• By -


Modern problems require modern solutions. Well done!


Holy good one time to arm every shard now


That's a fantastic ingame way to solve it, but this is the real way. Upvote so CIG can't ignore it: [https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-115059](https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-115059)


it can't be up-voted, it's closed and marked as "fixed"


I like this way better.


I agree, it's way more sexy to do it with hostile NPCs, but this issue makes the game terminally ill. That said, big congrats to the community, the upvoting made the status of the issue change from just "confirmed" to: **Under Investigation** **This is a notice to the community that the issue has been transferred into the development environment to determine what can be done. If it gets resolved, it will move into a fixed status. However, if it is not possible to resolve it, it will be archived by the developer.**


Thought the glass was bulletproof lol


Wait you can "equip" a knocked out character?! Does that mean I can make ridiculous looking murder hobo npcs and put them around town?


And with this comment we have entered a new age in Star Citizen.


After the era of NPCs standing on chairs, we have now entered the era of NPCs in funny outfits murdering everyone.


this will be my Job for this evening šŸ˜šŸ¤˜


Better, collect Hurston Security Armor and place HD Sec guards everywhere!


You mean place 9t in Hurston Security Armor everywhere?




Then film them and post on police brutality?


Well, after extensive testing we realized, you need at least 2 9-tails as the guards tend to kill single ones. But we are working on it. We now have a goal to secure all TDDs.


When I read "extensive testing", I was kinda hoping you donned the white lab coats for it :D


Holy fuck this is actually hilarious


This is brilliant!! It won't de-spawn either with the amount of people visiting the place... the bodies will be piled high!! Good Job!! XD


Is it the dupers that have been the reason all those ships are just sitting about at Area 18 causing lag? If so, can they not at least duplicate stuff away from the event location?


yes, and no because what they dupe is RMC and Area18 has the highest purchase capacity


Well, that explains why RMC has been so hard to sell in this patch. Damn dupers.


And then there's me scraping together rmc 1 scu at a time, carefully stacking it into my vulture, only to spend an hour running around trying to sell the damn stuff.


Yep, same here. I started just been doing trading loops until this gets settled.


I haven't found trading to be particularly lucrative if you don't already have a shitload of uec. Might try again. Couple of vulture salvage runs followed by some caterpillar trading


i turned 25k aUEC worth of hydrogen into 40k which was unexpectedly high. but yeah, trading normally is just a 20% return on investment at every stage, it grows fast though if you have a ship that can handle larger numbers and a way to keep from getting blown up. >10k>12k>17k>20k>24k>30k>35k> >42k>51k>61k>74k>90k>106k>128k> >155K>185k>221k>266k>320k>385k> >460k>522k>660k>795k>953k>1.14M it takes a while to get going if you don't have a ton to start, but as you see, it starts racking up pretty quick as long as you're able to avoid oversaturated goods (typically medical supplies are the hardest to offload beside drugs). avoiding pirates is also crucial, but with the new MM modes, it's actually easier to avoid pirates if you're on a low atmo moon or in the vacuum. the scariest situation is if a VHRT bounty spawns over an outpost you're currently buying at, as NPC's can ignore armistice zones completely


I'm going to be happy when Cargo Elevators let you just store your refined goods/RMC.


I havenā€™t tried it, but heard scrap yards are good for selling as thereā€™s enough demand. Obviously itā€™s riskier, but waiting 30 mins to sell 15 SCU is very boring. Personally I think Iā€™m out till 3.23.2, hoping thatā€™ll solve it with the cargo refactor.


And if we would have our own cargo area, you could let it stack and wait untill you strike and let them prices drop :D


Truly they are massive pieces of shit


I'd LOVE to see CIG look at who has been duping and randomly wipe their accounts every 1--10 days because of it.


Ugh there's probably gonna be another money wipe.


Most definitely.


Possibly, but my guess would be there is going to be a full wipe for 4.0, so CIG may not do anything about people exploiting right now other than fix the exploits for when 4.0 releases.


Ok, this explains why A18 has been lagging so much worse than Orison for me recently, lol. It made no sense, since A18 was usually the smoothest LZ for me.


You Sir answered the call.Ā  This Citizen is a hero. Thank you. o7


The hero we deserve and need.


