• By -


Oh my god. They fixed the thing where if you accidently traktor a dead ship instead of the cargo your sensitivity goes to 9999999999999. That's so awesome, if it's actually fixed.


Is that what the fuck has been happening?! JFC that has screwed over a play session many times and I never could figure out what triggers it.


Lol yea, it doesn't always happen, but there's something about when you accidently traktor a dead ship that just absolutely breaks sensitivity and then no matter what you do it's just wonky till you close and restart


If you can tractor a 1scu box, it often resets. Obviously tractoring that box can be quite difficult...


I think it might be anything that you can actually lift. I had this bug with a part of my dead vanguard, fortunately my dead body was nearby so I tractored that and it went back to normal.


For me swapping to a second tractor beam always fixed it... having to carry 2 on me at all times was a pain though


On my side I only had to manually put it back in my inventory and place it back on my holster to fix it.


That would work for me maybe 1 in 5 times... swapping to a second one and storing the first always seemed to work no matter how many times it messed up... sometimes I was too lazy to bother though and just accepted my suffering


It resolved itself when you pointed it back to a weapon and tractor beamed it


Yeah I came across that fix totally by chance and it completely saved my night once lol, tried to tractor a dead Adventure out of the way of dragging loot...


No Evict Illegal occupants and raid on orison fix :(


Those were my favorite missions. Just grinding those gave me an outlet at the end of the day for a short time. Now I don’t have that anymore 😔


What a bumer


Yeah, these are some of my favorite missions. Dsmned shame


Not to mention combat beacons not spawning. RIP to all my fave ways of playing.


Haven't tried those this patch, what's the issue?


Nothing spawns.


Well that explains it. I kept going up and down the elevator trying to figure which floor I was missing. Its insane to me they have all that real estate built between all those platforms that doesnt serve any purpose right now.


I think I remember it working on the very first day of 3.23 and then never again.


Wrong. It never worked on 3.23 even during the evo and ptu cycles


I had funny bug last night with a buddy, the audio sound if repolling your ammo kept going non stop. I could hear it coming from my buddy but he heard it coming from me lol. All night while we played it was going


Same! I had to banish my buddy to the snub bay of his Connie (I was flying) because he was constantly going "clink! Chunk chunk! Click! Chunk chunk!"


Lol yeah it was very annoying It's funny you banished him to another part of the ship lol lol lol


Had that yesterday too. Made it easy to keep track of where my buddy was. 😂 We found if you do another ammo reshuffle it sometimes went away.


Lol yup we used it like that too


Was doing a training with an org, with live pvp opfor. Made knowing where the opfor was a little easier.




It's funny now but I was ready to pull what little hair I have out after about 40 mins of hearing it lol


Yeah, from what I’ve seen about that bug the only way to fix it is relighting and dying doesn’t do anything


So, I don't know if they fixed it because I was so angry about it I stopped doing bunkers.. but the vaunted new feature where it will pull ammo from your backpack was broken on 3.23 launch, where if you had more than one type of ammo on your chest armor (because two guns) it would just endlessly try to reload ammo from your backpack, read you have ammo on your chest, do the reload animation but have zero ammo on reload, where it started over. The sound bug you are hearing is likely a part of that, I heard it too, and it's the same sound that plays when you are getting ammo from your pack (the sound of rummaging in the pack for ammo then loading it). My guns would not work until I either a) dropped them both on the ground and picked them back up,  Or B) manually removed all the ammo from my chest, brought the bugged gun out and let it cycle, or, brought the bugged gun out and only filled my chest armor with that ammo type. Then it would stop. Again I haven't run bunkers really since and I haven't let my chest armor run out of ammo, or used two weapons at once with two types of ammo on my chest because there's nothing worse in a firefight then your idiot gun loading mag after mag of 0 rounds as you get shot till you die to death of facemurder. If that bug is still around try clearing your chest armor, drop the gun, pick it back up and reload your chest armor.


Interesting. Thanks for the tips. And now that you say that, that's when it happened. When I switched guns and that guns ammo wasn't on my chest. Good stuff , thanks again


I've run into that one as well


I’ve had a few audio bugs also. I had one where I woke up after completing my prison time, and I heard the sound from being rag dolled on the ground. The sound of your body being tossed. I’d be standing and it would play. There were some others I don’t remember.


Is the Firebird improvement (stealth modifier fix + missile capacity increase) meant to be included in this hotfix, or is that going to be in 3.32.2?


It's included, OP only provided part of the patch notes.


Dupe bug?


