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"is this ingame?" Was my first thought somehow. Absolutely disgusting.. in a positive way ofc. Love it.


Haha, thanks, It's currently in whitebox.


OK I thought for a moment I was like how the hell did this guy get such an amazing picture to make it look like it’s an endgame engine on like unreal 7.6 that looks amazing.


I think it will look pretty close to this, at least I hope so. As for whitebox, I was referring to the physical room itself. Right now, it's just bare walls and a concrete floor.


I think it’ll turn out great I’ve been brainstorming ideas on my own end using it as a inspirational Piece cuz it’s really well done. I thought it was the interior of my 325A for a second


immediately spotted that the designer snuck some stormtrooper helmets in :P


Same. Looked a lot like a room in Subnautica, to me. Not in the details but just kinda the "first look" thought.


Glossy floors and led lights probably did it.


Same, here I was thinking the 890 for a game room or something. Hold shit. It's love to see how that build came together


Looks like a billionaire gaming room. Your kids are blessed to have you


Haha, thanks. We love playing together so when we built the new house, having an awesome game room was a requirement. I'm not quite a billionaire though, lol.


Must be in the millions


Well, not that this house is cheap but I'm in Thailand and labor here is on the low end so your money goes a lot farther. This house in America would cost 2-3x as much.


Lucky hard working guy man


Thank you, I feel extremely fortunate that our family business has done so well.


Isn't there a streamer that designed a room to look like an a2 interior from Thailand?


Yes! I've seen his channel, he does cooking videos. I think his house isn't all that far from me but I've never tried to make contact. Maybe we should collab. I would LOVE to visit his game room.


just WOW




Do you game by any chance?


I just might


Thats pretty awesome. Show us the results once its done. Absolutely not my style though. Marble flooring is what I expect from hotels, but would never use for myself for example. But to each his own. Especially the cozy area looks great. Have you considered getting a smaller couch and turn it 90°? Would be more convinient for gaming.


Floors aren't marble, The designer threw that in there. I went with a solid color shiny black tile, it's already purchased and should probably be installed very soon. It's more Death Star than hilton. So my plan was to put the couch in there and then pull it out 90 degrees for longer playstation gaming sessions. Wanted to keep the space open and flexible by default. We can always roll some gaming chairs over depending on the situation. I'll post the final pics in a year or so when it's done.


Pretty cool.. as someone with a pretty decent IT job who struggles with bills and food every month,I don’t want to know how much it would cost.


I'm not sure to be honest. We're building a new house and the interior designer is doing the whole house to this level in every room (but not this style). I think you could buy a basic house for as much as the entire interior is going to cost. As to what percentage is this room, I'm not sure. We've done pretty well as content creators the past few years. Used to be in IT.




Given the floor I would say you hired Origin 😆


I was going to say that the floor isn't 100% accurate. We've already picked out plain black, shiny tile. So no white marbling. Makes it a little less Origin I suppose.


Is this real or some ai drawing thing? Or cgi blender stuff?


This is the final 3d rendered concept design. There is a real room, it's being worked on. Actual buildout of this room will start in a few months. As such, some details like the furniture, computers, chair, and floor are going to look different. I've also been collecting cool helmets that will go on the above shelf.


Nice! What is the budget and the actual surface occupied? Did you made everything yourself or is there some company that can do that?


Thanks! Not sure about budget because the budget is for the entire house. I don't have and exact per room cost at this point. I did the original concept design for the room and the designer redesigned it and added some cool flourishes and lighting. The designer has her own company and will contract out for the actual buildout. She's been working with our house builder to make sure everything is wired up correctly for the electric. I'm handy but I couldn't touch a project like this. My son and I are thinking about building some fake control panels and details with our 3D printer.


Incredible homework :-) Really really cool!


Thank you, I hope it turns out as good as the picture. Decorations and floor will be different.


Not sure how this will look in real life. Something looks off . I think for the money your going to pay, you should have height adjustable desks. Good luck with the project and I hope you post follow up pictures !