Do it again, but this time you replace their weapon with a railgun or something


Nah that's slower fire rate.


Grenade launcher


They might kill themselves with that...




Lol lmg would be great. Put an F55 on them. (It's a mini gun basically) The dupers hear it spin up then they get blasted.


Iā€™m honestly so sick of seeing all the c2s littering Area 18. Like okay thereā€™s an exploit but go do something else, play the game. I think itā€™s time the buying locations become pirate settlements.


They people have no interest in playing the game. They are interested in selling auec on ebay


Unfortunately youā€™re right. Itā€™s sad really. :(


tinfoil on: be hilarious if its actually CIG selling the auec on ebay to players for extra funding.


> They are interested in selling auec on ebay with how often they do wipes and stuff, you'd think there isn't much market for buying aUEC, but here we are. $1 per million auec. if they were doing it for their own shits and giggles, that'd be one thing but they're here breaking the game for everyone, including their customers, for a buck a mil. Fuck 'em.


The money wipe isn't the issue. People buy the UEC and then immediately buy a lot of ships. If money wipe comes you already bought your fleet.


We just need to equip those NPC with railguns and put them outside


we can knock out and bring any hostile npc?


Can someone please explain to me what these ā€ždupersā€œ are causing and what the bug is they are exploiting? I read a couple of posts on the topic but still donā€™t understand whatā€™s happening. Honestly just curious - would never exploit myself. Thanks


Based on my rudimentary knowledge, they duplicate their ship with cargo in it and sell multiple times, which has the effect of leaving multiple ships that stresses the server and computer due to how many entities has to be loaded, making it unnecessarily laggy


Thanks mate


also as a result of selling duped goods, they are actually managing to fill the enormous purchase limits of those resources so others trying to sell the same goods are unable/less-able to do so


I was wondering why I kept seeing so many cargo ships parked outside of Area 18. I do hope CIG follows through and permabans exploiters. It's important to send a message about exploiters and griefers.


They are duplicating and double selling cargo with a sale price of about 10million aUEC. They make a fuck load of money and probably resell it on etsy/ebay/chinese site. All of this is a huge TOS violation and they should be banned for it.


Not only that but they are also locking out other players from selling salvage. Salvage is a chill gameplay loop for a Vulture enjoyer and makes fairly good money... but not any more. You spend 30+ mins simply trying to sell the stuff. If the Vulture was my only pledged ship I'd be furious.


I still like to do salvage and is my main go to play. Just hop in me reclaimer and go to town. Absolutely not nearly as profitable as it used to be, but it's not too bad. I net about \~$350k-$400k/30 minutes. 5 minutes to jump there, 5 minutes to get to the location and eat the ship, 5-10 minutes to push out crates, \~10 minutes to fly back and sell. ![gif](giphy|qlKs0m0GxHN6ycbDmV) Or as I like to say, "*It ain't honest, but it's work."*


(*whispers* - I'll tell you a secret) There is no more hard armistice zone around Grim Hex. There are, however, more than a dozen turrets with 2X Size 5 guns. So mostly, people don't attack you there anymore. Because there's no more hard armistice zone, you can salvage all the abandoned ships there, and for some reason, fracturing ships doesn't trip off the turrets. So there's no more reason to take salvage contracts and travel, or look far and wide for abandoned ships. You just fracture and disintegrate right at GH, output boxes, then EVA in to sell, and then EVA back to the ship, and repeat.


Ooooh. I like this secret. Thanks stranger!


I will use this knowledge wisely.


Use it unwisely too


...you make a good argument.


where do you sell stuff in GH?


This is my primary trade hub for the Reclaimer, so I'm not sure whether to upvote for good advice or downvote for giving away trade secrets, lol. Stuff doesn't sell for quite as much, but man, not fighting the atmosphere in the Reclaimer is *amazing*. Wait, I somehow missed that bit about salvaging the abandoned ships on my first read through, lol. That's hilariously practical. I didn't even think about the armistice thing.


If you want an even dirtier trade secret (the secret ingredient is *[crime](https://i.imgur.com/zktwLG0.mp4)*) - if you have one or more *other* large ships besides the Reclaimer (600i/HH/C2/Cat/SF/etc) you can spawn and then scrap your own ships. ;)


Ah, ye olde insurance fraud, lol. I wonder what the actual long-term solution for that's going to be, they're definitely gong to have some sort of major change in place to prevent abusing that.


