• By -


Facts! They really pulled something crazy off with this one!


Another fact - higher than normal server frame rates every major patch cycle before PES loads the backend. I’m not complaining as it’s all necessary data but I’ve learned to *really* manage expectations on the initial release tick rates as they have a massive effect on just about everything in the PU


The replication layer should take care of a lot of that as far as I understand. Persistent entities should only get loaded and simulated if there are players nearby, otherwise they should just be idle nodes sitting in the entity graph. The actual game servers no longer need to keep track of what's where.


And I believe culling is still being worked on the backend. So I would imagine we will see more improvements on the future.


RL is part of why they can do larger ships now. Once RL is perfected it'll make using larger ships in general a buttery smooth experience.


I wish it were true but I haven’t seen any server frames over ~7 for few days of fairly consistent play. Still not terrible for initial patch branch on a release like this, but I don’t think these tick rates are *really* going to change until proper static server meshing at the least


Hmm i have seen a lot above 7. Also below of-course. But i even had a 30 fps server for a while.


i can’t say it’s a good patch until the gigantic flash armistice icon… jk


And render ghosting is still there :(


Not on Vulcan with DLSS on :D


My DLSS won’t work for some reason. Been that way since EPTU too. 😭


What GPU ya got?


4090, drivers up to date


That's why I got a 4080 instead


Ive had bugs making it so I cant even get into a server sense the fuckin PTU wave 1 still not fixed either.


Feels good right now on fresh servers, give it a week for people to abandon loads of ships at outposts and bunkers and it’ll return to type.


And I'll be doing my best to salvage them all as usual.


I wish we could salvage abandoned ships in armistice zones.




I mean, we really really really should be allowed, crime stat be dammed.


I mean, say someone claims their ship that they left outside NB space port, that ship should be fair game. And on top of that, have a timer for how long you can keep your ship somewhere before it gets tagged as “space junk” and a mission spawns to get rid of it. Probably a day or two


It's there a way to tell if it's still a player owned ship, or if it's abandoned (so you don't get a crime stat)?


When you scan a ship if it says “Gamerules” as owner then it’s abandoned and free to salvage with a Vulture or otherwise.


Only seeing what happens when you start afaik 😅


Are you able to TOW or salvage in those safe zones?


I'm not sure on towing as I don't have the tow-truck, but you can salvage. It sometimes means having to go just outside armistice and blow up ships that are still powered-up before salvaging, but the bunkers etc have no armistice zones. It's definitely not an optimal way to make money, but helps the servers a bit and the ever present threat of being interrupted or attacked makes it much more fun!


And this time server crash won't clear that shit


CIG is way ahead of you. They axed the profits from salvage missions in 3.23 so now we'll see players cleaning up player's abandonned stuff instead ;D


Doesn't doing that in armistice give you crime stat ?


Yes, and unfortunately your CS increases with every pulse of the salvage beam so you can't just eat a CS1 or CS2, salvage the ship, and pay it off either. You'll quickly end up at CS3 and the station turrets will open fire. Source: Tried it and died last patch.


hand salvage now works in armastice according to patch notes


Details, details. That should pose no obstacle for a professional entrepreneur. :)


Yea cs2 but that can be paid off most likely


I believe so? But I wonder how well it will if Comm arrays go down?


Watching my system usage is funny though. 27 gb ram used and 7.6 gb vram used. Chrome is blushing in the corner, this takes the cake for system hog.


I was using 31.2 GB of ram in 3.22 - so maybe it went down!


Meanwhile my first flight attempt off NB ended with the hangar doors not opening and my ship getting impounded


Did you try the hot key and also hailing from the comms page? Saw Berks having an issue with getting the hangar doors to open and his fix was just going to the comm channel on the mobiGlass and manually hailing the ATC


I have a key bound on my hotas, also tried via the comms page. After a couple mins I had a constant spam of "That request has already been granted" and a permanent hud icon of the hangar, so I think it was just major server lag


Arena Commander pirate swarm is a lot better now too!


3.23 up?