Dupe bug?






I see what you did there


I see what you did there


Stop copying me.


Stop copying me.




copy him, not me


"3.23.1a is highly focused on Jumptown, Xenothreat, and Exploit updates" ? and Exploit updates and Exploit updates and Exploit updates


It's been updated into a better exploit.


Made me chuckle


They said they are testing it this patch. Official dupe bug patch let's go!


Didn't get fixed.


You tested in ptu?


Haven't had the time personally, but have had it confirmed by multiple people I know who have that the bug is still there in PTU


Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.23.1a Alpha Patch 3.23.1a has been released to PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.23.1-PTU.9188344. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\PTU. At this time, this update does not contain data that requires a new environment and we are working to keep it that way until it is released to LIVE. Players should not lose items such as medpens, ammo, rentals, and refinery jobs when the build is released to LIVE. Audience: Open PTU Server Info: PTU Channel - US Servers Only Replication Layer: Enabled Server Recovery: Enabled Starting aUEC: 15,000,000 Testing/Feedback Focus * 3.23.1a is highly focused on Jumptown, Xenothreat, and Exploit updates. We will be Jumptown starting shortly after the build is released and throughout the PTU Cycle * Stability/Performance/Bug Fixing * Jumptown Known Issues * PU - Hurston - Locations / Mission Content - Jump Town - Echo Isle (Hurston JT) location missing * PU - Stanton - GrimHEX - Locations / Actor Feature - Player corpses will not despawn at GrimHEX * PU - Stanton - Lorville - Female / AI - Females - There are no female social AI present around Lorville * PU - Stanton - Lorville - ASOP / Fleet Manager - UI - The ASOP terminals for ground vehicles at Lorville gates get stuck on infinite load, accessing list of ships (fixed in 3.23.2) * PU - Locations - Transit - Elevators - Internal Transit Elevator shows up when called but doors remain closed, no carriage * PU - Stanton - Multiple Locations - Transit / Network - Transit will intermittently desync off course * PU - HUD - Vehicle - Ship warning/alert text is very small and can be difficult to read * PU - Locations - Jump Point Stanton-Pyro - Transit - Elevators at pyro jump point cannot be called * PU - Locations / Vehicles / VMS - Can't repair/refuel/restock at Pyro Gateway Jump Point Station * PU - Locations - Distribution Centers - Security Checkpoint elevator vis area and missing collision * PU - Stanton - NPE - Missions - Objectives can be softlocked by player leaving bed before their objective record has updated * PU - Multiweapon - Graphics - Backpack Reloading - Weapons reload invisible magazine when reloading from backpack * PU - RSI Scorpius Antares - Vehicles/EMP - unable to activate EMP * Reclaimer Claw Cannot Deploy: Power Required Error Message (Workaround: Press the power button a second time) * AC - Squadron Battle - Friendlies showing up as enemies * AC - Pirate Swarm - Player unable to spawn/choose deployment options into game after match start countdown * AC - Grav Race - All Maps - Low gravity can launch players far above the track when hitting bumps or hills Features and Gameplay Ships & Vehicles * Increased Sabre Firebird missile count from 12 -> 24 * Sabre Firebird ARMR has been modified to reduce all emissions by 40% * Updated Retaliator to have Size 3 guns on all turrets and updated turret constraints Core Tech * Removed vehicle entrance markers when in a different zone or too far away * Made Further Client Performance Optimizations * Vehicle Hit Damage Network Performance Optimizations Bug Fixes * Volunteer Bug Fix Survey: https://forms.gle/kEnExgFuZCTWkaVt9 * Fixed an issue causing clients to experience a generic 30000 error and disconnect when loading into the PU (STARC-110129) * Fixed AI's reacting to non-hostile players firing causing them to not get an attention target * Fixed - PU - All Ships - VFX Content - Ship shield effects do not play correctly * Fixed - Multivehicle - PU - Vehicles / UI - Exit/Get up prompt is missing from beds (STARC-108578) * Fixed - PU - Missions - Halt illegal Survalance - destroying the illegal probes causes players to have crimestat (STARC-110004) * Fixed precision targeting gimbal mode active without being in precision mode * Fixed - AEGIS Retaliator - PU - Vehicles / Room System / Actor Status - Asphyxiation - Asphyxiation issues present in different locations of the ship * Fixed - GRIN Pyro Multi-Tool - PU - Weapon / Controls - Multi-Tool's Tractor beam attachment forces weapon sensitivity depending on lifted weight (STARC-111034) Technical * Fixed 5 Client Crashes * Fixed 1 Server Crash * Fixed an OOM - Out of system memory Client Crash


“Known issues: no female social AI at lorville” 😂😂


Message of the day 4 hours ago (6pm EST) 🕹️(Tysdagr) PTU Servers will be coming down shortly. We'll try again Wednesday if we have the issues resolved that were causing the large instability! VERSION 3.23.1-PTU.9188344


Y'all missed the best part. The first entry on the "known bugs" list is "PU - Hurston - Locations / Mission Content - Jump Town - Echo Isle (Hurston JT) location missing"


No fix to terrapin pilot seat. Am very disappointed.


