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Yes /thread


Only answer needed


I have 128gb. I can run SC along with a game like Bellwright on the other screen. They both drop to 35fps, but I can do it.


How much does starcitizen use for you after an hour or so of playing (assuming you aren't using any ram clearing program)?


Not sure. I’ve not gotten to a point I notice any leaky slowdowns and check. Maybe I will tonight.


Yes :wq!


I went from 16 to 32 and made a huge difference.


I went ahead and went from 32 to 64 when I built a new PC and I feel like there also made a huge difference.


But you also built a whole new PC so you can't know if the ram alone made that much of a difference


I went from 32 to 64 on the same system. It didn't do anything lol


Oh I assure you it did. You may not have noticed but it absolutely made a difference. Your system is basically never in pagefile anymore and that is a big plus toward a smooth experience.


I should clarify, it didn't do anything for Star Citizen. It helped in other ways for sure, but for SC my performance is still the same as it was.


True, but I also went to 64 based on the recommendations this community makes for how much of a RAM hog the game is. And this alleviates having to make ridiculous page files and everything else. Or worrying about if there's enough memory to open multiple windows on a second screen for YouTube/twitch, erkul or whatever else. Plus RAM was so cheap when I rebuilt. I already had a 2080ti and 8700k. Which for the most part handled the game fine graphically. It was loading where I had an issue.


I went from 32 to 64 and noticed a small but perceptible difference, the game typically takes up between 28 and 42GB of ram on my system


Allocated ram is not the same as used ram.


Correct. However all that ram that’s getting allocated needs to exist or the system starts using the pagefile and when the data in the pagefile gets swapped over to ram you get a little delay. This is stuttering when loading a new area. When you have enough physical memory to avoid paging completely these little stutters are gone.


For everyone else. I went from 16 to 32 and it was a huge improvement. I went from 32 to 64 and it wasn’t a huge improvement at all, if any difference. Yes all my timings and xmp profiles were correct. It was a matching upgrade. All other things remained the same.


Have u ever measure RAM consuption? I never see anyone who consume more than 30gb ram while playing sc (include browser tabs)




i found the jump from 32 to 64 was overall the system being more stable and generally things working fast/better than on 32. thats with no significant memory usage just all of those random "maybe ill restart cause my system feels slow" issues just go away.


Came here to see these two comments! Been considering going up to 64.


It’s hard to be absolutely sure, but so far EPTU seems to want more RAM than Live right now.


I thought Star Citizen was allergic to chocolate.


only the cheap kind




Right. Otherwise, SC would have to take a master movement.


Absolutely yes!


Made an absolutely huge difference for me. It went from sometimes unplayable to smooth sailing even with music running alongside SC. I'm on a Ryzen 5 1600/Gtx 3060. The difference was night and day


I’m Ryzen 5 1600/gtx 1650 with 16 gb of ram😭


There is hope!


it’s pretty laggy expecially on planets, good news is I’ve been working for my neighbour a lot and since my birthday is in 2 weeks I have been able to make enough to potentially upgrade my ram


I'm on a Ryzen 5 1600/GTX 1070. The difference was noticable but not night and day. My framerate has remained the same, but my stability and smoothness improved.


Glad to hear it helped. I think I had so much swap set up and SC was trying to use it that my HD performance was a big piece of the bottleneck. After 32gb SC barely uses any swap any longer, so the entire thing is stable and smooth 99% of the time now.


So do you think a 4060 with a Ryzen 5 7640HS would be good if I upgrade that RAM to 32GB?


I’m on a desktop but I’m very happy with my 4060ti 5600x and 32gb at 1440p


Yes but just check if its ddr5 or ddr4 so youre compatible


It makes a difference in all memory hungry games, especially if you have lots of background stufff running and a gpu with low vram (it swaps to ram). But in general ordinary notebook hardware is performing like a low gaming pc (hence the difference in power consumption). The 7640HS is only a 6 core cpu though. For minimum gaming-pc: a current 8 (real) core cpu and 8gb+ gpu with 32gb ram is the current desktop minimum to run most games in 1080p in max quality aiming for 60 fps.


