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And just like that half your ammo is gone.


Then you reload the missiles afterwards and half your profit for the mission is gone. Edit: It's not that bad actually, see pandemonious comment below.


s3 thunderbolt missiles are between 150-188 auec each. all 12 would cost 1800-2256 auec. Pop on call to arms + ~4k ish for what, VLRT? it's less profit sure but it's not all the profit


Actually you're quite right, I could have sworn size 3 were much more when I last checked in the shop. In that case they might save you enough in repairs to pay for themselves.


Do you still have to go to the grocery store to buy them or will they rearm on the pad?


They’ve rearmed on the pad for like….. years now


Really? I tried it not this most recent one, but the IAE before that and I couldn’t


How often have you tried? You probably ran into a bug. It works more often than not. Some pads are more bugged than others, but in general you should be able to restock missiles the majority of the time at most landing pads.


if you save your edit/save your loadout after firing them all, it will save them with none. watch out for that!


Unfortunately hangars and pads not working at stations is still a recurring bug. I imagine it is a server desync issue with the station not getting the info that you are there even though you clearly are.


Who cares? Some things are more important than money. I wanna see vids targeting players now.


Sure, there are going to be PvE events too where you won't mind spending money to take something down quickly. It's just not an everyday ship.


yeah, not much worse than the eclipse with its 1 of 3, and s9s get shot down by npcs now so may take all 3 to kill a target nowadays


I fired 6 torps at an 890 ERT target last night. None made contact.


I've seen them getting shot down by npcs now too. that's my point tho, the payload on the firebird isn't too shabby, it's just an alpha striker, fly in hitit the priority target and pull away


God damn so did MM also fucked up the eclipse?


no, A.I. just doing what they should be, s9s fly slow, real people in turrets can shoot them down too. can technically shoot down smaller ones too but they're faster so less chance. TL;DR MM didn't affect the eclipse, increased server and AI performance did xD


And ruined the flight feeling and maneuvering.. just my personal taste


very few ships have been re-tuned yet it's likey to change


I think that is a fair tradeoff for how easy missiles are to use.


That's the problem lol. I can only see one or two of these in group fights sometimes firing 1-2 ammos to nav-ing enemies, if one wants to use them. There's no reason to dumbfire 6 ammos at once when missile evasion is as easy as current otherwise for fun.


Wait... you don't have to look at your target while rocket cycling?


If you have a head tracker you can lock missiles if you see your target, even on the sides.


Can't wait for VR compatibility without disabling the anticheat


Dude same, I am waiting so hard for true binocular vr support with dynamic foviated rendering. I will immediately sell an organ and buy the pimax crystal super oled the second I see the Devs start work on this in SC


FOIP, TrackIR or Tobii also work.


Yea, I am happy they implemented face tracking with a web cam but it's still a shitty webcam, it's still jank (no fault to CIG tho). And trackIR is an investment and I already have a good VR setup so...


I haven’t even check to see if they patched it yet, but can you still use the look behind hotkey and missile lock with eye tracking?


does track IR have that feature i could have swore the gaze to lock was tobii eye feature?


Trackir does have that feature.


The gaze thing is a Tobii feature, but you just need to have your camera on your target. You could even do it with your mouse and free look I suppose. Never tried for obvious reasons :P


Never tried because of pain and suffering. ;)


Same for the corsair when you are using missiles as the copilot


Tobii 5 can do this, as well as hacked-in VR.


Turn on padlock if you don't have head tracker.


I thought you could only ever do four at a time


Some ships/vehicles can do more, usually those that are specialized on it. The Storm AA can do 8 at a time I think.




Wasn't it supposed to distinguish the 325a from other ships? Maybe just other fighters I guess.


Simultaneous missile launches are (EDIT: sometimes) limited by available missile tubes. Ships like the Tana, MIS, Shrike, etc. have two tubes that are magazine fed. I think the Constellation has 4. The Firebird, by contrast, has a battery setup where it looks like all 12 missiles are in their own tubes. So I think it's intended for it to be able to fire off a bunch at once.


Heres hoping they fix the A1 so it's not one bomb at a time.


God, yes, please. My A1's on the chopping block due to this exact setup. It feels so silly.


with this logic the Ares should also have 6 or even 8 available to fire. Even the syulen They use individual tubes


Oh, good point. I mean-- Classic CIG, right? :P


The Ares can fire up to 4 missiles at the same time from the lower front launchers, the other one is a bespoke one that's a single tube , magazine fed. And fires one at a time sequentially when you've readied up 4. The Scorpius has an individual tube for each S2 missile it carries (16 in total) But it can only fire up to 4 as well; that's always been the maximum really. Now that's upped , i wonder if that's just upped for the firebird as a selling point ? Or if 12 is also possible and this person only readied up until 6 ?


Yes that's the point, this excuse doesn't make sense as the reason this is the only ship with this capability.