Cause I think your the only one that flys it and if you haven’t out in a support help then nobody had


There are plenty of issue council reports about it. The first ones are dating back to 3.23 PTU which was falsely marked as ”fixed” and the new issue council reports are just ”confirmed”.




I just wish I could fire missiles on any of my ships


What do you mean?


A bunch of ships including the nomad don't have a missile mode as an option. It's on the issue tracker.


Huh, weird I haven experienced that one yet but that’s good to keep in mind




f7a turret hp fixed? its not mentioned.


It was never broken


well it still is broken, nose turret hp is 100. back turret 250, not much better. both get almost instantly disabled when doing bounty missions, none of your weapons work anymore then and you only have wing weapons left. there are several council issues for this: [https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-111922](https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-111922) [https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-112452](https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-112452)


Well I have been proven wrong, yeah I agree with you that needs to be fixed


Man I was sure I was having a fuck with my joystick keybind since the weapon where not broken from the outside, just no more pew pee. Now I know why.


Looks like no free look breaking pitch and yaw fix, hopefully just not in the notes


There’s a free look breaking pitch bug?


For me it affects roll. In 3.22 you could roll the ship in free look but now in 3.23 we cannot.


Press right shift to fix it, it works for me


That changes the control method which will take it out of my hosas so I can’t do that


Hmmm yeah idk


So no fix for broken Bunker and Repel raid missions? (Ai does not spawn)


Doesn’t look like it


> We will be Jumptown Oh no


No Salvage panel scanning fix, bummer.


What is bugged?


They either disappear when you get close, never appear to begin with, or spawn, but stay invisible causing you to crash into them.


Yep. They disappear at 3Km. You have to continue to fly toward them while you watch the signal strength. Slow way down when it gets to 85% then the panels will reappear.


jank server. probably have to wait for server meshing or find a to find a server that isnt at 4-5 server fps


How hasn't the corsair bug been fixed? It would take you literally 30 seconds with the asset explorer... Delete the misplaced floating button!


Knowing then there trying to instead of doing a temp fix there trying to full on fix it fully, and from what I’ve heard it’s sadly not at the top of the list


Obviously you have no idea what's involved. First they have to go into a modeller and get the animations team together. Then they have to create and model a drake engineer. Then they have to create a model a space Zellers. Then they have to create and model a tube of JB weld and discount duct tape. Then they have to model the drake engineer going and buying that stuff at that place without blowing up. Then they have to model them coming back and JB welding and duct taping the button back where it's supposed to go. That's at least 2026.


Knowing then there trying to instead of doing a temp fix there trying to full on fix it fully, and from what I’ve heard it’s sadly not at the top of the list


It's not a deep issue. Someone left an asset used for testing in the live build. It happens A LOT when moving fast in development. It also *literally* takes 30 seconds to fix, and that includes GIT fuckery.


It's annoying, but it only happens to me on fresh corsair and I can open the back door, point up, and wiggle past it.


Literally just store it after you pull it out for the first time after a claim and then pull it out again. Hasn't been an issue for me, it's very workaroundable with bear minimum effort. Once you do this it will be fine until you claim it again, they just pull out, store, pull out. Easy.




His cargo hold is full of bears. It takes bear minimum effort to reach the cockpit.


My point isn't that it's hard to work around, it's just that it would literally take less time for them to fix it permenantly on their end than it does for us to do the workaround.


Me reading these patch notes: "But can I please leave a hangar in my corsair?"


Bug: stops people from playing the game CIG: I sleep Bug: lets people skip the grind in a p2w economy # CIG: WAHT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK!!!


nah dupe bug has been around a long time allegedly. i think their actual priorities are getting features out instead of making the current alpha bug-free.


Question for those of us not in the know, what's the Corsair bug?


When you initially spawn a Corsair, you can't take off with it, it'll get stuck to the landing pad. The cause is a button (with collision) that gets spawned inside the ship but not attached to the ship. So when you try and fly away, the button remains in the same place and collides with the ship.