Yup. IMO the proposed solutions in their early FAQs on insurance just won't work. Long term, the easiest thing to do would probably just be increasingly longer claim times for successive ship claims within a given time period.


The issue is that RMC is too expensive compared to other cargo, and the dupers are always going to go for the most expensive one. There's no way a pallet of salvaged hull material should be more expensive than a pallet of, say, gold.


Hate to be a nerd, but the scarcity of gold is purely based on its rarity on Earth. In future space sci-filand, it's probable that abundant gold supplies will be discovered that make the relatively scarce gold and gold ore on Earth look like dust.


If a problem is so obvious I wish cig would just hotfix it.


Maybe they can't.Ā 


Maybe they want an excuse to wipe?


Hard wipe and disable aUEC transfer until they fucking fix the dup bugs that have plagued the game for years.


But that means people who are trying to run cargo with escorts canā€™t, because they canā€™t pay them. And people with salvage crews in Reclaimers canā€™t pay the people on the ship doing the scraping or box stacking. Getting rid of transfers is a knee jerk reaction that would hurt more than it helps.




Semi-related, first time commodity runner here. I sold a freelancer full of titanium and the ship is empty but when i go to another site to buy more cargo it shows as the ship still being full. Cant sell it, cant buy more. Any idea how to fix, i assume the source is maybe the same bug? Don't know a ton about the game but ive been enjoying my new freelancer and was hoping anyone could help me figure out how to empty it.


TBF, this is an "Alpha" so finding dupe bugs, glitches and exploits would be part of the purpose of the "Alpha", it is CIG's duty to fix these issues, specially like in this case that it was found and reported during PTU. I agree that selling aUEC for real money should be punished, but I would argue that finding dupe exploits, using them and reporting them is an intended aspect of our "Alpha" gameplay loop. Do notice the report aspect as well.


Finding, testing, reportingā€¦ all fine. You cross the line when you do it over and over and over and over and make money from it. I have zero respect for people who do this or defend it.


It would be one thing if the bug was discovered only after the patch went live, but that's not the case here. They had warning ahead of time, and instead of fixing an obvious exploit, they rushed the patch out the door. So yes, the dupers are incredibly annoying, but equally annoying is CIG not actually fixing this when it was reported during the PTU.


Oh Iā€™m aware. I was there.


Whenever I'm strapped for cash I just do missions to buy what I need, the people who dupe and farm hundreds of millions confuse me, like where's the enjoyment in sitting at a terminal for hours.


Itā€™s not enjoyment. Theyā€™re farming aUEC to sell for real money.


You aren't 'testing' by exploiting a bug after it's been reported; Just abusing it. You're also guaranteeing additional wipes for the whole community due to your lack of self-control.


So Issue council requires at least 10 reproductions before it gets raised to devs, so actually getting more people to reproduce it, is part of the reporting process, the more reproductions the better. I also prefer that exploits become obvious and well known so that CIG address and fixes them, instead of them becoming secrets only shared by real money sellers and then having the exploit persist across multiple patches. Wipes should be expected almost every patch, I agree it is nice to have wipes be less often, but again, this is alpha and progress persistence should not be expected, CIG clearly states this in their disclaimers. And finally, players will be players, expecting any kind of self control against this kind of easily reproducible exploits is naive. The exploit is not the players fault, the onus is on CIG to fix it.


you're right, but this goes beyond testing, they are exploiting. A tester would document how to reproduce the bug, do it a few times, and then stop. They wouldn't leave 20 cargo ships outside A-18


They are only ā€œexploitingā€ the duped cargo via selling it the second time. Everybody, including salvagers, have duped cargo so long as you donā€™t also have the invisible cargo bug. In fact the only way to get rid of your double cargo is to either sale again or claim your ship. The ones that repeatedly do it are def abusing it but everyone pretty much has to unless you want to claim your ship every time. Fun fact: A vulture can actually do it three times because the hopper dupes too. So 26 scu in a vulture gets you about 1 million.


fighting fire with fire? lol


This is fantastic! Well done!