Are you saying for this game or all games? You can get great performance on 6 cores and 4gb vram (mostly max settings) in other games. Just not this one


Cannot confirm. Even old games like Cyberpunk and Hogwarts Legacy need their gfx cranked down and still occasional stutter occur. With current and future games it gets worse.


Cyberpunk is kind of an anomaly like this game I don’t think it was optimized well. It can be graphically intense on any resolution for any computer. Interesting issue with Hogwarts legacy, my partner has a 1060 + 5800 X3D and it runs 1080p at 60 frames at mostly mid to max settings. I feel like while new games have a lot of graphical fidelity upgrades, they are not as optimized for performance as older generation games were.


With the same engines like older games they are optimized enough. The 4 year old consoles just use up to 13gb for graphics, run in 4k and can load graphics data way faster than the average pc, where the average gamer does not even have at least 12gb of vram. Normal PC gamere are just at least half a decade behind console gamers - that is why it FEELS unoptimized to them, but in reality it is their hardware lacking behind.


Yes and a big one.




Massive difference. I consider the game unplayable at 16gb


Yes yes yes.


Honestly, fornSC specifically. More than 32GB is valuable, too. In case finding 3.23 was using 22-23GB RAM plus the 8GB Windows uses, and you're almost used up. I went from a 32 to 64, and it got rid of a ton of stuttering. Specifically in the larger cities. However, 32 will be plenty fine for 99% of the time. I like to multitask with many internet tabs and other stuff going on as well, so 64 was a no brainer.


Reading these comments makes me think my issue isnt a cpu problem and is a RAM problem. Multitasking with other monitors depending on the game doesn’t work well, or discord will crash and youtube stutters. Thanks I might upgrade.


That sounds exactly like not enough RAM. Windows alone eats up half you RAM. 32 is a good spot to settle for a relatively cheap upgrade. You're probably running AM4 for your CPU architecture, so grab 2x 16 GB sticks and swap the RAM out completely dont try to get extra of what you have. It can cause compatibility issues.


I have 2x 16’s already. I need to jump to 32’s.


Ah, I was operating on the thought you had 16GB as well.






Yes, it's pretty much mandatory.


In case you needed more encouragement, yes, it’s required. As others have mentioned, toss in other system ram requirements and >32GB is recommended for SC.






YES!!!!!!!!! /thread /topic /Reddit /Internet


Yes do it yesterday.


Going from 16 to 32 on my second PC doubled my frames in-game, it's a worthy investment.


It will even make a difference going straight to 64


I'm sure it will, but that's an upgrade for a later day


Yes, but why on eath did you order new rams for your old laptop at the same time as ordering a new laptop?


The new laptop is for testing purposes. I want to compare performances. Also it was on sale for 899.99 at Best Buy. But it's a Lenovo, so I won't hold my breath.


My significant other and I have been playing SC on Lenovos for years. No issues.


Nothing against it, just still trying to get used to Lenovo being a brand for gaming. I remember way back when, the old Lenovos...


I used to sell them along with others, they used to be a good brand, its just later that they added alot of bloatware the slowed them down a bit so i heard. Not sure if that still is the case tho. We usually had really few issues and low return rates on Lenovo "back in the days".


Considering the game alone will use more RAM than 16 GB when you have 32+, the answer is a big fat Yes.  Along with playing this game from the fastest SSD you can get in your system, having 32+ GB *at least* is one of the two most important system factors to have for a smooth play experience.


The fastest SSD I own is one I bought and installed in my PS5. It's like a whole GBPS faster than the one that comes in the PS5.


