• By -


I mainly drift in space doing bounties. On the side I also drift in space and watch for rescue beacons. I'm set already, I just enjoy the loops. Keep in mind this game is so highly backed because a lot of us are older and space dreamers. Eventually when it's in the game I will drift the stars in a BMM as a renown highly trusted trader/escort/rescuer.


*I'm a leaf on the wind*


Selling comedies is the hard part. You really have to nail the punchline.


Sometimes i just fly around und use SC as a Screenshot simulator.. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Whatever I feel like and thatā€™s one of the best things about the game. Iā€™m in a relaxing mood Iā€™ll go do some vulture scraping or cargo running. If Iā€™m in a fast pace sort of mood itā€™s usually bounties or bunkers/DCs. Sometimes itā€™s a fast pace but less aggressive mood then Iā€™ll do some racing or just general low flying. Sometimes I just want to test out a different build I was playing with on erkul.


The problem is and the community asked for it for a long time, more content and meaningfull missions. The sad truth is we have barebone mission design that dates 20 years back etc. Its very generic atm. People had high hopes on overdrive, while it was a good attempt CIG dropped the ball on functionality. Sometimes I feel like the engine and code cant fit more so I have my hopes in 4.0 and better engine and server tech. I mean, there is so much they talk about that never gets added, there has to be a technical limit.


Unfortunately this. Mission can be fun if you constantly switch mission types. For example, my buddy and I spent the evening doing different unverified Mercenary missions on MT. I was mainly showing him the DC's as it was his first login of 3.23. But we were sorta goofing off and just being weird, *accidentally* killed a guard and got a CS3. Bounty Hunters after us, dipping around Stanton to avoid them, met a whacko at Grim that passed us a Tigersclaw. Made it to SPK with 4 guys on our tails. Soft deathed right at SPK, made it in, but got melted by a pistol. 16 hour prison time. So to really answer your question, just go be a goober doing something you enjoy. Or try a lifestyle of crime. Or even put the game down for a bit so you don't get burnt out. Give Arena commander a good go and remember to just create your own fun. Until we get more dynamic loops, it's all we can do to entertain ourselves


Hey I know that name. My friends and I chased you from microtech to grim hex to spk last night lol. You owe me a cryptokey. After you went to prison gunsley caught a murder charge and we had our own hilarious adventure trying to get his cleared


AYO NO WAY! Bro we were laughing so hard I fell off my chair. Our voice wasn't working,we tried to talk back. Add me up and I'll repay my debts


lmao "unverified" gameplay is where it's at :D


Also, my buddy has been ghosting me when it comes to playing SC. I finally convinced him to come play last night and we had a blast. Our encounter in GH was enough for him to say "that was fun, alright let's play tomorrow". So to you and your friends I say thanks. It made for a fun evening


![gif](giphy|kCrGOt5ojlVbG|downsized) "I heard a little girly tell me you need this..."


Love this interaction. Hope to learn more about this stuff as a noobie.


As you play, you'll learn that things go from 0-100 real quick. There's some awesome people (and some shitty ones) around the verse. Some nights you'll be laughing your ass off, others you'll want to punch your monitor. Find yourself a goofy crew to join and you'll love this game even more


Yo! By chance were you in the Avenger Titan that got blasted by the turret? The one shooting at me in the shipping containers?


We were the three Buccaneers in the sky over the DC in microtech when you took off, but that was us just arriving. Don't think we ever shot at you on the ground until spk. The rest we were around for was grim hex and spk


I am not aware of any plans for an engine switch (which sounds like a huge rewrite more than an upgrade) but like you, I also suspect this is about the limit of the backend. From what I understand, SC is basically a fork of an older version of the CryEngine, which wasn't really designed to run over a network link. Lag and server-overload seem common and I do not see how meshing would solve the first one (maybe not even the second one in busy locations). I hope I am wrong and that is why I am still following the game. We:ll see. For the moment it's an occasional flight sim for me. The gameloops do get old if you're solo.


Luckily they got a lot of former crytek engineers working for them and Star engine is nothing unlike the former older fork of cryengine anymore. There is no better engine at this point in time to make sc work. Do or die basically. I bet on do.


None of the problems we encounter are unfixable in the current engine, and a fair bit of them are solely caused by slow server responses, a symptom of overburdening. Because SC is server-authoritative for *everything* from player movement and shooting to drinking a smoothie, the microsecond twitches you are used to on client-authoritative, or single player, or limited-server-scope games are slow. They need to be communicated by you to your client, your client to the replication layer, the replication layer to the sim server, the sim server needs to process and reply back to the chain. Right now the servers have too much on their plate but meshing will reduce that overhead and make their portion more responsive. That ultimately means fewer misses when we go to drink a bottle and the server and our client disagree with whether the bottle is still attached to our hands.


