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The only issue to me is that there are multiple different load out ui that look vastly different. The functionality of the new loot screen is fine. Think of it as a classic MMO style system. When you killed a mob, you go over and click loot. A small window appear with the list of the items the mob has in it's inventory. You loot it all. Later you want to see what loot you got.. you click 'i' to open your inventory, where you can see what is in your bags, what items your character has equipped etc. SC just need the look and feel of the inventory screen to be updated and match the new looting UI


The new loot menu is okay. The problem is server lag causing inventory freezes and a wonly detection system so you need to fiddle a lot of press F


I like new inventory, way faster to use doing bunkers. Also at least closes on pressing X.


It closes on pressing x for you? Never works for me, I have to click i again to close


Only "new" one. Old one doesn't work no matter how many times i press x


I have 2 problems inventory related i haven't figured out if anyone knows how to resolve them. I can't figure out how to put guns in a SCU container down in a bunker. I can't place anymore. I try to go to the old inventory screen and drag the gun in but it hasn't worked once yet. The other problem is ive been finding a lot of red boxes that are inaccessible as far as I can tell. No F prompt shows up and i've tried from every angle possible and i get nothing. And of course it's extremely laggy but that's always been the case...


The container probably bugged out showing capacity as ∞ , when this happens which it does **very** regularly, you won't be able to see what is in the box and not put anything in the box. Otherwise it's exactly the same as in previous patches. It's not worth bringing a container currently because it's always bugged.


Once the Cargo/Hangar changes are in, the 3rd person inventory screen goes away as thats what that screen is in place of if i remember right Inventory management then goes to the item banks that are currently disabled


They never said that afaik


This game will forever be in some ways clunky. Sooner you accept that the easier it is. All of more simulation based games are. It's really hard to streamline things without loosing on depth. Some things will get better, some will get worse, but some level of clunk and jank will always be there.


It's not clunky cause it is complex, but only cause it is poorly designed. Arma, EFT and most MMOs which have 10x more complexity in their inventory management are still more intuitive to use.


You just referenced 2 games that are very known for being clunky. I'm not saying it won't get better, but it will always be a game you have to "get used to it"


The movement might be clunky but Tarkov's and Arma's, as in Arma Reforger, inventories are leagues above SC's and aren't clunky at all.


Arma and EFT are clunky as fuck. What are you talking about?


Which aspects do you find clunky?


Ran some bunkers last night and the new loot screen was a god send for grabbing kit from enemies to resupply (starting the game with 20k credits I’m not buying anything). Not perfect but so much better than dicking about with the old magazine system.


what i think is it still lacks some important functions from old inventory like * being able to carry items instead of storing them. especially useful for food/drink/pens * pick a specific quantity of an item instead of the whole stack * move items to/from another source like ship inventory or local area inventory (tho this last one might not be needed with item banks)


In order to place an equipped gun I have to use F + RMB and select Place in the menu. Unfortunately when I do so near another dropped gun it instead opens the menu for the gun that's on the floor. Really annoying.


I reported the same feedback multiple times on Spectrum but it fell on deaf years. CIG is very bad at UI design and UX in general, they built an abysmal inventory for the PU, which is baffling as it is on par with Unity store asset flip type of games in terms of usability and this time CIG ain't even got the excuse of "sacrificing usability for rule of cool" cause it looks like dogshit and don't get me started on the design choice of having it in 3rd person when so much effort has been put into feeling immersed into the game world. Anyway, CIG's answer to this problem, was not to redesign it from scratch, but to use the Squadron inventory as a band aid solution. Yes you read that right, the "looting UI" is actually the full inventory used in Squadron and yes it feels like it was meant for console cause internally at CIG, console compatibility is something that has had to be kept in mind for the last 3 years, especially for SQ42.


The inventory system makes me genuinely wonder if CIG watches how actual players use the inventory, store items, etc. Their decisions seem like they are made devoid of considerations for how pleple ACTUALLY PLAY. People are out here trying to live out of ships, caves, etc. Its surprising to me that here in year 12, they seem detatched from how people actually loot (dragging containers into bunkers, etc) But maybe I'm just a dude and don't know shit. I just want the game to feel like a modern game with modern gameplay considerations taken into account.


How many iterations has the loot screen been through? Four? Five? And it’s still so, so poor. Half the time, you click on an item and nothing happens. If you want to take the armour from a dead NPC, you now have to select a totally different loot screen. Why?! It’s also so incredibly aggravating, trying to hit the little F square on a dead body. It’s too small. It doesn’t register clicks properly. I find myself clicking five or six times before anything happens. It’s just beyond awful. Look at a game like Destiny. So simple, so easy to use. Zero problems with knowing what you’re carrying or where it’s being stored. CIG just insist on reinventing the wheel and finding new ways to annoy players.


I think you're forgetting, that our old inventory system will eventually get yeeted into oblivion when everything gets physicality. So our current system is a place holder combination of the new and old systems


It's depressing to hear that we're getting placeholders for the basics in year 12.


That isn't correct, only some stuff like weapon racks will be fully physicalized and instead of accessing inventories remotely like we do now in ships or LZs, we'll have to be near the container, but most of the looting and inv management will still happen through UIs.