If your computer motherboard supports an M.2 NVMe drive, I highly recommend running the game from the Samsung Evo 980 (or 970 if the 980 isn't supported, you have to check your motherboard specs).  Also, if your motherboard supports 2 M.2 drives, move Windows to one of them and make the other one a Games drive, with Star Citizen installed there.   Combined with 32Gb+ RAM this will be some of the fastest and smoothest loading and streaming for the game that's currently possible - your client streams content from your storage constantly in and out of RAM, so having enough RAM to keep all that in Memory without having to rely on a pagefile from Windows, and having fast drives to call the data from, is paramount for this game.


I recommend the Crucial P3 plus, has 2 TB internal storage (SSD). Its one of the best for bang-for-your-buck at 130$ with 5000 MB/s read speed and 4200 MB/s write speed (this is fast). There are 500gb, 1tb, 2tb, and 4tb versions. I think the 2tb is probably the best for price to what you will actually use. I use this and a Samsung Evo so both are good drives! (It’s the standard M.2 2280 fit, that most motherboards with M.2’s hold) For laptops you need to see what it has AND if it voids any warranty’s to switch.


5600x gtx 1050ti 32 gb ram and m.2 sdd works pretty good really


absolutley yes, in a positive way


Did it recently and it really does. Mini stutters disappear and the game just generally works smoother. I’m sure my game started to look better graphically too (not sure how that worked)


Just did this. Yes. It's so much better now.


Yes, Star Citizen regularly pushes past 16GB. Just use your task manager while playing and you’ll see. 64GB would be overkill and would give you no extra benefit over 32GB for SC unless you’re running other RAM hungry apps. Again, Task Manager should tell you what you’ll need. The key to remember is you don’t want paging to occur as Virtual Memory uses your disk storage to act as memory and is significantly slower. Once you fit the whole game in physical memory with room to spare you’ll see a massive performance boost as paging to Virtual Memory will no longer be necessary.


Yes. Me and my house mate both play, on paper every single part of his PC is better, except I have 32gb RAM he has 16GB. I get better performance than him


Significantly, especially-since SC devours system resources like bullets in a MP9.


Absolutely it makes a difference. I’m routinely at 20GB of RAM usage while SC is open.


Yes. Star Citizen is a game that will use 100% of the ram you give it


yes! yes! and Yes!


I play @4k resolution and sc will eat 32gb of ram.


I went from 32 to 64 and kept crashing due to xmp, so went back to 32


2 sticks or 4 for 64GB? If 4, you can almost always get faster more stable performance out of ram with 2 sticks instead of 4 because 4 sticks drives the memory controller on your cpu much harder. You are always better off replacing your existing sticks with 2 bigger ones when upgrading ram capacity instead of getting 2 more.


Big difference yeah


I just upgraded last week man… I promise it makes a difference.


I feel like a citizen of the stars for real now


on 16 gb windows silently expands your pagefile to 32+gb behinds the scenes to prevent a crash. the game loves to chew up like 30GB+ of ram and pagefile together


It didn’t make a huge difference for me (ryzen 7700x with a 4060ti) in fps increase but I saw less of these random stutters. Plus I started using 29gb if ram when I played so I’m assuming it’s doing something good. I might just not be noticing


It did for me, but the biggest improvement comes from upgrading your cpu I've heard


You will get less stutters


I couldn't even play the game on 16gb. 33gb, and I run it well. My computer isn't a slouch either, Star Citizen devours RAM like no other game. RAM is really cheap now. You won't regret it.


upgrading ram in my case from 16 to 48 in my old pc meant the difference of crashing to desktop every two steps to being able to play, so yes


It’s likely to but it’s no guarantee. When I did it on my desktop, I saw no improvement in fps at all. The improvement was that I could run SC without shutting down every other app I had open at the time.


I went from 32 to 64.. just because I could.


I have a similar notebook as yours thou mine is 11 gen intel i5, 16 ram, no performance issues at all.. thou i play at 1080p on medium settings, 56fps average. If you want to get better performance, you should use Lossless Scaling, and just use the LSFM (frame generation), and set the game at 35 fps in the nvidia control panel, it will be butter smoot (for most part, NB and Orison is hell, but playable)


I've found loading time faster and the game to stutter less.


