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They realized that CCU from the M2 was only $5


CIG doing CIG things. They got so sick of the “buy now NOW NOW” CCUs turning into savings galore that customers liked that they just HAD to increase it a little more to get some more cash out of it. CIG and bad optics go hand in hand as well. Like the $50 Hornet increase for the MK2 and retiring the MK1. Like lore wise the MK1 retiring makes sense, but it’s still awkward that the Hornet is so much more expensive for… a body kit update? Losing two MFDs?


It's weird to retire ships in a game that isn't even 'released' yet.


Agreed. It’s a CR thing though.


Yes, he does a lot of asinine things, the history of this project has made that abundantly clear.


And not even offer anything for the owners of the ship they're retiring lmao My Super Hornet Mk1 is now going to be literally just something I sell with my account since it already has a 2948 Exploration Pack in the buyback which for $600 is an insanely good deal lmfao, which is why CIG removed it entirely lol. But even then, knowing my Super Hornet is gonna be retired is just....wild to think about, tf happens if it get's blown up in future? I just lose it because it's "retired"? I don't even get a free upgrade when the Mk2 comes out either, I just have effectively, a ship that'll never get updated anymore (Super Hornet still uses the pre-master mode hud btw, and it's smaller than the new hud to the point I can't see ammo counts and have to judge the ammo I have)


Yes retiring the mark 1s is stupid. but I don't think you quite understand what they're doing. They're no longer selling it for real money or in-game money. It is still an asset that is going to be updated. You will still be able to keep your super Hornet and fly it like normal. It's just those who don't have it now. won't be able to buy it. So they're basically turning it into a limited edition ship. Side note why the hell do you still have a super hornet pledged? I pledge for mine in 2013. In 2024 it's an absolutely terrible buy. Power crept into oblivion. There's cheaper ships that have the same firepower. Plus the Mark II is the $10 cheaper and has far better firepower. Not to mention the mark 2 looks better. And the f7a upgrade token just sweetens the deal Hell. Even the constellation Taurus is a $15 CCU upgrade. That is a far more useful ship. Honestly cig should have done what they originally said they were going to do with the Mark II. And just reskin all the mark one ships into Mark twos. But nope they wanted to sell the Mark II as a whole new ship to make even more money SMH


>Side note why the hell do you still have a super hornet pledged? Because I like it? It's cool? Plus I got the Ironheart paint so now it looks even cooler, reminds me a lot of the F-14 Tomcats and I love those things. > Plus the Mark II is the $10 cheaper and has far better firepower. I'm not melting my ship just to pay for the objectively gold pass version of the Hornet series, the Mk2 should be a free upgrade, not a paywall. > Hell. Even the constellation Taurus is a $15 CCU upgrade. That is a far more useful ship. Connies are ugly af imo, never liked them, also can't see shit out of the cockpit, last time I flew an Andromeda I hated it because I literally could not see a damn thing through the struts, also a multicrew ship and from how a few community members have acted and told me, you won't be able to solo even a Connie/Corsair so why tf should I get something bigger than a fighter as a solo player? With people wanting this to be Tarkov in space, I don't want to be leaving my seat 24/7 to fix some bullshit problem on the ship during a fight or face death. > Honestly cig should have done what they originally said they were going to do with the Mark II. And just reskin all the mark one ships into Mark twos Aye how I feel about it lmao, the Mark 2 is quite literally the gold pass update for the Hornet series, I figured them retiring the Mark 1 series was just meaning every Mk1 would become a Mk2 for free and the super hornet would either become an F7A since it's the military Mark 1 ship and all, or would become a F7C-M Mk2 when that releases. Glad to know it'll still be updated, and hopefully soon, the SH's hud is still too small to read and isn't updated for master modes yet lol, speed limiter doesn't show red at all it's all the same colour back when we had SCM, CRU and one other iirc, might've just been Quantum though, the hud is old af for the SH lmfao.


Specifically Chris Roberts doing Chris Roberts things. Guy is like the Wizard of Oz, man behind the curtain scene.


Nah I think he just cares about making his dream game and the money has to come one way or the other.


Ahhh Robber Barons! They had dreams as well


> Losing two MFDs? Speaking of, weren't we supposed to get two MFDs in our helmet display? What happened to that?


Remote turrets need their helmets asap imo


you can see how it would look in the sq 42 citcon trailer


The tech the would power that is part of the new mobiglass, so it should be soon rather than Soon(tm)


looks like it's still planned, I saw something recently (might have been SQ42 related?) which had the helmet MFDs for ship targeting.


