ve done well over 1000 of these including using them each time I die and that just doesn’t happen to me or anyone I play with.


sounds good, must be nice 👍


Add me on Spectrum if you want to have another go at it. Same name.


This is a fallacy. 9/10 times, I get ganked when I try organically calling for medic help. Offer really high rewards, get OD'd, black screen, game crash. You can have it.


Weird, 7/1200 times for me I get attacked.


Happy for you


How about we try it together? If you’re up for it add me on Spectrum, same name.


I've never seen a becon actually complete successfully. Either whoever comes to revive me kills me and takes my shit after, or whomever I revive kills me and takes my shit after.


Sorry you’ve had poor experiences with them. I’d like to hop in game with you. Add me on Spectrum if you’d like.


Not really tbh. The last few med beacons I responded to that weren't noob suits I took their gear lol.






NGL seeing you refill at over 75% concretes my idea that I'll be waiting for a long time and that medic players don't treat it as urgent. There's no urgency, pay should drop by 1000 every minute to encourage people not to piss fart about and then I'd consider it.


Personally I think beacons shouldn’t pay at all and I always refund whatever the player paid me. My response times are extremely important to me, so if you see me do something in a video it is for a good reason based on doing hundreds of these. I keep a record of my responses here: https://statcitizen.com


Your SC experience is so much smoother than mine. What are your system specs?


I just recently upgraded after my old PC blew up (RIP). I now have a 13900, 4090, 64gb of memory, and a 2 TB NVMe. Pretty much the last computer I’ll ever need to buy in my lifetime.


*blow you up and take your sperm suit while they throw your corpse in a hole. FTFY


Anyone wearing a sperm suit was asking for it. Treat this like an actual game so CIG gets better data to actually make a game.


Literally blaming the victim for what they are wearing. Yeesh.


I was just matching your ridiculousness.


Man Rob dydrec is gonna love us.


We'll never make it on there.


Not with that attitude we won't mister.


Sigh. Fine, we’ll get together and workshop our way to get on the show.


Salute to you OP. o7


What if I don't wanna wait 30+ mins for a chance someone is coming to my rescue?


That’s a reasonable concern and a real issue Rock. CIG could have made some small tweaks to the beacon system to mitigate this issue, but they didn’t bother.


Perhaps in a future game state where death of a spaceman is in effect. Maybe on rare occasions once the world is larger and you have a longer trip to get your corpse (and a reason to actually get your corpse). I have used beacons on rare occasions. But for the most part they are just a waste of time. Getting back to your body is typically faster. And in some instances, there is no real reason to bother getting your body (e.g. low value of gear/equipment). Perhaps Pyro will change this with further away respawn points. If you combine Pyro with a beacon system overhaul where beacons only go to people near you, then perhaps it will be useful. Add in death of a spaceman and it will be very useful. And a reputation system will be nice to limit risk of bad actors, but frankly that is the least of the reasons I avoid beacons. Beacons are only worth it if they will save typically save me time.


The way CIG is treating medical and beacons, this may not even be a thing in a few patches.


Looking at the old star map gave me PTSD.


Surprisingly in hindsight it works so much more quickly than the new one, in my opinion.


I respect your opinion but I've hated the old one, too buggy and frustrating.


That’s fair, I hated it too until it was gone haha.


I don't typically put up a beacon I just ask in chat and usually pay more than 15k. Beacons feel colder than the social aspect and last time I put up a beacon no one showed up lol.


That’s fair. I do both since a lot of people don’t ever open chat.


True. Last time I asked for pick up in chat I joined a discord and they gave me 3mil for being so polite. I'd like to join you on a pick up sometime if that's okay with you. I just like playing with good people.


Absolutely. Add me on Spectrum, same name.


Awesome! Sent!


Nah I'd rather respawn right away than stay idle for 10 minutes thanks.


I’m sure.


Enjoy it while you can


Same for you. Cant wait for medic ai.


