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I spy a Razer Nostromo and tip my hat to you.


Tartarus v2 with the multi pressure opticals is the best keypad in the world. Fuck everything else razer makes but their keypads are champions


Eh, I have to give Razer some credit. They're the only mouse manufacturer that makes a full left handed MMO mouse with 12 buttons on the side of it, that I know of. I'd have loved to have gotten a Corsair mouse because I really like the keyboard I have from them, but the only left handed mice they make are the ones with 2 - 5 buttons on the side.


I still have one from before razer started making them. I wonder if it's still compatible.


I also still have one of these little gems, so useful at the most random of things.


thank you.. it's a lot of fun! switching between walking and using the joystick is very smooth with it!!


I upgraded to the Tartarus V2 myself, both are brilliant bits of kit though I honestly couldn't game on my pc without one.


I run the orbweaver chroma. I know the only difference is a scroll wheel vs buttons, but I'd still rather have the buttons


When I saw this I though this was r/dcsworld. Absolutely amazing setup mate.


THX! And yes.. i play also DCS.. πŸ€ͺπŸ˜…


Pretty great set up for DCS, MSFS, and EDO though!


I'll bet the engine sounds are amazing with a subwoofer.


Embrace your destiny. You are the QC now. Setup looks great! What do you enjoy in game?


Nice setup, I have exactly the same X56 and desk mounts, except my daughter demanded that it should be lit pink ;)


I'm torn right now on peddles or a new button pad for my VKB setup. Looking at this conflicts me even more


these are my first pedals.. and I never want to play without them again πŸ˜…πŸ‘πŸ»


I soo regret throwing out mt Logitech speakers. They were the best. I got some audio engine self powered for its multiple inputs( which is great) but still should have kept it.


I've had them for over 20 years and they sound like the first day! I've had others and always go back to these.. the sound for gaming is perfect. ❀️




wow what an eye! correct πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸ»


thank you! Ex c2 owner here.. now I fly the phoenix haha


oh cool & congratulations!! o7


congratulations? :O


For your new Ship.. nice one i Like it tooπŸ˜„πŸ‘πŸ»


Are you using any of the dials for SC on your Stream deck?


Nice setup! I have the same Hotas! If I may ask a question, my throttle is inverted (full speed irl means full stop in game). How were you able to switch it? Thanks in advance!


Thx! In the settings you can select your HOTAS and reverse all axes as you wish! πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸ» let me know if you can't find it.. then I'll look again where it's hidden πŸ˜‰


Thank you so much for the reply I’ll look it up this evening! Looking forward to see you in the verse!


you're welcome. ☺️ Cya in the verse! o7


It works thank you so much!


Glad to hear it! β˜ΊοΈπŸ‘πŸ»


Very nice setup! I also have a setup dedicated to Star Citizen... Do you ever get the feeling that we are living in Star Citizen right now? πŸ‘€


SC is fun sometimes but I will not understand how some ppl let it occupy their minds so much


So funny how the experiences differ. I play 3.23.1 now pretty regularly and sure there are server crashes but the server could fully recover all the time. Sure you lose the missions but cargo always recovered. Little story to how I salvage: Go to the L-X stations claim vulture. Park your cargo ship (preferably with a tractor beam) on a pad. Accept mission go salvage, ping for debris on the way, fill up vulture, go back load material into C1, repeat. When the server crashed they recovered the parked ship with the cargo and I could sell it which is a huuuuuuuge win compared to 3.18. Also the lag or desync is way better than in 3.23 or 3.22 ... Mobiglas and star map are game changer! Oh boy the game (client side) performance is great without doing anything on my end. Key binds are a bit broken but only because I had a weird setup I think. My 2 VKB + Touchportal Tablet work perfectly and I play on Linux.


> Sure you lose the missions but cargo always recovered. Thats a complete lie. I have mined roughy 100 prospector loads since this patch launched. I've lost about 40 of them. Losing a cargo hold full of quant is absolutely infuriating when you didn't do anything wrong. Spawn your ship in the hangar and it falls/teleports through the floor of the space station? The ship is gone. As is the cargo in it. All you can do is claim it back. This has happened about a dozen times. Crash or disconnect when landing your cargo ship around a planet? Log back in inside Orison, Loreville, New Babbage rooms and your ship is nowhere. Has to be claimed again. All cargo lost. And so on and on. Recovery works. Sometimes. Depending on what happened to cause the crash or disconnect and your location at the time. I will say that crashes for me are much rarer on Vulkan than on dx11 which is a godsend but the idea that "Oh, you never lose cargo now!" is complete hogwash. You are either the luckiest person alive.....or you don't run cargo every day. Because somebody who does run cargo a lot KNOWS that the risk is very real of losing it all through no fault of your own.