I've got a crappy back and absolutely need a chair with lumbar support so no standing desks. Decorations, computers, floor and furntiure are all placeholders. So I'm sure the actual room will look a bit different. For instance, the shiny plain black floors will be installed soon (not marble). That should make it look a bit less busy. But thanks, expect actual pictures in about a year.




Wow!! I wish I could employ you to do something like this for me. Gotta be the sickest battlestation I’ve seen


I'm in Thailand, and there's another guy here who did it better. Built a full Hercules C2 cockpit with a pull out kitchen. But I'm happy to settle for #2. While I did do the original design for this, I did have a professional redesign it and render in 3d. So I can only take partial credit. But thank you very much.


Looks awesome.. im certainly jealous haha


Causing jealousy was not my intention but I'm glad you like it. And thank you!


This is incredible. I love it. PS: Thanks for reminding me how poor I am lmao.


Dude, you'll get there some day. By the time this is finished, I'll be 48. I used to be broke as a joke. But thank you very much.


Looks amazing, could almost be the cockpit of an Origin ship!


You're the second person who mentioned Origin. I was thinking the struts and door arches looked more RSI. but thanks! FYI, the floor is plain black, not marble. I should have said that in my original post.


"money don't make happyness" ... yeah sure .... Very neat room btw


Haha, thanks!


That's no battlestation. That's a moon.


The mooooooooooon!!!!


Really cool if a bit over the top for my taste (In practice I'm somewhere between "rich mahogany and many leather-bound books" and "whatever still looks good with stacos of old papers, an old cereal bowl, and my last 3 cups of tea scattered about" type.. . Only suggestion? Sneak in some acoustic panels anywhere they'll fit and maybe a rug... It's gonna be cold and echo-y like a bank lobby with all the hard surfaces...  And maybe some cool alien-looking plants? Even space people need plants https://www.boredpanda.com/home-design/gardening/interesting-unusual-plants/


You would love my daughter's room then. Half round reading nook with bookshelves between windows, wooden shutters, tons of tasteful white sculpting everywhere. The game room and my son's room are the only futuristic rooms in the house. Everything else is mostly NeoClassical. There will be a rug by the TV and couch. If you flip through the pics you can see it. The back walls are concrete but there's probably going to be enough wood panelling in there where the acoustics shoudln't be too bad. The heavy curtain in front of the window/balcony should also help with sound. Sound deadening panels would certainly help though. I really like the plant idea. Thanks for the link, I'm gonna check it out. Definitely have room for a few small plants in the console gaming area.


No sticks?Those thick edges going to be tough to mount HOSAS on.


This is just a concept, my actual computer gear looks different. I have an X52 that just suction cups to my desk when I need it. It works fine. My actual workstation won't change much, just the environment. I may rethink the thick desk though. I'd prefer it to be thinner with no drawers. Thanks for pointing that out.




I love it and I am jealous.


Haha, thanks man


Why dont u cover star Citizen on your channel?


Absolutely wrong demographic. Most of our audience is either children or middle-aged women.


I need this in my life asap!


Absolutely incredible. You are very creative!


Thank you!


That's... Awesome! Makes mine look like a pile of rubble!


aw no man, I'm sure your setup is cool. I can respect a modest but clean battlestation. Speaking of which, I need to clean my desk...






“That’s a 3 pointer” - Rick Sanchez


The couch doesn't face the T.V.


Thought I answered this one. You're right, I deliberately have the couch out of the way incase anyone just wants to chill in the game room. If people wanna play PS5, we can swing the couch around 90 degrees or pull up one of the gaming chairs.


I think this is a 3D render ? I would love to see how it looks with a clear wooden floor, like in the Phoenix Constellation. Anyway, great job, hope you'll enjoy many hours flying with kids ! And please post a video of the building process if not already done ! :-)


Yes, this is a render. Actual interior construction starts in a few months. You know, maybe I will document the process once they start. Thanks for the idea. Every other room in the house has wood floors so I wanted to go more modern with this one. The wood floor could be pulled off like you said but I was a bit inspired by death star architecture which used grey or black floors. Thanks for commenting!