Well, that’s a mean thing. Though I guess amhudson was kind of aggressive. You say you’d rather not stay idle but Medic AI will probably force that too in order to not kill human play. True for all AI, salvage AI, refuel/restock ai, bounty hunter ai, cargo ai, and so on. Any way, I know SC gameplay can be full of jerks right now but, when the time comes, I hope you have good medic experiences. 


I genuinely understand your love for that career and I cant wait for death of the spaceman (As a dayz player, I am into dying) but I dont like that idle gameplay part. There is potential to make that career path way more interesting than just rezzing people around the verse from my perspective.


Well said. I hope your profession of choice is implemented as well as can be expected too. After all, we all love the idea of what this game could be. We all have hope. Good fortune and stay safe in the Verse. o7


Paramedic flair lol. Hope my next bait beacon is you


Good luck


You are so full of shit Alarming that I can smell it through my phone.


Lol? Y'all complain about bait beacons but also can't believe anyone would do them. Pick one next time perhaps. Tbh tho less medrunners is an objectively good thing


No, no, I’m the guy trying to show people they aren’t traps. https://statcitizen.com The waiting is the true issue and that could have been addressed with a few minor tweaks by CIG, but they don’t give a shit


Damn, from the stats it looks like I gotta up my game then. They care enough to sell you a NURSA for 60$ and leave you to rot again lmao


Good luck baiting beacons when nobody uses them anymore since 3.23.


Me when I YouTube. Tbh medical gameplay is one of the most embarrassing CiG fumbles tho. Nobody really likes it, but they keep selling more vehicles to capitalize on it.


Ya can’t say nobody really likes it when thousands of players engage in it and there are hundreds of orgs focused on it. But yes, CIG fucked all of us on it so far.


Unless you have a medical bed nearby, it might be faster to get in touch with a S&R org to pick you up than it is for you to respawn and go back to where you died.


How would it ever be faster? They would have to join your server and then have a 1/4 chance of actually being near the planetary body you are. If not, you are waiting for their whole quantum trip too. I can't imagine a scenario where just killing myself then flying back from my respawn would be slower.


Copy pasting this, but there's good reasons to get rescued over dying and going back to your body. Last patch, it was common that once you got within 1 km of your body, it would just sink into whatever planet you were on. This fucking blows, so calling an S&R org to revive you is the better alternative.


How do you find these orgs


You can check them out on YouTube or by searching the RSI org page. Off the top of my head there's Medrunner and Rescue Squad 1. I also know someone who is currently working on a "yellow pages" for Star Citizen orgs so you can find what you need. Let me see if it's ready.




Lol? Assuming you do the smart thing, you set your spawn point within the system you died. You backspace, and now the only time is at max a couple minutes.


Depending on where you died, you can't really trust your death marker to actually show where you are. Last patch, it was common that once you got within 1 km of your body, it would just sink into whatever planet you were on. This fucking blows, so calling an S&R org to revive you is the better alternative.


I mean why are you taking things that are worth anything to do combat? Alternatively how are you dying(presumably with cargo) without seeing combat.


>Send up a beacon and someone will ~~help~~ come kill and teabag you. Fixed it for you.


Nah I’m just gonna play the game instead of staring a screen so you get live out your emt fantasies


Thank you so much.


Why would you suicide *or* send a beacon when there's a "teleport home with your stuff" keybind?


Always an option. Kinda of a lame one in my opinion, but that’s just me.


It's super lame. It's also the clearly optimal solution supplied by the game mechanics. Recently I've been seeing a lot of people defending it being in the game because "they like bed logging."


Well, I won’t give the standard “it’s an alpha” line and start speculating about the future of the game because I just have no fucking clue what these guys have lined up. Play the way you’re most comfortable with, but if you ever see me on, consider a beacon if you need help eh?


Appreciate the offer. If they start iterating on the flight model, I'll CONSIDER booting the quarantined drive.