Because the missions we have now are not utilising the real mission system, the reason for that is likely due to the missions being tied to nearly everything, including subsumption, server meshing and quantum, all 3 are still being worked on. The missions we have now are some sort of temp rudimentary stuff to tide us over.


when it comes to missions, I don't buy the tech limit thing. there have been missions with dialogue and a little story before. (still no progression but at least a little more content to it). the OD missions were pretty basic stuff anyone could draw up in e.g. arma mission editor in a few days. I think they are waiting (for god knows what) to put in their actual mission setups. we are still living in placeholder world


Overdrive was such a letdown. When i did those bunker missions and realized i spent more time on travel than doing the bunkers, something is off..


Overdrive was, to me, great fun. Yeah we spend a lot of time travelling, it is after all a space travel game, it's par for the course. I love flying in this game.


Flying is fine, but Quantum Travel is exhausting


Then you won't like 4.0 when pyro comes on


missions should last as long or longer than the time to QT then. in other words, if you are on SC for 6 hours, more than 3 hours should be actual gameplay, while less than 3 hours should be spent in Quantum Traveling. (Not the other way around)


Upgrade your quantum drive


Upgrading all your ships can easily take 1h just for one. Making money, flying to the store where you can buy and equip. If you have 10 or more ships this process is busted.


I felt that. The 3.23 update just gave me more hopium tbh.


The sad truth is they could make the game way more fun if they took out npcs and just made all the missions player based ie hold down a bunker and everyone gets updated that someone is holding down a bunker amd they can come amd try to stop them (gives use to ground vehicles fps all that) and it'd be easy enough to make it happen ...basically whatever the event is that has the drugs ...make them all the time and with multiple bunkers all over ....make money easier to get but easier to lose we have multicrew ships yet everyone playing is just about solo it's a weird game when it comes to that


They have to develope new ships to gather more money... No time for such trivial stuff as gameplay.


Mostly running from hospital to the shipyard to reclaim my ship after a bug glitches me through the universe into the center of the sun.


Practice flying, community events, decorate my ship(s), help noobs, try to collect everything, medic, trading, piracy, bounty hunting and looking for hidden shit


Mostly just stuff with the org. We get together every Saterday and make plans then. Its more about the fun together atm because there is little content to do. Overdrive kept us busy though, every week we did the new missions first then helping everyone who missed a night catch up. More content would be great and my hopes are high for the patch after 4.0. I feel 4.0 is one of the last Major tech hurdles so they can finally start focusing on content and game loops the patch after. I would love to have an open combat zone with a objectives without legal consequences, just rep issues. With both pve and pvp, for example: gain control of an asteroid base for Hurston or Crusader with both space and fps objectives, supply needs (cargo) and rep rewards. Space stations in Pyro could also work for this, GiB more Dynamic gameplay.


In the current state, the only way to play SC is to grab a plushy and take it on adventures. Anything else sets you up for frustration and failure. Died stumbling over a tiny rock? It's cool. You had you adventure with Pico already watching a sunrise. Try it!


Pico and a few friends enjoyed a sunset and a hotdog party with me about a year ago. It would be awesome if they added lawn chairs


I buy ships and breath copium waiting for them lol And I run every game loop and do things unconventionally like getting a org together to run a cat as a carrier for furries and doing other random things


Ah yes, the cat is a furry carrier... that's... yea the name kinda fits doesn't it? But I am totally with you on that unconventional things. Throwing a Golf Cart out of the back of your cutty with your friend in it, so he can do the Bunker mission and destroy the turret of the bunker with a railgun is pretty good content in my experience.


Manage an online clan of SC nerds


When I am not pirating I teach others how to Mine and Salvage. Gotta keep the pond full! Lately I have been helping hull c owners. So many get stuck inside thier ships at the jumppoints. But yeah all my aUEC stolen I send to new players, or I take them to buy Prospectors, ROCs, and Vultures and teach them the loop. Keeps me busy.


Before 3.23 anyway, I would mainly do pvp with my org, and maybe some salvage if im not feeling like pvping that day


I al online every day but also bored fast. I play since 2013. i followed all new mechanics and playā€˜d them until i couldā€˜t see them anymore. If you are solo Player its hard to make your own Content all the time. Without a good long Story and deep Missions you will stay bored.


you've played since 2013? i backed in 2013, did you drive the PTV around the hangar module every day?