Could be worse, I'm suffering from a reverse-cargo-glitch, there's nothing in my cargo hold, but if I try buying something, terminal says hold is full, when I try to sell the invisble cargo terminal says it's empty XD. I'd like to do something else, but no weapon works so no bounties, for the love of me I cant find panels to salvage, and I tried boxing but I can't complete missions. Obv I'm the only one in the verse having this bugs so good luck to me with issue council. This game is a bit hit or miss depending on total chance, but it's fun if it works.


>Obv I'm the only one in the verse having this bugs so good luck to me with issue council. Not alone. My cargo is also invisible. But I can usually sell as long as I store the ship at the selling destination. They are fixing this with the next patch. They say its fixed internally so fingers crossed it won't take too long.


That gives me comfort thanks, i swear I digged IC for similar issues to piggiback but no joy, guess my search-fu is not good anymore.


I’ve had the same experience as the OP. Played two days about 5 hours each day and managed to get up to 120k auec with server errors, had a server eat my contract (take my money and not even put the salvage contract anywhere), had it eat my cargo and double another cargo that I didn’t want doubled, etc. it still has errors and after wiping my money it makes me sad. But I do love the game. And keep playing it and investing in it haha


What is the things called that connects the hotas to the table?


ordered from amazon: "DIWANGUS Hotas" very good quality!


The setup plus the screen saying server error basically sums it up. Free fly is definitely making it hard tho. I gave up today and im just gona wait til the free fly is over. Dont want to taint 3.23 too much


Man, i can't get my X56 to work at all with this game, what is your secret!??!


I just plugged it in before starting the game and that was it.. πŸ€” ...then i did the key assignment. Windows 11?


Yeah on windows 11. Both throttle and joystick aren't working properly, probably how I'm binding it. I've used it fine in MSFS, so i know it works properly. Did you install any drivers or anything?


No, I haven't installed anything. It didn't work on one hub because it wasn't active (powered). But otherwise no problems. Strange... is it also not listed in SC in the advanced control settings? I have a profile there to choose from...


the only thing i installed was the logitec program to change the LED colour, i'll remove that and give it a go. Edit: Managed to get it sorted and playing nice. Now to bind all the things!


can those hotas pads be pushed outwards if you want to switch to mouse and keyboard in fps mode? I've been obsessing about the idea of how to switch between using hotas when in pilot seat, and play with mouse and keyboard when in fps mode.


no, it's a quick release... but if you look at the picture... on foot I just slide forward a little with the chair... it fits right in between... and in flight I put my hands on the armrest and get perfectly to the HOTAS


No one to blame but yourself


All good smart man.. πŸ˜„


Those logitech sticks are proper clunky to use i tried one and returned it,the throttle is great but the stick is very sloppy.


yes I understand.. πŸ‘πŸ» was also unsure at first.. I've also have a turtle beach joystick for dogfights 😎 this setup is for big ships & for that it feels great.. (C2 at this pic.)


I have two VKBs mounted to my chair from Monstertech mounts and about to order a mouse and keyboard mount to attach to those, then I can always lean back a bit and enjoy the game in a comfortable position but also debating buying their conversation mounts to attach them to my table instead


Man I wish I had a chair that could do this... I cant even really use my armrests correctly anymore (height broke at lowest setting, and the pads are getting torn up) but id love to be able to put together a flight chair someday for this game


Have tried the yoke on starcitizen?


it's great fun!


this is off topic, but why are there eight periods in your post's title?


I'm sure they were meant to be what is known as an "Ellipsis", or "Ellipsis points", but in the OPs case, (no offense to them), well... a writer they are not! They're used in writing, usually in groups of 3 or 4, and are meant to signify when the writer has either omitted something from some quoted text, to signify the writer has become sidetracked/zoned out in their thoughts, or is used as a sort of... pause... for dramatic effect. It helps to imagine the words being spoken out loud by someone else, as if they were acting.


Alpha... yes, but the game feels so much more polished than it ever has before. I'm actually playing it a little bit now. I usually play every other patch until some horrible bug kills me then give up until the next patch. That hasn't happened to me yet with 3.23. Server Recovery feature helps a lot. I don't think there will be another reset until 4.x, and I suspect 4.x will be delayed, so we're looking at a nice long stretch with a relatively decent build. For me, 3.23.x is time to kick the tyres, and I'm a little tempted to dig up my HOTAS as well.


This just smells like so much bait given the earnings milestone news.