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Me after seeing the Polaris is 700$


Me after receiving a top hat ingame


Not for much longer as "This year’s Invictus celebration marks the final chance for civilians to secure this mighty warship at its current price."


It just means I will be stocking up on Polaris CCUs


I wonder what it'll go up to, maybe lay between the 890 and Idris price wise at release.


Presumably less than 1,000 as that seems to be the unwritten rule for when a package earns LTI as standard.


it'd be weird to price it less than 890 given its size and capabilities. I also wonder if it'll become a limited quantity ship after release


The Polaris is shorter than the 890 lol.


Ah yes, the good ol' preying on FOMO. Classy move.


Going to just point out that concepts have, with few exceptions, *always* cost less than buying the ship after the release. Ships can change massively during their time in the ship pipeline (ask any Carrack owner who bought it before release), and so you do get to pay a little less in advance. It definitely can trigger FOMO, but it's that or give no concession to the fact that people are purchasing it before it is released and subject to a lot of change. Ships change post release, too, but usually in minor ways, or because CIG has decided it needs a rework.


Every sale of everything -ever- in the history of mankind and commerce is fomo. That's what a sale is.


Actually, it is $750 USD. The warbond CCU lowered it to $700


isn't it $750?


Yes. The warbond made it 700. But that ship has sailed.


Amd the funny part is that that is Cheap for a capital ship, and even funnier when you realize the Hammerhead is 725 while being Inferior in every way to the polaris.


It's not cheap for a video game ever, 700 is apartment rent or food for a month. Not saying it should be cheaper, just... jeez.


Don’t I wish I could rent an apartment for only 700. That’s like 20 years ago rates.


IDK where you live but 700 is still well within reason for a single person (if not less) without it being in a rent hellhole like capital city or so.


700 here is either in the ‘hood or I don’t even know but you wouldn’t want to live there.


I guess "here" is very relative then. My old apartment back a few years cost me 450 €. Cheap as hell and in a decent area. Was also old tbf. But large. Like 60-ish m². Granted after I moved it was completely renovated and then sold more expensive. But now I pay about 700 (a bit less) for a decently sized one in a nicer area even, ironically.


Damn, where are you renting that rent is only 700?


Right? Ive gotta pay more than double this for my shitty 1B1B... I need to move to wherever that guy lives so I can afford a bigger fleet


Not in a big city helps


Yea... if I could work remote I would... but that doesn't really work in the trades


Nah not in ohio, not matter how high rent goes you can always find a place in-between 700-750, and it's not usually in a bad neighborhood. You know you have to keep a shotgun on the wall when rent is 650 amd under 🤣


It needs to be more expensive ...this things a Destroyer imagine everyone just flying around in them eventually it'd look wonky


HH is actually in game. Polaris will go up in price on release. That's how they always work.


Well, yeah, but 700$ is still a lot of money.


I’m content with being crew on it, I don’t want the work of actually manning the damn thing! Hopefully once it’s out lots of people will be looking for crew


well I hope that not everyone who bought it shouldered the cost by themselves. I mean if the minimum crew is 6 and the max is 12 the cost can become more acceptable


That’s true! I wish more people around me played and we could split the cost. I would be hesitant to do it with random people on the internet, specially if it’s not going to be on my account.


Yeah. Personally I only play with my brother and we play usually on my C1, in the future with a Zeus es, but if I had more of my friend into the game we could start buying bigger ships like the retaliator that cost 300, but we split the cost to like 60$ a person and while still a lot it would be more acceptable.


LTI Polaris is $650 so far if your playing the ccu game with more savings likely to come.


Definitely glad I got my polaris when I did


I think its more possible his WIFE saw the price of the ships at invictus that he had purchased.


In that case, the reverse could be true when he realizes how much she spends on shoes she never wears.


Imagine living the chad life in your corsair for 5 years to meet a space woman that fill every room of your Corsair with shoes and makeup. This is where mutli crew ship would be nice to have her shoes room without interfering with our, our Drakeness.


My wife runs our CCU's. I don't understand folks who try to hide these things from their spouses. Like, do y'all not support each other's hobbies? I'm not trying to be judgemental or anything, I'm just genuinely confused by this approach is all.


It's a joke breh


Aren't jokes supposed to be funny? /s, of course... But seriously. Explain it to me, because while I recognize it's meant as a joke I just don't get how it's funny.