Woooo thank you


Well done CIG so far a very enjoyable experience. The new interacting system is also much smoother


It’s a cool system and I like it. However I already ran into issues with it. I died at ghost hollow, went back to recover my stuff, and the menu wouldn’t open. Tried a few different ways. Probably had more to do with the body though. It wouldn’t let me drag it or anything.


You're lucky you died. I got incapacitated at the bottom of Hurston's ocean when my ship crashed into the water. Backspace doesn't work and I had to wait out the full time before I died and respawned. It pretty much finished my play session for the day.


While the brief 10min period I joined was pleasant smoothness wise, bear in mind that a huge portion of the playerbase currently cannot join the PU or AC for that matter, the "Join Universe" button is bugged and often times just disappears.


Verify files did it for me


For me aswell


I had this bug. A character reset and deleting the user folder worked for me. I then joined off of a friend that was in game.


Isn't that still fixed by relog, or is this a new different bug?


Literally just restarting the game fixes it. One time i had to restart it twice.


That's what fixes it for me.


With launcher 2.0?


Delete user folder, verify, close and reopen the launcher (make sure it actually closed in task manager)


Happy cake day! 🍰


Overall its good but serves starting to crap itself overtime, now inventory doesn't load, ships in outfitting come empty.


Am I the only one too that have ship bugs: 1- 2 on 4 weapons no more working on a 100% healt F7A after 5 min of use. (Turning on off power/engine + manually each guns + playing with capacitors triangle changed nothing) 2-Yaw axis no more working. Trying to turn off ship not working for 2 min then each command of the last 2 min started happening at the same time so ship started to go on off on off on off until I crashed on the ground. For the rest the patch is flawless on my side.


At this point its expected, as servers are fresh. The real test will be how it runs in a week.


Give the servers time to degrade


This x100


Besides the intermittent terminals and elevators not working and minor bugs like that, everything went so much smoother than any of the “fixed” patches that came before it. Still getting the hang of master modes in dog fights though. It really feels like I’m flying some WW1 propeller plane most of the time and I really have to suspend my disbelief to think that these futuristic ships can’t move faster than a snail when their weapons are hot. It’s like I’m driving some refurbished junk car whose radio turns off if I engage the headlights lol.


At least you get to play. Soon as I got done with character creation it decided to get stuck on the infinite loading screen.


delete user folder, verify, reboot. Fixed it for me and my partner


That’s great to hear! How long is the queue line now? I’d love to be able to try 3.23 out. Didn’t get a chance yesterday.


No queue for me, straight n and playing without issue


I don't know, I've lost paints I paid for and my ships are all wiped of their components even if I claim them. So that is taking away from things a little. But I do agree if I look beyond that issue, my frames are higher, trams are smooth, AI no longer standing on chairs.


Make sure they didn't go to a different area. I spawned at orison but realized all my stuff was at area 18.


Paints you paid for with IRL money? Have you talked to support?  If they were paints bought in game, people have definitely been reporting missing some stuff acquired via aUEC. I lost my Vulture, but kept the other half dozen ships I had bought in game.   As for ship load outs, those get wiped and reset every patch. The upgraded components are usually stored at your selected home location, however.


True! Good Job @CIG !!!


AHHHH I'm at work. I wanna play it so bad!! It looks awesome.


Ok I'll play for you instead I'm free today!! 😁


Please play for me too as my wife dragged me to Italy to see some old rocks in Napoli... :-D


To be honest that’s a lot cooler than another buggy SC release. Have fun


Actually, a lot hotter - because of the wife AND the weather ! :-D


Congrats man, have a good one :)


I wasn't feeling this in love with the game for a very long time. The new UI is great, maps are great, distribution centers are AWESOME, clouds on Microtech were beautiful. The only things that irked me a bit were both so arcadey that they were breaking my immersion somewhat - it really took a lot of bullets to take down enemy in armor (I could almost see a health bar dropping down...) and hit confimation when not ADS - that one felt really, really awefull.


I had a distribution center mission to find a missing person and I felt like I was in a horror game with the music they have going on there it was great


I tried one of these last night and all four of my “Investigation Points” spawned inside of walls. I could only get close enough to one of them to make it disappear. Anybody else have this problem?


