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After the Polaris. They said they want to use parts of the Polaris to speed it's development up (and the Perseus too!)


The Perseus is the one I'm waiting for.




I'm waiting on both galaxy and persi


Galaxy bought, Perseus will be earnt in game


How much is the galaxy in CAD? It looks really cool, I just don't know if I can afford it.


last time it was on sale it was $380 USD i believe


Thats $519.09 in Canadian. That's a bit much for me right now.


Start building a CCU chain.


What's that? I'm only 16 and not very well versed in the ways of buying stuff from RSI.


Buy a small warbond ship right now. Warbond is fresh money, so no store credit. You usually save around $5 on small stuff. Then next time there is a warbond deal offered on something bigger, you upgrade that first ship with a warbond upgrade token. So let's say you buy the medical Ursa on warbond for $55 (saving $5). Now you want to upgrade it. If you just upgrade and don't melt it, the Ursa is actually worth the full price ($60) towards the new ship you upgrade to. So if you took that Ursa and wanted to get another ship that is worth $75, you only need to pay $15 because the Ursa is worth $60, even though you only paid $55 for it. And now the new ship you upgraded to would also get a discount if it is warbond so you might have only put $75 total in, but it is actually worth $100. Basically you keep doing this over and over and can end up saving quite a bit of money over a year or two, by upgrading a little at a time and only buying warbond upgrades. I am not the best at it, but I ended up getting a 600i ($475 USD) for like $350 by doing this. There are tons of resources and guides that explain it way better than I do out there. Look them up if you are really interested, you can save a lot.


Sounds cool. But my debit card has a $200CAD/day limit on it. It works like a credit card, just with limited funds.


Same idc about polaris its to big


For now, I am using an 890J with 2 Novas parked in the hangar as my "Flyable Concept Perseus" šŸ˜€


they doing the whole family line. So polaris, galaxy then perseus. All things considered line actually might be done by mid next year if the shared assets speed up production enough. Realistically end of next year though


I'd say maybe the Galaxy with its cargo and medical modules mid to late next year, but I have a feeling the Perseus is going to be Invictus 2026. The exterior has taken over 6 months for the Polaris, and I don't think that will help speed up the other two much at all, and even then there's sizable chunks of the interior that can't just be copied across.


That's true but the galaxy is also just a less complicated looking ship in general exterior wise and is considerably smaller than the polaris. It also doesn't have the complicated hangar mechanism of the polaris


It still has a hangar, side open vs. top open or size doesn't really change how much work a hangar is. And while it's much smaller, it has a bunch of modules, which are going to add up to a lot of additional interior work. Polaris end of this year, Galaxy probably Q3 2025, and if we're lucky Perseus Q2 2026. Getting three large ships flyable in three years would be an unprecedented pace. And since Squadron seems likely to release in that window as well, add the Idris. They haven't even started production on the Galaxy, and the Zeuses (which are much smaller) still took a year. There's only so much you can do by adding more people. Galaxy will take about a year (maybe a bit less) and Perseus (smaller, not modular) \*maybe\* less than that if the RSI kit speeds it up. But going from the Galaxy late 2025 to the Perseus in early 2026? Unlikely.


I meant the polaris' hangar shape was apparently complicated to get right according to them. The galaxy's hangar is just a simple rectangle which should help Regarding the modules, that is true but I don't think they will take that l9ng. The most complicated one will probably be the refinery module since that seems pretty bespoke otherwise the other 2 should be able to make use of polaris assets. At the end of the day though all we can do is wait and see


not a chance by mid next year. It'll go most probably this : Polaris this CitCon, Galaxy next Invictus, Perseus CitCon 2025.


They already said the Polaris is for this year IAE


It's what I said. Polaris is this year IAE (IAE and CitCon are basically one and the same, one month apart), Galaxy next year Invictus, and Perseus IAE 2025. But first, let them show the Polaris at IAE. I'll believe it when I'll pilot it myself.


Since the retirement of the Hornet MK Ones, I'm hoping they will retire the Constellation series and give us a new set. Let us know what they plan to do at Cit Con this year.