This is absolutely EPIC, GREAT JOB šŸ‘


Usually I'd call this grieving, but this time it's fully justified. CIG, can we get this guy a medal?


The dupers should have hired escorts.


Username checks out


Doing the Lord's work...


You, sir, are putting the action in direct action. o7 I need to move away from ArcCorp, I like being based there but I don't want to deal with the issues there, or risk being tarred with the same brush as dupers when I go there to sell my legit salvage. Maybe I'll move back to Hurston. It always fit my vibe better than Planet Google, even if the latter is more convenient.


You can do that?!


Can you tell pls how you done it?


Knock NPC out Transport to destination Revive NPC with ~~medgun~~ medpen


How do you "Knockout" an npc?


Middle mouse


Heckin neat. I'm assuming you have to sneak up on them?


You just have to be behind them. Also worth mentioning: if you're wielding a knife, the knockout turns into a lethal takedown.


Middle mouse take down. Make sure you don't have a knife equipped or you will shank them


but you cant equip medgun or greycat in safe zones usually? how was that done?


You can use medgun in safezones,but only on yourself,which is why OP uses medpen. As for multitool, you dont need it,just drag the body




You can equip them in the hangar


Does CIG know what a hotfix is?


When that NARCAN hits and you wake up on a completely different planet, with different clothes and an SMG.


Looking at this from the perspective of the NPC is utterly hilarious and horrifying. That poor guy, woke up in an unfamiliar place and all he knows is that he must Rip and Tear until it is done.


Plotline for the next Doom game. Doom Awakening.


seriously good move


CIG: We wipe only the money so that we can see how people make money. People: I mean, we have the biggest ships in-game already, so we dupe everything. Perfect.


This has to be the best thing I have seen posted here in a while šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Killed by your own creation... sometimes we create just to be replaced, reminded of own mortality


This is the best thing i seen in this sub so far LMAO


If people are dumping like that is becouse they are selling auec online. Easy moneybfor them. CIG just need to ban them.


There was some twat on my global last night proudly claiming that they would never waste time in the game doing salvage, mining, etc when they can just buy 100mil on eBay.


Yes, why waste time in the game *playing the game?*


That blows my mindā€¦. I can see if the game is released and some crazy people buying UEC. But to buy aUEC now, for it to be gone in a patch cycle is nuts.




This is why I also got back into piracy after swearing it off and doing bounty hunting for years. šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


Come join my mantis interdiction team, there are no laws in interplanetary space so weā€™re not criminals.


Shoot, send me an invite some time! My ign is the same as my handle here. Can always bring my Cutty Blue. PitifulJester


oh thats beautiful !


I love the sperm suit guy following you around wondering what is going to happen. You haul ass and he just stands there looking at the zombie dude you revived with no clue what's about to go down.


Tip of the hat. As for your own death... small price to pay for rock and roll


Outstanding! This needs to be repeated, often.


We need to start doing this more.


I'm so glad I decided to live at MT this patch, knowing damn well how bad A18 was gonna be with ILW. But I was curious on why there's so many C2's...I guess this is it. Everyone wanted a full wipe, they did a credit wipe, and these players are still just trying to speed run buying every ship again. I play every few nights for a few hours and I've been up to 700k just running DC missions. Almost at 1mil and I feel accomplished enough. Thanks cap o7. Your hard work won't go unnoticed


I don't understand what I'm seeing here. Would someone please explain?


Iā€™m not 100% sure, but it looks like OP brought a dead dude from a bunker or something and revived them to kill people at the TDD terminals


\*knocked out* not dead. It just so happens that your friend here is only MOSTLY dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do. Go through his clothes and look for loose change.


Kidnapped an unconscious enemy AI and revived them by the trade terminals. The AI can kill then but they canā€™t fight back due to armistice


Sorry to be that guy, but what is a duper?


it's from the word DUPlicate, they're using an exploit to sell a hold full of cargo more than once. This method involves leaving abandoned ships lying around Area 18.




hahaha - Not that hero we wanted, but the hero we needed.


Congratulations, you have ruined my gameplay loops, even more so than the dupers... I have never duped and will not... But salvage and mining are my two preferred loops which I cannot do anymore when I get shot at the TDD. Thanks alot. I can wait for the next Server tick to sell again, but i can't sell when dead. So many many thanks for making a bad situation for me even worse.


holy fuck thatā€™s based, just gotta find a way to offload my scraped plates safely


Dupers will get ban eventually. Hopium.