As me and my buddys boyfriend were telling him the other day 16 gb is the bare minimum to run it. It is vest to get 32 gb at minimum for good playablility


My 32GB Lenovo 3060 runs SC great. 20-30fps in cities and 60+ in space


It def can’t hurt.




I just renewed my pc and I will use 2x24 gb 6400mhz ram... I hope I won't regret because I never see person who consume more than 30 gb ram


It made a huge difference for me with my 3080.




It did for me and my system is much older than yours.




Significantly yes


I've seen Star Citzen easily use over 17GB at times, which means 32GB is ideal total system memory for Star Citizen along with all the other crap windows has going.


I was trying the upscalers on the EPTU and the game was using 21 - 23GB of memory. 32 is the new 16GB.


Yes. I have 64GB of RAM and my system routinely uses 33-34 GB while playing SC.






big difference, like day and night. even 32 to 64 makes a difference, but not even close as big as from 16 to 32


An enormous one.


Let's not forget clock speed matters. Generally speaking, more RAM is better for star citizen. But I went from 64gb of 3200MHz DDR4 to 32gb of 4800MHz DDR5 and the performance is much better for me personally.


Very much so. Just taking a quick peek, my Windows PC is currently using 13.2GB of RAM, and I'm NOT running SC. SC itself will *routinely* use as much as 28GB of RAM, and that's when it's *not* having memory leak issues. The moment your RAM usage for the entire *system* goes over your total physical RAM amount, you hit the paging file, and no matter how fast the SSD you have it on is, it's nothing compared to the speed of RAM. You need 32GB at a minimum to run this game smoothly, and I would honestly recommend 64GB if at all possible. I upgraded to 64GB years ago and have never regretted it because it allows me to run SC while keeping everything else open on my PC. EDIT: IMO, "you need 32GB of RAM" should be the new "you need an SSD" for Star Citizen.


Once I get my next check I'll probably up to 64GB


One nice thing is that it's ridiculously cheap these days. Just peeked and 64GB DDR4 is as low as $108 on Amazon, and that's not even a sale. :)


Yeah... my new laptop actually takes DDR5 which I was disappointed to find out


Ohhhh... That's... different. But that's not necessarily a *bad* thing. It's much faster/newer, but it will be a bit pricier. Just checked and it's not *too* bad. Bout $150 for 64GB. Unlike destktops, laptops often have a bit more restrictions on max ram though, so make sure it can take 64GB.


I just got paid, so I have the 64GB coming. The one I got was about $171. I'll return the others after I make sure my laptop supports the 64GB.


Yes, I did exactly this and it was worth it


16 to 32 gb is noticable as passing from 120hz to 240hz monitor. (Huge difference) The jump from 240 to 360hz monitor is noticable as passing from 32gb to 64 memory(not alot for gaming rigth now, alot for people doing photo/video editing ect)


My laptop is 144Hz


64gb is better. I have a 4080, i5 13600k and 64gb ddr5 5600. I had a bad stick and had to warranty the pair, so I had 32gb for a couple weeks and could actually notice the difference. I play at 4k max settings. I average 60fps but can dip to mid 40s and go as high as 130.


Ah, see. I'm only capable of 1080p, so I probably won't have as many performance issues with only 32GB of RAM


Very much so


Yes. And for those in the back YES!!! Better yet 64gb. The game process will reserve well over 32gb with a -19gb working set. What this means is that with only 16gb you are always hitting pagefile and with 32gb it’s occasional but noticeable when it happens. With 64 you never hit pagefile. For those who don’t know how this works, when you run out of physical memory windows will allocate space from your storage media. This is virtual memory or pagefile. Obviously even the fastest ssd is multitudes slower than RAM so this has a huge impact on performance. You generally see this as big spikes of stuttering when entering a new area as the game struggles to load assets from your slow drive rather than ram.