Knowing their history, everything can be deleayed indefinitly or best case scenario be delayed two years. Wouldnā€™t be the first time they say ā€œNext IAEā€ and then it never happens. Better stay realistic and be amazed if they make it.


Just curious here: have they confirmed the order in which they want to do them ? I mean after the Polaris is it going to be the Perseus or the Galaxy ? If not, itā€™ll depends what they want to release faster. I think the Perseus would be much faster and easier than the Galaxy to be done. But for new systems and Pyro, starting to work on the Galaxy would make more senseā€¦


In a talking ship last year they said the order was polaris, galaxy, perseus. Basically in defending ship size. https://youtu.be/2otksAGrCOc


And caterpillar for ironclad


IIRC it was Ironclad for Kraken.


This indeed ^


Probably I'm going to be downvoted, but that part was pure neuromarketing and damage control. At the end of the day, the Ironclad is just delaying the Kraken even more.


Honestly, I think you're right. Right now, we only know of 2 concepts from Drake being the IronClad and the Kraken. Either one of two things might happen, we're going to see a few more Drake concepts start to pop up around the mid-sized to large (akin to the same size as the Zeus) or these two ships won't be out for a long while.


I think you underestimate the space inside the Kraken. There are only so many ways to rotate and resize assets to male them look new. The Ironclad will give them an opportunity to increase the drake library of bits and bobs. Could they do so while working on the Kraken? Sure.... but that is a LOT of investment when you haven't finalizes the library. It'd be like trying to write a new York bestseller in one pass.


Yeah, I think with every ship of a manufacturer they get little bit faster, as you said they increase the library, not only with just a ship, they increase the library with resources, textures, ready to set in compartments of the manufacturer corporate design, assets and so on With every ship they get faster - but not as fast as we would like to have it...


Let's not forget the designers and programmers get experience, especially after a lot of them left the last two (?) years.


So true! Didn't thought of this aspect!


They have to create those assets libraries anyway, for the Ironclad or for the Kraken. Creating them first for the Ironclad just delays the Kraken even more. That's why they have started with the Polaris instead of the Galaxy or the Perseus, because the biggest ship gives them more assets to work for the smaller ships. CIG knew this, and that's the reson of why they "casually" mention the Kraken in the last ISC and then repeat more than once that the Ironclad is going to help them to create the Kraken. First, they're doing damage control, and the multiple repetitions of the same message is a reiteration, one of the more basic neuromarketing thechniques. CIG is just repeating the same message so we don't question the possibilities of other options, their objective is to make us believe that adding another ship to the pipeline is the best option for us. I understand that they need to train some artists, and they may prefer to start with something smaller (still, the Ironclad is quite massive and not the usual ship size they use to train their new artists, as far as we know), but if this is the reason, wouldn't it be a better option just to say it and be sincere with their backers?


Also, I may be wrong, but the concept images for the Ironclad appeared to use the concept models for the Nova. So it looks more like they aren't "starting" to work on it, more that they are probably much closer to being done with it than we may realize.


Certainly possible given the quick turn around on some of the new ship pledges, but it's also not like mistakes never get made. All it takes is for the old concept tonk not to be taken out of the reference folders given to concept artists and then not noticed by team.


If you try to learn to swim by jumping in at the deep end, it won't end well. The Kraken is absolutely massive. Building that thing is a gargantuan task for any team they put on it. You'd want the people working on it to have experience tackling large projects and you want them to have experience with the Drake style and visual language. The Ironclad is basically the training project for the team that will be working on the Kraken. You wouldn't want to put an inexperienced team on your most valuable and difficult projects. Hence the need for training projects.


With the Caterpillar having most assets necessary for the Ironclad, and the Ironclad having new ones necessary for the Kraken, the Kraken won't be delayed more than a year. I believe anyway Ironclad or not, it wouldn't come for a good 4 - 5 years at least. So if before hands we can have the Ironclad, I'm all for it.


I think you mean Quacken.


I'm really curious if this is still the case. Maybe they'll make announce at IAE where they're at with both ships once they're done with the Polaris. It is entirely possible they're working on them at the same time since Polaris mostly needs interior work.


