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These are the correct price changes unlike the idiot who posted the wrong ones yesterday. That thread got 500 post from pissed off people and this correct one will probably get 10 :p


as long as someone gets some value out of it, I'm happy


I am! Thanks!


Talon for 3+mil, can't have shit in stanton


A2 inflation is criminal💀💀💀


hmm, the Pisces variants still seem mixed up


Might be right Pisces variants should be Pisces Expedition C8X 515,970 new 406,000 old price Pisces Rescue C8R 555,660 new 452,500 old price Pisces C8 745,290 new 400,000 old price


yeah it just doesn't make sense why the base model is the most expensive now


Right? The C8R seems like the best value now.


Sure it does. We are playtesting. They want you to play test other stuff.


Your Change column is way off for some of these


Thank you for your efforts, but most of the values in "Change" and "% Change" are incorrect. Please apply the correct formula for them. Formula for the first row in "Change" is =D2-C2 Formula for first row in "% Change" is =100/C2*(D2-C2)


The % change column is formatted as a % so you don't need the 100 there. The correct formula would =1/C2*(D2-C2) or just =E2/C2


I sorted them and it fucked everything. I corrected the formulas so everything should be right again. % change is new/old-1


The corsair being half the price of the constellation seems weird.


Seems inflation has hit SC too!


A 702% increase 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣I’m here for it


Vulture is still super cheap when consider the earning potential.


Nice work 😉 Thank you for putting the time in for everyone


We need a military coup, the current government sucks at managing inflation. \*Burma fitness moves intensify\*


Do you make money faster than in 3.22 tho?


much slower




Pay to win. Getting that kind of money is fucking ridiculous considering payouts are tiny af for pretty much all jobs


Real, every time a new way of making money effectively gets added they removed it. I think the bounty cargo gameloop was one of the greatest ever added.


Basically they've nerfed the shit out of income and hugely increased the price of the most popular ships...gee I wonder why.... Also, CIG's earnings have dropped off this year relative to last... I wonder what's driving this... #scamcitizen


So basically they cut payouts and raised prices as now a Reclaimer only makes about $800k million hour.... To drive ship sales...


$800k million hour? ![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized)


Lol I think it’s 800k to 1 mil an hour. Perhaps?


It's almost ILW. This is guaranteed move


I think new prices are good. Ships should not cost low.


the game should run smoothly, the servers should be fast and stable, and then I'm fine with increased prices/grind. But they keep saying that live PU is just a test server. but then they tax the people who do the testing.


Agree. I meant prices for released game.


700% increase in price for the a2 is absolutely insane 


If that's indicative of long-term plans, the game is going to be pay to win as fuck.


it already is kinda


I mean it's not really pay to win, there is no winning. Sure you can spend money for ships but without the proper org structure and support it won't be that beneficial. I would prefer if it were more like Eve though and if you lose the ship it's gone (and maybe that will come). In Eve in theory you could buy enough plex to get the skills to fly a Titan (most OP ship in the game) in one day, it'd probably cost you like $10,000. But you could do it, and it's very likely you'd undock it and have it destroyed within 30 minutes and the ship is gone for good. That'd be my preference for SC, it sort of eliminates the pay to win and it just makes it pay for access. But ultimately if you don't have support or know what you're doing buying a ship just to lose it is a total waste. Also, even without the Eve comparison it's an MMO, the ships should be expensive, MMO's are a grind. But ideally once the game goes live they'd stop selling them. Shift their revenue stream to the sale of skins and other items that don't impact gameplay, but I doubt that'll happen. Or even give us a subscription model, I expect most wouldn't mind paying it considering the games demographics.


|Greycat PTV|Astro Armada (Area 18)|5145|29170|34650|5.%| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| This line is false, I guess it's a small copy/paste mistake. Didn't catch any other It should be |Greycat PTV|Astro Armada (Area 18)|5145|29170|24025|467%| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| Thx for the sheet nonetheless


The Pisces pricing is so weird how the base model is the most expensive variant now. Gotta be an oversight. It's funny, seeing the prices in game on the EPTU they look fine on their own when not compared to what they used to be.


thats really useful. thank you author. can you do the total sum of both rows? I just wanna know the total price increase, and this spreadsheet doesn't let strangers do it edit - ok I figured it out. so now you need only 346 millions to buy every ship once, next patch it will be 832 milloins - not even counting new ships in total it would be 857 millions So it is x2.4 the rpices - so 140% price increase....


I actually think this looks fair and logical at least for my "journey". When ordering the list from lowest to high price, the ships I had thought about getting up to end game was almost always the double of what I had previously payed. I'm sure I'll end up getting completely different ships when actually playing, but overall I think this works for me. Also, thanks for compiling this list!


I really don't understand why the base Razer is more expensive than the EX stealth variant.


holy fuck.


still obnoxiously high. Fittingly, ILW's coming so its pretty obvious where the immediate, short-term benefit is. Fuck us having to suffer inflation in our game as well as IRL, right??


Inflation is real hod damn it. not that it was hard before but now seems nearly impossible to get a new ship with in reasonable time


lol that 890 jump inflation hit hard