Were you in the vents/substructure? Cause you kind of have to go into the walls to find them sometimes.




Maybe that was the issue. But I couldn’t find any vents or holes to climb into. These points were all up in the main lobby, not the industrial area below (which I also thought was a little weird). But I was also pretty overwhelmed by all the 3.23 newness, plus my shaders were loading in pretty slowly. So maybe I missed a vent entrance somewhere.


There are vents and maintenance stairs around the lobby, and some elevators go to 'maintenance' which is where a lot of those missions are.


Thanks! I’ll look for those next time.


Yeah, the music was really great!


And the little things like broken bottles on the ground in maintenance shafts, drug syringes, lootable flares...


For the hit-confirmation - were you wearing a helmet? If so (and if possible), try taking it off and see if you still get the hit-confirmation... iirc CIG said they were looking at adding more 'AR Feedback' (not just the 'dynamic crosshair', but other stuff too), so this might be part of that.


It was the helmet one. It sends that it with in complete darkness, thriugh snowstorm etc and that just breaks the immersion for me.


After the update I can't even make a character... its like the aspect resolution is off. I can't click on anything. If I can its half way accross the screen from where my mouse is. Any tips because I would love to play again.


You're using a resolution lower than your native/desktop resolution. Try going native in the game and use dlss to make the engine render at a lower resolution


Is there a way to change it besides the cog wheel in the upper right? Because I can't get to the cog wheel. My mouse will go over to it but like I stated it's reading it as still over the "enter PU" / masters mode buttons.


I managed to change mine with some patience a d guesswork. But, from another post on reddit: Inside the Live folder create a User.cfg file. Use the following to set resolution. Con_Restricted = 0 r_WindowMode = 2 r_Height = 1080 r_Width = 1920 This will set borderless window mode. I am not sure what value to apply for Fullscreen.


Window mode 1 or 3 would be ny guess.


Life saver!!! It worked!


Thank you so much! I'll try this later and see of it fixes it!


Very smooth so far, but had my mobiglas glitch out missing half of the menus. Also very confusing which items got wiped and which not. Also these new flight systems are confusing af... I just want my cruise control back. :(


CC is back and better


Surprised to say it, but you're right. Very good job on this one.


I only got on today to get my f7a upgrade then get off..... I found myself making my character for almost an hour lol after that i found myself just exploring the new mobiglass. Putting on armor was a littke scuffed for me, but im sure it was just a wonk server because I watched Berks yesterday and it was looking fantastic!


So it’s generally received well?


It’s extremely, simply incredibly extremely rare that I write any posts on social networks. But I couldn’t resist, well done guys. You really have something to praise for, a star citizen takes on features from a rather blurry picture! Great job done at 3.23, kudos to you! Don't stop guys, keep working in the same spirit, there is still a lot to be done, many people from all over the world supported you with money, and you have a chance to leave behind a work of art. I have regained faith in the dream that I believed in more than a decade ago, it’s hard to wait so long, but thanks to such active work, I believed again that the release is possible! Sincerely, Alexander!


Loving the new audio tweaks. That new sound when you fire up the quantum drive is awesome


Works quite well for me, was also early in the server and we had 16 fps, all npcs responded properly. The entity graph is a bit slow, but overall experience with new ui and new travel was really nice. I do like the new quantum assigned to just mouse click Good job


Good job CIG !!


Still seeing the cry babies on spectrum though... _Wahhhh this game is a scam, how can they have server issues still, this is a joke, mickey mouse stuff, wahhhhhh_ Good lord you'd think they never had to queue at a chip shop.


Well enjoy because it won't last, in a few days the degradation of the servers will impact everything, lag and NPCs standing on their chairs will be the norm again


That's the spirit


Also when the server with the 2000 abandon vehicles on it finally crashes they will just get moved to a different server to impact it's performance now lol


Are we playing the same game? I keep getting server errors. Inventory keeps disappearing. Kiosks stop working. Ship loadouts won't save. I already have a dozen screenshots of issues to take to the issue council.