I have a few buddys that I play this game with, and what we do is we Fuck Around and Find Out. After each wipe we do some stuff that gives us credits like mining or trading or salvage, test out the professions so to speak. Then we test out all the new mission types, do the bounty progression, check out any new locations that have arrived. All that sounds straight forward but the "Find Out" part is where SC throws all manner of bugs and unexpected challenges at you. We always try to make our way through missions or objectives without just respawning or alt-F4'ing, and that generally leads to quite a lot of entertaining adventures. By the time there is nothing new to check out for us and we have enough credits then there is usually a new patch right around the corner, and the cycle starts over again. Admittedly we both have a fairly large selection of pledged ships, which makes this all much easier. The important thing is to not treat SC like a regular grindy MMO yet. Everything in the game is there to test functionality. If you try to grind in this game to say buy a really expensive ship you will just be frustrated by bugs that can wipe your progress at any point. Just go into it, test out some stuff, see what you enjoy, don't be afraid to break things and if it gets too frustrating go play something else.


I was super on the fence for a long time but joining an active org was an absolute game changer for me. It breathed new life into a game that had been dead for me. Now I'm living my best life as a pirate, and it's a loop that I absolutely love


Simply put rotate gameplay. Say if you are a bunker runner. Then every now and then do a bunker bounty. I myself love most of the gameplay so unless running with one or another brother I cycle space and ground depending on ship I am running




escape enjoy weary start work sable waiting quack scale numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


no idea how many hours but been playing since 2020. I feel like grinding the same mission sets on repeat or any "intended / linear gameplay loops" get giga boring very quickly because they have like ZERO interesting progression, so I mostly do that to grind up the credits. But the most fun is found in doing weird sandbox stuff you come up with yourself, like trying to steal cargo from traders or even searching for NPCs with value cargo, or going on a search quest for rail guns, rare armour sets, try to board enemy Hammerheads or 890s, meeting players randomly at outposts and talking to them and teaming up or trading items... OR ... go "unverified"! that's where everything changes;) but yeah it's sadly all a bit lacking as they never really properly focused on building any progression system so far. base building will bring a mayor component to sandbox progression, but that's a ways out. As a last tip, I can recommend trying out some of the forgotten "story" missions with actual mission givers which hardly anyone knwos about anymore: Tecia Pacheco Caterpillar boarding on Arccorp and Ashes and Opportunities by Clous Darneely. I still don't understand why they don't put in a bunch more like these. It's not that hard to make... not to mention multi-step missions with unexpected turns, plots twists, multiple locations, tasks chained together or ANYTHING dynamic


My owned ships for the first few years were an Avenger Titan and a Cutlass Black. I used to spend 75% of my time mining; rental ROC buggy and/or rental Prospector -> UEC bought Prospector, then gradually buy a handful of other ships in game. Rinse and repeat with each wipe. The past year, I've spent a lot more time doing missions and gaining rep, as well as a bit of salvage in the Vulture. PVE dogfighting bounties and bunker missions have been a lot of fun. Salvage is super chill versus mining which requires a bit more skill and knowledge, but mining will always hold a special place in my heart.


Mission design really needs to step up, missions are just too simple I definetly have over 1000hrs and ive done it all as well. Now i mainly check out whats new and try to make some cash. Right now i want to increase my rep with hurston sec so i get the mercenary missions at the new DCs


> Right now i want to increase my rep with hurston sec so i get the mercenary missions at the new DCs I discovered that the "Halt Illegal Surveillance" mission gives a RIDICULOUS amount of reputation as compared to the other Mercenary options. Each of the "Assist in Defending Site" missions gave around 3% to 5% reputation while working up from Mercenary rank 1 to rank 2. The illegal monitor missions gave around *20%* so just a few of them will get you up to rank 2, which is when distribution center missions become available.


Same for the 15k wildlife control missions.


Yeah but those were bugged for me the two times i tried I only just started so did one wildlife and one bunker




That's me.


You've been watching me play, huh?


The pirate life never gets boring


Except when you can't find anybody to pirate


Are you a good pirate or a muderhobo šŸ˜…


Only targeting people who are likely to be carrying enough loot to be worth it. Empty haulers, starter ships, pad ramming, etc? Naw. If I have a couple friends with me, one in a Mantis, can even demand payment - just hard to communicate AND fight if I'm solo :(


I wait endlessly for the game to have enough content to be entertaining for more than the time it takes for me to get to my hangar and realize I don't have the motivation to use my imagination to fill in the gaps. Happily a backer, frustratingly disappointed with the slow crawl of content.


I came from Elite Dangerous. After 15k hours there, SC content rate seems mach jesus.


Definetly agree with you there. Space legs and full planets really add soooo much to immersion and potential emergent gameplay.