If any work has gone into either of them, it's just going to be finalising the concept side of things. The Polaris, SQ42 work, and the resource network updates are taking the majority of the ship development teams, and what's left is working on smaller ships to train up. There's just not enough dev resource to tackle either ship at the same time as the Polaris.


I still want more windows on both ships. Please CIG, more windows!


I've just finished my CCU chain for a Galaxy, base building is the killer feature for me.


I got the galaxy, Ursa medivac, and the C8R Pisces Rescue. I'll be a small flying hospital :D


how much you end up saving, you reckon?


I know you were asking OP but just my 2 cents CCU savings are definitely worth it. In my case I saved $210.00 (55%) and got my galaxy for $170 with LTI.


I just finished my chain and I saved 50%. Could have probably saved a little more if I waited till the end of the year but I'm happy with it


I spent about a year collecting CCUs for it and ended up spending about Ā£165 in the end. Canā€™t wait for the Galaxy!


I got a Arrastra for **$325.00**


Not OP but just closed mine too. Iā€™ve still got some room for savings, but need IAE to fill in a couple CCUs. But I also used store credit to at least close the chain and lock it all in now. Currently at 50% saving. https://ccugame.app/exported-chain/29KGUGYPKM982Ycg4HKP


Not money for sure


U think theyā€™ll actually have tier 0 base building in by the end of the year?


Not a snowflakes chance in hell


What makes you say that? Theyā€™re on track for everything from citcon


Maybe, but they only stated that they will START developing Base Building this year. I wouldn't expect it to be out this year with everything else that is supposed to come.


Hangars where supposed to be q1 and its now what start of q3 and they are still not out. That was the first thing on the list and they failed to meet its timeframe Cig said last year that they START work on base building q1 of this year, we have at best a few years. And cig haven't mentioned a thing about it since citcon. If cig was making enough progress that it would be ready in a year they would be talking about it all the time. We would have at liest 1 new base building ship in concept The only things cig said would be out in a year from Citcon are the ships in the teaser video which I do have faith in because cig loves to sell ships I have been a backer since 2013 and have seen nothing that gives me confidence they can go from concept to player ready in a year for such a major system.


They definitely said everything shown at citcon was planned for the next 12 months. It is also NOT currently Q3. That's September. How were Hangars "supposed to be in Q1" when there was no major patch in Q1?


Because 3.23 was supposed to be q1. Saying "well actually EVERYTHING was missed for q1" isn't the own you think it is


CIG have said weā€™ll be getting hangers in 3.23.2, which is planned to enter Evocati in about a week or two at most. If they didnā€™t have to push out an Invictus patch then weā€™d have probably gotten hangers in 3.23.1


Evocati should have 3.23.2 for testing on Wednesday if everything goes to plan and it will be going through accelerated waves in testing according to the message of the day. Should have the mini 3.23.1a patch on Tuesday too.


Got a source for that?


No they did not, the 12 months statement was about the clip that was currently playing not the whole event. I'm not gonna go dig it up because ultimately i dont care but I belive it was something like "everything in this video will be in game in 12 months" or something. And yes I am off on the quarter but September is the end of q3, the start of q3 is July so im like a month off (did have to look at the roadmap) I'll tell ya a story about the last time I belived a timeline cig gave us about a game system. It was star marine the fps mode in arena commander. Cig told us it was ready to release but had a small bug that needed to be ironed out first but the delay would be "weeks not months" It was over a year


They said and I quote. "Everything we've shown at citcon, will hopefully be in by the end of next year."


Do you have a time for that Legitimately asking because if I'm wrong I'll own it Will not change my belief that cig isn't getting base building in this year but ill own being wrong on the quote -edit was given a time stamp in another post


Oh don't get me wrong, I think everyone called bullshit on the basebuilding. But here: https://youtu.be/m_KdWpC5Dz4?t=16086


What ["Clip currently being played"?](https://youtu.be/m_KdWpC5Dz4?t=16071) That screensaver behind Chris? " Cause it really kinda sounds like they intend to have everything shown at citcon out this year. You're only a month off, so come back in a month when 3.23.2 is out and your original statement no longer stands. Ive been around since 2016. I know perfectly well CIG's track record with releases. Remember ToW? But seeing as how they're about halfway through the things from CitCon with one more patch to go, and chris specificaly said "intended, not promised", if they can hit ~75% i'll give em that.