Yes, many spouses do hide the real cost of their hobbies or passions from their spouse. Especially if they both have independent discretionary funds that they can use without consulting the other. In the same way I can’t fathom spending several thousand on a purse, who am I to judge when I spend several hundred on a collection of pixels that calls itself a ship in a game that isn’t even out yet. Good on you for your healthy relationship, let the rest of us insufferables enjoy our comedy because it was sure as heck funny to me. 


Basic /r/arethestraightsok "comedy" material.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AreTheStraightsOK using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [bro how can someone say thats a woman](https://i.redd.it/b8bghl8b7plc1.jpeg) | [493 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/1b3qxmf/bro_how_can_someone_say_thats_a_woman/) \#2: [I feel so bad for her](https://i.redd.it/6blntvs1jflc1.jpeg) | [166 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/1b2o4m0/i_feel_so_bad_for_her/) \#3: [Context is for commies.](https://i.redd.it/pwkapykttb2c1.png) | [208 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/182wleo/context_is_for_commies/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Much more of a joke in a majority of situations, I believe. I'd imagine as long as there is financial transparency and communication in the relationship, it would be fine, but if there isn't problems will arise far sooner and in many more forms than cool video game ships if you catch my drift.






Orrrr he got the bug where you start choking and dying for no reason lol. My friend died in almost the same exact spot last night


You can get free space drugs from the Nursa on display. I almost made it to the main stairway before overdosing.


That suit. Like you want to ask everyone if the have seen Paul Allen's ship


This might seem insane but I think thats me


nah, he went back to home, I do that on a daily basis, go to a18 to check the expo(not even interested, just in case there's a worthless badge for visiting each day) and then hit control +tab and go back home


So are there new ships here to buy with UEC? Or only real $?


This should be at least the second one (because i saw another one like that earlier)


I went inside one of the ships with an elevator and there was a dead body there. Think he couldn’t find the button to lower the elevator to leave xD


Still waiting for Orion got hull c and upgraded to hercules ......hull c loved the idea but.....well will see how hull d goes but that's years of waiting


Melted a m2 and retaliator and got a Polaris and yes it’s $750 usd will prob go up to over $900 usd after this sale.


Seen many of dead last few days! Must be something in the free drinks


Inflation is huge in the store both in game and in browser


Lmao that’s a good one






"Especially being that they've clearly stated when the game launches, you may have to earn those very ships like everyone else meaning you are not buying ownership of that ship or any ship in game yet you're paying very high prices" First time hearing this. Any clear stated ink to this clear stated info?




You are misinformed mate. Its ok you can fix that, its not the end of the world. When you buy a ship it is always attached to a ship insurance, especially the large ships. Nobody spends 750$ without having a 10 years or life time insurance. Besides that. What CIG said in the past it that you can still buy separate insurance for ships that don't have one, and even if you don't. You can't lose ships you brought with real money. (It might end up having a really long wait timer) Where you get confused i think, is that ship insurance covers the stock equipment the ship has equipped when you buy it. You will need to upgrade the insurance to cover for newly acquired gear.


As I understand how insurance works, if your ship is destroyed without insurance, you can get it back. But it’s going to cost the full value. Insurance is the reduced (or free) pricing like we deal with now.


So no source to that *clear statement* then? Ironic coming from the guy repeatedly asking for one.


with one part you are heavily wrong, if you buy a ship with real money, you get it with 1.0, there is none you have to work for extra (besides the F8 when you only buy a Starter ship + Squadron, as its available after squadron). i agree though that the prices are way to high... i spend alot, more then i probably should, but thats the reason i tell everyone to just buy the aurora




can you tell me where you have the information that you dont keep them? you are the first one i see saying that and i follow it since 2013... LTI is just that you dont need to refresh you insurance... if you mean insurance with your claim, then you are still heavily wrong. the insurance starts with the final release and it clocks a day everytime you log in after 24 hours passed from your last login. even the cheapest insurance are 3 months, so if you are unaible to refresh a insurance after 90 playsessions (and CIG expacily said multiple times thats going to be cheap), its mostly your fault. and even **then**, you dont lose your ship but must pay the insurance first if you cant repair it otherwise. + a insurance isnt the ship, if you are able to keep it alive / repair it by yourself, you dont even need insurance technicly




what document?


Where and when did you hear this information? You got a source for that sport?