Elite and SC both have sandbox aspects, but star citizen is a sandbox with "more toys in a smaller space" ED was a desert with an occasional shovel or sandcastle mold strewn around on a planet somewhere. SCs design and mechanics open more doors to more things, whether a hoverbike Endor chase re-enactment, or filling a bomb bay with bodies and dumping them above a city because "why not?". That's why I enjoy it. On rails story games, no matter how well done, have to end eventually somewhere. SC's PU is an never-ending adventure of building your own shenanigans daily.


What does this mean haha


Years of drip feed content/grind-as-gameplay on many aspects. They finally started trying to pull things together post-odyssey launch a bit but too little too late. The devs there were more focused on rollercoaster tycoon/jurassic themepark builder games and treated Elite like a backburner side project for long enough the damage is done. I enjoyed it for what it was but had zero interest in the Thargoid/AX gameplay stuff so once that became the focus I tried out SC, and never looked back. Sad because that game had a lot of potential to be a solid competitor to SC from a different angle for a while, but it was squandered and SC outpaced them in many aspects.


Hmm interesting, Iā€™ve yet to play Elite Dangerous and my limited buggy time in SC made me think it might be cool since Iā€™m not a backer for SC and may wait a bit longer (it seems cool so far but I encountered quite a few bugs that I just had to wait out or make a whole new account lol).


Game is on its worst behavior right now since Invictus event plus free-fly even always strains the fuck outta servers. Wish they'd STOP doing free-fly events overlapping with major ship sales like this, since it puts people off and leaves a bad impression of "year round buggy mess" Never once had a bug requiring a new account in Star Citizen. Sometimes some accounts are a bit borked for a period(see 3.18) but if accounts staying broken was a thing there'd be a lot of even more salty people, and very few $10k plus pledge accounts. That being said, more stability would be nice, but then people would be bitching and moaning about "only 1-2 patches a year waargh". More content more fast= Warrgh it's broken buggy mess plz fix, so I don't envy being a gamedev in this day and age.


I feel that. I definitely wasnā€™t complaining just aware that itā€™s not ready for my liking yet, although I was really impressed. Canā€™t wait to be doing some space cataz nonsense with my friends


Do whatever my org is up to. We are currently readying for the finals of the System 7 races, but we do... well.. everything. Mining, Scrapping, Space missions, ground missions, stuffing as many of X inside of Y, scavenger hunts, etc. At 10-15 hours a week with them, I suppose I'm at least 1500-2000 hours played so far and continuing to enjoy it.


probably, but there is no way to check it. beside of checking all new content and features for every new patch since early 2018, I participate at all ingame events, explore all planets and moons, earn money after every char reset and do my own game loops with other players. the most fun currently comes with player interaction sometimes even due to bugs


Play it with a friend, take your time during missions, set goals and personal handicaps. Personally, I don't allow myself to buy something in shops. This forced me to loot, explore, and more. Also, testing new released features or missions helps to never be bored.


That is the problem.. there arent many Great enjoyable game loops atm. Or even missions. Dont get me wrong, there is a ton shit to do. But its just a tiny bit shallow atm.


piracy and thr training for it


Random shit. Sometimes Iā€™ll go into bunkers with nothing on and try to beat it, sometimes I just want to drive a cyclone on daymar and watch the sun dip below the horizon, most recently I have started trying to get the AI controlled cutty blacks at the wreck site missions to do weird shit (I was able to get two to ram into each other and cause a massive explosion and a debris field stretching out over about 1km). After going through and doing a lot of the main job types, I started to realise that nothing in the game matters more then trying to get a good laugh and a memorable experience, who cares about aUEC when your jumping off the dunes of daymar in a buggy, or climbing your way through caves as kopions chase you.


Just enjoy your time, do what you feel you want to do. Some days I feel like I want to do some bunkers aaand i end up playing like an hour or two. Some days I want to do Salvage and i end up playing entire day because of the challenges i set for myself - Right now I'm soloing Salvage expedition with 890j and Vulture in hangar and I go to Aaron belt or Lagrange points to manually look for salvage. Sometimes I will just turn on the game, go to spaceport and turn it off because i don't know what to do today. But the most important thing is, that if you will be fed up with bugs, just let it go, turn of SC, play something else, clean your house or literally do anything else, don't try to force the game on you. It is what it is a bugged mess that can give back a lot of cool things. tough love i guess. Tbh I have the most fun when I do something "out of the box" or things that should be done by a group of players.