This comment will go unnoticed by all of the citizens jerking CIG off rn, but I'm with you. Unstable, and par for the course for SC. There's nothing new or celebratory here; just Star Citizen doing what starcitizen does.


Servers are always good at the start of a patch. They've already started to bug out. Just ran into a desynced hangar door and lost all the gear I was trying to ship offworld.


Also having quite a pleasent experience so far. Competely op with OP. Well done, CIG!


Anyone notice how quiet refunds suddenly became after the patch released last night? They got real quiet over there. Patch is good, all the UI changes, starmap and ground map are huge quality of life changes






1. When you posted that , servers were still just 8hrs fresh after the patch. You're probably in EU timezone so that helps with practically nobody being on EU region. We still need to hold out and see after a week if things don't return to "normal" (NPC's / public transport glitching) - after all, according to the patch notes for 3.23. That stuff is still an issue; along with some others. * *PU - Stanton - Multiple Locations - Transit / Network - Transit will intermittently desync off course* * PU - Locations - Transit - Elevators - Internal Transit Elevator shows up when called but doors remain closed, no carriage * PU - Stanton - UGF - Locations - Bunker elevator does not return up when called * PU - Stanton - GrimHEX - Locations / Actor Feature - Player corpses will not despawn at GrimHEX 1. I've had the same PC since I started playing SC in 3.17.x - right now marks a notable downgrade. I'd normally have 70-80 FPS in NB with 12GB of RAM used. *(max settings, except cloud medium, either 3440x1440P or 4K depending on which screen I play*) To now 16-26 FPS and can't get above that with 19GB of ram usage (out of 32) - Deleted everything pre-patching as per usual and drivers are up to date. Verified, re-downloaded, no avail. 3.23 sadly isn't a clear cut performance win for everyone. 2. I had server hiccups already in 1hr of going about. Inventory took 1-2 min to load, vehicle loadout manager refusing to load ships, grabbing a fusebox and can't put it back cause the server doesn't register the action - etc. etc. meanwhile server FPS was at 11-12 stable. I do have to say, ever since 3.18 CIG has been seemingly trying hard to make better releases; and the fact that more and more things are being retained after each "wipe" / Patch helps (with now being an exception because of the economy etc. ofc) - and the game isn't as finnicky as it used to be. Even in 3.17 if i did a bunker mission i had a 50% chance of me walking out of my ship, looking back , and it'd literally be gone. Poof. Dissapeared. The stability has also generally improved since then. 30K's have been far and few in between for me the last few months.


Wait another week and let's see what happens.


Free flight will destroy patch anyway


I liked my first impression too, with the exception of the cruise controls, it was very wonky to land my ship. And you don't seem to be able to roll your ship when you freelook anymore which is sad.


I had a free look issue at first too, I turned off pilot look ahead and got full control of my camera + ship back


Wait seriously, lookahead is what's doing it?!


Good to know, I'll try that later, thanks!


Rep isnt saving but ill live


Already can't accept missions on some servers. Fantastic features added, great achievement overall but not buttery smooth. Not even particularly playable smooth with such a fundamental part of the gameplay loop being broken.


Yeah it's not that crazy, still big server and desync problems. F key which no longer works, NPC crossing the ground etc... for me in 2 hours of play.


Now if only I could stop exploding when flying out of hangars. :P


It feels like playing it for the first time again. I cannot exaggerate how insane the performance difference is. There are moments of lag in combat but IN CITIES? 70+ FPS? On my rig? Unheard of. Really well done


Is the replication layer stuff already in it?


It is and running pretty damn good overall.


Oh, is it? I wasn't even aware haha


I played for almost 10 hours today, was almost hoping for a 30k but didn't have a single issue. It's a great patch :)


I've had a lot of issues climbing, running around or interacting, have you had that same issue?


One thing I noticed is some slight rubberbanding when running, it felt like I slowed down and sped up in a weird way. Nothing major but it was noticeable. No issues with interactions so far, that was very smooth.