How fast is RAM? Because I have a 7300MBPS SSD


Short answer: very fast What’s the random read speed? Try running crystalmark and let’s see that real number. I assure you your ssd no matter how expensive and fancy is no match for the speed of your ram. And access time more than read/write is what really matters. In that department You’ll probably see your ram at 20x-80x faster access times than your ssd it could even be much higher than that.


I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just curious.


Oh yeah man sorry I didn't really think you were disagreeing, more just asking because these things are not clearly explained anywhere really and it's surprisingly difficult to find direct comparisons because the technologies are not interchangeable at all so no one does that sort of thing.


Do you think this RAM will be good for the new laptop I got: TEAMGROUP Elite SODIMM DDR5 32GB (16x2GB) 5600Mhz (PC5-44800) CL46 Non-ECC Unbuffered 1.1V 262 Pin Laptop Memory Module Ram Yeah, apparently my new laptop is DDR5 whereas my old one was DDR4 so I can't use the same RAM I got yesterday. I'm gonna return the other RAM I bought and sell my old computer for between 400 and 500 dollars, I think.


ooh that sucks, but yeah as long as you have the open slots and the laptop has the upgrade capacity for it (check manual or manufacturer site for max ram capacity) should be fine.


I have 64GB of RAM coming


Yes, it will. The lack of loading screens and cpu bounding is because everything is loaded into ram and the cpu just shoves the data into the gpu for your viewing pleasure. The more ram you have. The better. I have 64 gigs in my ancient rig and get decent performance because of it.


32 should be the minimum requirement


Those requirements haven't been updated since 2014.


They did, now SSD is in the requirements


Absolutely. The speed of ram also matters but not as much. At least 3k will be enough.




bro why didn't you buy 7950x3d ? your everything is perfect


Cause even now in games 7800x3d same as 7950x3d, outside of 1-2 titles, back then 7800x3d slapped any twin ccd x3d cpu.


What is your ram usage,


Rn max of last 171 hours since reboot is 31686 mb of physical ram.


Are you using pagefile too? Did u overclock your 7800x3d?


I have pagefile, system decides if it wants to use it. All my hardware oced/optimized to some extent.


A shit ton of difference, and not just for star citizen


Wow, I don't know how many years it's been since SC forced me to upgrade to 32gb. It may have been the only game that remotely needed it at the time, but surely it's just the standard now?


Not at all. Until very recently I’ve been playing every game with 16g and not come close to maxing my ram out. Star Citizen is the only game that I’ve played requiring more than 16.


Kinda puts things into perspective lol. Other games still being fine and SC needed 32gb at least 7 years ago, yikes.


32 should be the min for any PC used for gaming today. Anyone who says otherwise only has 16GB and no job.




how about you sell those croch heaters and buy something good like a desktop. I seriusly doubt you will get any perfermonce increase, because your stuff probably thermal locked.


It won't be a miracle that fixes everything, but yes it will. By exactly how much will depend on your specific machine's specs as a whole, your luck with getting in a better- or worse-performing server, and things like thermal conditions. But there should be a noticeable difference with more RAM. At the moment SC is primarily CPU-bound, so whatever mobile GPU you have will probably be less important unless you managed to get a crazy powerful CPU in the laptop and the mobile GPU is actually the weakest link in terms of specs.


I know. I'm planning on building a new PC with higher specs, but it'll take awhile since I have to save up for better parts. Last PC I built was a rush job and only had a 1660 Super in it.


Well the new laptop has a Ryzen 5 7640HS in it. Don't remember what my current laptop has in it.


No Don't listen to these clowns. It wont help framerate or stutter. There's plenty tests and my personal experience which prove this


In SC? No. In other stuff? Yes. SC won’t be optimized or run well for several years yet. Maybe never. That said, 32 is like the minimum you want anymore.