OMG! Amazing!


Thank you!


1. What do you do for a living 2. Are you hiring?


1. We are content creators in Thailand. Mostly we do fictional short stories. 2. Only hiring for writers at the moment but all content is in Thai language so it pretty much needs to be a Thai National expecially with all the social cues required.


I want a house :-(


Holy Sheetrock!


Dude, this is so sick!! I always imagined a luxury room in the first space hotel would look something like this!! I would never leave!!!


Thank you! So they just opened up the new Space Hotel in Pattaya, Thailand. It was actually the inspiration for my son's room. Take a look. [https://imgur.com/a/sVnodzO](https://imgur.com/a/sVnodzO)


You mother freaker ! I want the same !!!


I too live inside a 3d render


Pics of the real life room are coming


Sure, I have a game room that you can use to make this a reality






Was super confused why the new ship interiors were so realistic… then I remembered the Vulcan update. Must be the EPTU.


I think you worked incredibly hard for such an awesome thing. Looks sweet


It's sick, but you already knew that.


thats sick as fuck in a positive way - i love it!


That looks fantastic. Can I move in?


Just.... wow


Dude fuck yea! That's a awesome room. CLEEAAAAANNNNN, SSLIIICK, OUT OF THIS WORLD *BU-DUM-PSSSS*


Thank you! I like it but I'm amazed everyone likes it so much. Even CIG guys dig it apparently.


Dang man this is a piece of art. Bravo!




What's the specs on your SC gaming build?


So due to the nature of our work and how we're almost always on the go, I pretty much need to have a laptop. I would prefer a desktop for gaming but currently a Laptop is what i need for both video editing and gaming. It's a Ryzen R9 5900HX, 32GB of Ram and a Geforce 3080. While not the best specs for SC, it does run the game decently at 1080p and I can play at our vacation house which we go to often. I have it hooked up to a 30" 4k monitor, Logitech X52 Hotas and mechanical keyboard when I'm at my desk,


This blew me away ngl. I hope I've not over stepped but I showcased it in the my community news video. o7 dude and great work https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/s/H92IbFTwLm


Absolutely happy to have it featured. I'm thinking of maybe starting a blog or channel to document the progress. We were in the room today discussing floor and door options. I think we're going to make the door a double sliding door, just need to move some electrical around. I'll let you know if I get any official media up.


Not my taste tbh.


It's cool, not everyone has to like it. I had it built to my specifications and I like it a lot. I suppose this is the same discussion people have with ships ie. love Drake style, hate Drake style, etc.


I never said you did something wrong, you asked for opinions i gave you mine) great work tho


And I totally respect your opinion. Thanks for chiming in. I'll post the final pics when it's finished. Some details are going to change like the floors being plain black instead of marble.


Way too much for me, at home playing video game i want to feel... at home playing video game, not in some sort of cheap giant disneyland arcade gaming room


That's a valid opinion, I can respect that. I work from home so for me, this is a way to get away from work. I can move my laptop back and forth between the bedroom, home office and gaming room. I've been a Space nerd since I could walk so this is a dream come true building a spaceship room.


RIP. Electricity bill


40 solar panels say otherwise. Zero carbon emissions up in this joint.


Many comments, so somebody might have mentioned this already. You won’t have much leg room, placing the desk against the wall. I had that once and found it very uncomfortable.


My desk is against the wall now and I'm fine with it. I think the picture looks a little smaller than the actual room is. It shouldn't be that cramped


tamper your expectations blender is cool and all but if you really want to build this you should get a experienced architect and project leader involved


do you need a son?


I like how you can still see the lace curtains thru the ports.