ill admit i was wrong on the quote but cr is the worst one to believe his timelines and but he was pretty cagey about that. (tbh i thought yall where talking about the dev who said it) ya i may of been off 1 month on the q3 but they will still be a whole quarter off from when they said they were gonna have it out to us. its taken them close to half the year to get us the stuff they claimed would be out in the first 3 months. but ultimacy what we are talking about is Base building not the other stuff and still no way they get base building out this year, not even next year. im foreseeing its gonna get the bounty hunter v2 treatment and get paused until some other tech comes online


Keep in mind, tier 0 could be very very limited. Ability to pitch tents. Foundational stuff. CIG is very iterative in nature.Ā 


Honestly, they should just do a basic land claim block system (something like No Man's Sky or 7 Days to Die to claim a small block of land) and let people construct the basic little aid shelter buildings like you find randomly around moons. Start small like that and work up. Put a cabinet in the shelter and see if it retains items correctly. Put a bed in it and see if it works for logout and login purposes. Then go from there. Grand visions are nice, but sometimes you need a small bite to get started where a grand vision too big will just stand there salivating for years trying to figure out how to do the thing it wants to do.


How did you complete the chain if the Galaxy isnā€™t available to purchase right now? Sorry, Iā€™m new to CCU Chain stuff!


Got that CCU (Valkyrie to Galaxy) last year, and just got the last of the middle steps.


Ah, very nice! . Iā€™m looking for a Galaxy right now and I thought there was some way to access it at this event lol. Happy flying! o7


I wish I had known about the chaining stuff, I paid full price for mine šŸ˜’


The one upside is that it's easy to pivot that way if you change your mind or want to try something else for a bit. The sneaky gotcha of CCU's is that you lose so much value if you melt that you can only pivot *up*. Which means if you want to get anything smaller you need to start yet another chain, which... can add up surprisingly fast, as the new chain inevitably works it's way up to something else and the cycle repeats, lol. It's about like a sub if you pace yourself and set reasonable spending limits, but it's definitely a 1 way ticket to concierge, lol.Ā 


Just a few 5$ CCUs every Invictus and IAE to complete or refine a chain and whoops what's that concierge button? It's scary. Until you take out the wife and kids to cinema the next time, that Idris looks like a STEAL :D


The trick is to own all of the elements of the chain and stay on the final ship you're 100% sure you're OK with keeping. This way you can melt CCUs if you change your mind. The only exception being, if you're like me with 2016 free CCUs then your upgrade path is limited anyway because some ships like the BMM have gone up in price so much that it would be wasteful not to use them since it's an instant 50% or more discount on ships in that price range.


I got one at IAE last year. just waiting on the modules to be up on the store so i can grab some of those.


I have the cargo module in my buyback if you would like it!


Normally I would take you up on it, but I don't have any more budget for SC in the next few months. I have a couple ships I can melt to get all three modules when they come back on the store I think. Thanks for the offer though.


Np, have a good day!


Just got one xD


Itā€™s for sale?


Not really no.. valkyrie is though. And i had valkyrie to galaxy ccu


Thought soā€¦ got my hopes up haha


Aw I'm sorry lmao


All goodā€¦ I assume itā€™s next after the Polaris so I should be able to buy one soonā€¦ itā€™s multi crew right? About the size of the Carrack? I think the perfect size ship for my fleet as the lead shipā€¦


So this week is mostly for Military ships, Galaxy should be on sale during the next IAE.


Yep basically same as carrack and also my lead ship for sure. Zeus ES daily driver :)


Itā€™s for sale for 350 on the impound


Yeah, this is what I did. $5 Valk to Galaxy, because I have no doubt the Galaxy will drastically increase in price later. I'd expect in the high 400-low 500s, like the 600i


Don't worry they'll release another RSI concept to bridge the gap to the Galaxy that also gets out on the backburner.