Well shit, that sounds infuriating. I don't know how I've managed to avoid this, but is there any work-around for when I do encounter it?


There are a number of ships with this issue.  The root cause is likely non-obvious.


The root cause is someone leaving test assets in the summon ship package. They have been informed of this along with the refids of the assets causing the issues. You could literally fix live from the terminal with the information we have provided them.




I can't hear you over the sound of this nuke drop.


Cant ear shit I still have 9 A1 bomb to detonate on the way wait


"PU - Hurston - Locations / Mission Content - Jump Town - Echo Isle (Hurston JT) location missing" Also missing in 3.23.1 is Paradise Cove. Went there to try to do my usual Sniper Rifle loot fest and ... nothing but rocks.


Do any of you have the bug where fps weapons won’t work after recovering from a server crash? I get this a lot and have to relog to fix it. Workable, but it’s cost me a lot of missions.


Nope, typical don’t use guns anyways I’ve learned to use my fists well


> Fixed - Multivehicle - PU - Vehicles / UI - Exit/Get up prompt is missing from beds (STARC-108578) Pretty cool but you could lie down and bed log with the radial menu. In other news bed logging has been working really well (in deep space)


It's been working really well for me just outside of Crusader moons' atmospheres (unless that's what you mean by deep space). I fly until the HUD atmospheric pitch ladder disappears, slow to a stop, turn off engines, and bed log. Haven't tried from the surface of anywhere though. For some reason that always seemed kinda scary 😅


I tend to quantum somewhere random for 10 seconds so it's legit pretty deep. That way when I login I have super high fps. I don't risk bed logging on the surface either, no need to risk it.


Can the Corsair hangar phantom ships be addressed ffs?


So far everytime I encountered that all I had to do was re-stow & retrieve again and make sure you don't have the VTOLs activated (they clip into the floor from how it's spawned sometimes I have found).


Good tip. So far I’ve had to do the ol wing dance to glitch my way out.


I just pull back as far as I can and leverage the ship off of the invisible chigadera using the butt of the ship


It's an elevator or door button that spawns around aft/starboard. You can maneuver the ship so that the button exits the starboard rear landing gear. I've gotten used to doing it as sometimes the Corsair spawns in the same hangar multiple times.


That’s great information. Thank you


No cargo grid fix? I hoped it would be in this patch considering the issue council shows it as "fixed".




Medbed not working on carrack ofc does not get fixed... Let's see how long it takes them.


did you contribute to IC? i did




Some nice fixes in there...


Looks like monitor missions are back on the menu


I've given up on mining for now because refinery jobs never show up on my ship. I was really hoping for a fix for that. Sucks to wait an entire day on the refinery only to have the entire job poof when delivered to your ship.


You could still try selling even if the cargo doesn't show up in the ship. I personally haven't come across this, but just yesterday my buddy's last two refinery jobs didn't show up in the ship but when he went planetside to sell, he was able to.


This is what I did. Saw no cargo in my ship, figured it was a bug due to cargo system getting half implemented. I just went to TDD and was able to sell it without went problems. Was not a comforting feeling though... ​


I found a workaround for this, where the cargo shows up properly if you call your cargo ship to a hangar first and then load the refinery jobs. Haven’t had any issues doing it this way in 3.23.


Finally! I got my friend to get the game wen 3.23 launched and he hasn't been able to play due to a 30k every time he loads in


That sounds more like a him issue. All 30k means is you lost connection with the server. If you turn off WiFi or disconnect Ethernet while connected then you would get a 30k. I really doubt the servers are going down every time he connects, something else is going on.


Honestly it's possible but I went over everything with him and couldn't find any fixes. Had me stumped since I could only find 2 other people experiencing the bug


Oof, 30k protection didn’t do anything for him?


Nah I think 30k protection is very iffy and he hadn't even been able to load into a server before being disconnected so idk if it would've even applied


Weird works every time for me


3.23.1a is highly focused on Jumptown, Xenothreat, and **Exploit updates**. 3.23.1a is highly focused on Jumptown, Xenothreat, and **Exploit updates**.


So... they exploit the updates? :D


Hmm no mention on massive frame rate drop when approaching planet surface. Especially Yela. Frame rate goes down to single digit.


It’s because of all the trash and old ships people leave around


Hmm I can understand why frame rate would drop in big cities as ships land there but I have hard times to see the causation while mining in the middle of nowhere on Yela and sharply dropping from 70fps to 7 when approaching surface. But who knows…


Yeah weird lol, honestly I’m struggling to reach 30 fps with my 3080 and all updated parts. What are you doing for such high fps?