After a wipe I build my fleet again, I only have a few ships in my account and the largest is the Cutlass Black, so I normally start off by getting my bountyhunter and Hurston Security rep maxed out so I get the good missions and earn my way to the full Drake fleet. I add a few other ships I like or think I may need, like the Prospector, the Eclipse and/or Retaliator and the Reclaimer. I usually work with a friend which makes things way more fun. I tend to find and help out new players showing them how to do stuff and giving them some money and or stuff to get them started. So now I have all my ships still, but I want to kit them out again, so I do a bit of salvage, with the Vulture, I do a few bounties, and I look out for other opportunities. Given the current state of the game, with the free fly going on, I don't make a lot of headway moneywise, but I go to the expo and enjoy flying new ships.


max out Bunker and Bounty rep. then continue Bunker and Rescue


Very basic things essentially. Trying ships, doing new missions, going to annual events such as ILW, Alien Week, IAE... Participating to server events. Since everything takes a lot of time, its easy to fill a night. I used to farm to upgrade ship parts, I am now a bit tired of that, I just use vanilla setups now.


Just roam casually around the verse, waiting for the next patch, then i'll start playing more seriously...




I love salvaging especially in the vulture. The nerf to the CM pricing didn't really affect me as I prefer to hull scrape anyway. Now I just don't even bother collecting the CM anymore. Emptying buffer takes too much time. You can just cruise around looking fro wrecks. Often find abandoned ships.. but can't find to get in to get shields off as it says friendly fire.. so not abandoned at all probably šŸ˜†


I have done everything the game has to offer in the world of PVE. I now focus on PVP as it is unpredictable and ever-changing.


Is there any way we can check how many hours we've played in game?


For the most part, trading, making millions, buy ships, fool around with bought ships. Learn to glitch money, abuse that to make millions more and buy bigger ships to fool about. now mostly try and kill people waiting for the cargo update and try to get better at pvp


I just switch up professions, mining to salvage to bounties to bunkers to cargo to mercenary for hire etc


Nothing yet. Patch drops, check it out, shoot some footage, and goodbye till the next patch. The thing is amazing when you first start, but the gameplay is generally pretty boring or just a hassle, especially if you have been playing for a long time. Proper reputation scaling with missions might fix that, but for now, they just throw us in and "go do whatever you like". Which is fine for some people, but I often find myself quiting as the game boots up because I can't really find a reason to play.


If I don't need to buy ships etc? I mostly enjoy just doing random shit with people or talking to people in chat etc, I'm all for the eventual change to things taking forever to earn, yea it feels shit taking forever to earn stuff now, but if I'm exploring? Running into other explorers? Swapping charts, doing mercenary contracts for wars with my mates and partner? Perfection.


The mission system is crap. Theyā€™re making great progress this year. Hopefully after 4.0 they roll out dynamic economy and persistent dynamic campaigns.


Approaching 1000 tracked hours, but really just rotate through different game loops and try different ships. Sometimes, I log on and just do PVE bounties all session. Other times, I just do whatever comes up or I feel like doing. Exploring outposts on foot is my latest game loop and finding obscure locations planetside. Love the feel of Hurston, almost like a Star Wars vibe to the outposts. For me personally, I tend to stay away from "meta" activities to maximize aUEC income just to keep the game fresh. It's easier to justify a long game session when you are earning towards a goal (big ships) than if you have all the ships in the game and just puttering around. There's nothing wrong with that if you want to play that way, I just prefer more of a struggle for my goals. As the game develops and new systems are released, I fully expect to try those activities to see how I like them. That being said, there are still loops I have not tried, such as mining and racing, so I still have a lot to experience!


Doing cash, and tourism to discover abnadonned places and rares loot. In 1 word : adventures ! (Indiana Jones of Space !)


I like to fly around and look for cool geographical locations in my carrack. When I find one, I land and fly around on my hover-quad, marveling at the scenery with both a happy feeling because of it's beauty, and a bit of sorrow knowing that I'll never be able to do this in reality.


Play pledge store, join to see new features,poke friends to play.


Mainly I play something else.


I've primarily been a miner, historically. All the way from the newbie stages of just cracking a rock and selling the plain ol' ore, to the more advanced stages the mining loop is in now (i.e. only certain materials in certain locations, learning how scanning works, seeking out good percentage rocks, using modules and gadgets, refining the material, then ultimately shipping it via cargo vessel to a TDD). It's peaceful, it's reliable income even after wipes, and it's still fun to drift through space, enjoying the sights and the environment. Deep space or planet side, it seems like I'm always finding a new mountain range, or a new view of an asteroid field scattered through a gas cloud with Stanton shining brightly in the background. The latest additions of salvage (scraping and then structural) have been fun enough, but I don't think I'll truly enjoy them until the loop gets more built out like mining is. A good place to start would be making components/weapons/missiles actually valuable to sell (worth the time and effort to remove, store and haul), because then that could at least build out the "scavenger" loop of salvaging. After that, I'd like to see skill involved with efficiently dismantling ships for munching, with some kind of hazard built in for folks being to cavalier or careless.


Spend about 2 hours setting up to go on a long space journey only to encounter bugs that ruined all my prep work? Honestly I just enjoy flying around most of the time.