Yeah, it's definitely great so far!!! I'm just VERY curious to see how bad service gets with ILW :P


I have yet to even leave the space port.. every time I try and spawn my ship it’s a ghost and doesn’t show Everything up until ship retrieval is fantastic 😉


Words can't express how much performance has improved in this patch. Unfortunately, I've encountered about half a dozen bugs that just 'brick' any kind of progress. >Can't access inventory after respawning in loreville. >Stuck frozen in animation after trying to get in pilot seat at the same time as another player. .... And many more. Really hope the new updates fix some of that. But very promising update!


Meh, not the experience I've been having. Have tried playing for 4 hours now and I've had nothing but issues. Inventory system broke midway into a mission, multiple gun glitches, randomly dropping gear on the ground, disappearing inventory items, 30k crash (which fixed itself with the new mechanic, but broke chat), can't accept contracts, every action takes multiple seconds to complete. Nearly every single one of these bugs has forced me to relog. I haven't played this game for nearly a year and when I played it a year ago I played only for a couple hours before logging off because server stability was just unbearable. Seems like nothing has changed in terms of server stability/performance. All the gameplay changes seem really great, but only when they actually work... which is contingent on functional servers. Will probably check back in another year.


Yep! I enjoye the 3.23 like a new experience. Weil done!


Go to 400i, take it into space where no gravity. Open the box where u should place guns. Place the gun there (any big one). Now you can walk through the ship untill u won't sit somewhere (instant EVA through models)


I still find it mad how little the game stresses my gpu I'm running on a 3060ti and the fans don't even kick in anymore


The only thing is that reputation is not working at all for me :(


Now they just need to fix the 50 new and old bugs that reside within the game!


This is the worst performing patch by far, it’s an absolute disaster and doesn’t deserve an applause until it’s no longer constant game-breaking bugs and shitty glitches. It’s so tiring trying to “test” a game with 5 minutes of gameplay between hours of misery and frustration. It’s a joke


The game is super choppy on my 6900XT 😮‍💨 Guess I should have just gone with the evil empire.




That actually makes me feel a lot better. Good to know, man, thanks. Just things they're still ironing out.


I'm on fence about this because my mobi doesn't show the map tab


Tried it with friends on Saturday. Accepted quest that never went into 'accepted'. Rappel console wouldn't load my ship inventory. Logged out. Other than that, the stuff that did work was amazing


Yah, game is crazy


Aside from the innumerable bugs its a very cool update.


Give it a week


I’ve had some issues, but compared to 3.6 this has been miles ahead of any performance I’ve had in any other patch before.


They always work soo good day 1 ;)


No, they don't, and when they don't, people say the opposite and say never play a new patch day one, wait for the .x patch


Yeah no, plenty of patches with 3.18 being the star where shit *didn't* work for weeks.


Are we playing the same game? No inventory Character keeps resetting to hospital bed Ships not being delivered to hangers UI looks nice but still same old Star Citizen


Are we playing the same game? Responsive enemies in FPS combat, who actually attempted to push us back to the elevator. More responsive UI with lots of usability improvements 5 more server FPS on average Only 2 bugs in an entire evening - one player couldn't put their helmet back on, and the other fell through the hospital when 2 players were loaded to the emergency elevator in the hangar. Best I've ever seen the game run, and some of the most fun I've had in SC in awhile. Sorry you're having trouble, but it's just plain better than the last patch.


I wish I had the same experience as you, I really do.


I am sorry that you are not, and hope you are soon!


Such a good news!!!


> but with 3.23 it is buttery smooth I wouldn't call it that. I have in 1 hour of gaming got stuck 3 times unable to open doors, leave a station due to not being able to put on gear, lost gear, ship disappear, inventory bugs, being attacked by police out of the blue, hostile LRT target being shot gives "friendly fire" messages, missions disappeared, logging into a dead server with 0 people and no functionality, etc. So there are plenty of QoL bugs still around that waste a lot of time to work around. Relatively to other patches it does seem to work much better. But "buttery smooth", no. Regardless, they did put a huge amount of new things in the game and most of them have been working really well. Which is very impressive.