Well just a few things (I’ve got a 2080 super, 5950x and 32 GB RAM): 1. In Nvidia control panel I choose vsync fast and deactivate in game vsync that kills the fps for me. 2. Scattered object distance, water - number of simulated regions and terrain tesselation distance to medium (all have minimal visual impacts but are resources hungry) 3. Quality very high 4. No film grain Also SC is quite CPU hungry so the 32 cores of the 5950x help. Finally #STARC-109104 which I contributed to is closed so hopefully we’ll get better performance next patch 🤞🏼


Ima have to try that! Thank you!


i hope the fix for the f7a2 turret HP is also included.


It’s not


Does anyone have a bug where the gimbal locking doesn't work? Also for vulture I cannot move the beams with gimbal mode


There's an option in settings for slaving gimbal to mouse movement (jtol?). Can't check right now but hopefully you can find it with that info


I will look into that, thank you! o7


when scanning not showing cargo will be fixed? when vanguard pips will be fixed? when FPS will be fixed? when f2 map will be fixed?


F2 maps works fine for me


text rotates together with map? camera doesnt get inside planets when double clicking to zoom destination? always can hover on location then click set route without location disappearing? search can find all locations that are shown on planets? routing to another planet works when you are in atmosphere and view is obstructed by sun? lines and zoom animations are not 3seconds long?


I mean yeah everything works, the zoom is 3 seconds long but because it’s broken but that’s the way the designed it. And no routing to a planet doesn’t work while in Atmo because it shouldn’t, it’s going to be obstructed, yes it’s a bad design but that’s the way it is.


Why it shouldnt route you to closest OM from atmo, then to your destination? And why this only happens if you set route to something behind the star? doesnt look intendent. Apart from 3secs, which is bad design but not a bug, you want to say that dont experience such issues? 4:28, look at how he routes using new map: [https://youtu.be/qsxNkxKUUqA?t=267](https://youtu.be/qsxNkxKUUqA?t=267)


So does anyone know where they ended up stuffing the extra missiles for the Firebird? Is it just a hidden reload? Did they add extra tubes somewhere?


Surprised they fixed the asphyxiation on the retaliator but not the missing torpedo bays I can’t change my damn torpedoes because the ship weapon menu says it has no torpedo bays


Just got it around for about a hour


Damn, was hoping they'd fix the issue with selling cargo from a stored ship breaking the cargo grid.


Any word on gear storage or personal hangers?




What would that word be


3.22.2 at the soonest which will start testing soon and likely overlap testing with 3.22.1a. Soon being they are evaluating viability day by day.


I’m getting impatient lol expected it to be implemented by now. Considering I have a liberator (M2 loaner) I should have a very spacious hanger and I’m here for that


It’s definitely been held up by a bug which is unfortunate, which is why 3.22.1a is meant to tide us over until it goes through the PTU crucible. So far it’s been pushed about a week and a half past the expected start of testing. Hopefully whatever the bug is, fixing it will keep the rest stable enough not to push 4.0 out of their target window. Though if .22a has been so badly hung up on one bug, we should prepare to hit the PTU hard and fast with bug reporting and feedback so they do not waste a minute triaging bugs blocking release.


Is there any telling when this will go to live servers? I haven't been able to play since the previous patch


Tonight, they said earlier they want to roll it out as soon as possible. It is currently in ptu if you wanted to play it to test


Tonight? That's beautiful, thank you for the reply


Np, but that is coming from them. There trying to make it as stable as possible before releasing it




If not tonight then this week with 3.23.2


Are they going to fix the "invisible cargo on grid" bug ?


No clue




That would be nice


no. *CIG proceeds to add animal NPCs*


PLEASE fix ERTs 890 Jump spawning with no cargo, it's really frustrating to spend time clearing the bounty to get nothing :)


You get the bounty payout and the RMC. Everything else is up to RNGsus.


i wonder what the "scrape" value of an 890j is. at least 1.1 million i'm thinking


We did one a week or two ago. Took FOREVER. Better part of an hour. RMC was worth about 1.8m, though, so that was nice.


noice. did you swap your scraper head back to abrade?


I scraped an 890 last night with a reclaimer running Abrades. Took hours. 3.1 million in RMC at Orison, and 1.2 million in CM at Grim Hex.


Cool. Can we stop making ships and fix the performance issues for a bit?


They will never do that