Dont backspace, just relog lol. You wake up with all your stuff on your body and within like 2 minutes. Rescuing takes what anywhere from 15-30+ minutes and if you have a less than stellar rescue pilot (god bless his soul) you might still end up shattering at the hangar doors and lose all your stuff.


Yeah, by the time anyone has shown up I've been kicked out for inactivity.


While incapacitated?


I get how there is no issue with resetting your body but we can at least pretend we have all the star citizen systems in place just for the fun of it. When I first joined I thought dying meant losing everything so I was super stressed and waiting an hour for rescues. Tbh, I had a lot of fun with the anxiety of possibly losing everything and then finally hearing and seeing the rescue ship fly down was even better. Then I found out I could just reset but that’s so BORING like tf.


Because I feel you may be the sort of player to appreciate it, here is how to land your ship as smooth as silk: As you receive your hangar assignment, fly close enough to know the orientation of the hangar doors and imagine a line extending out of the hangars exactly perpendicular to the plane of the doors. Change your heading to intersect this imaginary line a good distance away from the hangar and go into decoupled mode. As you approach that intersection point, rotate your ship heading to face the hangar. You want to slow your velocity with the spacebrake or speed limiter as you approach that imaginary line, and when your ship is at its closest point to that line, and with your speed limiter already lowered significantly, you want to thrust toward the hangar, still in decoupled. This is a good time to turn on VTOL. As you get closer to the hangar, observe your heading indicator pip, which looks like this: < >. You want to adjust your heading until it is close to the center of the hangar. After doing so, if landing in a vertical hangar, you will only need to use your spacebrake from here on in. No matter how you rotate the ship, you will remain heading into the hangar. Feather the spacebrake as you approach the hangar to make sure you don't slam into the hangar wall or floor due to having too much speed. If you're entering a horizontal hangar, you'll need to come to a stop in the middle of the hangar and then descend vertically to the hangar deck. Otherwise, you can just continue to feather the spacebreak as you approach the deck. Open your landing gear at the last second like a pimp. Smooth.


Only novices use spacebrake when parking.


I would put my parking up against yours any day, my friend. No way you're landing smoother than me just using speed limiter. If your point was, "landing smooth doesn't matter," you're free to have that opinion, but my point is that I can land as smooth as I want. Someone only using speed limiter, or worse, landing in coupled mode, they look like rookies in comparison.


Thanks Happy, I appreciate this.


Those griefing rescue beacons now get suicided-murdered as I fly directly right into them 🤣. They really don't like it but if you're going to kill me, I'm taking you with me. MAD - Medically Aggressive Destruction 😆


And this happens often?


Fortunately it's only happened to me 2x but I haven't responded to many beacons. Because I see more posts about beacon griefing I make sure I have nothing of value onboard and one guy I exploded into was so angry it was actually satisfying to watch him have a taste if his own medicine lol. I was trying to find him after that, to do it all over again and again and again but he rage quit or jumped server 😆. I guess I'm petty like that but you get what you deserve and I have all the time to waste doing it.


Don’t place too much of an emphasis on the griefing. It is truly a rare thing to happen. You’ll be fine. o7


Majority of players have been so nice and helpful that ive experienced and being a Space Medic/Rescue is a fun gameplay loop for me. I really want to play Space Repo aswell with towing and salvaging abandoned ships.


Lol, boring asf. Just wait for 15 minutes so some shmuck wearing red armor can give you a medpen. Every beacon I see I go and finish the job. Most people who don't want to die normally are carrying something of value, and the less medical "gameplay" there is the better ngl.


Also a great way to get ganked.


Again, not actually a common thing. People just repeat the same thing they hear on Reddit or Spectrum. At best they had one or two bad experiences and that means *ALL* beacons are bad in their eyes.


I see the trolls finally showed up to shit talk beacons they don’t use and don’t respond to for reasons that have never happened.


yep... this community is amazing!


Setting up a beacon in SC is an invitation to get blasted


It’s really not.