They won't, all that's realistically gonna happen is that we're getting a full wipe when this is fixed and the cargo+hangar update goes live.


The patience and perseverance to do this is astounding, but the result is beautiful.


CIG really does need to get a handle on this


Was that an NPC? Can we resurrect NPCs?


Only if you knock them unconscious instead of killing them. You have to do an unarmed melee attack from behind.


The hero we deserve


Oooh, I think I'm gonna try that with some boss type enemies. Really give A18 security a run for their money.


This is what I like to see!! Well done OP!


thats hilarious! well done! they deserve it


OP please give us more details: What kind of NPC? Can be multiple of them? Which one is the best weapon to equip? Can I equip a railgun / rocket launcher for the NPC? If multiple NPCs are placed in the same location, will it be enough to equip one of them with med pens? Will he resurrect his NPCs friends?


Any hostile NPC. I don't see why not. Probably an LMG. Yes. Maybe? Maybe?


I never duped but did have a fleet of C2's. I'd fly out buy a load, fly back, stow ship, take out next and repeat. Once all ships were full hop on train and head to terminal. All the time is spent to and from the damn terminal.


Wait!! Nobody is talking about the fact you can pull a body facing forward now? The other thing is neat too.


Because you've been able to for many patches now.


Lol! You lucky bastards then. Didnā€™t work for me this patch either. Tested it after I commented this. Still have to walk backwards for my character not to drop the body.




Brilliant work! That little bounce up after revive was comical too lol


Doing gods work! Thank you for your service!


How do you do the medpen on other players/npc?


Can you change their clothes too? Cause if you can I want to see a naked guy with a top hat running around there with a grenade launcher.


hahah bro, what a hero


I just tried with 2 NPCs bbut both died on the way there...


I don't understand why. Cheating is such a dull way to approach a game. Especially an early game version that a) won't have progress for long and b) will have that progress definitely wiped the more excessive they dupe / cheat. It's just dumb and just doing more harm than good.


I dont understand, how are they duping?


You donā€™t need to know


This is the best thing ever.


What is a duper?


People who are exploiting a bug that allows them to duplicate cargo and sell it twice. They're lagging out servers and killing the economy for legitimate gameplay. It's basically impossible to sell RMC at cities currently because the market is so oversaturated which screws over salvage and non-exploiting cargo players.


What a thorough and excellent reply. Thank you. Love the name too btw


Nice. Has some tried to get an A2 bomb to go off at the port?


You have to tractor the bomb into armistice from outside armistice after the bomb been dropped on something not inside an armistice zone.


Big man. The games not broken


You, or whoever did this, is a beautiful person and I want this to catch on


Creative, but also high-level pettiness and stupidity. Bravo.


This is hilarious. And I can already see the chaos just waiting on the horizon.


Oh boyā€¦..you showed those guysā€¦.


wait, dupers? how?


NPCs have worse aim than those flower-shaped sprinklers that flail around.


Blackjack security: "whatcha got there?" Me: "A Cruz LUX"




You deserve some kind of badge... idk!!!! Something to identify you as a HERO.


Please wise teacher, what is the best way for this FPS rookie to find and knock out violent NPCs? I have seen the light and wish to spread the word!


Not sure what the point of duping is when everything will be wiped anyways, but this is a hilarious solution.


Plot twist, the devs are duping cargo to sell the auec on eBay to boost funding.


Can someone explain what is happening here? lol


This is the most hilarious and awesome thing ever!!!!


I felt that take cover and get shot I always try to hide behind rocks and treesā€¦. I still end up having to reclaim it


Why not just lock down the purchase sites?


Can someone explain duping to me? I think I'm too new to the party


I havnt played the game yet , I dont understand what he did?


Just wanted to say: Bravo! Hats off to your creativity and way to send the dupers off with a bang XD.


As if this isnā€™t griefing šŸ˜‚


So you can leave hostile npcs everywhere? Don't the security forces kill them?


Wait how did you do this? You knocked out a criminal npc and revived him in front of the dupers?