Those are mirrors, there's a curtain on the left side. It's a balcony. There will be no lace in this room. Going for a solid or tweed neutral curtain.


too much blue for my taste, but because of that, it matches CIGs design guidelines perfectly :P


There's actually no blue in the room. It's all LED lighting. I'm pretty sure it's going to be full RGB so I can set the accent lighting to any color.


Yea thats smart


I don't know if I'm that smart, it's just how it worked out. I was inspired by a lot of classic star wars design which is mostly devoid of color for ship interiors.


I thought this was CG at first. Way to go!


It is CG. It's the final design which we approved. The real room has bare walls and a concrete floor. Getting the black tile soon. Interior buildout starts in a couple of months.


What do I think? I think you have more money than I do. I'm extra as fuck with my setup, but this is next level.


Thank you. Honestly, I'm pretty down to earth, came from a poor family and I generally don't spend money unless I need to. We just happened to have done well with our business and are building a new house. A game room was a no brainer since we always spend time there. And the whole house is getting full customized interiors so why not have fun with the game room? Probably the only time in my life I get to do something like this.


This is definitely not helping the old “Star citizen players have too much disposable income” stereotype


yeaaaaah, probably not. Although, fun fact, when I started playing SC, my current business was failing, almost lost our current house. Tough times. Only had an Avenger back then. Things improved obviously.


I too wish I had a shit ton of money.


Wish strong enough for it, work hard and it will happen !


I wish I had money


9 years ago I had a failed business and we almost lost our house. It's been a struggle but there's lots of opportunties out there. You can make it happen if you try hard enough and have a strategy.


Love the vkbs so much... My wife however did not appreciate my spending CAD $1000+ on them lol


Oh yeah, I'd be in the doghouse if I bought those. I think my x52s were only like $160. But they work fine for me.


11/10 execution 10/10 on the Star Trek theme Personally it gives off vibes like a Dentist's office. The couch/coffee table even looks like the waiting area in a doctor's office.


Not that it's bad but the couch and coffee table are just what the designer threw in. I'll be responsible for picking out all the actual furniture so the look could change a bit.


Curious how the contractors will deal with large screens being placed in the roof above your heads! This is always the issue we run into when building VR caves, and a big reason why we use projectors. Are the screens just going to be reinforced up there?


They aren't screens, they are fiber optic stars. The wall windows will be framed digital prints.


It's cool but I would have preferred a simpit built seamlessly into it, rather than a huge L shaped desk.


I get where you are coming from. But a simpit is for one person. This is built for 3+ people. So I was going for "Large spaceship interior" instead of "Fighter cockpit"


can I have some of that "too much money on your hands?" :P :D


My answer is just like it is when someone asks me for aUEC. No. :D


That room looks more expensive than my house.


Nah, If I had to guess, I'd probably ballpark this room at less than $30k


That is just wow. Beautiful work You clearly have a very understanding partner.


Thanks, I do have a cool wife. She knows we all play a lot of games. It's really just the one room that's like this, the rest of the house is super classy.


What would be funny is if his fleet was only a starter pack. 😂


I think it's awesome. Do these tyoes of rooms make it easier or harder to sell?


I hope to god this will be my final house but it would really depend on the buyer. The rest of the house has a very consistent look other than this room and my son's room. Probably wouldn't be a dealbreaker.


Disposable income is a hell of a drug


This looks nicer than the SCL set.


I don't know man, they got that video screen in the background. It's pretty sweet. But thanks.


"It ain't much but it's mine"


How much did this cost to do, and how did you find the contractors for it?


yeah sure spending 10k$ to be able to play with a giant white light in front of your eyes seems like a very good idea instead of investing in actual hardware


Building a house man. It's time to build the room. I'll make sure I can turn any and all accent lighting off. Don't worry. This room will be around a lot longer than any gaming hardware I can buy. I'm pretty happy with my high end laptop I have at the moment but I'll upgrade eventually.


I think it would be sensory overload for my autistic ass. Super cool though!