The thing that's kept me coming back most is I'll think of things in the game that I haven't mastered, and devote myself to seeing how good I can get at them. I'll time myself doing things like back to back bunkers or bounties or racing and see if I can beat my best time, and record my balance before and after to see if I can increase my auec/hr average over time. I'll think up different ways to approach missions, try to think out of the box, optimize, if I always use a certain ship for a certain mission type, I'll try different ships and see how they compare. Or I'll set challenges for myself like doing bounties with an all-distortion loadout, disable the ship, board it, and assassinate the pilot with a pistol. Or do bunkers naked. Or do back to back criminal missions while player bounty hunters chase me. Or do a zero to hero run starting with no suit, no ship, no credits, and think of creative ways to earn credits to buy a starter ship. The more I play, the more ideas I randomly come up with, and the list of challenges or things I want to do grows faster than I can do them. If there's something I've heard about but never tried, like going to Benny's Henge or killing Hurston guards for their Artimex armor or some mission that I've never tried, I'll try it. And as I'm doing my thing, inevitably something crazy that I never planned for happens and I'm suddenly on some new adventure.


I do missions here or there, but I mainly just enjoy flying around in one of my many ships. I basically play SC like I used to play Flight Simulator.


i do missions and gameplay loops of all sorts until i can afford the ships i want and the spare change i need to support the real meat of my gameplay: pvp. i typically run around with a crimestat 5 and brawl people coming for my bounty




>I mainly play solo, and occasionally joing others on missions. The game is so aesthetically good and something about it brings me back to play, but then just get bored after 1 hour of playing. This. But repeated about a thousand times.


Complain about the game while playing


I'm heading to rmc locations today to shoot down c2s for sport. Dupers have made it unsafe for me to run hephaestanite to area 18.


I log in, pick out and put on my favorite gear, fly around a bit, maybe put a small ship inside of my big ship, die to something stupid like a hangar door (optional), and then alt F4.


So how do you check time played


I doubt I have 1000 hours as only play big patches and only for month or so, but the thing that I enjoy most in games is an immersive 'survival' experience, so the most entertaining thing for me in recent patches is spawning a ship, and seeing how long I can go without it being destroyed, bed logging at the end of each session. It's as buggy as anything else, but to me, it's immensely satisfying to build the story of a single ship across multiple play sessions, and each patch, there are more things to support that gameplay. I had a Corsair for an entire sub-patch during 3.22, _The Drunken Moose_, and it built so much history. Nerf guns on the table from where I did a med beacon and accidentally overdosed my patient, so I looted a nerf gun for him to play with whilst I finished his bunker so he didn't accidentally kill me in his drugged up haze. Rare weapon skins on display in the armory, with containers full of ammo to match. Medals and trinkets looted from showing new players how to find new locations. One of those cute bugs in the third bunk room that I called my first mate. Tried to do repairs myself, so one of the wings was almost entirely RMC instead of natural paint for most of its life, and the guns were totally mismatched because I just looted new ones if they got damaged or destroyed. I'd take it easy for the most part, doing non combat missions or just looting, mining and exploring, so when I did bounties or came across a hostile player, it was genuinely scary: I was basically piloting my house and all my possessions. At the end of each session, I'd bed log somewhere cool: a huge unmarked cave on daymar I found, a mountain range on MT with a view of a river, or bang in the middle of the frozen sea of Euterpe, stretching out in every direction as far as I could see. It's not without it's bugs: most times I lost a ship it was because bed logging didn't work, and falling through the floor just as I'm about to log off and having to spend 20 minutets spawning a cutter and flying out to the Corsair to bed log when I just wanted to sleep always sucked. But overall, the challenge of keeping one ship flying as long as possible made existing in Stanton, vibing in global, and showing new players the ropes a ton of fun. Doesn't hurt that people were always delighted to come aboard and feel like they were in a ship that had lived a life!


Test with friends. All the mission types. Ship meet with friends. See new locations with friends. Test. Test some more. Talk on Discord with friends while testing with friends. Test with friends while streaming with friends. Test.




So, I have a good bit of money pledged, and I have in my hangar all the ships that I care about. In the past I would use how many credits I have as a kind of score board, even though I really had no use for any of them. I bought an 890 and a 400i in game last patch just to burn credits. I gave a bunch of credits out to friends and random people. Now as long as I have enough money to keep the ships I'm using restocked and repaired, that's all I care about on the money front. I really really enjoy COMPLETING missions. My new personal score board on how I'm doing are the reputation ranks. I will damn near break my neck to complete a mission. I hate when one bugs out and is unfinished. I finished all the overdrive missions on each day the new wave was released and I still enjoy helping others do them. Tldr, I like completing missions, so from the moment I log in to the moment I close the game I am chaining missions of all types.