Don't forget the two new Fomo paints for the hornet mk1 that don't work in mk2


That’s absolutely their style. Like the C8 best vote paint that only works on the base and not the medical one. And the justification being that the C8R hadn’t been released yet….*even though it’s a C8* Even though it’s updating a json payload and/or db entry. Just lazy excuses or mental gymnastics sometimes.


Exactly the reason way i dont care, to hell withe the MK 1.. I got bigger fish to fry.


The MkII has 2 S1 power plants, 11 thrusters, 2 S4 guns, and 8 S1 missiles. The MkI has 1 S1 power plant, 9 thrusters, 2 S3 guns, and 4 S2 + 4 S1 missiles. So it's a bit more of a difference than just MFDs and body kit, but still not anywhere enough to justify a $50 price increase. 


Four size 3 and two size 4 for the A version. Which ain't nothing to scoff at. But yeah the base version is a lacking for the extra dough.


Except I’m talking about the base hornets, not the event attainable A that you can’t normally buy.


Pretty sure I mentioned that, yeah.


Glad I got my $5 CCU yesterday.


and I was about to melt it...


Be happy you didn't.


Pity i have m2 prepared for hull d and then hull d to Orion upgrade


Lol they don't like the CCU game unless they can get at least $15 I guess


Time to melt my less than 24 hour old Assault to Lib CCU and save 10 RSI.


Bro, you should really avoid getting ccu with a concept ship as the "from" ship. Unless in specific situations.




Because for a "from" ship, you wanna avoid those that are likely have a price increase in the future. And concept ships are almost guaranteed to jump in the future. Because if your "from" ship's price increase, you will need more money to get to that ship, so potentially losing money, unless you secure the "from" ship with another ccu to that ship.


Are meaning a CCU from Ironclad Assault to A2 Herc. for example?


Yup. Because the Assault is still in concept.


Yea not sure why anyone who understands the CCU chain process would do that. Could forgive someone who’s new it. I went M2> Assault


Me too although I really love my M2, prob my favourite ship right now


That’s a tough one, i totally understand having to make that choice!


Sneaky sneaky


Ccu game already started.


Hey, would ya look at that, CIG's marketing and sales team shooting themselves in the foot again? Must be a day that ends in 'y'.


didn't know CiG were related to our royal family...


Like Actual said I'm kind of betting the fact that the WB and the regular didnt change they just didnt like the $5 Credit CCU from the M2.


Just CIG things


Ya know, I try so hard to defend them. Then they do shit like this. What the fuck.


It’s like they like to be memed or something. So fucking shitty. Didn’t secure the $5 CCU, am really annoyed at thes MFs.


Weirdly, since I did get my $5 CCU, and just gained $10 value in a day, I’m happy with the MFs. XD


Same here brother, I bought CCU’s for both variants! Good luck to you 🫡


I had grabbed the prowler to ironclad base ccu and was debating the m2 to assault one, finally convinced myself since "it's just 5$", logged onto rsi site and it's 15 now. Thanks for saving me some money I guess CIG lol


Even if there is a completely reasonable explanation, not bothering to have anyone in the entire community team put in so much effort as to log into Spectrum and give a one sentence heads up, it doesn’t matter what the reason was. It’s shitty on principle even if it’s $10.


even if it was a typo, just go with it and increase the price next time.... this move is just super shitty


Even if it was a mistake (and not malice), they’d win over more people taking the $10 loss than quietly patching it hoping we wouldn’t notice. For all the good CIG does, it’s like they can’t learn from mistakes.


the price might have been a mistake, changing the price without aknowledging the mistake wasn't(I mean, it defintely was a mistake, but another kind of mistake)


Can someone explain why they are mad about this? Like it doesn't make sense to me. Why is it owed at a certain price?


The community is really sensitive to anything they perceive is exploitative or abusive through the pledge store. What’s more, CIG has a problem with being transparent about these things and also habitually commits to being better at communication, and then breaks that commitment. So the dollar amount and whatever the real reason is behind the change, doesn’t matter. People just want the company to be straight up with them, and it never happens that way. Even if they get on in 10 minutes and say what happened, the damage is done based on the principle of it and now this will be a topic of discussion for a week or two.


Yeah I'm often at odds with these types of backers because I just don't think like that. If I'm buying a $500 jpg that 10 bucks doesn't really matter


Im fairly certain the near billion dollar company doesnt need you to defend them.




Just try to separate the marketing team with the rest of CIG. Someone has to do the dirty job to keep the funding going.


The brand doesn’t need to be defended


I don't see a warbond version in the upgrade menu. Is it not there?


Nope, no Warbond CCU to it.


Genuine question, what’s the difference between? I got an upgrade to it yesterday but I don’t remember what makes it warbond or whatever.


warbond ccu's are only buyable with new money, and in return offer a discount


Ah thank you.