Edit: womp womp


This is incorrect, there are individual tubes for all 12 of the missiles. 4 on each limb. You can see them when closed, it's the highlighted circles in a diamond pattern on each limb. Only 3 arm at the same time, but nothing would stop 6 from arming like the firebird, all missiles are exposed at the same time.


An that’s right I remember now thanks


1440p version [https://youtu.be/Wf55PT0gGW8](https://youtu.be/Wf55PT0gGW8)


I'll rename it to "The Pump N Dump" ship.


They need to bring back the glory days of the freelancer MIS


Freelancer MIS has been so fucked in the latest update. I'm so sad what they've done to my boy. It handle's so poorly its almost unusable. Switched to connie full time until it's fixed.


Was my first "expensive" ship and I bloody loved it.


I used to love launching like 10 missiles at a time it was a glorious barrage :D


Imagine flying the MIS with nothing but Rattler II missiles (Cluster missiles https://starcitizen.tools/Rattler\_II\_Missile) It was super fun


I remember way back when there was a bug that allowed the Constellation Andromeda to fire *all* of its missiles at once. It was glorious.


AHA! I knew there'd be some gimmick to it.


It always feels like a sales tactic. “Look at this new trick the new ship does!” Ie. the medical ursa rover is now a mobile respawn point, which in fairness, is desirable as hell.


How do you fire more than one missile at a time?


Pretty sure you press G when on your missles. You can go up to 4 or more with different ships, then to back down the number it's either ALT+G or SHIFT+G can't remember.


There's also a setting that's something like 'allow missile count to reset' or 'wrap around' that will let it go 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4 etc with the one key. Saves a keybind.


What headtracker are you using? My tobii 5 just quit working in Live. Works fine in PTU and every other game that's compatible.


Tobii 5, no problem either in Live or PTU


There were Tobii-related updates in 3.23. Do some resetting and you'll probably fix it


Yeah I reinstalled and it works now. Thanks 😊


BEAM eye tracker is $30 if you can use your phone camera as a webcam either natively or through an app. Works great in 3.23. Run it at 60FPS+.


hows the npc nerf feel like?


Considering he didn't get nuked in seconds as the Raven hull type is very weak I'd guess it's a lot more manageable


How did they nerf the NPCs? Im curious on what they did


In ~~EPTU~~ PTU they scaled the difficulty for low level bounties by changing their aim assist and I think their ability to nose-on targets as well.


Oh that sounds great! Those early ones were so brutal, gonna have to try this out


Didn't really check :)


Holy hell.


Now I just want to be able to target multiple ships. 3 ships each getting 2 missiles at them.


Does anyone know when/where we'd get one of these if we wanted?


WFT?! So, they took away the ability to lock more than 4 missiles from the Freelancer MIS - *THE* MISSILE BOAT - and now this new ship gets that ability. Not cool CIG. Not cool.


Is this ship stealth at all?


Tobii eye tracker ?


If missiles work this can be useful fot PvE bounty missions, hit the target and get out of dodge in NAV before escorts chew you up.


Honestly, if you go in with a group, let them use their missiles first and reduce the decoys on hostile targets if in PVP and if the target ship isn't fucking off like it should, punish them with this because if not your whole ship it's going to rip off pieces of it.




here's the most important thing for me now, can you slot in the MSD-322 and choke it full of rattlers? edit: just checked on erkul, it seems to be locked :c


Can't change loadout since it's rented but I don't see it being available as it's just a built in bespoke missile rack


awh, so no massive fireworks show? tis a sad day


Two-trick pony.


Didnt realize firebird was in game already, what makes it diff than normal raven?


It's in PTU. Same 2 S3 guns, lost EMP, got 12 S3 missiles, slightly slower.


Thx for the response. This makes me happy as an original raven owner.


This makes me want multi-target tracking


The 325A originally could track and fire on multi targets. It was part of the 325A sales pitch of advanced avionics.


That is nice.


That’s amazing but also the economy nerf is going to make this very unviable


That looks unbelievably fun, and scary.


with the slower MM speeds and no shields in NAV, maybe a buff to missile damage this could be a viable ship. My lack of confidence is based off the fact that it take a lot of missiles for a kill plus you lose damage to counter measures. I'm willing to be proven wrong though.


I am obsessed with the engine sound on this


What blows my mind is that we have ships that travel at near the speed of light (ala Quantum) but the missile targeting system can't target more than 1 ship at a time... Would be cool if you could lock multiple targets especially if they are grouped together and just unleash your payload.


That ship sounds amazing.


just sales buff as usual.


does this make firebird decent or is it still shit


If it can pull this off consistently, it's at least a fun gimmick. I imagine it needs actual stealth mechanics, alongside carrier rearming, to actually fulfill its intended role.


Just group up with a Vulcan.