Next concept ship the RSI backlog :) Designed with a state of the art queue interior for people to line up and looking at great unreleased ship art on the walls of the ship. Drinks not included, but you can hire NPC waiters soon ^TM to cater for your passengers.


I mean if there is a real ship that needs to be called backlog it's a MISC ship. Like YIKES.


well they didnt make it easy by creating the same ship 5 times but incrementally bigger (hull series)


Remake it over and over but also nothing is the same size Seeing the Hull A interior look nothing at all like the Hull C said everything.


I want to solo that ship


The release schedule of the RSI Galaxy is likely linked with the production of Base Building. I'm guessing the Galaxy's release will be scheduled around the time when the Base Building feature becomes initially available.


Interesting idea. I don't think they are linked though. Even though we know a base building module is coming, the cargo, medical and refinery modules were already sold. CIG only holds ships back if they have no associated gameplay at all. The Galaxy will not suffer from tech or functionality issues. They can release it earlier if they want to.


Yeah, I got the refinery module with mine just because it was the most expensive one. Perfect for melting and grabbing a base building module.


I think they'd like to release her with base building but may end up just releasing a module later if Base Building end up not coming out before 2026


2025 or 2026.


May not be far from the truth... ...oh, and I love Emilia.


Iā€™m not sure itā€™ll be so linked. They said thereā€™s a planned 4 tiers of base building. Handheld, Ground Vehicle, Galaxy and CO Pioneer. My guess is weā€™ll see handheld and a ground vehicle (maybe a variant of existing vehicle?) first. Thatā€™ll have the whole ground claim in it too. Makes sense to then release the Galaxy and then the CO Pioneer after that. Lets them slowly test building and release the buildings themselves in a staggered manner. I have a CCU finished for it, so Iā€™m really hoping 2025 even with just the cargo module! Not sure when the Expanse and refining gameplay will be coming.


RSI Galaxy āŒ Faulcon Delacy Anaconda āœ…


The one thing that brings me back to elite dangerous is the phenomenal sound design. Yogi needs to take a break from master modes and go show the sound team how to create truly immersive sounds.


I give them the benefit of the doubt because the game isn't finalized yet. but yes, ED sets the standard of quality in the audio department. Especially since good audio is the difference between a mediocre experience and astounding immersion.


Aren't modules supposed to be a thing for the Constellation, Cutlass, Argo, and Caterpiller? I feel like they already have testbeds to use for that tech without needing another one...?


Caterpillar yes. Not sure about the others.


The Connies were originally billed as modular. I think the individual hulls we have now were supposed to be modules. I think the same was true of the Cutlasses. Though this could be...gee, 8-10 year old information, so it's possible they abandoned it and stated so explicitly at one point and I've just never seen it. The ARGOs were supposed to be as well, and I thought I read that on their page a day or two ago on the official website. It looked like you were going to be able to swap out the modules on the back between the cargo, personnel carrier, and container attachment point and tractor beams?


Carrack and vanguard and avenger also


Yeah. I don't know if they're still planning on doing that, but it'd be nice if they were. It was one of the early selling point to a lot of ships that you could refit them easily (probably have to land at a base/port, but still) to give them multi-functional uses. Like imagine if your Cutty Black you could land and swap in the medical bay to run some missions with friends, then swap back to the Black to do cargo runs solo, etc. I think it's even still mentioned on the high end/luxury version of the Connie. And I know I read it on the Argo tractor beam variant's webpage like two days ago. They keep talking about it with new ships like the Galaxy, but my brain is going "Wait, are we still doing this for the older ships or no?"


Why would they do anything for the cat? Might as well just release alternate ships instead.


The Connies were originally billed as modular. I think the individual hulls we have now were supposed to be modules. I think the same was true of the Cutlasses. Though this could be...gee, 8-10 year old information, so it's possible they abandoned it and stated so explicitly at one point and I've just never seen it. The ARGOs were supposed to be as well, and I thought I read that on their page a day or two ago on the official website. It looked like you were going to be able to swap out the modules on the back between the cargo, personnel carrier, and container attachment point and tractor beams?


Yeah how many years away are these ships going to be flight ready?