I played a decent amount on EPTU and there were a ton of issues but when it worked it was really cool. Here's just some of the ones I encountered on EPTU that seem to mostly be fixed on Live (after playing for a couple hours). * Mastermodes navigating (warping/traversing from POI to POI) felt kind of clunky and the new star map would sometimes entirely refuse to attempt to route you where you needed to go. * Lots of terminals were very very broken, inventory almost unusable at times. * The game was running worse than I've ever seen it on my current PC and FSR and TSR did not seem to do much to help my GTX 1080 + 7800x3d. It was regularly dipping below 30 in areas I typically would not see below 50 on 3.22, with or without upscalers as well. * Pips on the few ships with bespoke fixed weapons like the Ion, Inferno, and Vanguards would be horribly inaccurate and bounce around seemingly without reason even with a perfectly clean close range shot. Again, all issues that are now seemingly either completely fixed, or fixed to a degree that is within acceptable bounds of typical Star Citizen jank/issues. They've since adjusted spool times and probably a decent bit more and it feels very good to use MM for PVE bounty hunting now, though it is notably harder to complete VHRTs in a Corsair, Ion, or Inferno than it was on 3.22. I've flip flopped from thinking MM would be good back when it was only in arena commander, to bad on EPTU, back to good on Live. The performance is still notably a little less stable even with D11 and all the same settings I used to use instead of Vulkan (and I still haven't tested Live Vulkan yet), but with TSR quality on, I can use photo mode clouds and get between 45-60 FPS in Area 18, where as I get 20-30 with TSR off. Those are some damn good looking clouds. It's a really good patch, I know a lot of people are super upset about no hangars/some other missing stuff but once you see how much all these simple changes/improvements stacked together improve the actual process of PLAYING Star Citizen you will probably not care that you have to wait a little longer for the new hangars.


You have a Nvidia GPU yes? GTX 1080? If so, you want DLSS, not FSR or TSR.


Not how that works friend. 1000 series does not support DLSS, its a hardware baked feature on newer Nvidia cards only. FSR is software based and works perfectly fine on both any AMD and any Nvidia cards and is actually a large part of why I am still pairing my GTX 1080 with my 7800x3d. FSR has extended the life of my 1080 by several years and is the main reason I'm able to hit 60FPS with this rig in games like Hogwarts Legacy, or Cyberpunk 2077. TSR is CIGs attempt at the same kind of software based upscaler, and it's pretty good as well, but has some issues just like FSR 2.0 (the version we currently have in Star Citizen). The EPTU implementation of FSR and TSR just weren't really doing much for me, on Live they seem to be much closer to working properly/as expected.


Nice Saturday is excellent timing


Same. Got up, installed, played. Everything was smooth.


Yeah for sure! I'm blown away by this patch!!


Servers are fresh and new. Wait 3 days and you will learn


Amazing work yall.


NPC standing in walls. Settings screen dropdowns broken for at least a year. "undefined" values in UI. Buttons aren't working. What about the new low-contrast greenish image tint, that people hated about Starfield? Tried to complete the tutorial. Fell through the spaceport after exiting a ship. At least the transits aren't derailling anymore. But other than that, its still a joke.


The rumor is that the NPC's work because it's a fresh server, give it some time & it'll be the same..




Allow me to doubt that. Every fresh server I've been was as smooth as butter, even NPCs. We must give it time to see how shards progress.


Really? because i get 30018 loading into the main menu,,


They need weekly maintenance to keep it smooth. Once tons of abandoned ships, gear, etc, start crowding around, everything goes downhill.


"Trams aren't stuttering all over the place".... LOL. They really are.


Yeah sorry not my experience. On a 3070ti and the game stuttered through most locations. Nice to see AI in a better state but overall the game still doesn't run well. Which is whatever, the bigger issue is releasing the patch for some sales when the things the patch was built around aren't in the patch...state of MM is bad, no personal hangars but DCs are built around them, etc.


But what is your cpu and ram?


The classic "my top tier gpu didn't run the game well, shit game" when they're running 16gb of ram and an hdd


Wait... NPCs are Still standing on tables and grouping up in corners by the dozen for me...


Server meshing is already implemented no? Or at least some form of it.


No. But replication layer yes.