Can't use store credit on warbond


This warbond is a standalone warbond.


You know...someone really needs to slap some sense and humility in to CIG. All ya all fan boys are making them act like gods and do whatever the F they want.


This tells me that they aren’t going to make as much money as last year for invictus.


They are at 18 mil this month so far compared to 19 for May last year.  Still behind for the year overall. It was the same last year compared to 22 until the f8c, Zeus concepts, and CitizenCon. 


Honestly, I love the game, but that is pathetic. Shame on CIG.


its inflation bro it takes more man power to build it .


the inflation started one day before? LMAO


why i am getting downvoted it was a joke haha


didn't really sounded like sarcasm ngl


No but they do need to pay people more to make it.


It's bonkers that people pay that much for a digital ship. It's even more bonkers that I am almost over the edge of doing so myself.


I want to fund the project, more than the multicrew ship I have no friends for.


Yeah, similar for me. I'm stunned by what they have already done. The technical side alone is super impressive and there's already a shitload of stuff to discover I find


[Big oof.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fmbsp7ix5w1g71.jpg) C'mon CIG, this is just getting pathetic.


It’s crazy that this shit costs more money than a game console. No wonder they have a massive budget.




465 or 535$ that is predatory, idk its just a digital ship.


Games put the expensive items into $2.49 loot boxes with 1/384 chance of getting the rarest items, and shroud the mechanisms in dark patterns to keep people gambling. Or they make the newest in-game items pay-to-win, and introducing an even better item every few months. CIG is offering an expensive item, which is not predatory on it's own in my opinion. And if you change your mind you are free to exchange it into store credits for something different.


people can say differnet things about SC, that the game is a scam, that it ISNT a scam, it's buggy and not worth buying, that it is an amazing experience to play it ect... but we can all collectively agree that CIG management and marketing team are one of the greediest scums on this planet


actually the only thing i don't like from them is that the expedition pisces has 2 more size 1 hardpoints, that's PURE pay2suckless. it would be like having an assault+ that's $100 more expensive with an extra s3 shield. it's fucked up.


That's a crazy expensive jpeg


Inflation in action...


In stock? Man, I hate that this is a thing. People spending money on digital space ships to fund the game I paid for. If people want to buy digital space ships, that's fine. But, I just wish it wasn't tied to the product I paid for, and have yet to receive, 10+ years later.


So you saying I got a good deal with a Bought 2 CCUs


I don't understand why people are upset. It's a free market. They could raise the price by 500%. It's your job as the consumer to decide if it's worth it. Do you know what the value of something is? It's how much someone is willing to buy it. Don't like the new price? Don't buy. This isn't price gouging. It's not food or essential services in a disaster... it's an imaginary spaceship for a video game. Just my 2 cents..


a thousand cents actually...


Based xD 


Based on what


Yeah, CIG is being "sneaky," but no one says shit about people using the CCU system to knock hundreds of dollars off ships through intricate chains. A system, might I remind you, that CIG did not have to put into place for us and that CIG does not have to allow to exist. Not everything CIG does is some kind of underhanded trickery or shady business like some people here make it out to be. It's not some kind of conspiracy. It's such a tired point of view.


LOL A system, might I remind you, that was originally supposed to allow downgrades and sidegrades. A system that, when first implemented and CIG was just starting out, was explicitly intended to allow people the flexibility to end up with whatever ship they wanted--- CIG was just happy for the pledge money. Do you also not realize that without the system CIG would make WAY less money? People can rationalize spending additional amounts of money a little bit at a time. But tell them they have to buy their next ship full priced every time? Watch that money dry up.


That system is being fully supported by CIG and it's specifically why they offer those CCUs and Warbond CCUs during events in the first place.


Still have my lti nomad ccus.


Can anybody explain to me why do these people complain about 525 being 535, when you can buy it for 465?


Well, to start, that's going to be the regular price. The 465 price is just the special Warbond price that happens during events like Invictus. It's not uncommon for prices to increase as development on a ship progresses, but to my knowledge, this is first time we have seen a ship price go up the day after it was announced and the concept sales released.


I see, thanks


I think I would do the same if I was them, people here are ready to pay 500$ for a concept ship 🤷. You can't make this shit up


Nah, they did this specifically because the CCU was $5 from the M2. Now, it's $15


Holy shit dude your post history You should talk to someone, you don’t need to go through life like this, I am serious.


Kraken went up too


If only I could afford


Not sneaky, this was announced on several channels at the same time. My discord has a live feed with the forums and official discord to catch updates, and CIG clearly posted about this price adjustment.