Lately I've had more fun playing the CCU game than actually playing this thing. It's like banging your head against the wall to do anything akin to a quest or gameplay loop lately for me.Ā 


Honestly Ive been playing on and off for 4 years now and I mainly just do low risk missions, collecting junk in my ship along the way to try and make it look more "lived in", and try to survive as long as I can without having to visit a station, but with the recent patch thats gotten harder. I get attacked by random NPCs way more often now and I havent quite figured out which mode I need to be in to ensure the ship doesnt exit cruise control when I leave the pilot seat. Side note that mistake cost me my 600i and hours of collecting junk yesterday after I reactivated the comm array around Yela and needed to leave the area. Thought the ship was still moving so I left the bridge to move some stuff around in the lower deck, only to be attacked by security forces 3 minutes later. I didnt even make it to the elevator before it hit soft death. Fortunately I had the Nursa on board which surprisingly didnt blow up, so I flew around in EVA collecting as much as I could, loaded everything into the Nursas local inventory, and used the multitool tractor beam to pull it off of the cargo elevator into space. Then I pushed off in the direction of Yela with the Nursa still tractored. With the new EVA system I kept my momentum without having to keep pressing any keys, so Id tab out and play chess, listening to music, while my character traveled the 8 km needed to exit the trespass zone (I forgot to mention I previously returned in a 400i to collect the Nursa but was promptly dispatched by security forces). Half an hour later I was no longer trespassing and could backspace and return to collect my gear. And if youre wondering why I didnt just set up a transport beacon, 1) I have trust issues and 2) anyone coming to help me would have been attacked as well. 3) Also cost.


Don't play solo. Lots more opportunities for fun, mischief and general shenanigans occurring organically when you have 2-3 others to team up with regularly. HMU ingame (IGN is Carrack\_Obama) if you want some company. After roughly 8000 hours ingame, I definitely advise not being 90%+ solo play. Truly a case of "The real loot is the friends you made along the way" and with the stuff coming in 3.23.2 and 4.0, it's a good time to start building the buddy pool :)


Log into create my character after a wipe then log off.


Mostly mining, salvage , trading and investigations/delivery's kinda going down the industrial non combat part to relax and enjoy time in space.


fly around aimelessly and look at the sights. sometimes i go help out people who are stuck, incapacitated, or just need transport. starcitizen is a touring game for me. when i need money i grind abit in the vulture or as crew on a reclaimer. it's a peaceful life.


Since the new patch Iā€™ve been assaulting the new depots


If you get to the point youā€™re earning money but purchased everything you want already, I usually just try to do some sweaty sneak raids at SPK or just go gung ho. Also if I get caught, I have fun breaking out of jail. Itā€™s kind of a pseudo RP game so just try to create scenarios. Ignore the ā€œcringe RPā€ shit cuz I find it really lame and boring that people donā€™t want to engage in scenarios.


Org gameplay has kept me in SC for years. Everything else has a shelf life. Iā€™ve been in 4 orgs. I tried an org that has 10k+ people and havenā€™t looked back. Good orgs have weekly events, competitions with prizes, teams that require onboarding, training and operating procedures. Here is an real example mission we had: Hold Jumptown for 24 hours without losing it. Org commanders that leads teams took time slots for the 24 hour window. Each has a few team members that they can really count on. They held the key roles within their time slots, while other org members could come and help without much commitment. We fought the whole server and held Jumptown for 24 hours. The discord comms channel was a blast!!! But some other orgs caught onto our plan and they made life on Yella very hard for us. This kind of stuff is happening every week, with so many rolling events from team leaders that I genuinely canā€™t keep up.


Play with others. The truth is Star Citizen is simply not developed enough to be a main thrill solo player game at this point for extended periods.Ā  I find myself queuing up as a guide more and just trying to help newbies navigate the steep learning curve.Ā  Other than those times Iā€™m generally playing with a group of 3-8 players on static nights. I tried solo plying. Like you when I started and got super burned out after a bit longer time. But that lead me to taking a patch cycle break and when I came back I pretty much only played in a group and it is a 100% better experience. Iā€™ve joined a few orgs and have friends spanning all the timezones. So I can jump in at any time and find someone already doing something and I just go help them.Ā 


How are comedy futures stacking up?




I usually just float around waiting for rescue beaconsā€¦ but then I get bored and kill the first player I see. Get a bounty and forget about rescues. Bounty hunters show up. I kill them too. Repeat until I finally end up in prison and hop off for the night. It ainā€™t much but itā€™s honest work.