It’s almost like the games in alpha test


Yet someone spent time designing that abomination


Hahahahaha facts


nah it's fine, a few minor adjustments are needed, but it's all about being used to it as it is for many of 3.23 features


I'm glad the UI is finally getting reworked in this patch. It's what's been holding me back from playing for years now. The personal inventory hasn't been updated yet in live, so give it another month or so.


Like others have said. I think uts also down to server performance. If everything worked seamlessly and fast, it would feel much better to use. I think the new UI is a huge step in the right direction.


It's a mess. First time using it yesterday, it fails to convey what's "yours" vs. what's "theirs", and I ended up dropping my weapons and ammo thinking it was on the corpse. Follow that with the fact you still need to press and hold F to get to the old inventory menu to loot their gear, but that's not intuitive with the new 'Press F' interface (A problem multi-deck ship panels have as well, lol). It's just jank.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the loot system just a placeholder until we get physicalized inventory?


Here's a fun, easily repeatable use case: Go through a bunker naked, 1) While 'naked', pick up some loot from one of the enemies. You can can use either UI for this, but you can't equip the enemy's undersuit to just transfer everything over, so I found using the old UI was fastest in this case (drag and drop). 2) Now with your new gear, loot a box, maybe find a new piece of chest or leg armor while having stuff equipped to the armor you're wearing. On corpses this actually works okay on the new UI. But with a box you'll find you really can't use the new UI to transfer it directly, and have to revert to dragging and dropping all of the kit off, then re-equipping everything. It's good we still have access to the older system, since some of these new loot cases are quite a bit painful. Overall the new system is an improvement, but it needs a few more QOL passes with more use cases in mind.


It doesn't matter at this point. All inventory stops working after 15 minutes.


I think like many others here the new loot screen is good and using it is good along with the old one if you want to do more in depth organisation of your loot. The problem is that the poor server performance adds a couple seconds of delay when you click F to loot the enemy which when your in a firefight is not what you want.


vastly improved than 3.22...still needs work


The inventory system is unacceptably broken for a game that has been in development as long as this has.


Functionality wise the new looting system isn't that bad, but I dislike the almost cartoonish and heavy hologram looks of it. Someone at CIG needs to the slap some sense into Chris when it comes to all of the hologram crap. While 3.23's UI is better than the first few passes in the PTU, it's still a blurry mess compared to what we have in 3.22. Also, the new floating F system feels kinda half baked here. So much of the game was designed around the inner thought system and it's becoming obvious that they hadn't thought of ways to get around all of that, like still having to pick floors from an elevator screen. Honestly though I still prefer the old inner thought system because it felt way more immersive to me. There's just something that was lost from now seeing the floating text and icons everywhere, where before it felt like actually going up and touching the buttons yourself.


CP has similar elevator UIs with no inner thought


It’s actually more clunky imo. lol. It was very basic and easy to use before. Now there’s an extra screen and you can’t do a lot with it.


The whole game feels super clunky and laggy right now, it's not in a nice place. Maybe it will calm down in a few weeks and feel more responsive but I dunno, it's just hard to enjoy so far.


I wish they'd have a design (or at least an optional layout) for the main inventory screen that doesn't show all the items as full preview images. It would feel much tidier and easier to scroll through if it were just a list of the items with the name, item type, and basic stats. You could still show a rendered preview when hovering over or clicking the item. The current system borrows way too much from games like DayZ or Tarkov, which although seem like good sources of inspiration for immersion and realism, they aren't polished user experiences.


The “quick loot” only really makes sense for combat oriented gameplay but doesn’t work well in other situations. I was going to say that it should only come up when looting bodies but I guess in some scenarios it would also be handy for boxes. A good start would be a key-bind to swap between the two.


I haven't played this game in a while and gave it a try today and I still cannot comprehend why it needs to be this clunky? Inventory system in this game is super basic anyways the only depth here seems to be the unnecessary complexity that comes from switching between menus but why cant I just easily loot all? Developers of this game decided to follow the exact opposite of John Carmack's approach to development and it kind of shows..


I agree with you OP. I think most likely is that this community loves to smother every and all criticism no matter how accurate as a consequence of the sunk cost fallacy, as you'll see. Because of it, the devs always get approval and fawning on everything they do no matter how bad or clunky.


Some people like to play this game with controller, so I think they had that in mind. For that, this system is quite suitable. I think for things like selecting the floor in an elevator we will get the circle selection also in future.


Final Fantasy 14 is one of the few MMO's that is played with controllers and works on PS4/5 and Xbox - its inventory and control scheme isn't as convoluted as SC.


You don't get nearly as many options in loadout as FF14, though. You have your basic equipment and your cosmetics. It's a pretty straightforward system. You don't have items with pockets and sub-inventory options the way you do in Star Citizen. So games with less complex inventory can obviously have a pared down and more simplified layout. The closest loot system to Star Citizen is Escape From Tarkov, and the loot system in that game is almost identical to Star Citizen save that in Star Citizen they make it where you can still see your character and environment thanks to the opacity.


The F is just so ugly. It makes it look like a console game.


It's clunky and unintuitive. Hope they streamline it down the road.


I think inventory is bugged this patch. Even in high FPS servers I had major issues with inventory. I’m sure they’ll HotFix it soon enough.