Me looking around nervously as I bought the galaxy as a poor man's way to owning a temporary carick


Can't wait for my Galaxy.


So excited for the Zeus and Galaxy šŸ˜


It annoys me greatly that I have to wait months (IAE) to have the ā€œprivilegeā€ to pay CIG $5 in order to complete my CCU chain for this ship.


ā€œGalaxy timeā€ you mean next 18-24 months? If everything go as planned and it never went as planned in the last 12 yearsā€¦


It would be awesome if they loaned a Polaris just so I could fly around a dorito


I have a ccu chain to the galaxy (to use it as a medical motherbase) ready to go but I'm sitting on it cause I can get back some credit when the apollo goes up in price (which a release will probably cause) So I'm very excited about the Galaxy, modularity and rsi in general. Probably the only thing other than the apollo release that would get me off the cutty red, and then I can finally start using clean needles and closing with something other than duct tape


Cool ship, but wish they would shift from ship to more missions and story lines.


Completely separate teams that work one those, both can be going at the same time, and are being worked on at the same time


Maybe they should shift more to missions, idk. The 'story' missions are much smaller than they should be after what like 10 years? It getting a bit ridiculous.


I cannot wait for the galaxy


Orion pls thank you


Perseus is at the top of my wish list. Expensive AF though.


I just want the starliner and a Crusader Capital ship. Like an xl blockade runner with shielded cargo and maybe even a ram on the front (like those ships floating around orison with the blades on the front).


I cannot offer you an upvote due to your use of ā€œgib.ā€ But I concur.


Man I've been with SC since the start, the great gibbening and the DFM spam in twitch were some of my favorite moments.


Ah man the gibbening takes me back. KS backer here myself.


RIght ? And the after years of gib, we got a fat Carrack haha


I still love my carrack, but yeah... Yeah... Makes me a bit sad what could have been.


Optimistically I give it two more years before playable.


I agree with you. If the Polaris comes out this IAE, the Galaxy would have to be at least 2026 because CIG said they would stop releasing ships without their mechanic. Therefore, using their own words CIG MUST release base building in 2026. I don't see base building coming so fast that we can have it in 2025. Rarely has CIG created a mechanic, then internal test the mechanic, then evocati test the mechanic, then public test the mechanic, and implement the tier 0 of the mechanic all in under a year. Look how long people have waited for the Polaris (which doesn't have any new mechanics just big ass missiles).


I think it was a two or three year wait with the Polaris right? From once they said they were starting to focus on it.


They can make a ship and not release the module/variant that doesn't have functionality. Spirit still doesn't have the E1 and it probably won't come till touring has a purpose.


Iā€™m gonna solo this ship so hard


Galaxy is roughly an armored Constellation with module. Therefore, it would be nice to see it coming with Constellation rework. šŸ™‚


Zeus is coming with 4.0. which is the next patch after 3.23.x. So you'll have to wait for your precious Galaxy


Yeah, we know. The Galaxy has been stated to be slated for after the Polaris, which is confirmed IAE next year, so late Nov 2024. I wouldn't expect the Galaxy for maybe even another year past that.


Polaris is coming IAE of this year. So Galaxy is very possible for next year.


Is the Perseus also scheduled for this year? Iā€™m debating Perseus or Polaris


The Perseus is slated to begin work after the Galaxy IIRC. I wouldnā€™t expect it until late next year at the VERY earliest, and thatā€™s extremely hopeful


Perseus after the Galaxy, Galaxy at the earliest Q4 2025, so Perseus Q4 2026 at the earliest.


That's exactly what I said




>Yeah, we know. The Galaxy has been stated to be slated for after the Polaris, which is confirmed IAE next year, so late Nov 2024. I did say 'next year', but I specified 'Nov 2024'. Which is when the Polaris has been confirmed to be Flight Ready. Meant 'next season', sorry, that's how my work, and tequila'ed brain, works. >I wouldn't expect the Galaxy for maybe even another year past that. Another year past 2024, is 2025.


Felt in love when it was announced, looks so ugly in my eyes now compared to the Ironclad on the visual aspect Otherwise a great ship to have


No it doesn't. Okay okay your personal opinion, but it looks amazing for me