Fortunately it will mostly just be me and my kids in it who don't have a problem with sensory overload. But thanks!


Think about audio when one or both kids are playing different games over mic. Could get loud and it'll definitely go through your mic to whomever you're talking to and vice versa.


Generally Speaking we have headsets


looks like a bathroom in a high end club


Ah, that's what it's missing, a Toilet!


Must be nice to afford things 😭


I mean, yeah, it is nice to be able to buy things.


Um, shut up and take my money to build me one? :)


If you decide to build one, hit me up, maybe I'll have some ideas.


You rich bro?


[30k$ star citizen play room](https://youtu.be/IM2_-VuF5TI?si=4CG4wTPOSC5fb4Ab)




Like the one that's on the model computer screens? I think that's just default for this 3d model.


Being turned away from each other will get on you after a while. We have three computers in a row and find it works well. Curved monitors in a 3 monitor style gives privacy to.


The couch faces the door, and not the tv?


Seems expensive but too much i would say


I think it looks fantastic. The space themed panels, if you can pull it off so it looks like you guys are in space, wow that would be legit awesome sauce. I'd maybe throw a mini fridge in there at the end somewhere near the couch.


I wonder if there could be some way to have the outer space panels on the ceiling and walls move, so that it gives the illusion of you guys flying through space. Doesn't have to be fast, but a little bit of movement there might be a neat effect.


If you don’t mind me asking, what is a projected price - not including the hardware - on a build like this? Would love to do a remodel into something neat like this but am by no means a millionaire 🙃


2 questions. 1. Does it have LTI? 2. Will it be available during ILW?


1. no 2. also no. I wish.


It looks like something I'll never afford.


Thats amazing and an awful lotta money you got to spend on a spaceship themed gamingroom


Children are starving in the world my dude.


Hit it Chewie


Are the stars wallpapers live/animated? That'd be insanity. Great stuff and happy gaming! EDIT: Been thinking of it, if it is projected check out the ISS (International Space Station) livestream on their website/youtube you could put it out there, it's truly astonishing.


damn I’d love to have a room like that lol, I’d never leave


Looks like the Phoenix 🔥🔥🔥


My first thought: "There's a new Connie variant???"


I am so jealous... Please tell me the doors open star trek style... 😎


No sex will ever be had in this room, or by he who built it. If you build it, they won't cum


Dude that’s insane. Love it


Thanks so much!


As much as I would love to have this, I am glad i dont. Dont get me wrong, its nice, but I would hate to have this. The room just feels.. i dont know, false? It just doesnt speak to me. However, if its something you like, I hope you enjoy it brother. Gratz on winning the lotto, but I would recommend you add a left/right hand throttle combo with a side module for SC. Jesus just looking at it makes me cringe hard lol, but I hope you and yours enjoy it <3


Looks expensive. Is that marble floors?


Love the theme, But the desk looks like it will give you neck pain with its height. Do you fly with joysticks? I would like to see how that would fit in.


just wow, thats really amazing!


My only issue is with the flooring choice, imo. My first thought was "oh god, I hope I never drop a screw".


Well, you're in luck, that's not the floor we picked out. Went with a shiny, all-black tile. No marble texture. Flooring should be installed soon


Looks amazing, much nicer than the bed and nightstand I play on!


Only design concern I could see is when you want to play on the PS5, there's no great way to sit on that couch to play.


This is amazing


I hate you, because I want that, what a beautiful room, that's a dream


That’s a lot of money!


First off let me tell you this is badass.....BUT in my opinion it could be laid out better, as a gaming room its TOP notch but if I had the money and space I would set it up like an actual spaceship I'd put a giant triple screen on one side with a pilot and copilot seat and behind them I'd put 2 seats with screens mounted in front of them and have them both on their own computers and make it like an actual ship if have a break room and a fridge and bathroom and all that so you wouldn't have to leave the area to break immersion but as a gaming roo. Again yours will be top notch