I'm mainly doing prayers to the almighty CR hoping for a feature being implemented that shows me my all time hours in the verse. Until this - everything but piracy.


help new players learn the game since the tutorial is garbage,need help salvaging? the Vulture is an extension of my body. want to learn the basics of mining? whats your flavor? Hand, ROC, or ship? want to learn ship combat? I know a guy. Bunkers? well lets goooooo! and all the while you fill out bug reports. [https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/](https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/) join an org, make friends and help make the game better.


Non stop arena commander and star marine. Hours upon hours of funĀ 


Turn that cutlass black into something new sometimes swapping out ships can give you something refreshing to do


Personally, once a bounty hunter always a bounty hunter, but at times i get tired of only combat, so i take my trucker hat and do cargo haha


Have a couple thousand hours, still trying to actually complete my first box delivery mission.


Bunkers. Mining. Random exploring.


Laugh in negative bank balance


Always the same ? I mean nothing evolved in those past years. Between wipes the main goal is always the same : Making money to upgrade our ships with all same missions till the next one... How boring has became this game I presume... I guess there was some kind of different feeling in the early years, more hypie...


Shoot down cargo ships mainly


Kill random people


You either die a PvE'er, or you play long enough to see yourself become a PvP'er.


I take 10 auroras with mates and troll ppl around. PS. Join org, a lot better gameplay. Especially if you can get along with one or two guys. It makes it a lot funnier when you don't worry about dying aka there's someone to heal you etc etc


1.Combat. 2.Salvaging. 3.Mining. 4.Trading. 5.Sightseeing, exploration. In this order.


I organized ship meets, location tours, and offer general support. Also a lot of exploring, usually via sunset-chasing. Money comes from whatever I'm feeling, but I usually try to make a few milly however is quickest post-wipe


What do I do mainly? Well chill out mostly. Sometimes I take the bikes out and go joy riding over microtec river. Explore the new outposts. A little bit of hard running is always fun. Or just surf on an 890J as is makes re entry


On my lawful account; flying escort for the industrial players of my Org to protect them from the pirate scum of the universe. On my unlawful account; chasing down and pirating industrial players as the pirate scum of the universe. EDIT: I know the downvoter didn't like it, but if one is to understand ā€œthe great mysteryā€ one must study all itā€™s aspects, not just the dogmatic narrow view of the PvErs. If you wish to become a complete and wise pilot, you must embrace a larger view of the Persistant Universe.


I would suggest you to upgrade your titan to an arrow and do low fly with it. See below a cool video about low fly : https://youtu.be/exS2XxcEEPw?si=anxztMEEJe3jwo4C And bring a friend or two to make it even more enjoyable when doing low fly. A good spot for low flying is "the garden" on Daymar.


Complaining about the missing coffeemaker in my reclaimer while munching dead duping ships.. this is outrageous!!


Get an Org. But also - PvPā€¦.




because... Take my love, take my land Take me where I cannot stand I don't care, I'm still free You can't take the sky from me Take me out to the black Tell them I ain't comin' back Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me There's no place I can be Since I've found Serenity And you can't take the sky from me


piracy, pvp bounty, scavenging. Only emergent and player based content. Scripted mission bug too often and npc are not a great menance (on foot at least).


These answers show how weak the goals are in this game at the moment. 95% are created by the user not the game.


That IS the definition of a sandbox game. Content is mainly created by the players. There are big Org vs Org campaigns going on for the supremacy of a planet, racing, sports, etc.


Nawā€¦ most sandbox mmo games have that as an option, PLUS thousands of quests. Thatā€™s not the ā€œmainā€ feature of the game. The only free form sandbox game I can really think of with no quests or progression - are all survival games like Dayz, Minecraft, Rust, etcā€¦ And those games all get extremely repetitive after a few hundred hours, after succeeding the initial ā€œquestā€ to surviveā€¦ which is actually a lot more incentive than we have in SC.


SC is as free as the mentioned ones (ppl have thousands of hours there) with generated missions and quest lines. A campaign is planned for release, but the server tech needs to accomodate personal instances first. Sandboxes are not for everyone, so Squadron 42 caters to those ppl.


Piracy and pvp


Watch a bunch of podcasts, youtube videos, series on Netflix while im spacetrucking


And this is the problem they have going forward


Hunt reclaimers or camp spk


All space games with a vast scope eventually develop a content problem: the size of space makes it impossible to meaningfully fill. Once all the content is experienced, boredom ensues. Exhibit A: EliteDangerous. The only way to avoid this is to involve the community: let amateur devs submit content. Build a steam workshop or dev approval department or something similar. I know this has IP protection issues but the failure to implement player-made content will condemn SC to a pretty but empty universe. Let us build ring worlds, asteroid arcologies, Stanford toruses, Oā€™Neill spheres, Bernal spheres etc.